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Practice effects in backward masking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In two experiments we demonstrate that much larger practice effects occur in a backward masking paradigm where patterned masks are used than in similar visual processing paradigms, such as lateral masking and whole report. In additional experiments we examine four possible explanations for the large practice effects: increased familiarity with the paradigm in general, learning about the targets, learning about the masks, and enhanced sensory processing. Because of failure to observe similar practice effects in related paradigms not involving backward masking and because of the sustained nature of the improvement, we reject the first explanation as a source of practice effect. Experiment 3 allowed us to reject target learning as a source of improvement as well; target sets were switched at the end of training, but no decrement in performance was observed. In Experiment 4, mask sets were switched at the end of training, revealing a significant decrement in performance. Learning about the specific masks, then, does contribute to the observed improvement. However, it is responsible for only about one third of the overall improvement in performance. The final experiment provides evidence that the residual improvement is due to enhanced sensory processing. In that experiment, training on backward masking led to a lowered threshold in a two-flash paradigm but not to a significant change in whole-report performance.  相似文献   

Masked priming has been employed to study the role of consciousness for different levels of visual processing. However, masking procedures differ systematically between studies. To examine these procedural differences we contrasted priming effects with metacontrast masking, which is often applied in the context of perceptual priming, and priming effects with sandwich pattern masking, frequently used in studies on semantic priming. Results indicate that the amount of masking neither affects perceptual nor semantic priming effects in a semantic categorization task when a metacontrast masking paradigm was used. However, perceptual and semantic priming effects increased with increasing prime visibility when a sandwich pattern masking paradigm was used. Findings suggest that different types of masking procedures affect the processing of the masked stimuli in substantially different ways even if the masking effect on conscious perception of these stimuli is comparable.  相似文献   

The attentional blink (AB) is a difficulty in correctly processing a target when it follows one or more other targets after a short delay. When no backward mask is presented after the last critical target, there is no or little behavioral AB deficit. The mask plays an important role in limiting conscious access to target information. In this electrophysiological study, we tested the impact of masking on the deployment and engagement of attention by measuring the N2pc and P3 components in an RSVP paradigm. We found that the presence of a mask in an AB paradigm reduced the amplitude of the N2pc, P3a, and P3b components. In addition to reducing encoding in memory, masking also reduced the effectiveness of the deployment and engagement of attention on the last target. We discuss the role of these findings in the context of current masking, consciousness, and AB models.  相似文献   

本研究对汉语阅读知觉广度研究中掩蔽刺激的干扰效应进行了探讨。两个实验分别以大学生为被试,采用单因素实验设计,探测了汉语阅读眼动研究中移动窗口范式和中央凹掩蔽范式下四种掩蔽条件(星号掩蔽、繁体字掩蔽、相似汉字掩蔽和控制条件)的干扰作用。两个实验比较一致的支持了在两种范式呈现条件下星号掩蔽材料的干扰效应较小,而繁体字和相似汉字的干扰效应较大。  相似文献   

The attentional blink (AB) is a well-established paradigm in which identification of a target T2 is reduced shortly after presentation of an earlier target T1. An important question concerns the importance of backward masking during the AB. While task switching has been found to be a strong modulator mediating the AB without any masking of T2, the present study investigated whether spatial switching could similarly produce an AB without masking. Using a spatial AB paradigm in which items appeared at different locations; we found (a) a significant AB without backward masking of T2 but no AB when no distractors followed T2, (b) no evidence for Lag 1 sparing. These findings show that when there is a spatial switch between the targets, presenting the distractor following T2 at the same location than T2 (backward masking) is not a necessary condition for the AB to occur, but T2 has to be followed by surrounding distractors (appearing at different locations than T2). This pattern of data confirms that spatial switching is a robust modulator of the AB, but to a less extent than task switching.  相似文献   

已有研究采用掩蔽启动范式证明了负相容效应的存在,但目前对于负相容效应的产生是否依赖于掩蔽刺激还存在激烈的争议。实验共32名大学生被试,采用12个选自汉语情感词语系统的汉字词语为材料,在显示屏刷新率为70HZ的无掩蔽启动范式下操纵启动与目标的时间间隔,让被试对目标词语的效价做出按键反应,记录被试对目标的反应时和错误率。本研究试图基于该时间进程下负相容效应发生的关键点来研究上述争议。结果发现:(1)无掩蔽范式下也存在负相容效应;(2)刺激呈现方式不同相容效应也不同。这表明负相容效应的产生并不依赖于掩蔽的呈现,且刺激的呈现方式对该效应有重要影响。  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be used to mask visual stimuli, disrupting visual task performance or preventing visual awareness. While TMS masking studies generally fix stimulation intensity, we hypothesized that varying the intensity of TMS pulses in a masking paradigm might inform several ongoing debates concerning TMS disruption of vision as measured subjectively versus objectively, and pre-stimulus (forward) versus post-stimulus (backward) TMS masking. We here show that both pre-stimulus TMS pulses and post-stimulus TMS pulses could strongly mask visual stimuli. We found no dissociations between TMS effects on the subjective and objective measures of vision for any masking window or intensity, ruling out the option that TMS intensity levels determine whether dissociations between subjective and objective vision are obtained. For the post-stimulus time window particularly, we suggest that these data provide new constraints for (e.g. recurrent) models of vision and visual awareness. Finally, our data are in line with the idea that pre-stimulus masking operates differently from conventional post-stimulus masking.  相似文献   

Backward masking functions were evaluated in a paradigm in which target and masking stimuli were presented to opposite cerebral hemispheres using separate peripheral pathways. Backward masking occurred dichoptically when the target and mask were projected to opposite hemispheres. These findings indicated that some effective masking mechanisms are mediated by interhemispheric interactions independent of retinal phenomena.  相似文献   

利用flash—lag效应分离视觉掩蔽中客体的物理位置和知觉位置,以探讨掩蔽效应是否基于知觉到的客体位置。实验中掩蔽刺激做圆周运动,到某一位置时,目标刺激短时呈现,要求被试判断目标刺激(缺角菱形)的缺角方向。通过操作目标呈现时二者之间的相对位置,发现当二者物理位置不重合而知觉位置重合时掩蔽效应最大。该结果表明,视觉掩蔽可基于知觉到的客体位置。  相似文献   

The effects of structural relationships between targets and masks were investigated using a backward-masking paradigm. Specifically, the masking of single letters, common fiveletter words, and five-letter pseudowords masked by a blank flash, strings of overlapped letters, pseudowords, and words was investigated. Target duration was varied from 2 to 32 msec, with mask duration held constant at 25 msec. The dependent measure was the critical interstimulus interval for correct target identification. Letters were more effectively masked than words and pseudowords. A blank mask caused the least amount of masking, followed by the overlapped letter strings, and then the word and pseudoword masks. In addition to the overall greater masking effectiveness for the three patterned masks, overlapped letter strings masked letters more effectively than they did words. The implications of current theories of masking for these results and the implications of these results for theories of word recognition were discussed.  相似文献   

Klein (1988) reported that increased reaction times for the detection of small light probes could be used as an indicator of inhibitory tagging of rejected distractors in serial visual search tasks. Such a paradigm would be very useful in the study of the mechanics of visual search. Unfortunately, we cannot replicate the result. In this study, we found that probe reaction times were elevated at all distractor locations, relative to empty locations, following both parallel and serial search tasks. This appears to be a forward masking effect.  相似文献   

Flashing a homogeneous light mask after the presentation of a masked target reduces the deleterious effects of the mask, a phenomenon often called target recovery. Target recovery has been studied using masking paradigms in which a target object is presented in isolation prior to the presentation of a mask, thus capturing attention. In the present study, we examined whether target recovery is possible when a target does not benefit from attentional capture. We hypothesized that target recovery would be eliminated when a target must compete with distractors for perceptual attention. Replicating classic studies, we observed target recovery when pattern and light masks followed an isolated target. However, target recovery was not observed when a light mask followed a masked visual search target. Furthermore, using an attentional-capture paradigm we found that sudden onset search targets were recoverable whereas nononset targets were not. The present findings indicate that attentional capture by a target prior to masking plays a critical role in the subsequent recovery of the target.  相似文献   

In sequences of identical auditory stimuli, infrequent deviant stimuli elicit an event-related brain potential component called mismatch negativity (MMN). MMN is presumed to reflect the existence of a memory trace of the frequent stimulus at the moment of presentation of the infrequent stimulus. This hypothesis was tested by applying the recognition-masking paradigm of cognitive psychology. In this paradigm, a masking sound presented shortly before or after a test stimulus diminishes the recognition memory of this stimulus, the more so the shorter the interval between the test and masking stimuli. This interval was varied in the present study. It was found that the MMN amplitude strongly correlated with the subject’s ability to discriminate between frequent and infrequent stimuli. This result strongly suggests that MMN providesa measure for a trace of sensory memory, and further, that with MMN, this memory can be studied without performance-related distortions.  相似文献   

Using a metacontrast masking paradigm, prior studies have shown (a) that a target's color information and form information, can be processed without awareness and (b) that unconscious color processing occurs at early, wavelength-dependent levels in the cortical information processing hierarchy. Here we used a combination of paracontrast and metacontrast masking techniques to explore unconscious color and form priming effects produced by blue, green, and neutral stimuli. We found that color priming in normal observers is significantly reduced when an additional paracontrast mask precedes the target at optimal masking SOAs. However, no reduction of form-priming effects was obtained at similar optimal paracontrast SOAs. We conclude that unconscious color priming depends on an early, wavelength- or stimulus-dependent response of color neurons located at early cortical levels whereas unconscious form priming occurs at later levels.  相似文献   

The U-shaped metacontrast function may result from the superimposition of two monotonic components which reflect the effects of mechanisms similar to the peripheral and central processes suggested for backward pattern masking by Turvey (Psychol Rev 80:1–52, 1973). In an experiment using the disc-ring paradigm, it was demonstrated that the decreasing and increasing branches of the metacontrast function are differently affected by the exposure duration of the mask and a task-irrelevant stimulus (distractor) appearing in the contralateral visual hemifield. The phenomenal representation of masking is different for the two parts of the curve. It is suggested that masking in the second part of the masking function, but not in the first, is related to the control of visual attention.  相似文献   

Decades of research on visual perception has uncovered many phenomena, such as binocular rivalry, backward masking, and the attentional blink, that reflect ‘failures of consciousness’. Although stimuli do not reach awareness in these paradigms, there is evidence that they nevertheless undergo semantic processing. Object substitution masking (OSM), however, appears to be the exception to this rule. In OSM, a temporally-trailing four-dot mask interferes with target perception, even though it has different contours from and does not spatially overlap with the target. Previous research suggests that OSM has an early locus, blocking the extraction of semantic information. Here, we refute this claim, showing implicit semantic perception in OSM using a target-mask priming paradigm. We conclude that semantic information suppressed via OSM can nevertheless guide behavior.  相似文献   

How the elements of a visual scene are grouped into objects is one of the most fundamental but still poorly understood questions in visual neuroscience. Most investigations of perceptual grouping focus on static stimuli, neglecting temporal aspects. Using a masking paradigm, we show that the neural mechanisms underlying grouping seem to be both fast and complex. For example, a vernier target was followed by, first, a briefly presented grating and, then, a long-lasting, extended grating. Under these conditions, the briefly presented grating is hardly visible. Still, vernier discrimination strongly changed with the number of elements of the briefly displayed grating being worst for small gratings. In accordance with a neural network model of masking, we propose that the edges of the briefly presented grating and the vernier interfere in spite of the short presentation time. We suggest that this fast edge processing is a first step for unconscious grouping processes.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that stimuli rendered invisible through masking can be sufficiently processed to induce nonconscious influences and facilitate subsequent recognition. However, masking paradigms are methodologically restricted such that stimuli cannot be presented for longer than a few tens of milliseconds, potentially restricting the strength of nonconscious influences. By adapting a masked face repetition priming paradigm to a recent interocular suppression method, we investigated whether longer periods of invisible prime stimulation lead to larger nonconscious influences on subsequent recognition. Surprisingly, we found that while brief periods of invisible prime stimulation result in classical facilitation priming, long periods of invisible stimulation lead to negative priming influences, reflecting impairment of subsequent recognition. In contrast, when the prime was visible, longer exposure resulted in classical facilitation effects, revealing qualitative differences between conscious and nonconscious processes. Altogether, the present findings reveal the existence of a nonconscious overstimulation cost, as well as an important dissociation between conscious and nonconscious processing.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is often associated with a detail-oriented perception and overselective attention in visual tasks, such as visual search and crowding. These results were obtained manipulating exclusively the spatial properties of the stimuli: few is known about the spatio-temporal dynamics of visual processing in ASD. In this study we employed an attentional masking (AM) paradigm comparing children with ASD and IQ-matched typically developing (TD) controls. The AM effect refers to an impaired identification of a target followed by a competitive masking object at different proximities in space and time. We found that ASD and TD groups did not differ in the AM effect provoked by the competitive object displayed in the same position of the target. In contrast, children with ASD showed a deeper and prolonged interference than the TD group when the masking object was displayed in the lateral position. These psychophysical results suggest that the inefficient attentional selection in ASD depends on the spatio-temporal interaction between competitive visual objects. These evidence are discussed in the light of the ASD altered neural connectivity hypothesis and the reentrant theory of perception.  相似文献   

The object updating hypothesis of object substitution masking proposes that the phenomenon arises when the visual system fails to individuate target and mask at the level of object token representations. This hypothesis is tested in two experiments using modifications of the dot mask paradigm developed by Lleras and Moore (2003). Target—mask individuation is manipulated by the presentation of additional display items that influence the linking apparent motion seen between a target and a spatially separated mask (Experiment 1), and by the use of placeholders that maintain the target object’s presence during mask presentation (Experiment 2). Results in both cases are consistent with the updating hypothesis in showing significantly reduced masking when the conditions promoted target—mask individuation. However, in both experiments, some masking was still present under conditions of individuation, an effect we attribute to attentional capture by the mask.  相似文献   

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