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梁挺  张小远  王喆 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1287-1295
在西方国家,自杀“守门人”培训被认为是最有效的自杀预防策略之一.自杀“守门人”培训的具体内容包括传授基础知识、识别自杀征兆、初步评估自杀风险和转介自杀高危个体等4个方面;研究发现自杀“守门人”培训对受训者的知识、态度和干预技能有显著的积极影响,但其对自杀率的影响仍需今后的研究详细探讨;目前的研究存在以下不足:1)随机对照研究少;2)难以评估培训对自杀率的真实影响;3)评价指标单一,缺乏统一的评估工具.未来的研究应弥补现有研究的不足,并重视自杀“守门人”培训的跨文化研究.  相似文献   

自杀不仅是个人和家庭的灾难,而且成为重要的社会问题,也是目前发达国家造成死亡的主要因素之一.尽管美国的自杀率在世界各国中不是最高的,但同其他发达国家一样所造成的社会问题最为突出.通过美国不同性别、年龄、种族、区域等自杀人群的分析,了解美国自杀人群的特点,以期采取相应的措施.  相似文献   

大学生的自杀已成为社会、教育和行政管理部门越来越关注的话题,对大学生自杀现象的心理进行了分析,结合工作实际,提出了一些心理干预的措施.  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生抗挫折心理能力对自杀意念的影响,采用《抗挫折心理能力问卷》和《自杀意念自评量表》对882名大学生进行调查研究.结果发现:(1)大学生抗挫折心理能力在性别、年级、生源、学校类型等因素上存在显著差异;(2)大学生抗挫折心理能力与自杀意念之间呈显著的负相关,抗挫折心理能力的多个因素与自杀意念各因素之间的负相关显著;(3)大学生的挫折容忍力、意志品质、挫折复原力、信心、挫折认知水平、挫折经验是自杀意念的有效预测变量.  相似文献   

大学生自杀现象的心理分析和干预   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
大学生的自杀已成为社会、教育和行政管理部门越来越关注的话题,对大学生自杀现象的心理进行了分析,结合工作实际,提出了一些心理干预的措施。  相似文献   

该研究采用心理解剖方法对39例自杀大学生的生活事件进行分析.结果发现:自杀大学生在自杀前经历了较多且较为强烈的负性生活事件;导致大学生自杀的生活事件多元化但又相对集中;大多数自杀行为在生活事件发生后3个月内实施.因此,负性生活事件可作为大学生自杀预警的重要指标.  相似文献   

云南省大学生自杀行为及相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用SCL-90、青少年生活事件量表、应对方式量表、社会支持评定量表和自编的外显行为量表对云南省3313名大学生进行了测查,并探讨了包括自杀意念及自杀企图在内的自杀行为状况及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)427(13.2%)名大学生有自杀意念,卡方检验显示女生人数显著多于男生;154(4.7%)名大学生有过自杀企图,男女生人数没有显著差异;(2)自杀意念和自杀企图在人口统计学变量上有显著差异:在自杀意念上,女生、独生子女、文科生、来自城市的学生和不完整家庭的学生、月支出少于100元的学生得分显著高于与之对应的大学生;而在自杀企图上,只有来自城市的学生和不完整家庭的学生、月支出少于100元的学生得分显著高于与之对应的大学生;(3)大学生自杀意念和自杀企图与心理症状、生活事件、情感中心应对呈显著的正相关,与问题中心应对、社会支持呈显著的负相关;(4)在结构模型中,社会支持在心理症状和自杀行为中起到显著的调节作用,情感中心应对在生活事件、社会支持、社会支持对心理症状的调节作用中起显著的中介作用,而问题中心应对在生活事件、社会支持、社会支持对事件的调节作用中起显著的中介作用。  相似文献   

自杀是一种有意识地、自愿地结束自己生命的行为。人类的自杀行为自古就有,但现代社会自杀率尤其是青少年自杀现象有增无减。从心理学角度分析,自杀者多数是由于生活中遭遇挫折,从而产生激烈的心理冲突,陷人危机状态不能自拔,难以承受,或心理异常而产生自毁行为。可见,自杀与挫折有密切关系,自杀已成为心理卫生学研究的重要内容。研究自杀规律的根本目的在于预防自杀,对处于危机状态的人提供及时有效的干预。  相似文献   

心理解剖是一种综合性、回顾性的研究方法, 指的是通过访谈死者的知情人或信息代理人, 收集死者生前和死后的相关信息, 重新构建死者的社会、生理、心理状况, 以推定其自杀的危险因素。研究表明, 心理解剖对自杀研究有着重要贡献, 是自杀研究中最有价值的工具之一。本文主要分为两部分:一部分主要论述了心理解剖的研究过程, 为该方法在自杀研究中的应用提供参考; 另一部分论述了通过心理解剖研究得到的自杀的危险因素, 帮助更加详细地了解心理解剖在自杀研究中的研究进展。未来应该进一步加强心理解剖的本土化研究和跨文化研究; 同时有必要应用心理解剖进一步探索自杀的多个危险因素之间的交互作用。  相似文献   

日本对自杀的心理学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
20世纪 50年代以来 ,日本青少年自杀率急剧上升 ,为了更好地实施危机干预 ,日本学者对自杀行为进行了广泛的研究。研究呈现出由关注宏观的社会因素转向更加关注个体的心理和个性特征的趋势 ,取得了一些很有价值的研究成果。本文综述了日本学者对自杀的内涵、分类、年龄特征、性别特征、动机、手段、自杀前的心理特征和自杀预防的研究成果。  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2021,52(5):1067-1079
Fears of pain, injury, and death may represent key barriers to acting on suicidal thoughts. Dissociation, which involves a disconnection from one’s body, may reduce fears and sensations of pain associated with harming the body, in turn facilitating suicide attempts. This study examined whether dissociation differentiated individuals with a history of suicide attempts from those with a history of suicide ideation, and investigated whether other relevant constructs explain this relationship. Sample 1 included 754 undergraduates (Mage = 21, 79% female) who completed a battery of self-report measures. Sample 2 included 247 undergraduates (Mage = 19, 74% female) who completed a self-report measure of dissociation, a clinical interview regarding suicide history, and four counterbalanced behavioral pain tolerance tasks. In both samples, dissociation was elevated in lifetime attempters compared to ideators (d = 0.28; d = 0.46; ps = 0.01) and slightly elevated in lifetime ideators compared to nonsuicidal individuals (d = 0.19, p = .02; d = 0.24, p = .47), though this effect was non-significant in the latter sample. In Sample 1, dissociation no longer differentiated attempters from ideators after controlling for clinical covariates. In Sample 2, dissociation was unrelated to behavioral pain tolerance tasks, and these tasks did not account for the association between dissociation and attempts. Overall, dissociation differentiated individuals with a history of suicide attempts from those with ideation alone in both samples. Pain tolerance did not explain this association; instead, it is possible that the relationship of dissociation to suicide attempts is due to “third variables” associated with both phenomena, such as symptoms of borderline personality disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

The effects of acetaminophen and a reading task on physical pain tolerance and fearlessness about death were tested in 106 undergraduate students. Participants were randomized into four groups, each receiving either acetaminophen or no medication, along with either a control or experimental reading task. It was predicted that acetaminophen would increase pain tolerance and fearlessness about death, that the experimental reading task would decrease both outcomes, and that the interventions would interact (i.e., acetaminophen would dampen the effects of the reading task). Multivariate analysis of variance was used to test hypotheses. No significant interaction was found (p = .17) and there was no effect for acetaminophen (p = .56), but individuals administered the experimental reading task demonstrated significantly higher physical pain tolerance (p < .05).  相似文献   

Suicide is the ultimate outcome of a tragic view of life that is prevalent in ancient Greek writings. Indeed, over 16 suicides and self-mutilations can be found in the 26 surviving tragedies of Sophocles and Euripides. In contrast, only six suicides can be found in the Hebrew Scriptures, and only one suicide in the Christian Scriptures. In addition, the Hebrew Scriptures present numerous suicide-prevention narratives that are psychologically instructive. This paper examines evidence regarding seven risk factors for suicide and contrasts Greek and Biblical narratives to underscore the clinical and theoretical utility of the Biblical approach: (1) Feeling isolated and ignored; (2) Feeling one’s life is meaningless; (3) Feeling exiled from one’s home or homeland; (4) Feeling unable to be oneself with others; (5) Feeling alone in one’s life mission; (6) Feeling abandoned by one’s child; and (7) Feeling doomed by a dysfunctional family of origin.  相似文献   

It is well known that Aboriginal Australians are at increased risk of suicide. Contributors to suicide differ for Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations (Westerman, 2003; 2019). This study evaluated whole of community suicide prevention forums conducted across six locations. Attendees were youth (N = 136), service providers (N = 225), and community members (N = 158). The content of the forums was empirically based and, for service providers and community members, covered knowledge of suicide, and depression specific to Aboriginal people, skills relating to working with depressed and suicidal Aboriginal people, and intentions to help an Aboriginal person who is suicidal. Content for youth attendees focused on knowledge of suicide and depression, coping skills, intentions to help a friend, and beliefs about suicide. While the results demonstrated significant gains across most domains, there was a potentiating effect with some skills increases becoming more significant over each phase. This demonstrates that a whole of community approach to Indigenous suicide prevention is required, and that clinical and cultural skills require a longer-term approach for impact and sustainability.  相似文献   

The ethical problems surrounding voluntary assisted suicide remain formidable, and are unlikely to be resolved in pluralist societies. An examination of historical attitudes to suicide suggests that modernity has inherited a formidable complex of religious and moral attitudes to suicide, whether assisted or not. Advocates usually invoke the ending of intolerable suffering as one justification for euthanasia of this kind. This does not provide an adequate justification by itself, because there are (at least theoretically) methods which would relieve suffering without causing the physical death of the suffering person. Carried to extremes, these methods would finish the life worth living, but leave a being which was technically alive. Such acts, however, would provide no moral escape, since they would create beings without meaning. Arguments seeking to justify ending the lives of others need some grounding in concepts of the meaning of a life. The euthanasia discourse therefore needs to take at least some account of the meaning we construct for our lives and the lives of others.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1):35-53
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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