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我们必须用人道主义价值观来确立我们的态度,从而尊重变性人在完全知情条件下的理性的自主选择.必须坚持包容与和谐的价值观,从而对变性人的性别价值观予以容纳和理解.要正确认识变性人及变性手术,积极推进健康教育,预防易性癖发生.我们要通过法律、道德、文化、科学技术等综合措施帮助病人适应社会,获得健康和幸福.  相似文献   

变性人的出现对社会秩序及法律制度提出了挑战。自然人生而具有的人作为社会主体定在的自由和健康权利,为变性人享有性别选择的权利提供了法理支撑。在权利确认后,很有必要在变性手术的对象、施行者及程序上作出规范的应对,而变性人术后的社会角色及权利保护也应该得到法律的适时回应,以实现法的秩序、公正等价值。  相似文献   

我们必须用人道主义价值观来确立我们的态度,从而尊重变性人在完全知情条件下的理性的自主选择。必须坚持包容与和谐的价值观,从而对变性人的性别价值观予以容纳和理解。要正确认识变性人及变性手术,积极推进健康教育,预防易性癖发生。我们要通过法律、道德、文化、科学技术等综合措施帮助病人适应社会,获得健康和幸福。  相似文献   

全球首位“代孕爸爸”托马斯·比提的高调出现,带来了一场激烈的关于生命伦理与法律的大讨论。变性人的婚姻、生育及代孕问题让我们不得不对变性手术、人工辅助生殖技术以及代孕技术这些新兴生命技术进行再思考。我们不仅要肯定新兴生命技术的合理性,也要防止其所产生的潜在负面影响。合理利用新兴生命技术,客观地分析该事件并制定相应的法规是避免出现伦理道德和社会混乱的有效途径。  相似文献   

保护病人的权利直接关系到人权保障,已成为社会热点问题.在分析我国病人权利保护的现状和存在问题的基础上,提出了在制度、观念、社会自治等层面如何改进的举措,主要包括推进医院管理体制改革、法律规范的完善、健全行业自治规范、推进社会自治、建设和谐医患关系等方面.  相似文献   

为揭示现行医患信任法律制度的缺陷,探讨完善法律制度建设的思路与途径;搜集法律制度等文献资料,并开展访谈,对研究问题的现实存在提供佐证;结果发现,我国已经构建了医患信任的法律制度体系,但制度设计、实施存在缺陷;医患信任法律制度必须进一步完善、创新.  相似文献   

<正>进一步完善涉外宗教事务管理的法律、法规,保障涉外宗教事务管理工作有法可依,是政府依法管理宗教事务应加以重视和研究的重要课题。一、我国涉外宗教事务管理的现状分析改革开放以来,我国宗教事务管理逐渐向依法管理转变。涉外宗教事务管理工作逐渐走向法制化轨道。目前,全国性的法律、行政法规、部门规章、地方性法规和地方政府规章构成了我国涉外宗教事务管理的法律框架,为涉外宗  相似文献   

变性术后的患者是个特殊的弱势群体,心理问题非常突出,它是生理、个人、家庭、社会等多种因素交互影响的结果;因此,通过社会、家庭及个体的共同努力,帮助其建立良好的个体心理模式,稳定其心理状态,可促进其心理的健康发展,这对于变性手术的成功和帮助变性后患者重新走向社会有重要意义.  相似文献   

我国已进入老龄化社会。老年幸福是老年这一特定人生阶段的幸福,它以老年个体的存在为形式,关涉到老年群体与社会整体的关系,是老年人的主观体验感受和整体生活实践。老年幸福实现的伦理基础就在于幸福权的确立、社会正义的实现和老年需求的满足。老年幸福的实现离不开制度保障,需要进一步完善落实养老政策、完善老年权益实体法律制度和完善老年权益程序法律制度。  相似文献   

如何创新我国的宗教管理工作、提高管理水平不仅关系到青海的社会稳定,更关系到西北乃至全国的社会稳定。针对这一实际,我们应在了解我国宗教发展与管理现状的基础上,完善宗教法律制度。从人、物、宗教活动等诸多内容着手,形成对宗教事务的合力,使管理有法可依,开创我国宗教管理的新局面。  相似文献   


Background: The social challenges that non-binary people experience, due in part to social intolerance and the lack of validation of non-binary gender identities, may affect the mental health and quality of life of this population. However, studies that have distinguished between non-binary and binary transgender identities are lacking.

Aim: To compare the mental health and quality of life of a community sample of non-binary transgender adults with controls (binary transgender people and cisgender people) matched on sex assigned at birth.

Method: A total of 526 participants were included. Ninety-seven were classified as non-binary and were compared with two control groups: 91 people classified as binary and 338 cisgender people. Only transgender people not on gender affirming hormone treatment or who had not undergone gender affirming surgery were included. Participants were invited to complete an online survey that included mental health and quality of life measures.

Results: Non-binary people reported significantly better mental health than binary transgender people, but worse than cisgender people. Overall, there were no significant differences in quality of life between non-binary and binary transgender participants assigned male at birth and transgender females, but non-binary assigned males at birth had better scores on the psychological and social domains of quality of life than transgender males. Quality of life was better across all domains in cisgender people than transgender groups.

Conclusion: There is an inequality with regard to mental health and quality of life between non-binary (and binary) transgender people and the cisgender population that needs to be addressed. The better mental health scores in non-binary people may reflect lower levels of body dissatisfaction among the non-binary population. Mental health problems and poor quality of life are likely to have social causes and hence legislative measures and broader government-led inclusive directives should be put in place to recognize and to validate non-binary identifying people.  相似文献   


Complete care for transgender adolescents must be considered in the context of a holistic approach that includes comprehensive primary care as well as cultural, economic, psychosocial, sexual, and spiritual influences on health. Not all transgender adolescents have gender dysphoria or wish to undergo sex reassignment. In this article we focus on general care of transgender adolescents by the non-specialist working in primary care, family services, schools, child welfare, mental health, and other community settings.  相似文献   


Recent studies have shown that transgender people are at high risk for HIV. Few studies, however, have directly compared the HIV risks and sexual health of transgender persons with that of other sexual minority populations. This study used baseline data of intervention studies targeting transgender persons, men who have sex with men, and women who have sex with women and men to compare their HIV risk behavior and sexual health. No significant differences were found between transgender persons and nontransgender men or women in consistent condom use or attitudes toward condom use. Transgender persons were less likely to have multiple partners and more likely to be monogamous than men who have sex with men; no differences were found between transgender persons and the women in this respect. When combining data on condom use, monogamy, and multiple partners, transgender persons did not differ from either nontransgender group in their overall risk for HIV. Transgender persons were less likely than the men or the women to have been tested for HIV. With regard to HIV prevalence, 17% of the men compared to only one transgender person and none of the women reported being HIV-positive. Transgender persons were also less likely than men who have sex with men to use drugs; no differences were found in the use of alcohol. However, with regard to mental health, transgender persons were more likely than the men to have experienced depression and more likely than men or women to have considered or attempted suicide. Finally, transgender persons reported the lowest levels of support from family and peers. Thus, in our sample, transgender persons appear to be at lower risk for HIV but at higher risk for mental health concerns than men who have sex with men. Remarkably few differences were found between transgender persons and women who have sex with women and men-a finding which might reflect the impact of social stigma on sexual health and have implications for the design of future HIV/STI prevention efforts.  相似文献   

This paper identifies social difficulties commonly faced by a group of forty-two Hong Kong transsexuals who had applied for sex reassignment surgery. It describes the use of a systems perspective to conceptualize their problems and a structural family therapy approach to social work intervention.  相似文献   


Background: Many jurisdictions globally have no specific prison policy to guide prison management and prison staff in relation to the special needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) prisoners despite the United Nations for the Treatment of Prisoners Standard Minimum Rules and the updated 2017 Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Within LGBT prison groups, transgender people represent a key special population with distinct needs and rights, with incarceration rates greater than that of the general population, and who experience unique vulnerabilities in prisons.

Aims/Method: A scoping review was conducted of extant information on the transgender prison situation, their unique health needs and outcomes in contemporary prison settings. Fifty-nine publications were charted and thematically analyzed.

Results: Five key themes emerged: Transgender definition and terminology used in prison publications; Prison housing and classification systems; Conduct of correctional staff toward incarcerated transgender people; Gender affirmation, health experiences and situational health risks of incarcerated transgender people; and Transgender access to gender-related healthcare in prison.

Conclusions: The review highlights the need for practical prison based measures in the form of increased advocacy, awareness raising, desensitization of high level prison management, prison staff and prison healthcare providers, and clinical and cultural competence institutional training on transgender patient care. The review underscores the need to uphold the existing international mandates to take measures to protect incarcerated transgender people from violence and stigmatization without restricting rights, and provide adequate gender sensitive and gender affirming healthcare, including hormone therapy and gender reassignment.  相似文献   

Assisting transgender individuals is a concern for career development practitioners because there is a lack of knowledge on this topic. The complexity of gender reassignment surgery brings challenges and unique needs to this population, throughout gender transition, and requires career development practitioners to understand these challenges and needs to provide appropriate services to transgender individuals. The author conducted a comprehensive review of the literature in the areas of transgender issues in career development and counseling, counseling transgender individuals, gender transition, and multicultural counseling competencies. The role of career development practitioners as advocates for transgender individuals who experience gender transition is discussed.  相似文献   

The birth of people with confused or ambiguous sex makeup as a biological fact since the annals of history has posed the challenge of accommodating them within the binary gender of sociocultural systems. In this process, the role of religion as a defining factor in social engineering has been paramount. Major religions, such as Islam and Christianity, have addressed this issue within the frame of their God-ordained laws by devising a set of moral and legal imperatives specific to the “third gender.” Modern developments in medicine and biology, however, have made sex reassignment possible for this category of people, today called transsexuals. The question is: How do Islam and Christianity respond to it. After presenting an analytical view of both Muslim scholars and Christian religious authorities on the legitimacy of sex reassignment for transsexuals, this paper attempts to explore if such a dilemma can be resolved.  相似文献   

Social categorization processes may be initiated by physical appearance, which have the potential to influence how people evaluate others. Categorizations ground what stereotypes and prejudices, if any, become activated. Gender is one of the first features people notice about others. Much less is known about individuals who may transgress gender expectations, including people who are transgender. Using an experiment, this study investigates whether the attitudes that people have about transgender people and rights are influenced by information and facial images. We hypothesize that mere exposure to transgender people, via information and images of faces, should be a source of prejudice reduction. We randomly provide participants with vignettes defining transgender and also randomize whether these vignettes come with facial images, varying the physical features of gendered individuals. We find our treatments have lower levels of discomfort and transphobia but have little effect on transgender rights attitudes. We further find that the impacts are stronger among Democrats than among Republicans. Our findings support the argument that people are in general unfamiliar with transgender people, and the mere exposure to outgroups can be a source of prejudice reduction.  相似文献   


A needs assessment of transgender people was conducted in Chicago in 2001 to assess their HIV risks, health and social service needs, and barriers to care. One hundred and eleven transgender individuals, 78 male-to-females (MTFs) and 33 female-to-males (FTMs), participated in the study. Fourteen percent of respondents reported being HIV-positive; they were all male-to-female and the majority was of color. Risk factors for HIV included unprotected sex and willingness to have high-risk sex in the future. Respondents experienced high levels of violence. Two-thirds of respondents had thought of attempting suicide. Respondents reported a high need for health and social services, particularly MTFs and people of color.  相似文献   

This essay explores the ways in which emerging religious understandings of sexual reassignment surgery (SRS) have potential for new work in comparative ethics. I focus on the startling diversity of teachings on transsexuality among the Vatican and leading Shia clerics in Iran. While the Vatican rejects SRS as a cure for transsexuality, Iranian clerics not only support decisions to transition to a new sex, they see it as necessary in some cases given the gendered nature of the moral life. In this essay, after describing the practical justification for sexual reassignment surgeries in Iranian fatwas and the emerging official Vatican position on transsexuality, I explain how these divergent positions are based on different semiotics of sex and gender that reflect specific ontological views of the human body.  相似文献   

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