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2009年全球甲型H1N1流感流行病学特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
截至8月30日,全球5大洲177个国家或地区共报告甲型H1N1流感确诊病例254206例,死亡2837人,病死率1.12%。病例以青壮年为主,无性别差别,年龄中位数12岁~17岁(范围0岁~85岁),约10%需住院治疗,37%的住院病例和80%的死亡病例有基础性疾病史或妊娠。全球甲型H1N1流感总体较温和,适时将其纳入季节性流感常规监测,掌握其流行病学和病原学变化,研制安全有效的疫苗;提高医务人员重症病例救治能力均能有效地预防控制甲型H1N1流感。  相似文献   

发生于1918年的第一次世界流感大流行夺走至少两千万人的生命,这场灾难赋予了科学家探求其来源的巨大责任感.病毒学家发挥了严谨而又富有创造性的科研精神,使流感病毒的真实面目得以逐步揭开.这些研究成果加深了我们对流感病毒本身的认识,更为重要的是,为下一次流感世界大流行的防治提供了若干有价值的信息.  相似文献   

截至8月30日,全球5大洲177个国家或地区共报告甲型H1N1流感确诊病例254 206例,死亡2 837人,病死率1.12%.病例以青壮年为主,无性别差别,年龄中位数12岁~17岁(范围0岁~85岁),约10%需住院治疗,37%的住院病例和80%的死亡病例有基础性疾病史或妊娠.全球甲型H1N1流感总体较温和,适时将其纳入季节性流感常规监测,掌握其流行病学和病原学变化,研制安全有效的疫苗;提高医务人员重症病例救治能力均能有效地预防控制甲型H1N1流感.  相似文献   

分析盘锦市艾滋病瘦情流行特征,为预防控制提供依据.对盘锦市2005年~2013年艾滋病瘦情数及流行病学调查资料进行统计分析.结果盘锦市2005年~2013年累计报告HIV/AIDS 127例,病例逐年上升,男性显著高于女性,发病年龄以20岁~44岁的青壮年,未婚占54.88%,感染途径以性途径为主,占95.28%,男男同性占61.42%,病例主要发现途径为医疗机构的检测及疾控机构的检测咨询.因此,盘锦市的艾滋病瘦情呈上升趋势,以性传播途径为主,尤其是男男同性增加明显.  相似文献   

分析盘锦市艾滋病瘦情流行特征,为预防控制提供依据.对盘锦市2005年~2013年艾滋病瘦情数及流行病学调查资料进行统计分析.结果盘锦市2005年~2013年累计报告HIV/AIDS 127例,病例逐年上升,男性显著高于女性,发病年龄以20岁~44岁的青壮年,未婚占54.88%,感染途径以性途径为主,占95.28%,男男同性占61.42%,病例主要发现途径为医疗机构的检测及疾控机构的检测咨询.因此,盘锦市的艾滋病瘦情呈上升趋势,以性传播途径为主,尤其是男男同性增加明显.  相似文献   

2009年3月以来出现的甲型H1N1流感是一种全新的流感病毒,目前已在全球大流行.从半年的疫情监测结果判断,轻症患者居多,病毒似乎还没有产生明显的变异.但随着北半球冬季的到来,患者数目必然急剧增多.由于现有的疫苗不能充分满足需要,医疗和防疫部门仍需承担相当艰巨的任务.  相似文献   

2009年3月以来出现的甲型H1N1流感是一种全新的流感病毒,目前已在全球大流行.从半年的疫情监测结果判断,轻症患者居多,病毒似乎还没有产生明显的变异。但随着北半球冬季的到来,患者数目必然急剧增多。由于现有的疫苗不能充分满足需要,医疗和防疫部门仍需承担相当艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

本文回顾性总结历史上几次世界性甲型流感流行和2009年H1N1流感流行情况.概述了2009年H1N1流感普通型病例的临床处理.重点阐述2009年H1N1流感重症型病例的高危人群、发生的危险因素以及临床表现.特别强调重症型流感抗病毒治疗的重要性及适应证.同时提醒关注神经氨酸酶抑制剂应用的耐药问题.  相似文献   

流行性感冒是为数不多的可能造成世界大流行的急性传染病之一.大流行的基础是人与动物的流感病毒相互接触与不断变异,在复制过程中基因重组而产生新的亚型,并侵袭对新亚型毫无抵抗力的人群,迅速蔓延而成大流行.大流行的结果是人群的高发病率与高致死率,对人类生命财产和社会经济发展带来灾难性打击.目前,H5N1亚型可能已经具备了从禽鸟直接向人类传播的能力,流感大流行已向我们走来.面对威胁只有加强监测,力争在大流行来到之前,采取有科学依据的综合性措施,随时应对疫情先兆,方有可能遏制流行势头.  相似文献   

大流行性流感:古老的疾病,人类的灾难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
300年来,有10次全球性流感大流行.流感大流行有一定的周期性、不可预见性、灾害性、持久性,至今人类依然没有找到准确预见、避免一场新的流感大流行的良策.2003年末以来,高致病性H5N1禽流感呈现前所未有的暴发,席卷整个亚洲、部分欧洲国家,尽管人类采取积极的控制措施,但H5N1在亚洲已经顽固地存在下来,成为地方病,并且病毒不断进化(宿主范围扩大、病毒致病性增强、环境中耐受力增强)、人类病例不断出现,已使世界比1968年以来任何时刻都更加靠近一场流感大流行.因此,人类紧迫地需要通力合作、全力准备、从容应对,延缓、减弱或避免这场大浩劫.  相似文献   

自伤青少年的冲动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于丽霞  凌霄  江光荣 《心理学报》2013,45(3):320-335
以自我报告、行为学和脑电为指标, 检验自伤青少年的冲动性。研究1, 对820名普通中学生和72名工读生进行问卷调查, 探讨自伤行为与情绪调节困难、冲动性的关系。结果表明, 冲动性能够预测自伤行为, 且预测效应量大于情绪调节困难。研究2, 采用Go/Nogo范式的ERPs实验, 检验自伤组与对照组冲动控制的行为学与脑电差异。结果表明, 自伤组Nogo正确反应的N2波幅显著高于对照组, N2潜伏期在部分电极点处高于对照组。脑电地形图显示两者的脑电差异主要体现在前额叶区。结论:自伤青少年的冲动性高于同龄普通青少年。  相似文献   

Occupational Stress in Workers and Managers in Steelworks in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Occupational stressors and strains of 121 Chinese steelwork employees and 122 managers were measured using the Chinese version of the Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI). It was found that factors intrinsic to the job, Type A behavior, logic, and organizational structure and climate were the main predictors of mental ill-health and physical ill-health in managers. Organizational structure and climate and relationships with other people were important predictors for workers. Management processes and organizational forces were the strongest predicting factors of job satisfaction in both samples. On certain OSI scales and subscales, managers scored statistically higher than workers. It is proposed that these results reflect the enormous economic and social changes currently taking place in China, together with certain features inherent in Chinese organizational and managerial processes.  相似文献   

国外运用基于努力决策任务,与阴性症状量表和访谈相结合,对精神分裂症患者的阴性症状特别是动机缺失进行研究。本文从基于努力决策任务出发,重点介绍该任务范式及其在精神分裂症患者动机缺失评估中的最新研究,并从心理学、神经生物学和脑神经科学三个维度,阐述动机缺失的认知神经机制,论文结尾讨论了该任务范式在评估精神分裂症患者或其他患者动机缺失中可能遇到的挑战,以及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This article explores the development of psychology as a profession in Thailand, its challenges, and future trends. There are currently very few Thai psychologists who are active in the medical fields in comparison to other health care professions. Being held back by limited education and training, many psychologists see their future career as less than promising. The lack of professional licensing standards and dominance of psychiatry further limit their career advancement. However, tremendous opportunities await those who persevere to expand their roles beyond the traditional assessment, treatment, and research models. A small number of them have ventured out into unexplored territories such as behavioral medicine, AIDS counseling, health promotion, and prevention of mental health problems. There is a strong potential for Thai psychologists to make significant contributions in these areas. It is clear that higher standards of education and more rigorous training are needed if this goal is to be realized in the near future.  相似文献   

After decades of urban growth, modern societies now face an increasing number of shrinking cities. What is the impact on the inhabitants of shrinkage of their city? Negative effects dominate in the public discourse, but does growth or shrinkage really matter for the livability in urban environment? In this paper, I take stock of the effect on subjective well-being in present day Germany. Overall satisfaction with life appears not to be lower in shrinking cities and satisfaction with several domains of life even higher. This is not because inhabitants are unaware of the situation of their city, since they appear to be more concerned about job-chances and crime.  相似文献   

A detailed coding system was constructed to study the frequency and salience of aggression in TV programs broadcast on Finnish television. Salience of aggression was measured by the brutality index which consisted of ratings concerning the (1) program context, (2) seriousness, (3) justification, and (4) dramatization of aggressive acts. When compared to previous studies of TV-violence, the rate of aggression in Finnish TV was moderate with 3.5 aggressive acts per program hour. Only 14% of aggressive acts portrayed brutal aggression, which was mostly seen in fictional films and serials. A clear 9 pm watershed was not seen in Finland, since aggressive acts were distributed quite evenly during the TV time. Aggressiveness of a program was not related to its popularity among viewers. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. ©1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

王丹  杨玉芳 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1428-1431
代词的指代在语篇局部连贯性中具有关键作用。中心理论是代词指称中的重要理论,它解释了语篇中代词的分布规律;注意驱动理论是在中心理沦的基础上结合重音预设解释重音或非重音代词。影响代词指称的因素有语义因素和结构因素。对代词的认知研究另一方面主要集中在对歧义代词的解释.对歧义代词的解释的研究一方面采用重复姓名不利实验范式,另一方面的研究采用的研究方法是探测词任务。在汉语中对代词的研究主要是对文本语篇的研究。  相似文献   

The preparation of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis Reprint Series: Behavior Analysis in Education (1988) provided an opportunity to survey and analyze trends in the field, as reflected by publications in the journal. Apparently, the large volume of behavior-analytic papers on educational topics has been declining and its contents undergoing some interesting but not uniformly welcome shifts. Although the intense concern with classroom conduct has diminished somewhat, that topic continues to be heavily emphasized. Simultaneously, reports of social skills and language studies have accelerated, but analyses of academic performance have progressively declined. Explanations for the findings remain speculative, but behavior analysts are encouraged to address these areas of essential social need.  相似文献   

This article considers how the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church faced challenges such as how the gospel relates to a pluralistic society; the Christian message in a society marked by religious pluralism, ethnic diversity, and cultural relativism; whether Christians encountering today's pluralist society should concentrate on evangelism or on dialogue; and on how conciliarity relates to the unity of the church. The article examines how the council attempted to respond to, or at least reflect on, these challenges in relation to the theological dialogue of the Orthodox Church with the other Christian churches and confessions. The bilateral theological dialogues have also increasingly led to bearing Christian witness, and an atmosphere of mutual appreciation, friendship, and fellowship has already become at least a reality. But has this development also led to a deeper mutual theological understanding? Have the profound differences between the Orthodox churches and the other churches in bilateral dialogues been clarified theologically?  相似文献   

This paper aims to highlight four major points: first: a ‘Jungian attitude’ understood as a viewpoint which enables work with interconnectedness through various fields of knowledge. Second, that complexes are dynamic, as is memory, and that both are transformed by experience and develop hand in hand with each other i.e., the transformation of the complex occurs through the transformation of memory as embodied in internal working models, and vice versa. Third, complexes and archetypes are linked to each other in matrices of one form or another and lead to the complexity of the psyche, which is a developing system. Fourth, the analytical process provides an arena that enables and consolidates interconnections that foster a better intrapsychic transition. The analytic meeting promotes profound changes, redesigning our neural architecture as well as our psychic landscape.  相似文献   

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