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<正>(2010年8月18日)各位宗教界朋友:今天,中国人民大学第二期中青年爱国宗教界代表人士研修班的学员在这里重新相聚,交流学习心得,研讨成长之道,非常有意义。会议安排我讲个话,我想围绕宗教教职人员的培养和教  相似文献   

王作安 《天风》2010,(11):4-5
<正>我国目前这支宗教教职人员队伍,最大的一个特点是年轻化。按照宗教教职人员成长的一般规律,五六十岁是成熟的时期,从资历、经验到精力,是担当宗教领袖最合适的年龄。由于"文化大革命"的破坏,宗教教职人员队伍出现了断代,五六十岁左右的一代人几乎成了空白。正是因为这一特殊的历史原因,给年轻宗教教职人员崭露头角提供了历史性的机  相似文献   

很高兴来到银川这一美丽的塞上江南,参加第三期中青年爱国宗教界代表人士研讨会。在座的各位宗教界朋友,都是第三期中青年爱国宗教界代表人士读书班的学员,几年前,在中国人民大学的精心安排和各位老师的悉心教授下,圆满完成了为期四个月的集中学习任务,可以说为大家的全面健康成长打下  相似文献   

平江县是湖南省宗教工作重点县之一,县内有佛教、道教、天主教、基督教,登记开放的宗教活动场所48处,备案的宗教教职人员186人。为教育引导宗教界人士和信教群众爱国爱教、遵纪守法、正信正行。平江县采取“三严”措施开展全面从严治教专项整治行动,取得了良好成效。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,上海市各宗教团体负责人基本完成了新老交替。新一代宗教界中青年代表人士总体上能够坚持爱国爱教、独立自主自办原则,坚持走社会主义道路。2004年,上  相似文献   

加强和改进新形势下宗教工作,处理好宗教关系,是加强和创新社会管理的重要内容,需要进一步解放思想,转变观念,牢固树立群众观点,把服务信教群众贯穿于宗教工作始终,团结带领信教群众为经济社会发展作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

叶小文 《天风》2008,(19):2-2
以人为本是科学发展观的核心,在宗教工作中深入贯彻落实科学发晨观,要求我们在观察宗教问题时,要眼中有"人"--信教群众和宗教界人士;在宗教工作实践中,要围绕着"人",把做好信教群众工作作为宗教工作的根本任务.  相似文献   

<正>习近平总书记在2021年全国宗教工作会议上强调,要培养一支精通马克思主义宗教观、熟悉宗教工作、善于做信教群众工作的党政干部队伍,让他们深入学习马克思主义宗教观、党的宗教工作理论和方针政策、宗教知识,不断提升导的能力。要培养一支政治上靠得住、宗教上有造诣、品德上能服众、关键时起作用的宗教界代表人士队伍。要培养一支思想政治坚定、  相似文献   

本文对湖北仙桃市宗教场所和教职人员的消长变更作了宗教人类学的田野考察,以此来直接反映该地区的宗教现状与变迁。宫哲兵,武汉大学人文学院宗教学系教授,宗教学研究所副所长,中国人类学学会理事。  相似文献   

王进 《宗教学研究》2016,(3):267-272
党和政府高度重视信教群众正常宗教需求活动及宗教界合法权益问题。而宗教生活质量则是攸关信教群众正常宗教需求及权益的关键论题。宗教生活质量作为一个学术盲点理应受到学界广泛关注和深入探讨。宗教生活质量研究既需要科学而合理的宗教生活质量指标体系,也需要科学而理想的宗教生活质量分类研究。宗教生活质量研究具有重要的学术意义和理论价值。  相似文献   

第一章总则 第一条为了规范宗教教职人员管理,保障宗教教职人员合法权益,根据《宗教事务条例》,制定本办法. 第二条本办法所称宗教教职人员,是指依法取得宗教教职人员资格、可以从事宗教教务活动的人员. 第三条宗教教职人员应当热爱祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,拥护社会主义制度,遵守宪法、法律、法规和规章,践行社会主义核心价值观,...  相似文献   

Special educators have been quick to embrace microcomputer instruction; both special education and microcomputer instruction share the promise of developing individualized instructional programs matched to student needs. From this viewpoint, microcomputers have the potential for operationally defining what is "special" about education. Despite this promise, however, there is a limited data base from which to make empirical decision on effective microcomputer use in the classroom and on teacher training needs. A model for assessing teacher training needs is discussed in which microcomputer skills are viewed within the context of other teacher-effectiveness variables. A two-tiered appeaoch to teacher training in microcomputer instruction is developed, based on the promise of microcomputer instruction and upon pragmatic classroom considerations.  相似文献   

本文通过几位神职人员的专访,记述了引进宗教教职人员后的效果,认为是积极作用更大,天门市政府解决问题的思路和办法值得肯定。  相似文献   

<正>一5月10日,国家宗教局发布《致宗教界的公开信》。信中提到,在地震灾难突袭的紧急关头,玉树宗教界人士在寺庙损毁、人员伤亡严重的情况下,迅速组成搜救队抢救和挖掘被埋人员,协助政府按照民族习俗妥善处理遇难者遗体,尽力安抚受灾群众,维护社会正常秩序,发挥了特殊的重要作用。  相似文献   

Manpower personnel training programs in higher education settings have suffered a variety of ills. This article describes a promising way to cure many of them—the Continuing Education Unit (CEU). Salient features of CEU are described, implementation guidelines are suggested, and further references are provided for those desiring more complete information about the CEU training program. The article makes a plea to those in higher education and in manpower agency settings to close the gap between available university training resources and the expressed training needs of manpower personnel.  相似文献   

In 2012 a Review of RE in England was initiated by the Religious Education Council of England and Wales, in response to a perceived sense of crisis among the religious education (RE) community. Its recommendations, which include a new National Curriculum Framework for RE, were published in October, 2013. The fact that the proposed National Curriculum Framework for RE aspires to provide a curriculum model of excellence that all schools should follow, naturally invites careful study and scrutiny. This article considers the question whether the Review’s conclusions provides a democratically mandated, legally compliant, educationally convincing and socially appropriate future direction for RE in England. It is concluded that there are serious weaknesses in the proposals and that the Review process was a missed opportunity for the emergence and articulation of a model of religious education that is appropriate to the aims of liberal education in a democratic, increasingly diverse English society.  相似文献   

全国宗教工作会议召开后,各省(自治区、直辖市)迅速召开宗教工作会议,认真贯彻落实全国宗教工作会议精神,尤其是学习贯彻习近平总书记在会议上的重要讲话精神,部署扎实做好新时代宗教工作。本期选登部分省(自治区、直辖市)宗教工作会议情况,以供交流学习。  相似文献   

Do family formation and social establishment affect religious involvement in the same way for men and women, given increasing individualism and rapid changes in work and family roles? Using a random sample of adults from upstate New York (N = 1,006), our research builds on previous work in this area by using multiple measures of religious involvement, using multiple measures of individualism and beliefs about work and family roles, placing men and women in their work context, and looking at the relationships separately by gender. Men’s religious involvement is associated with marriage, children, and full‐time employment, signaling social establishment and maturity. Women’s involvement is higher when there are school‐aged children in the home, but it is also more intertwined with the salience of religion and with an assessment that religious institutions are a good fit with their values and lifestyles, including egalitarian views of gender. For men and women, views of religious authority and the role of religious institutions in the socialization of children are associated differently with religious involvement at different life stages. We call for further research to understand the gendered nature of religious involvement and the role of beliefs about work, family, and religion in explaining why individuals choose to be involved in religious institutions.  相似文献   

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