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受众对广告中性别角色定型反应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解广告中性别角色定型对受众产生的影响,通过问卷调查,探讨了个体性别角色、性别、年龄和受教育程度对广告中性别角色定型反应的影响过程。结果发现:性别、个体性别角色(分为传统性别角色和非传统性别角色)、年龄和受教育程度可以通过女性自主性意识间接影响受众对广告中女性模特被冒犯性描述的知觉,进而影响受众对企业的负面评价和购买欲望;研究同时发现年龄可以直接预测受众的购买欲望。  相似文献   

新编大学生性别角色量表揭示性别角色变迁   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
性别角色代表个人的社会性别, 对个人乃至整个民族素质的发展有重要意义。随着时代的变化, 当代大学生的性别角色观与性别角色也发生着变化。由于已有的性别角色测量工具多年来没有修订, 因此, 对当代大学生性别角色的测量亟需一个对发展变化敏感的有效测量工具。本研究根据性别角色研究的通行原则, 基于1700个相关词汇, 筛选出男女正性词各35个, 中性词20个。在386名大学生中初测结果显示, 男性化量表(16个题目)含领导力、男子气、理性、大度四个因子, 体现出男性的“工具性”特质; 女性化量表(16个题目)含同理心、女子气、勤俭心细三个因子, 反映出女性的“表达性”特质; 中性化量表则有18个题目。之后在全国5008名大学生中的复测表明, 该男性化量表内部一致性系数为0.89, 女性化量表为0.84; 两个量表的重测信度分别为0.82和0.80; 验证性因素分析显示该量表的结构效度良好, 他评效度和专家效度较高。与已有性别角色量表比较, 构成本量表的词汇有较大变化:男性化词汇体现的“理性化”特质反映出当代中国男性的特点; 女性化词汇虽仍以“表达性”特质为主, 但也体现了中国传统“勤俭心细”的特征。大样本调查发现, 当代大学生性别角色双性化、未分化和单性化群体数量各占约三分之一; 传统占优势的单性化已让位于非单性化; 理想的双性化与最差的未分化同步增长; 男性化比例男性高于女性, 女性化比例女性高于男性, 传统性别角色的影响减弱但依然存在。  相似文献   

大学生性别角色调查研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨不同性别比例的高校大学生的性别角色分布等相关情况。方法:2007年10月份,汉市两所性别比例不同的高校分层随机抽取了大学生共计1451人,采用钱铭怡等人编制的大学性角色量表(CSRI)进行问卷调查。结果:(1)大学生性别角色存在显著的性别差异。(2)大学期间是性别角色发展的重要时期,大学生具有传统性别角色的发展趋势,其中女生的性别角色化明显而男生的性别角色发展相对平稳。(3)性别角色存在显著的专业差异。(4)性别比例不的高校其性别角色没有显著的差异。  相似文献   

关于性别角色刻板观念的一些研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
性别角色刻板观念指人们对男女两性性别角色及行为较为固定的看法或信念。它的形成既有象家庭、社会期望、大众传播媒介和学校教育等外部因素的影响,也有认知内部机制用作用.性别角色刻板观念一经形成后,便对人们的心理和行为发生广泛的影响.它可以影响人们的知觉、对事件的归因、记忆的内容、行为动机,以及对玩具、课程、职业等的选择,也影响到家庭和人的身心健康.  相似文献   

儿童性别角色发展有关理论述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
性别角色发展是儿童自我意识和社会化发展的主要表现之一。本文简要叙述国外关于性别角色发展的主要理论 ,重点介绍社会认知理论对性别角色发展的解释 ,并对此作出简要评价。  相似文献   

儿童性别角色发展的理论研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文就儿童性别角色发展的理论研究作了简要回顾,并指出了该领域理论研究的趋势。  相似文献   

本研究以高中生性别角色同化的现状以及各性别角色的人际关系水平为研究内容,其中,高中生性别角色同化的现状采用性别角色量表(CSRI-50)进行研究,在此之上结合人际关系心理诊断量表,研究不同性别角色类型的高中生的人际关系水平状况,并由此进行分析与讨论。  相似文献   

大学生性别角色观的差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用了问卷调查法,结合人格特质词分类法,对安徽师范大学本科生的性别角色观进行了研究。发现:(1)勇敢和善良分别是男女性别角色的第一正价特质;(2)虚伪和自私分别是男女性别角色的第一负价特质,并且其重要性看法没有性别差异;(3)对善良是男女性别角色共有的正价特质、负责是男性角色的正价特质、温柔是女性角色正价特质的重要性看法有显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

在苏州市妇联及社区、街道工作人员的帮助下,采用判断取样,在苏州地区选取458户单亲家庭的父母子女,考察了单亲家长性别角色类型、性别角色教养态度与子女社会适应间的关系,并检验单亲家长性别角色教养态度在其性别角色类型与子女社会适应间的中介效应。结果表明:(1)单亲家长的性别角色类型多为双性化,性别角色教养态度处中上水平,单亲子女的社会适应处中上水平;不同背景变量的单亲子女其社会适应存在差异,单亲家长的户口与性别角色类型在子女社会适应上存在交互作用;(2)未分化及女性化类型与社会适应之间存在显著负相关,且未分化类型与性别角色教养态度存在显著负相关,单亲家长性别角色教养态度在其性别角色类型与子女社会适应两者关系中存在部分中介效应。  相似文献   

大学生性别角色量表(CSRI)的编制   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
以社会刻板印象和社会赞许性为基础编制了中国大学生性别角色量表,同时使用正性和负性量表,测量了380名大学生。结果显示该量表有较好的信度和效度。运用此量表将大学生分为男性化、女性化、双性化、未分化四种性别角色类型,在男性中分别占24.7%、15.4%、31.5%、28.4%,在女性中分别占22.5%、28.0%、25.0%、24.5%。该研究与西方已有同类量表不同之处在于引入了负性量表,文中对其作用进行了深入的讨论。  相似文献   

Arima  Akie N. 《Sex roles》2003,49(1-2):81-90
The aim of this study was to reveal gender portrayal types in Japanese television advertisements through content analysis. Five hundred and thirty-one adult main characters were coded for sex, age, ethnic background, credibility, role, place, dress, background, persuasion type, camera work, camera angle, product type, target, and sex of voice-over. Five types were found by performing quick cluster analysis: beautiful and wise housewives, young ladies attracting people's attention, young celebrities, middle- and old-aged people enjoying private time, and middle-aged worker bee. The first three were mainly women and the latter two were mainly men. The results indicate that in Japanese television advertisements men and women are portrayed differently, and the differences correspond with traditional gender stereotypes.  相似文献   

Gender Stereotypes in Portuguese Television Advertisements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neto  Felix  Pinto  Isabel 《Sex roles》1998,39(1-2):153-164
This study examined the portrayal of men andwomen in a sample of Portuguese television commercials,attempting to replicate and extend past investigationsdone in America, Australia, Britain, and Italy. The aim was to update Portuguese research andto compare findings across cultures. Three hundred andfour evening commercials were content analyzed by tworaters, one male and the other female, to check reliability. The attributes of each of theircentral figures were classified into 11 categories:gender, mode of presentation, credibility, role,location, age, argument, reward type, product type,background, and end comment. Strong evidence of differencesin the presentation of male and female characteristicswas obtained. The implications of results for thedevelopment and maintenance of gender roles arediscussed.  相似文献   

Uray  Nimet  Burnaz  Sebnem 《Sex roles》2003,48(1-2):77-87
The aim of this study was to examine gender role portrayals in Turkish television advertising. For this purpose, a content analysis of the advertisements that aired on the selected 6 television channels was carried out. Three hundred fourteen independent advertisements were coded according to general characteristics of the advertisements and demographic and attitudinal/behavioral characteristics of the primary figures. The data show significant gender differences in these 2 groups of variables. The findings are also compared with findings of other research conducted in different cultural settings.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare implicit and explicit occupational gender stereotypes for three occupations (engineer, accountant, and elementary school teacher). These occupations represented the end points and middle of a masculine–feminine continuum of explicit occupational gender stereotypes. Implicit stereotypes were assessed using the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which is believed to minimize self-presentational biases common with explicit measures of occupational gender stereotypes. IAT results for the most gender stereotyped occupations, engineer (masculine) and elementary school teacher (feminine), were comparable to explicit ratings. There was less agreement with less stereotyped comparisons. Results indicated that accounting was implicitly perceived as more masculine than explicit measures indicate, which calls into question reports of diminishing gender stereotyping for such occupations.  相似文献   

Popp  Danielle  Donovan  Roxanne A.  Crawford  Mary  Marsh  Kerry L.  Peele  Melanie 《Sex roles》2003,48(7-8):317-325
Considerable research has shown that people have stereotypical beliefs about the speech and communication style of women and men. There is less research about stereotypes of Black people's speech, and none that jointly or comparably investigates communication stereotypes as a function of both gender and race. In this study, White college students (n = 111) rated a fictional character's speech on 36 pairs of words characteristic of communication style (e.g., emotional–unemotional) and also generated dialogue for the character. Targets' race and sex were varied. Results showed that beliefs about speech style were stronger for race than gender. Black speakers, both women and men, were rated as more direct and emotional, and less socially appropriate and playful, than White speakers. The dialogue generated by participants for Black speakers was less grammatical and more profane than for White speakers. Gender effects were consistent with earlier research but suggest a weakening of stereotypes; women's speech was seen as somewhat less direct and more emotional than men's speech. Beliefs about speech and communication style are important because they may function not only to describe what is but to prescribe what should be in social interaction.  相似文献   

Boyce  Lisa A.  Herd  Ann M. 《Sex roles》2003,49(7-8):365-378
The continuing emphasis on the need to utilize fully women's leadership skills in traditionally or predominantly male environments highlights the need for understanding gender stereotypes and leadership characteristics perceived to be associated with various jobs. This study essentially replicates Schein's research (1973, 1975) to determine the extent of gender stereotypes held by military students for military leadership positions. The results indicate (1) continued disparity in men's perceptions of the similarities between women and leaders, (2) support of previous findings that women recognize similarities between women and leaders, (3) senior military students possess stronger masculine gender role stereotypes of successful officers than do students with less than 1 year of service in the military academy, (4) greater experience with being led by female leaders did not affect men's masculine gender role stereotypes of successful leaders, and (5) successful female cadet leaders perceive successful officers as having characteristics commonly ascribed to both women and men. These results are interpreted in light of previous research on gender roles and leadership, and the practical implications for meeting organizational, and individual objectives for successful utilization of women in military leadership positions are discussed.  相似文献   

The study investigated Teachers' gender stereotypes in the Eastern Province of South Africa. Participants were 65 Junior Secondary school teachers (females= 40 and males = 25) who assembled together at a seminar organized by the Department of Education. They completed a ten-statement questionnaire on gender stereotypes that would apply to school boys and girls. Data were analysed by means for differences in proportions endorsing stereotypes in relation to school activities. Gender stereotypes were apparent in the pattern of activities endorsed for males and females.  相似文献   

The role of metaphor in psychology is reviewed, focused on gender and sexual orientation stereotypes. Feminist therapy principles are explored in relation to addressing the presence of stereotypes within a therapeutic context. Implications for working with clients presenting with disordered eating, agoraphobia, sexual violence, and sexual identity concerns are discussed.  相似文献   

Eckes  Thomas 《Sex roles》2002,47(3-4):99-114
In 2 studies, paternalistic and envious gender stereotypes were examined. Paternalistic stereotypes portray particular female or male subgroups as warm but not competent, whereas envious stereotypes depict some other female or male subgroups as competent but not warm. A total of 134 women and 82 men, primarily White and middle class, participated in this research. Building on the stereotype content model (Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002), Study 1 tested the mixed-stereotypes hypothesis that many gender subgroups are viewed as high on either competence or warmth but low on the other. Study 2 additionally addressed the social-structural hypothesis that status predicts perceived competence and interdependence predicts perceived warmth. The results provided strong support for both hypotheses.  相似文献   

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