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The value of personal norms (Schwartz, 1977) for proenvironmental behavior has been demonstrated in previous studies (e.g., Vining & Ebreo, 1992), but not in addition to the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen & Madden, 1986). In the present study, this combination was investigated by means of a mail survey among a sample of 305 Dutch citizens who were enlisted to participate in a behavioral change intervention program on environmentally relevant behavior. Personal norms appear to increase the proportion of explained variance in 5 intentions and 4 self-reported measures of performed environmentally relevant behaviors beyond that explained by three of the theory of planned behavior constructs (i.e., attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control). Issues evoked by these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of a modified form of the theory of planned behavior in understanding the decisions of undergraduate students in engineering and humanities to engage in cheating. We surveyed 527 randomly selected students from three academic institutions. Results supported the use of the model in predicting ethical decision-making regarding cheating. In particular, the model demonstrated how certain variables (gender, discipline, high school cheating, education level, international student status, participation in Greek organizations or other clubs) and moral constructs related to intention to cheat, attitudes toward cheating, perceptions of norms with respect to cheating, and ultimately cheating behaviors. Further the relative importance of the theory of planned behavior constructs was consistent regardless of context, whereas the contributions of variables included in the study that were outside the theory varied by context. Of particular note were findings suggesting that the extent of cheating in high school was a strong predictor of cheating in college and that engineering students reported cheating more frequently than students in the humanities, even when controlling for the number of opportunities to do so.  相似文献   

The theory of planned behavior (TPB) was used, modified, and extended to predict dieting intention and behavior. Female undergraduates ( n = 256) responded to a survey assessing variables from the TPB and additional predictor variables. Seventy-eight of these participants also completed a follow-up questionnaire 3 months later that assessed their subsequent weight-loss behavior. A model was developed for dieting using path analysis to assess the most significant paths to intention to diet and follow-up dieting. In the final predictor model, 77% of the variance in intention to diet and 46% of the variance in follow-up dieting were explained. The strongest predictor of intention to diet was direct attitude, and the strongest predictor of follow-up dieting was prior dieting. This study also included a confirmatory analysis of the dieting model (n=117). Approximately 2/3 of the paths were confirmed, and 72% of the variance in intention was explained.  相似文献   

Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990 Gottfredson , Michael and Travis Hirschi . 1990 . A General Theory of Crime . Standford , CA : Standford University Press . [Google Scholar]) contend that all deviance is subsumed under self-control theory and that individuals who commit any one deviant act will tend to commit other deviant acts as well. This research tests the correlation of illicit sexual behaviors with crime as they relate to measures of self-control. Secondly, this research examines the Gottfredson and Hirschi argument that their theory is a “general theory” and predicts all forms of deviance whereby low self-control is a predictor of both sexual deviance and crime. These analyses report illicit sexual behaviors are positively correlated with criminal behaviors providing support for Self-Control Theory. Furthermore, the analyses of this data support that low self-control is a predictor of illicit sexual behaviors and crime.  相似文献   

This study tested the utility of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for understanding and predicting condom use intentions among male and female injecting drug users (IDUs). Interviews were conducted with 405 male and 315 female sexually active IDUs. Participants indicated their intentions to use condoms with main and nonmain sexual partners as well as attitudes, social norms, partner norms, and perceived behavioral control relevant to condom use with each partner type. The TPB accounted for 36 to 48% of the variance in intentions to use condoms. Intentions were related to attitudes, regardless of partner type. Partner norms were related to intentions to use condoms with main partners (men and women) and nonmain partners (men only). Social norms did not predict intentions, regardless of partner type. Perceived behavioral control was related to intentions to use condoms with main partners (men and women) and nonmain partners (women only). The findings are interpreted in light of the roles of cooperation, intimacy, and concern about self-protection.  相似文献   

计划行为理论述评   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
计划行为理论是社会心理学中最著名的态度行为关系理论,该理论认为行为意向是影响行为最直接的因素,行为意向反过来受态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制的影响。计划行为理论在国外已被广泛应用于多个行为领域的研究,并被证实能显著提高研究对行为的解释力和预测力。文章对这一理论进行了全面概述,包括理论的提出、内涵、测量方法以及理论研究的新进展,并指出了理论仍存在的问题和今后的研究方向  相似文献   

计划行为模型在HIV性风险行为领域的应用与发展*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整理和回顾了计划行为模型在HIV性风险行为领域的应用与进展。该模型在不同文化背景、不同样本中,对于HIV性风险行为呈现良好的解释力,但是其整体预测力及内部变量的显著程度仍不时波动。21世纪以来,通过核心变量操作化、新变量引入和结构关系调整,模型获得了较大的扩展和完善。但在模型效度再检验、纳入社会性别视角、克服个体行为模型缺陷,以及强化模型的干预适用性方面仍有较大的发展空间  相似文献   

Predicting crime remains a central issue for social science research. Perspectives that consider the role of self-control have added greatly to our ability to explain and predict criminal behavior. However, this approach has been narrowly focused on the role of individual differences in trait self-control, limiting the potential of this approach to integrate a range of findings in the literature. To realize the full potential of the self-control construct to explain criminal behavior, we use the Dual Component Theory of Inhibition Regulation (DCTIR). We discuss how the model can account for a number of findings, including patterns of recidivism, age differences, and the role of socioeconomic factors in crime. The DCTIR provides a framework for integrating these findings, generating new predictions, and ultimately better predicting criminal behavior.  相似文献   

The current study examined the role of endorsed stereotypes about men and women and perceived peer norms in predicting three distinct types of stereotypical sexualized behaviors (verbal, physical, and indirect) among late adolescents. Two hundred and fifty U.S. college students from the mid-South (178 females, 72 males) between the ages of 17 and 19 completed a number of surveys regarding sexual gender stereotypes (e.g., men are sex-focused and women are sexual objects), perceived peer norms about the acceptability of stereotypical sexualized behaviors (SSB), and their own SSBs. Results revealed that most college students have perpetrated these SSBs at least once, and that the most common form of sexualized behavior was verbal SSB, such as rating someone’s body. Results also showed that, although the young men and women did not differ in their perpetration of indirect SSBs (e.g., sending pictures via text), young men perpetrated more verbal and physical SSB than women. For young women, endorsing the idea that men are sex-focused predicted all three types of SSB. For young men, endorsing the stereotype that men are sex-focused predicted verbal and physical SSB, and endorsing the stereotype that women are sex objects predicted physical SSB. Importantly, perceived peer group norms were a significant predictor of all three types of SSB for both women and men. Thus, the current study suggests that distinct types of stereotypical sexualized behaviors are common among college students, and are predicted by an individual’s stereotypes about men and women and perceived peer norms.  相似文献   

ObjectivesSedentary time has emerged as an independent risk factor for numerous adverse health outcomes. However, little is known about the social-cognitive correlates of sedentary behavior. The purpose of this study was to provide preliminary evidence for the factor structure and composition of sedentary derived Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) constructs and to determine the utility of these constructs in predicting sedentary intention and sedentary time.MethodTwenty-three items were created to assess attitudes, subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), and intention with respect to time spent being sedentary. Using a web-based survey, 372 adults completed a modified Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire and were then randomised to one of three TPB questionnaire packages: general, weekday, and weekend. Weekday and weekend participants completed items for work/school (less-volitional) and leisure/recreation (volitional) activities separately, resulting in five TPB models being analyzed: general, weekday work/school, weekday leisure/recreation, weekend work/school, and weekend leisure/recreation.ResultsIrrespective of model, items grouped into coherent factors consistent with TPB and explained 9–58% and 8–43% of the variance in intention and behavior, respectively. The strongest and most consistent predictor of intention and behavior were SN and intentions, respectively. Mediation analyses indicated that attitudes consistently affected sedentary time through intention.ConclusionsThere is growing evidence that the TPB is a useful framework for understanding sedentarism.  相似文献   

Meta‐analysis was used to determine the predictive validity of anticipated affect and moral norms in the theory of planned behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1991 ). Medium‐to‐large sample‐weighted average correlations were obtained. Anticipated affect and moral norms increased the variance explained in intentions by 5% and 3%, respectively, controlling for TPB variables. Intention mediated the influence of both variables on behavior. Moderator analyses showed that younger samples and behaviors with a moral dimension were associated with stronger moral‐norm/intention relations, and anticipated regret was associated with a stronger anticipated‐affect/intention relation. The implications of the findings for the TPB are discussed.  相似文献   

This research used a revised theory of planned behavior (TPB) model, which incorporated self-identity and past behavior—and the interaction between these constructs—in order to improve the model's predictive power in relation to consumer behavior (purchasing one's preferred beer). At Time 1, respondents ( N  = 108) completed measures of attitudes, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm, self-identity, past behavior, and intentions. Behavior was assessed 1 week later. All predictors were positively related to intentions. Self-identity and past behavior interacted to influence intentions: Self-identity had a stronger influence on intentions at low, rather than high, levels of past behavior. Intentions and past behavior were predictive of Time 2 behavior. These findings emphasize the need to consider identity issues in the TPB.  相似文献   

In this paper, we contrast the value‐belief‐norm (VBN) model and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for the first time regarding their ability to explain conservation behavior. The participants represent a convenience sample of 468 university students. Using survey data and adopting previously established compound measures, structural equation analyses revealed a remarkable explanatory power for both theories: TPB's intention accounted for 95% of people's conservation behavior and VBN's personal norms accounted for 64%. Compared to the VBN model, the TPB covered its concepts more fully in terms of proportions of explained variance. More importantly, the fit statistics revealed that only the TPB depicts the relations among its concepts appropriately, whereas the VBN model does not.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to assess the utility of the theory of planned behaviour in the prediction of students' binge-drinking. Additionally, a perspective was utilised to address the usually weak contribution of subjective norms in predicting behavioural intentions. Respondents were 289 undergraduate students. The study employed a longitudinal design, with the predictors of performing the behaviour under consideration assessed prior to the measure of reported behaviour. Support was found for the application of the theory of planned behaviour to binge-drinking. A reconceptualisation of norms in the theory of planned behaviour, from a social identity theory/self-categorization theory perspective, was also supported; consistent with expectations, the norms of a behaviourally relevant reference group predicted intentions to binge-drink, especially for participants who identified strongly with the reference group. The results are discussed in relation to measures which may help to reduce the incidence of binge-drinking by university students.  相似文献   

The present paper explores whether the theory of planned behavior (TPB) must abandon the notion that perceived behavioral control (PBC) has a direct influence on behavior. In a cross‐sectional survey of 895 Swiss residents, our hypothesis was tested by means of structural equation models. Applied specifically, PBC turned out to be a significant direct predictor of one's performance. A general version of the TPB based on aggregated measures, however, revealed PBC's direct influence on behavior to be nonsignificant and, presumably, a non‐universally applicable and thus nongeneralizable part of the theory. Intention determined 51% to 52% of people's ecological behavior, which supports the claim of a strong attitude‐behavior relation. Attitude, subjective norms, and PBC, the 3 TPB components, account for 81% of intention's variance.  相似文献   

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