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This research details a pilot study of Finnish college students and their views on the academic ethics (cheating). Finland is an unexamined population on this issue. In the current project, we surveyed students (n = 119) in the spring of 2014. We found unethical behavior is common on projects but less common on exams. We also found students are unwilling to report wrongdoing by other students. We examined differences between students’ attitudes on cheating based on several demographic factors, including gender, age and major. We conclude by discussing the implications for further research in this area.  相似文献   

The reported birth of genetically modified twins in late 2018 has given new fuel to debates about the ethics of germline genome editing (GGE). There is a broad consensus among stakeholders that clinical uses of GGE should be temporarily banned as the technology is not yet deemed safe for use in humans. However, the idea of a complete ban is dismissed by many based on the expectation that more research will eventually allow scientists to make the technology safe without having to put humans at risk first. In this article, I will analyse this assumption and argue that it is undermined by recent developments in the postgenomic life sciences. In particular, I will argue that in a postgenomic view of germline editing a complete ban on specific uses of the technology is warranted, because the research needed to assess the safety of these interventions would not be morally defensible.  相似文献   

The relationship of superior-subordinate work value congruence to subordinate performance was examined in a retail setting. Additionally, because of on-going interest in the role of justice or fairness in the performance appraisal process, the relationship between the supervisor's value of fairness and subordinate performance was examined. Superior-subordinate value congruence was not related to subordinate performance. The supervisor's level of the value of fairness was related to supervisor-rated dimensions of performance, but not to sales and profits. Implications for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Science and Engineering Ethics - Protection of study participants is an integral function of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Recently, great efforts were dedicated to enhance...  相似文献   




This paper aims at investigating the perceived difference between ethics and IT ethics in college students. The study mainly investigates whether university students in the Middle East and their counterpart in the USA hold the same ethical values both in a traditional context and in an IT context. The study also investigates possible differences in students’ ethics considering their level of study and whether they have prior business ethics knowledge or not. Furthermore, the study controls for possible self-others bias in students’ responses to ethical issues by addressing some ethical issues where the respondent is the subject of the issue and other ethical issues where someone other than the respondent is the subject of the issue. Questionnaires were administered to university students in the USA and in several Middle East countries. A total of 401 usable questionnaires were returned. The study found that both the USA and the Middle East students have statistically significant lower ethical intention scores when addressing ethical issues in an IT context compared to traditional non-IT context. This pattern was consistent regardless of the students’ level of study and their prior knowledge of business ethics, and taking into consideration self-others bias. Additionally, it was found that graduate students have higher IT as well as non-IT ethical intentions compared to undergraduate students, however, it was found that the students’ prior business ethics knowledge did not affect the students’ ethical intention scores. Self-other bias was found to act in opposite directions for ethical issues in an IT context compared to ethical issues in a traditional context. For ethical issues within IT-context, students were less strict with themselves while they were stricter with others. For ethical issues within traditional non-IT context, students were stricter with themselves, while they were less strict with others. Finally, the study found that while students both in the USA and in the Middle East disagree with unethical IT as well as non-IT conducts, the degree to which they disagree with the unethical behavior significantly differ, where USA students were found to be significantly stricter with their disagreement.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了奖励形式启动的价值框架效应在调节绩效反馈对绩效提升与行为塑造的效果中发挥的作用。对231名大学生的问卷调查结果表明,采用金钱奖励时,接受个人绩效反馈的个体效能感更高,也有更好的绩效和合作行为表现;采用荣誉奖励时,集体绩效反馈的效果更好。即奖励形式与绩效反馈的匹配会提高组织成员绩效,增加其合作行为。基于该结果,建议管理者关注奖励体系中的价值信息与组织的管理方式相匹配,以推进组织的可持续发展。  相似文献   

科技伦理:真与善的价值融合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
科技伦理最重要的特征 ,是真与善的价值融合。在科技伦理中 ,善以真为依托 ,真以善为归宿。科技伦理不是以善伤真 ,而是以善导真 ;不是否定或抹杀真的价值 ,而是在承认真的价值的基础上 ,将其引向善的目标。科技伦理虽然并非科学技术自身所固有 ,它是科学技术外部的一种控制手段 ,但科技伦理却可以通过内化于科技工作者的途径 ,成为科学技术活动中的一种内在力量  相似文献   

This study examined cardiovascular effects of incentive value in men and women confronted with cognitive challenges that were more and less difficult to meet. Participants performed computer memory tasks varying in difficulty from low to high, with instructions that they could earn chances toward a $100 prize or $10 prize by attaining a 90% success rate. Analysis of cardiovascular responses assessed during work revealed an interaction between difficulty and incentive value for heart rate. Participants' heart rate responses were proportional to task difficulty and unaffected by incentive value in all conditions except for the most difficult one. Where difficulty was greatest, $100 participants showed relatively high heart rate responsiveness, whereas $10 participants showed low heart rate responsiveness. This heart rate finding corroborates and extends cardiovascular results from previous experiments, and lends further support to the view that cardiovascular responses will be proportional to incentive value only under some task conditions.  相似文献   

21世纪初公共行政现代性追寻与道德化趋势的耦合,赋予了行政伦理建设更深厚的价值合理性基础.行政伦理的价值是工具性价值与目的性价值的统一,前者表现为效率价值与管理价值,它发挥着"隐形制度"的约束与管理功能,是行政主体"自由裁量权"的价值准则;后者表现在公共行政的"公共性"性质及其内含的公平正义的价值上.公共行政的目的性价值彰显,是公共行政摆脱现代性危机、进行合法性重建的实现方式.行政伦理的工具性价值与目的性价值相互表征、相互澄明,并仰赖于特定的价值情境与机制.  相似文献   

经济伦理的价值蕴含   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文试图从伦理意义揭示经济伦理的价值 ,认为经济伦理的价值应该是功利价值、道义价值与文化价值三个方面的统一。功利价值体现着经济伦理的经济本性 ,在于促成经济利益最大化 ;道义价值体现着经济伦理的伦理本性 ,旨在促成自利行为公益化 ;文化价值体现着经济伦理的文化本性 ,致力于促成物性文化人性化。  相似文献   

事实与价值的融合--公共行政伦理学探源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪初,西方理论界出现科学化倾向,公共行政管理被归入科学的事实领域,伦理学则属于价值领域,两者被人为地分离;行政与伦理的结合经历了相当长的时期,从行政学产生之时起,行政管理的价值问题与伦理目标就成为学者们思考的一个焦点;20世纪70至80年代,行政与伦理真正开始融合,不仅出版了理论著作,而且在行政实践中接受了伦理规范.至此,公共行政伦理学作为一门独立的学科得以产生.  相似文献   

Novelty seeking and sensation seeking are constructs useful in predicting human risk-taking behaviors. This predictive relation purportedly reflects some rewarding aspect of experiencing novelty. Research has confirmed this assumption. Rats display an increase in preference for an environment that has been differentially paired with novel stimuli. The physiological mechanisms mediating this rewarding effect of novelty involve the neurotransmitter dopamine, whereas those controlling novelty seeking do not. The mechanisms involved in drug seeking and reward show parallel dissociations. This concordance between novelty and drug-abuse research suggests that novelty and drug stimuli may interact in biologically and behaviorally meaningful ways. Indeed, preliminary research examining cocaine and novelty and published work with amphetamines support this suggestion. There is clear need for further systematic research on novelty reward and related processes at all levels of analysis: genetic, biological, behavioral, and social.  相似文献   

"价值驱动"是当代企业管理伦理实现的重要方法,意指企业管理要成功,必须进行以价值观的批判与建构活动为基础的管理,即以价值观指导经营管理活动、驱动管理行为,以使企业经营管理行为合乎伦理.它是当代管理发展到文化管理阶段的产物.企业管理活动需要价值观是因为价值观具有重要功能.当代企业所需要的价值观应该蕴含人类的基本价值,并具有"顾客导向"的纲领、"清晰简明"的特征和"知行合一"的目的等共性.  相似文献   

Book Information Life's Intrinsic Value: Science, Ethics and Nature. By Nicholas Agar. Colombia University Press. New York. 2001. Pp. x + 200. Paperback, £17.00.  相似文献   

Ethics and Nanopharmacy: Value Sensitive Design of New Drugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although applications are being developed and have reached the market, nanopharmacy to date is generally still conceived as an emerging technology. Its concept is ill-defined. Nanopharmacy can also be construed as a converging technology, which combines features of multiple technologies, ranging from nanotechnology to medicine and ICT. It is still debated whether its features give rise to new ethical issues or that issues associated with nanopharma are merely an extension of existing issues in the underlying fields. We argue here that, regardless of the alleged newness of the ethical issues involved, developments occasioned by technological advances affect the roles played by stakeholders in the field of nanopharmacy to such an extent that this calls for a different approach to responsible innovation in this field. Specific features associated with nanopharmacy itself and features introduced to the associated converging technologies- bring about a shift in the roles of stakeholders that call for a different approach to responsibility. We suggest that Value Sensitive Design is a suitable framework to involve stakeholders in addressing moral issues responsibly at an early stage of development of new nanopharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

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