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The S-R Inventory of Anxiousness has a reliability of .95 but shows only 5% of its variance due to persons (traits). This strange combination of results is explored logically and empirically. A distinction is made between the Inventory as a test and as an experimental design. Some characteristics and problems of the Inventory as an experimental design are examined. These problems suggest that it is unwarranted to include variance from situations and modes of response in the total variance against which the component of variance due to individual differences is evaluated. It is such inclusions that have yielded the result of 5% of variance due to persons. It is concluded that results from the Inventory, when generalized to other omnibus inventories of anxiety, do not have the drastic implications that have been previously claimed.  相似文献   

Generalizability of scores influenced by multiple sources of variance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Generalizability theory concerns the adequacy with which a universe score can be inferred from a set of observations. In this paper the theory is applied to a universe in which observations are classifiable according to two independent variable aspects of the measuring procedure. Several types of universe scores are developed and the variance components ascertained for each type. The composition of expected observed-score variance and the adequacy of inference to a particular type of universe score is a function of the procedure used in gathering data. A generalizability study provides estimates of variance components which can be used in designing an efficient procedure for a particular decision purpose.This study was conducted under Grant M-1839 from the National Institute of Mental Health while the authors were on the staff of the University of Illinois. Dr. Rajaratnam shared responsibility for the technical report of July, 1961 on which this paper is based. The present revision was made subsequent to her death in 1963. The present addresses of the other authors are: Goldine C. Gleser, Department of Psychiatry, Central Clinic, Cincinatti, 29, Ohio; Lee J. Cronbach, School of Education, Stanford University.  相似文献   

The comparative validity of two “S-R format” inventories of interpersonal behavior, Kinnane et al.'s (1969) Schedule of Interpersonal Response and a newly developed Rational S-R Inventory, and two “traditional” inventories, the Personality Research Form and the Interpersonal Check List, was examined with respect to 14 self-report and peer rating criteria selected to broadly tap the interpersonal domain. Sixty-four male and female high school seniors served as Ss.In spite of the situational specificity inherent in the S-R inventories, the traditional inventories substantially outperformed the S-R inventories and, in contrast to previous findings, also outperformed simple self-ratings. The results are discussed not only in terms of the relative advantages of various inventory construction strategies but also in reference to the problem of criterion measurement and theoretical and methodological issues in the assessment of situational parameters.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to identity some of the factors that might contribute to the variance associated with skin conductance. Results confirmed earlier findings that Blacks have lower levels of skin conductance than Caucasians. The precise role of skin albedo is difficult to determine because within these groups there appears to be a negative relationship between skin reflectance and skin conductance. Possibly peripheral blood flow differences are responsible. There were no differences in heart rate or in self-report measures of arousal between the groups, and the contribution of personality variables to skin conductance variance was, in part, anomalous.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated competing explanations for the reversal of spatial stimulus—response (S—R) correspondence effects (i.e., Simon effects) with an incompatible S—R mapping on the relevant, nonspatial dimension. Competing explanations were based on generalized S—R rules (logical-recoding account) or referred to display—control arrangement correspondence or to S—S congruity. In Experiment 1, compatible responses to finger—name stimuli presented at left/right locations produced normal Simon effects, whereas incompatible responses to finger—name stimuli produced an inverted Simon effect. This finding supports the logical-recoding account. In Experiment 2, spatial S—R correspondence and color S—R correspondence were varied independently, and main effects of these variables were observed. The lack of an interaction between these variables, however, disconfirms a prediction of the display—control arrangement correspondence account. Together, the results provide converging evidence for the logical-recoding account. This account claims that participants derive generalized response selection rules (e.g., the identity or reversal rule) from specific S—R rules and inadvertently apply the generalized rules to the irrelevant (spatial) S—R dimension when selecting their response.  相似文献   

An S-R Inventory of Depression was designed to assess the experience of transient states of ‘normal unhappiness’ in non-clinical subjects and was administered to 80 men and 80 women. Differences between individuals in their overall proneness to depression and in their patterns of sensitivity to various provoking situations provided the larger sources of interpretable variance for each sex. The Neuroticism dimension of personality was involved in both sources, in the latter through the potentiation of a person's generalized response to any given situation. The argument depended upon correlations between personality dimensions and the grand means and variance components derived from a separate two-way analysis of variance in the S-R inventory for each person. This is one way to explore the effects of trait-like variables within the form of ‘interactional’ approach embodied in variance component analyses.  相似文献   

Subliminal motor priming effects in the masked prime paradigm can only be obtained when primes are part of the task set. In 2 experiments, the authors investigated whether the relevant task set feature needs to be explicitly instructed or could be extracted automatically in an incidental learning paradigm. Primes and targets were symmetrical arrows, with target color, not shape, the response-relevant feature. Shape and color covaried for targets (e.g., <> always blue, >< always green), whereas primes were always black. Over time, a negative compatibility effect (NCE; response benefits when prime and target had different shapes) developed, indicating that primes affected the motor system. When target shape and color varied independently (control condition), no NCE occurred, in line with the assumption that the NCE reflects task set-dependent motor processes, not perceptual interactions.  相似文献   

概化理论是关于行为测量可靠性的统计理论。G研究是进行概化理论分析的关键步骤,其主要目的是进行方差分量及其变异量估计。总结了影响概化理论G研究方差分量及其变异量估计的多种因素,包括估计方法、数据分布、研究设计、样本容量、模型效应和数据形态等,并指出了相关研究存在的六方面不足,如缺乏估计方法的综合比较、较少考察非正态分布数据、较少考虑不平衡或缺失数据等。  相似文献   

The emotional Stroop task has been the most widely used task to examine attentional bias to emotionally salient stimuli. In one format of this task, words are presented to participants in a mixed randomized or quasi-randomized sequence. Using a mixed smoking Stroop task, we have previously demonstrated that smokers are slower to respond to words which follow smoking-related words than words which follow neutral words. Here we show that this carry-over effect is present in heroin addicts-but not control subjects-in a heroin Stroop task, and in normal subjects in a stress Stroop task. Thus, the effect generalizes to other populations. In addition, an examination of the studies that have collected data from both mixed and blocked formats provides converging evidence for the presence of carry-over effects. We discuss the implications of the carry-over effect for research using the emotional Stroop task.  相似文献   

A burgeoning line of research examining the relation between personality traits and political variables relies extensively on convenience samples. However, our understanding of the extent to which using convenience samples challenges the generalizability of these findings to target populations remains limited. We address this question by testing whether associations between personality and political characteristics observed in representative samples diverged from those observed in the sub‐populations most commonly studied in convenience samples, namely, students and Internet users. We leverage 10 high‐quality representative datasets to compare the representative samples with the two subsamples. We did not find any systematic differences in the relationship between personality traits and a broad range of political variables. Instead, results from the subsamples generalized well to those observed in the broader and more diverse representative sample.  相似文献   

In three experiments we explored the nature of representations constructed during the perception and imagination of pitch. We employed a same–different task to eliminate the influence of nonauditory information and to minimise use of cognitive strategies on auditory imagery. A reference tone of frequency 1000, 1500, or 2000 Hz, or an imagined tone of a pitch indicated by a visual cue, was followed by a comparison tone (1000, 1500, or 2000 Hz) to which either a speeded same or different response was required. In separate experiments, same–different judgements were mapped to vertically (Experiments 1 and 2) and horizontally arranged responses (Experiment 3). Judgements of tones closer in pitch yielded longer reaction times and higher error rates than more distant tones, indicating a pitch distance effect for perceptual and imagery tasks alike. In addition, in the imagery task, same–different responses were faster when low-pitched tones demanded a bottom or left key response and high-pitched tones a top or right response than vice versa, suggesting that pitch is coded spatially. Together, these behavioural effects support the assumption that both perceived and imagined pitch are translated into an analogical representation in the spatial domain.  相似文献   

概化理论是现代心理与教育测量理论之一,可应用在各种人事测评中,如表现性评价、多源评估、心理测验、结构化面试、水平测试、工作分析、评价中心等.与经典测量理论相比,概化理论应用于人事测评,表现出较强的优势,能够同时考察多种因素、确定多个维度权重等,其应用对象主要包括两大类,即企业和机构.概化理论应用于人事测评,存在应用领域、样本数据、测评效度和微观分析等问题.  相似文献   

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