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Starting from perfectly discriminating nonmonotone dichotomous items, a class of probabilistic models with or without response errors and with or without intrinsically unscalable respondents is described. All these models can be understood as simply restricted latent class analysis. Thus, the estimation and identifiability of the parameters (class sizes and item latent probabilities) as well as the chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests (Pearson and likelihood-ratio) are free of the problems. The applicability of the proposed variants of latent class models is demonstrated on real attitudinal data.This research was supported by the Kulturamt der Stadt Wien, Magistratsabteilung 7.The author wishes to thank the editor, Ivo W. Molenaar, as well as Clifford C. Clogg and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on the earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

A common problem for both principal component analysis and image component analysis is determining how many components to retain. A number of solutions have been proposed, none of which is totally satisfactory. An alternative solution which employs a matrix of partial correlations is considered. No components are extracted after the average squared partial correlation reaches a minimum. This approach gives an exact stopping point, has a direct operational interpretation, and can be applied to any type of component analysis. The method is most appropriate when component analysis is employed as an alternative to, or a first-stage solution for, factor analysis.  相似文献   

Leisure items (e.g., games, toys) are commonly made available as controls during attention conditions of functional analyses (Ringdahl, Winborn, Andelman, & Kitsukawa, 2002). However, Ringdahl et al. raised questions about this practice. This paper reviews research that supports and conflicts with the inclusion of leisure items as controls, including a quantitative analysis of relevant articles published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis over a 10-year period. Data reviewed suggest that practitioners may consider omitting leisure items as controls or including such items strategically based on the accumulation of assessment information.  相似文献   

Three properties of the binormamin criterion for analytic transformation in factor analysis are discussed. Particular reference is made to Carroll's oblimin class of criteria.The research reported in this note was supported in part by the Program in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. National Science Foundation, and by the National Institute of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for empirically testing the appropriateness of using tetrachoric correlations for a set of dichotomous variables. Trivariate marginal information is used to get a set of one-degree of freedom chi-square tests of the underlying normality. It is argued that such tests should preferrably preceed further modeling of tetrachorics, for example, modeling by factor analysis. The assumptions are tested in some real and simulated data.Presented at the Psychometric Society meeting in Santa Barbara, California, June 25–26, 1984. The research of the first author was supported by Grant No. SES-8312583 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Whenr Principal Components are available fork variables, the correlation matrix is approximated in the least squares sense by the loading matrix times its transpose. The approximation is generally not perfect unlessr =k. In the present paper it is shown that, whenr is at or above the Ledermann bound,r principal components are enough to perfectly reconstruct the correlation matrix, albeit in a way more involved than taking the loading matrix times its transpose. In certain cases just below the Ledermann bound, recovery of the correlation matrix is still possible when the set of all eigenvalues of the correlation matrix is available as additional information.  相似文献   

The partial derivative matrices of the class of orthomax-rotated factor loadings with respect to the unrotated maximum likelihood factor loadings are derived. The reported results are useful for obtaining standard errors of the orthomax-rotated factor loadings, with or without row normalization (standardization) of the initial factor loading matrix for rotation. Using a numerical example, we verify our analytic formulas by comparing the obtained standard error estimates with that from some existing methods. Some advantages of the current approach are discussed.Authorship is determined by alphabetical order. The authors contributed equally to the research. Kentaro Hayashi is now at the Department of Mathematics, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837 (email: khayashi@Bucknell.edu). Yiu-Fai Yung is now at the SAS Institute, Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC 27513 (email: yiyung@wnt.sas.com).Part of the research was completed while Yiu-Fai Yung was a visiting scholar at the Department of Psychology, the Ohio State University. The visit was supported in part by grant N4856118101 from the NIMH and the Mason and Linda Stephenson Travel Award from the Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The authors are grateful to Michael Browne who suggested some relevant references and provided valuable comments on the research, and to Robert Cudeck who provided the FAS program for the numerical comparison. The expert comments by the reviewers are deeply appreciated.  相似文献   

A method is presented for estimating reliability using structural equation modeling (SEM) that allows for nonlinearity between factors and item scores. Assuming the focus is on consistency of summed item scores, this method for estimating reliability is preferred to those based on linear SEM models and to the most commonly reported estimate of reliability, coefficient alpha.  相似文献   

In order to make the parallel analysis criterion for determining the number of factors easy to use, regression equations for predicting the logarithms of the latent roots of random correlation matrices, with squared multiple correlations on the diagonal, are presented. The correlation matrices were derived from distributions of normally distributed random numbers. The independent variables are log (N–1) and log {[n(n–1)/2]–[(i–1)n]}, whereN is the number of observations;n, the number of variables; andi, the ordinal position of the eigenvalue. The results were excellent, with multiple correlation coefficients ranging from .9948 to .9992.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-67-A-0305-0012, Lloyd G. Humphreys, principal investigator, and by the Department of Computer Science of which Richard G. Montanelli, Jr., is a member.  相似文献   

Several factor analyses of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) have resulted in very similar solutions. Interpretation of this consistency is hampered by the fact that the 20 scales of the inventory share items. Overlapping items cause the scales to be linearly dependent and may create structure in the interscale correlation matrix which is separate from the subject response patterns. A factor analysis was performed on the matrix of item-overlap coefficients which describes the underlying artifactual structure of the instrument. Data from two new subject samples were factor analyzed and compared to previously published studies. Similarity coefficients among factors across studies were calculated.  相似文献   

The present study suggests a modelling methodology for examining measurement invariance of ordered categorical item indicators of latent constructs such as anxiety, coping, motives etc., in research settings with few subgroups and a large sample of individuals. The Hungarian version of the Anxiety Trait scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC-H) was administered to 605 boys and 975 girls of age 10–15 in 12 schools. A MIMIC model was suggested for examining measurement invariance across subgroups of schools and ages, while a multi-group analysis was recommended for investigating invariance across gender. High degree of invariance across groups was obtained for the Anxiety Trait scale in terms of item factor loadings, item thresholds and item homogeneity with respect to group contrast variables. Based on the diagnostic information obtained by the present methodology, the few item indicators showing non-invariance were discussed with reference to methodological and conceptual considerations.  相似文献   

平衡秤任务复杂性的事前与事后分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
任务复杂性的分析和评估是心理测量学和认知心理学都非常关注的重要主题。以264名小学四、五、六年级儿童为被试,平衡秤任务为研究材料,考察任务在未旋转时第一个因素上的载荷(事后分析)能否作为评价任务复杂性的一个指标,以及关系-表征复杂性模型对平衡秤任务复杂性分析(事前分析)的有效性两个问题。结果表明:平衡秤任务施测后所得所有项目的因素载荷与其难度之间没有显著正相关,即因素载荷的高低没有反映平衡秤任务复杂性的大小;而基于关系-表征复杂性模型对任务的事前分析所确定的任务等级复杂性和知识经验对任务难度的解释率为95.0%,可见,关系-表征复杂性模型提供的分析任务复杂性的思路和方法是较为合理的。  相似文献   

中学生学习成功感量表的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在访谈、开放式问卷等的基础上,自编了中学生学习成功感量表,并对上海市随机抽取的642名中学生进行了测量。结果表明:该量表的49个项目均有较好的区分度;四个分量表之间的相关表明该量表的建构是正确的;因素分析表明成功感分量表可以分为:与学习本身有关的积极情感、与他人有关的积极情感、满意感和学业自我效能感四个因子;该量表有较高的信度和效度,可以作为评鉴中学生学习成功感的有效工具。  相似文献   

Normative data for the Fear Questionnaire (Marks & Mathews, 1979), a popular self-report instrument measuring phobic concerns, were collected from both a community and a collegiate sample. The covariation and internal consistency of the blood-injury phobia (BI), social phobia (SO), and agoraphobia (AG) subscales were assessed in each sample, and the factor structure of the items from these three subscales was examined. Results indicated that, in general, community subjects reported more phobic concerns than did collegiate subjects, and females reported greater phobic concerns than did males. Results from confirmatory factor analyses suggest that the three factors of BI, SO, and AG did not emerge from either data set. Follow-up exploratory factor analyses did identify the general factors of blood-injury phobia and agoraphobia. Normative data from the present study are compared to those obtained previously, and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

A concept of approximate minimum rank for a covariance matrix is defined, which contains the (exact) minimum rank as a special case. A computational procedure to evaluate the approximate minimum rank is offered. The procedure yields those proper communalities for which the unexplained common variance, ignored in low-rank factor analysis, is minimized. The procedure also permits a numerical determination of the exact minimum rank of a covariance matrix, within limits of computational accuracy. A set of 180 covariance matrices with known or bounded minimum rank was analyzed. The procedure was successful throughout in recovering the desired rank.The authors are obliged to Paul Bekker for stimulating and helpful comments.  相似文献   


Psychological literature suggests that religion and spirituality increase in late adulthood. Yet, operational definitions of spirituality and religiosity remain widely debated and inadequate for the concepts they are designed to measure. The empirical studies of religion and spirituality as one ages are of poor design and often measure only limited aspects of religion or spirituality. Few empirical studies exist which have been conceived to only study religiosity and spirituality in late adulthood. The purpose of this study was to determine the defining aspects of religiosity and spirituality using the Allport, Ross Intrinsic, Extrinsic Religiosity Scale, Ellison's Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and Neugarten's Life Satisfaction Instrument. Using a principal component factor analysis, the study examined the factor structure using an older adult sample of 320 individuals 65 years of age and older. Having a purpose in life combines with intrinsic religious questions for the first factor. Life satisfaction questions group together on two factors and extrinsic religiosity is clearly one factor. The scales used hold together well when combined. A new, shortened scale to measure aspects of religiosity and spirituality is proposed.  相似文献   

A translation of the MCMI-I has been in use in Denmark for some years. An untested assumption in the interpretation of the pattern of test results is that the psychometric characteristics of the Danish and American versions are similar. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the questionnaire by using traditional psychometric analysis techniques on the results of a sample consisting of 423 patients and 179 normal controls. Coefficient alpha was calculated for the 20 clinical subscales of the test and the Danish results were strikingly similar to the original coefficients reported by Millon. Furthermore, factor analysis of the subscales showed a factor structure very similar to American findings, and it is concluded that the psychometric properties of the Danish MCMI are not significantly different from the original.  相似文献   

It was investigated whether commonly used factor score estimates lead to the same reproduced covariance matrix of observed variables. This was achieved by means of Schönemann and Steiger’s (1976) regression component analysis, since it is possible to compute the reproduced covariance matrices of the regression components corresponding to different factor score estimates. It was shown that Thurstone’s, Ledermann’s, Bartlett’s, Anderson-Rubin’s, McDonald’s, Krijnen, Wansbeek, and Ten Berge’s, as well as Takeuchi, Yanai, and Mukherjee’s score estimates reproduce the same covariance matrix. In contrast, Harman’s ideal variables score estimates lead to a different reproduced covariance matrix.  相似文献   

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