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Much past research on employee positive affective displays have explored their antecedents using a single level of analysis. The present study extends previous research by capturing the complex phenomenon of employee affective displays from a multilevel perspective. We used an event-sampling methodology to address a gap in the literature by examining affective displays at the intra-individual level and inter-individual level. Results based on 67 postal clerks completing 420 transactions in post offices in Taiwan show that customer negative affective displays were negatively correlated with employee positive affective displays. Moreover, employee perceived instrumental supervisory support had a cross-level moderating effect on the within-individual relationship between customer-displayed negative emotions and employee-displayed positive emotions. Specifically, those with perceived higher levels of instrumental supervisory support tended to express friendlier emotions while interacting with unhappy or angry customers than those with perceived lower levels of instrumental supervisory support. At the inter-individual level, results show that employee perceived emotional supervisory support was positively related to their affective displays at the aggregated employee level.  相似文献   

This study used a support gap approach to examine parental support to college‐going emerging adults. Based on data from 156 parent–child dyads, this study investigated whether discrepancies between the amounts of support that children received from parents and what they desired would be associated with both persons’ perceived support quality and individual and relational well‐being. Using polynomial regressions with response surface modeling, analyses demonstrated that, generally, support deficits (i.e., receiving less support than desired) were associated with poorer outcomes. However, support surpluses (i.e., receiving more support than desired) were not necessarily problematic, and children and parents exhibited different viewpoints regarding support surpluses. In addition, child‐reported support quality mediated several associations between support gaps and relationship satisfaction reported by both persons.  相似文献   

Call centre work was simulated in an experiment with 96 experienced call centre agents. The experimental design comprised two factors. First, agents communicated with customers either via phone, pc‐videoconference or pc‐videoconference with additional instructions increasing time pressure. The second experimental factor varied customer behaviour: half of the customers were friendly whereas the other half were rude. Several indicators of strain (e.g. emotional dissonance, tiredness) were assessed by self‐reports. Moreover, the levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in salvia were determined at three sampling points and specific behaviours of agents (e.g. smiling to customers) were assessed using video data. It was found that unfriendly customer behaviour led to more strain and lower call performance than friendly customer behaviour. Inducing time pressure increased IgA‐levels and reduced talking‐time with customers. However, contrary to the expectations, the availability of video data did not enhance strain of agents. Instead, it was found that videoconferencing increased activation of agents if customers were friendly. Since higher levels of activation can counteract boredom and because customers often prefer to see their service providers, adding videoconference facilities in call centres seem to be a fruitful way of enriching routine call centre work.  相似文献   

Rough‐and‐tumble play (RTP) is a common form of play between fathers and children. It has been suggested that RTP can contribute to the development of selfregulation. This study addressed the hypothesis that the frequency of father–child RTP is related to the frequency of physically aggressive behavior in early childhood. This relationship was expected to be moderated by the dominance relationship between father and son during play. Eighty‐five children between the ages of 2 and 6 years were videotaped during a free‐play session with their fathers in their homes and questionnaire data was collected about father–child RTP frequency during the past year. The play dyads were rated for the degree to which the father dominated play interactions. A significant statistical interaction revealed that RTP frequency was associated with higher levels of physical aggression in children whose fathers were less dominant. These results indicate that RTP is indeed related to physical aggression, though this relationship is moderated by the degree to which the father is a dominant playmate. Aggr. Behav. 35:285–295, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine the influence of perceived demographic dissimilarity and interaction on customer‐service satisfaction. Data were collected from 301 spectators at a professional men's tennis tournament. Results indicate that perceived demographic dissimilarity was negatively associated with customer service satisfaction. Further, this relationship was moderated by the amount of interaction between the employee and customer, such that the negative relationship was strongest when interaction was high. Results are discussed in terms of the theoretical implications related to relational demography and practical implications in terms of the “business case” for diversity.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of parent's and children's affective states on in‐store family purchase decisions. In particular, the study is interested in determining whether the affective state is related to the interaction strategy selected and their actual role in the decision. The implementation of this study using observational methodology within the store environment makes this contribution valuable and unique. Further, a major contribution of this study is the demonstration that the child's prepurchase affective state is a salient antecedent to purchase decisions of the parent–child dyad. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Much of the work in today's service industries requires women to deal with people outside of their organizations, namely, customers and clients, yet research on sexual harassment has focused almost exclusively on sexual harassment within organizations. Because the threat of harassment also operates at the boundaries of organizations, our existing models based solely on harassment inside organizations may be too restricted to adequately explain the harassment experiences of women in today's economy. To address this, the authors introduce a theoretical model of the antecedents and consequences of sexual harassment by clients and customers (CSH) and describe 2 field studies conducted to test components of the model. In Study 1, they developed a model of antecedents and consequences of CSH and illustrated that certain contextual factors (client power and gender composition of the client base) affect levels of CSH and that CSH is related to a number of job and psychological outcomes among professional women. Study 2 revealed that CSH is related to lower job satisfaction among nonprofessional women, above and beyond that which is accounted for by internal sexual harassment. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined how providing social support may reduce self‐control. Participants who reported greater effectiveness concerns and emotion regulation while providing daily support showed greater behavioral and subjective depletion; moreover, supporting partners' negative events tended to involve greater concerns and emotion regulation than partners' positive events (Study 1). It was the act of providing support (and not just listening to events) that led to depletion (Study 2), and manipulating individuals to have greater concerns about support effectiveness caused them to show less self‐control (Study 3). Overall, the results suggest that support provision can reduce self‐control in a variety of ways (influencing persistence, focus, and feelings of exhaustion), particularly when there are concerns about effectiveness and the need to regulate emotions.  相似文献   

Work–family balance and child rearing are major social concerns. Few studies, however, have addressed how parents' work–family conflict (WFC) associates with children's emotion regulation. This study proposes the link to occur through parents' psychological availability (PA). In our model we tested both intraindividual and interindividual effects on a sample of 138 dual‐earner couples with preschool‐aged children. Our results showed that WFC related negatively to PA (actor and partner effects); fathers' and mothers' PA associated negatively with child lability and positively with child emotion regulation. Indirect effects were found for fathers' and mothers' WFC and children's emotion regulation and lability through partners' PA, controlling for child gender and temperament. These findings showed a dyadic pattern among couples' work–family balance, parenting, and children's emotion regulation.  相似文献   

消费结构升级促使顾客通过参与价值共创获得更高层次心理满足感。顾客间通过网络平台参与交流、互动、分享和互助等价值共创行为,能够获得美好的情感体验,有助于形成人际之间的友谊,也使得顾客得以寻求自我表达和自我实现,收获更高层次的满足感。本研究以社会支持理论为基础,聚焦不同属性顾客在不同类型网站中参与在线互助的心理动机、心理收益和行为方式,采用行为实验、实证调查、案例研究、神经营销学等多种研究方法,深入剖析顾客参与在线互助过程中的心理和行为反应机制。预期研究成果将丰富现有顾客参与心理和行为的理论体系,也为企业激励顾客参与在线价值共创提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Word of mouth (WOM) is an important information source for consumers. Nowadays, many consumers promote and spread the word about their preferred brands, thereby influencing others' attitudes and behaviours. Based on a social behaviour perspective and the need to belong theory, this research proposes that the individual's need to belong and the individual's level of self‐disclosure increase their probability of engaging in positive WOM behaviour. The moderating role of self–brand connection in the aforementioned relationships is also analysed. In the study conducted, users of a well‐known baby food brand (n = 851) were surveyed. The results revealed that the individuals' need to belong fostered the desire to talk to others about their preferred brand. A negative moderating effect of self–brand connection was also observed. As the connection with the brand is lower, the motivation to engage in positive WOM will be more related to personal characteristics, such as their need to belong and level of self‐disclosure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article is an introduction to the Special Section entitled ‘Exploring positive, negative and context‐dependent aspects of proactive behaviours at work’ which features in this issue of Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the within‐ and cross‐domain influences of work and family domain stressors and support on two forms of work–family conflict (i.e. WIF: work interference with family, and FIW: family interference with work). To test our hypotheses, we collected multi‐source data from 248 Hong Kong employees and their spouses. Among the proposed work domain antecedents of WIF, time commitment and work role expectation were significant. Among the proposed family domain antecedents of FIW, parental demands were significant. Direct cross‐domain effects included family role expectation and parental demand on WIF and work role expectation and family‐friendly policies on FIW. Tests of the moderating effects of work and family support resulted in support for both within‐domain and cross‐domain interactions. Implications for researchers and human resource managers are discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the coregulation of positive affect during mother–infant and father–infant interactions, 100 couples and their first‐born child were videotaped in face‐to‐face interactions. Parents' and infant's affective states were coded in one‐second frames, and synchrony was measured with time‐series analysis. The orientation, intensity, and temporal pattern of infant positive arousal were assessed. Synchrony between same‐gender parent–infant dyads was more optimal in terms of stronger lagged associations between parent and infant affect, more frequent mutual synchrony, and shorter lags to responsiveness. Infants' arousal during mother–infant interaction cycled between medium and low levels, and high positive affect appeared gradually and was embedded within a social episode. During father–child play, positive arousal was high, sudden, and organized in multiple peaks that appeared more frequently as play progressed. Mother–infant synchrony was linked to the partners' social orientation and was inversely related to maternal depression and infant negative emotionality. Father–child synchrony was related to the intensity of positive arousal and to father attachment security. Results contribute to research on the regulation of positive emotions and describe the unique modes of affective sharing that infants coconstruct with mother and father. ©2003 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.  相似文献   

This study examined bidirectional relationship between mothers' lax and overreactive discipline and children's misbehaviour and negative effect. We examined the moment‐to‐moment stability of mothers' and children's behaviours (actor effects) and mothers' and children's influence on their partners' subsequent behaviours (partner effects). Participants were 71 mothers and their 24‐ to 48‐month‐old children observed during a 30‐min interaction. Both children and mothers exhibited stability in their own behaviours and influenced the subsequent behaviours of their partners. Additionally, a comparison of partner effects indicated that overreactive discipline more strongly predicted child's negative effect than child's negative effect predicted overreactive discipline. In contrast, although a child's negative effect predicted lax discipline, lax discipline did not predict subsequent child's negative effect. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Focused ultrasound therapy (FUS) is a modern and promising way for minimally invasive cancer treatment. Recent advances in treatment technology, bio‐physical models, and numerical simulation methods have given rise to a significant curative potential. However, clinical routine of FUS still features classical planning approaches, which widely fail in exploiting this potential. The structure of FUS planning problems strongly suggests interactive multi‐criteria decision‐making concepts in order to improve treatment quality. This research work introduces an multi‐criteria decision‐making approach to FUS planning and explains how to bridge the conceptual gap between the clinical state of the art and this new planning paradigm.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research is to identify the underlying cognitive structure of brand equity. Existing research on brand equity is used to identify 4 cognitive “components” of customer‐based brand equity. These are labeled as global brand attitude, strength of preference, brand knowledge, and brand heuristic. A conceptual framework of how these components (or subconstructs) are interrelated is proposed and empirically tested using data from 2 frequently purchased product categories. Covariance structure modeling is used as the analysis methodology. The results indicate that all the identified cognitive components are important determinants of customer‐based brand equity. Specifically, the brand heuristic component serves as an important mediator in 2 “cognitive chains” that link global brand attitude to brand knowledge and global brand attitude to strength of preference, respectively. The study findings have important implications for designing equity maintenance strategies for frequently purchased products.  相似文献   

Consumers increasingly subscribe to community‐supported agriculture (CSA) programs as an alternative retail channel for fresh produce. Compared with supermarket retailers, CSAs are built around an ethos of community rather than efficiency and economies of scale; and CSA programs demand far greater customer co‐production than supermarket retailers. For instance, CSA members (customers) assume responsibilities for physical distribution, market timing, and financial risk taking—activities that, for customers of traditional supermarkets, are assumed by the retailer or other market intermediaries. Service‐dominant logic suggests that such co‐production activities provide value for consumers. And the expanding demand for CSA programs anecdotally supports the notion that consumers find value in co‐producing fresh produce. However, whether or not co‐production leads to greater satisfaction with a product category remains largely untested. We draw on community theory to test if engagement in co‐production activities leads to satisfaction with a product category. By examining product satisfaction, we test an outcome of co‐production that is consumer‐centric. Results from an exploratory field study suggest that two types of value co‐creation—commitment to co‐production and behavioral involvement in product‐related activities—are positively correlated with product satisfaction. Our results support the notion that value co‐creation provides value for consumers. Interestingly, these findings are antithetical to studies that suggest service convenience constitutes non‐monetary value for consumers. Our study suggests that the community theory is a viable theoretical frame for consumer research on co‐production. Further, our findings suggest that consumer research into the co‐creation of value should incorporate measures of product satisfaction and draw on behavioral as opposed to exclusively attitudinal assessments of co‐production activities. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors tested 3 hypotheses regarding supervisor support in the work place. The validation hypothesis predicts that when employees are supported by their coworkers and the larger organization, they also receive more support from their supervisors. The positive affectivity hypothesis predicts that employees with positive dispositions receive more supervisor support because they are more socially oriented and likable. The moderation hypothesis predicts a joint multiplicative effect between validation and positive affectivity. An assessment of the hypotheses among a sample of 1,882 hospital employees in Korea provided strong support for the validation and moderation hypotheses.  相似文献   

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