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超声引导介入治疗是一种微创靶向治疗,具有操作简单、安全性高等优点,已成为临床肝癌非手术领域不可缺少的新技术。治疗手段主要包括微波消融、局部注射无水酒精、抗肿瘤生物反应调节剂等。在老年人这个特殊人群中的应用得到较多重视。本文就超声引导介入治疗在老年原发性肝癌中的应用做一讨论。  相似文献   

超声引导介入治疗是一种微创靶向治疗,具有操作简单、安全性高等优点,已成为临床肝癌非手术领域不可缺少的新技术.治疗手段主要包括微波消融、局部注射无水酒精、抗肿瘤生物反应调节剂等.在老年人这个特殊人群中的应用得到较多重视.本文就超声引导介入治疗在老年原发性肝癌中的应用做一讨论.  相似文献   

超声引导介入治疗是一种微创靶向治疗,具有操作简单、安全性高等优点,已成为临床肝癌非手术领域不可缺少的新技术。治疗手段主要包括微波消融、局部注射无水酒精、抗肿瘤生物反应调节剂等。在老年人这个特殊人群中的应用得到较多重视。本文就超声引导介入治疗在老年原发性肝癌中的应用做一讨论。  相似文献   

慢性稳定性心绞痛的介入治疗目前还存在争议,国内、外相关指南及循证医学资料显示:慢性稳定性心绞痛低危患者强化药物治疗在减少缺血事件方面与介入治疗效果相同;对中、高危患者冠状动脉介入治疗可能从中获益.本文从慢性稳定性心绞痛定义、临床特点、循证医学证据、危险评估及冠状动脉介入治疗指征等方面详细阐述了稳定性心绞痛介入治疗策略.  相似文献   

介入治疗是冠心病治疗的重要手段之一.但目前在稳定性冠心病的治疗中出现了过度使用的问题.因此我们必须理性地认识到,包括冠脉介入治疗(PCI)在内的血运重建措施只是重要的治疗手段之一,而绝非其全部.在稳定性冠心痛治疗中,健康教育、改变生活方式、充分的药物治疗也是不可或缺的部分.  相似文献   

冠心痛的发病率逐年升高,死亡率居高不下,成为威胁人类健康的重要疾病.人们为了攻克这一难题进行了不懈的工作,溶栓、监护及介入治疗的出现挽救了众多生命.随着冠状动脉介入治疗方法的不断完善和广泛开展,冠状动脉介入治疗越来越成为冠心病治疗的主要临床手段.但随之而来的手术并发症、支架在狭窄等问题成为不得不考虑的问题.治疗策略的选择成为治疗成败的关键.如何通过合理的思维方式采取正确治疗策略成为临床医生必须面对的问题.有进行深入探讨的必要.  相似文献   

介入治疗是冠心病治疗的重要手段,介入治疗时机、方式、介入手术和外科手术以及内科治疗的选择,是关系到患者生命的首要问题。现从循证医学及冠心病治疗指南与医生的理解、掌握与运用的角度,探讨有利于患者的医疗行为。在临床工作中寻求医生对指南的理解、运用的一致和平衡。  相似文献   

介入治疗是冠心病治疗的重要手段之一。但目前在稳定性冠心病的治疗中出现了过度使用的问题。因此我们必须理性地认识到,包括冠脉介入治疗(PCI)在内的血运重建措施只是重要的治疗手段之一,而绝非其全部。在稳定性冠心病治疗中,健康教育、改变生活方式、充分的药物治疗也是不可或缺的部分。  相似文献   

本期“临床决策研究”栏目由杨宁等撰写的“客观认识心脏介入治疗”对目前心脏介入治疗进行了客观评价和反思,认为目前由于医疗卫生体制不完善,医疗机构过分追求经济效益等因素的影响,使心脏介入治疗技术出现了偏差,文章指出心脏介入治疗的应用,应该严格把握适应证,社会效益与经济效益相结合,在配备好的硬件设施的同时,更要重视软件的培养,作者强调应用心脏介入治疗技术治疗心脏疾病,必须将自然科学和社会科学结合起来,用最恰当、最合适的诊治方案为患者去除病痛。  相似文献   

本期"临床决策研究"栏目由杨宁等撰写的"客观认识心脏介入治疗"对目前心脏介入治疗进行了客观评价和反思,认为目前由于医疗卫生体制不完善,医疗机构过分追求经济效益等因素的影响,使心脏介入治疗技术出现了偏差,文章指出心脏介入治疗的应用,应该严格把握适应证,社会效益与经济效益相结合,在配备好的硬件设施的同时,更要重视软件的培养,作者强调应用心脏介入治疗技术治疗心脏疾病,必须将自然科学和社会科学结合起来,用最恰当、最合适的诊治方案为患者去除病痛."  相似文献   

An emerging philosophical perspective called “postphenomenology,” which offers reflection upon human relations to technology, has the potential to increase our understanding of the functions performed by imaging technologies in scientific practice. In what follows, I review some relevant insights and expand them for use in the concrete analysis of practices of image interpretation in science. As a guiding example, I explore how these insights bear upon a contemporary debate in space science over images of the fossilized remains of a river delta on the surface of Mars. These considerations include an analysis of the ways that the objects of study are transformed by the mediating imaging technologies, such as the Mars Orbiter Camera.
Robert RosenbergerEmail:

心理理论是指对自己和他人心理状态的认识,并由此对相应行为作出因果性的预测和解释。心理理论的发展不仅是儿童脱离自我中心、建立良好同伴关系的重要条件,而且还通过影响儿童的观点采择等心理机制影响儿童责任意识的形成与发展。这一理论对于当前的责任教育具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

While still developing in Germany, a consensus has emerged in the United States on the use of advance directives for guiding future medical decision making. This article outlines three phases in the evolution of advance directive forms--the legal phase, the checklist phase, and the story phase. The story-based approach is discussed as the best method for assessing patient values and incorporating them into advance directives, and a story-based advance directive form, which has been developed and tested during the past two years, is presented.  相似文献   

扩散张量成像是目前唯一可以在活体显示大脑内白质纤维走向的磁共振成像技术,对于脑胶质瘤术前诊断,制定手术计划,指导手术及判定预后等方面是非常有帮助的。综述了近年来扩散张量成像技术在脑胶质瘤诊断、治疗及判定预后中的应用价值,并结合文献提出了目前存在的不足。  相似文献   

According to moral sentimentalism, there are close connections between moral truths and moral emotions. Emotions largely form our moral attitudes. They contribute to our answerability to moral obligations. We take them as authoritative in guiding moral judgement. This role is difficult to understand if one accepts a full-blown moral realism, according to which moral truths are completely independent of our emotional response to them. Hence it is tempting to claim that moral truths depend on our emotional responses. I outline a problem for this view: we are adamant that, if our moral sentiments were different, things would be the same, morally speaking. Moral truth does not seem to counterfactually depend on moral sentiments. I show how this independence can be reconciled with the role of moral sentiments in guiding our moral outlook. I draw on Yablo’s distinction between response-dependent and response-enabled properties. I propose that moral truths are response-enabled: their supervenience base does not include anything about our emotions. Hence they do not counterfactually depend on changes in our emotional response. However, their factual supervenience base being naturally ineligible, it is ultimately our response that enables them to play their role as an independent moral compass.  相似文献   

在伊斯兰文化中蕴含着丰富的和谐思想,归纳和整理其中的和谐思想,使之形成一个完整的体系,是伊斯兰教"解经"工作进一步深入开展的必然需要,也为伊斯兰教适应社会主义社会提供了更多的理论支持。本文从伊斯兰文化中和谐思想的核心、指导思想、精神实质及其基本的道德主张等方面,归纳出了伊斯兰文化中和谐思想框架体系。  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, research on meta-emotion and related concepts such as meta-mood and need for affect has become fruitful and prominent across a variety of disciplines, including media psychology. This paper reviews the literature on meta-emotion and considers problems regarding the definition and operationalization of this construct. We propose a process model of meta-emotion and emotion regulation to integrate and extend existing work. Drawing on appraisal theories of emotion, we understand meta-emotion as a process that monitors and appraises emotions and recruits affective responses toward them, which results in a motivation to maintain and approach emotions, or to control and avoid them. This meta-emotion process plays an important role in media users' selection or rejection of specific media offerings and their invitation to experience emotion. We discuss how this framework may integrate previously unrelated findings on the role of emotions in guiding selective media use and conclude with directions for further research.  相似文献   

The vulnerability of participants in Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) programs is a consequence of the illnesses that they are experiencing; ethical guarantees must be in place that ensure the dignity of the persons involved in such programs. Dignity is more than an individual concern; it has individual, institutional, and societal dimensions. An ethical framework is proposed that involves the interrelated vulnerabilities and needs of individuals and communities and our societal response to them. Among the issues given particular attention are individual and community stigmatization, target population involvement in program planning, balance with regard to confidentiality and privacy, the place of proportionality grounded in a rich sense of community as a guiding ethical priniciple, and guidelines for SAMHSA programs.  相似文献   

This paper reveals findings from a small-scale research project which explored how university careers advisers experience their role in guiding clients within a labour market where barriers to social mobility prevail. The research discovers that advisers' daily work gives them a depth of insight into social mobility. The professional turbulence in which advisers operate and the evolution of their role from in-depth work to a focus on breadth is chronicled. University environments vary with regard to the scope advisers have to impact lives, but a strong set of values anchors them. Recommendations are made with regard to how high quality careers information, advice and guidance can support social mobility for traditionally disadvantaged students into the labour market.  相似文献   

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