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Assigned hypnotizable (N = 56) and simulating Ss (N = 44) to 1 of 4 conditions: heard a phone ring and conversation, received a suggestion to hear a phone ring and conversation, received a suggestion and heard a phone ring and conversation, or neither heard a phone nor received a suggestion. Hypnotizable Ss successfully discriminated objective events from suggested sources of input. When Ss received a suggestion to hear a phone ring, only 11.5% indicated it actually rang in their open-ended reports; in response to a forced-choice question, none did so. In spontaneous reports, none of the hypnotizable Ss who heard a phone ring indicated it was suggested; only one did so in response to a forced-choice item (vs. 2 simulators). In the no-phone/no-suggestion condition, more simulators than hypnotizable Ss indicated that a phone rang or was suggested.  相似文献   

This study compared 20 real, hypnotized and 20 simulating, unhypnotized participants who were administered a hypnotic induction and then presented with emotionally distressing and neutral visual images. Half were administered a hypnotic suggestion for emotional numbing. Reals and simulators who received the emotional numbing suggestion reported comparably less responsivity to distressing stimuli than others. Whereas emotionally numb reals displayed little change in electromyographic (EMG) activity during the distressing stimuli, simulators displayed marked reduction in EMG activity. Reals (not simulators) displayed a dissociation between their affective response and awareness of the negative content of the stimuli following the numbing suggestion.  相似文献   

Taylor  Henry 《Philosophical Studies》2020,177(11):3493-3507
Philosophical Studies - One of the most poorly understood features of consciousness is the relation between an experience and the subject of the experience. In this paper, I develop an ontology of...  相似文献   

Basic symptoms, as defined and described by the Bonn Scale, were assessed by means of a new self-report inventory, the Rome Basic Disorders Scale. On all the subscales, psychiatric outpatients (n = 105; most frequent diagnoses: Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders, and Mood Disorders) scored significantly higher (p < .001) than nonclinical controls (n = 105). Psychiatric patients with at least one diagnosis on the psychotic sets of Foulds' hierarchical inventory (n = 45), compared with the rest of the psychiatric sample (n = 60), had significantly higher scores on nearly all subscales. Two groups of inpatients with Schizophrenia (n = 20) and Mood Disorders (n = 20) were tested on Day 2 and 9 of hospitalization in an emergency ward. Schizophrenic patients had significantly higher scores on most of the subscales, but only on Day 9; on Day 2 depressed and manic patients scored significantly higher on four subscales. Until now basic symptoms had not been studied during the intrapsychotic phase, mainly because of their transformation into first-rank symptoms; present findings suggest that basic symptoms are active also at the height of the psychotic breakdown and that they are more responsive to treatment in Depression and Mania than in Schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The effect of spectral motion on the tritone paradox was investigated by pretesting subjects residing in southwestern Ontario, Canada, on the tritone task, presenting them with a continuous ascending or descending chromatic scale created using Shepard tones, and then retesting them on the tritone task. Results indicated a negative-motion aftereffect that affected the orientation of the pitch class circle. Differential effects of perceived pitch height on the lower portion of the pitch class circle and of adaptation on the upper portion of the pitch class circle were found in the pre- and postadaptation data, respectively. The implications of this dissociation are discussed. In addition, since our subjects lived relatively close to the U.S. border, the experimental pretests allowed us to examine the hypothesis that a canonical American pitch template similar to that found among “Californian” subjects (Deutsch, 1991) is propagated by linguistic influences of media such as television and radio (Ragozzine & Deutsch, 1994). A survey of our subjects indicated that overall, the majority of time engaged in listening to the radio and watching television or movies was spent with American sources. Despite this, and despite the fact that subjects had widely varying language and cultural backgrounds, a tight distribution of peak-pitch classes was found that is indicative of a “British” pitch template (Deutsch, 1991) for every subject tested.  相似文献   

Misled subjects may know more than their performance implies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many studies have demonstrated that subjects exposed to misleading postevent information are likely to report the misinformation with confidence on subsequent tests of memory for the event. The purpose of the present studies was to determine whether subjects exposed to misleading postevent information come to believe they remember seeing the misinformation at the original event. A second question addressed by the present studies is whether exposure to misinformation reduces subjects' ability to remember the source of items they witnessed at the original event. In two experiments, subjects viewed a slide sequence depicting an event, were subsequently exposed to misleading information or neutral information about selected aspects of the event, and were later tested on their memory for the source of original and misleading details. The results showed that exposure to misinformation did not lead subjects to believe they remembered seeing the misinformation, nor did it reduce subjects' ability to accurately identify the source of originally seen details. The same pattern of results was obtained whether subjects were tested immediately (Experiment 1) or after a 1-day delay (Experiment 2). Collectively, the results suggest that subjects may report misinformation even if they know they do not remember seeing it.  相似文献   

Twenty-one healthy subjects were instructed to observe the mirror image of the tactile stimulation of their own hand (control condition) or an assistant’s hand (experimental condition) while being queried about the referred sensation (RS) in their own masked hand behind the mirror. The rated intensity of the RS under the experimental condition was significantly stronger than that under the control condition. In a second experiment, the experimental condition was replaced with the tactile stimulation of a prosthetic (rubber) hand, and was compared with the tactile stimulation of the subject’s own hand (control condition). In both of the experiments, the rated intensity of RS was significantly stronger under the experimental condition than under the control condition. The qualitative characteristics of the induced RS on the mirror image hand—including the location, sense of ownership, and various subjective feelings—were also found to vary among subjects. In conclusion, an RS could be induced in healthy subjects on the mirror image of the hand by tactile stimulations, although this effect differed substantially among individuals.  相似文献   

Distress is experienced, understood and communicated differently across various cultures. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of culture, religion and spirituality in patients’ understanding of and coping with mental problems. A quantitative survey was done at a psychiatric institution. A questionnaire was designed to explore patients’ cultural and religious beliefs about mental illness, and how these beliefs and perceptions influenced their actions in search for recovery. Questionnaires were completed by 94 patients. The majority of participants were Christian (79.8%), followed by African traditionalists (17.0%). Seventy-two per cent believed that faith in God, and 34.4% that help from religious leaders, could contribute to mental wellness. Approximately a third (29.0%) believed that by keeping their ancestors happy, they would be protected from sickness and bad luck. Mental healthcare providers’ sensitivity to cultural and religious beliefs will translate into a more comprehensive management plan, ensuring a satisfying therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

There are increasing numbers of self-referral stress-management programs, a few of which use group-relaxation techniques, but few data are available on the personalities of the symptomatic and asymptomatic clients who attend or on any changes in personality after the program. Scores on the Eysenck Personality Inventory, Multiple Health Locus of Control, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory as well as demographic information were obtained from 255 adults who attended a 10-session, university-based, group-relaxation program. The symptomatic clients reported significantly less anxiety, less neuroticism, were more extraverted and ascribed less of their behavior to chance at a 1 month post-treatment follow-up than at intake. The small group of asymptomatic clients also reported less anxiety and neuroticism at the follow-up. There were no sex differences on the Eysenck inventory or the anxiety scales but there were for the Multiple Health internal and control scales. It was concluded that group relaxation appeared to improve mental health scores effectively for both stressed and nonstressed adults and that age was significantly related to some personality scores.  相似文献   

L J Siegel  N J Griffin 《Adolescence》1983,18(72):965-973
The purpose of this study was to quantify the behavioral cues adolescents use to identify their peers as depressed in order to gain a more accurate understanding of the factors associated with adolescent depressive symptomatology. Because of limited information about depression in adolescents, a questionnaire was constructed to explore the concept in this age group. Ninety-nine middle and high school students, 12 to 18 years old, completed the questionnaire which included open-ended and forced choice questions. The results indicated that social isolation was an important component of adolescents' concepts of depression among their peers. Subjects felt that there was a higher frequency of alcohol and marijuana use among depressed as compared to non-depressed peers. Eighty-six percent of the subjects believed that most depressed adolescents had suicidal thoughts, but only 35% believed that most depressed adolescents had attempted suicide. Factor analyses of the subjects' responses to the open-ended questions delineated several underlying dimensions of depressive symptomatology which adolescents appear to use in identifying their peers as depressed.  相似文献   

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