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The new needs as regards care taking charge of patients have contributed to the creation of health networks. As they are growing fast, they are an integral part of the French sanitation system. The impact, on the health professionals, of networking is, today, the object of contrasted research and results, but has little been studied as far as Social Psychology, Work and Organizations are concerned. This article follows a research project which had the objective, on the one hand, to describe the effects of the participation to a health network mental health at work and, on the other hand, to examine the variables and process accounting for the variability of these effects. This research privileges an approach to the health network as a place of socialization and personalization (Malrieu, 1979). The research on the ground is carried out in collaboration with the health network town-hospital Prevention and Taking charge of Pediatric Obesity Network (RéPPOP) Midi-Pyrénées. We have carried out semi-guided interviews with 20 private professionals (8 doctors, 8 dieticians, 3 psychologists, 1 physiotherapist) members of the RePPOP Midi-Pyrénées network. The main results show that the perception of positive and/or negative effects of networking on mental health varies according to the age of membership of the network and the processes of transfer of experience (from professional practice within the network to professional practice off-network and vice versa). Proposals are deduced in terms of continuing education within the network.  相似文献   

The various functions of reminiscence are now well known. Less known is, on the other hand, the role of these functions in psychological functioning among elderly. A conceptual model in which reminiscence functions mediate the relationship between adverse experiences of everyday life and psychological well-being was developed and estimated using structural equation modeling. Data was obtained from a sample of 241 adults and elderly (55–98 years old). Hypotheses involving mediation were demonstrated using the rationale suggested by Holmbeck (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 65 [1997] 599–610) and Bootstrap procedure (MacKinnon, D.P. [2008]. Introduction to statistical mediation analysis. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). Results indicated that reminiscence totally mediated the relationship between daily hassles and mental health as evaluated by Sense of Coherence and Ego Integrity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to measure the relationships between organizational recognition and workplace psychological health for emergency dispatchers by a predictif correlational design. Data collected from a secure online questionnaire sent to dispatchers via four emergency call centers (n = 155) measured psychological health at work (Gilbert et al., 2011) and organizational recognition (Brun and Dugas, 2005). The results of multiple linear regression analyses partially confirmed the hypothesized links between the two variables: they attested that organizational and co-worker recognition partially explained psychological well-being at work (R2 = .25, p < .001) and psychological distress at work (R2 = .30, p < .001) among emergency dispatchers.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2014,20(4):231-248
This study focuses on the burnout framework and aims at examining the links between, on the one hand, the psychological burden, decision latitude, organizational justice and self-esteem and, on the other hand, the burnout. We measure the mediator effect of the social support. The data derived from a questionnaire submitted to 122 managers allowed us to establish a correlation matrix, linear regressions on the burnout and mediation analyzes. The results indicate that the predominant variables would be the organizational justice, support from colleagues, self-esteem and affects. The mediator effect of the social support between the different types of justice and the burnout was partially validated.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how the widespread use of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic may have created a specific work context influencing employees’ psychological health and performance. Results of analyses conducted on a sample of 3771 Canadian teleworkers revealed that telework created additional demands such as task interdependence and professional isolation. These demands had negative effects on telework performance by increasing the frequency of perceived stress. However, the presence of resources such as organizational support appeared to play a buffering role in moderating the direct effect of professional isolation on telecommuting performance.  相似文献   

A proportion of 55 % of school administrators experience a high level of job stress mainly caused by relationship conflicts and overwork. According to the demands and resources of employment model, having personal resources would protect against the harmful effect of the difficulties experienced and the more specific a resource, the more it can counter the effect. Thus, political skills (HP) would decrease the effect of demands related to relationship conflicts, while the sense of self-efficacy (PES) decreases the negative impact of the workload on the PES. The objective of this study is to verify the effect of personal resources, HP and MS, on the relationship between job demands and job psychological health. A total of 232 school administrators from Quebec participated in the study. Job demands, as well as personal resources, are linked to anxiety and serenity according to Bakker and Demerouti (2007). Nevertheless, the SEP does not interact with the relationship of demands and psychological health in employment (PES). In addition, only the social astuteness dimension of HP moderates the relationship of demands and anxiety.  相似文献   

The aim of Patient Education (PE) is to make patients with chronic diseases more autonomous by facilitating their adherence to treatments and improving their quality of life. It is a multidisciplinary and expanding device. This article's aim is to propose a state of play of PE and its perspective in relation to psychology, especially health psychology, as a discipline and a practice. First, the development of PE in its historical context is presented as well as its definition. Then, the place and contribution of health psychology and psychologists in PE is presented. The following points deal with the contributions of research to understand the efficacy of PE, the difficulties that the different professionals face and the place of relatives. Finally, a reflexion about the links between the training of psychologists and the training for PE is proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine whether perceived organizational support, leader membership exchange and social solidarity were related to employee commitment to the organization and to organizational citizenship behavior. A survey questionnaire measuring the relevant variables was sent to 276 employees from 3 organizations. The results of the study indicate that perceived organizational support, leader membership exchange and social solidarity were positively associated with affective organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Perceived organizational support is more strongly related to organizational citizenship behavior when poverty is low.  相似文献   

A growing interest in the human sciences has emerged in the last twenty years with respect to mindfulness. Until recently, there were confusions of the concept of mindfulness with the meditation practices. According to Brown and Ryan (2003), mindfulness is an innate tendency of all individuals, present at different degrees, that demonstrated both conceptual and empirical utility in the last years, in studies on psychological well-being, physical health, work and sport performance, and the field of the interpersonal relationships. The object of this article is to present this psychological concept as well as the results of the studies relating to the effects of this attribute on well-being and on emotional and behavioural regulation. In the second part of the article, we present a review of the literature of the principal therapeutic interventions based on mindfulness. Several meta-analyses show moderate to important effect sizes of this type of approach on the symptoms of depression and anxiety (Hofmann et al., 2010). Lastly, we propose orientations for future research on mindfulness and on related interventions.  相似文献   

Bilan de compétences (BC)’ effects on workers’ emotional states remain little explored. BC may reduce work-related negative emotional states and enhance positive ones. This was tested using a two-study design. In the first study, 38 respondents filled in the POMS-f, a questionnaire on emotional states, at the beginning or/and at the end of their BC. Six of them were also interviewed one week after the end of their BC. In the second study, 59 respondents filled in the same questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of their BC. In both studies, BC significantly reduced most of negative emotional states and increased positive ones.  相似文献   

To be in prison consists in enduring the enticements of multiple stressors and constraints leading to an unpredictable and often uncontrollable situation. This generates serious health troubles and distress in the population living in prison. Physical Exercise (PE) is well acquainted for its benefits in terms of health and as such it seems reasonable to suggest its contribution in ameliorating life conditions among detainees, although the literature on the subject is quite scanty. The present report shows that moderate PE may contribute actively in ameliorating the health status. Notably perceived stress and other psychological factors are significantly improved in a small and particular population of detainees, sex offenders.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2019,25(4):383-397
The psychological assessment is a widespread approach in child and adolescent psychology, but few studies have examined the experiences of the main stakeholders during this process. This study was conducted among 105 parents consulting for their child in a psychological counseling centre, and investigated by ad-hoc questionnaires the dimensions that can be involved at different moments of the assessment: expectations and perceptions, motivation for change, working alliance, and satisfaction with care. The results highlight the importance of parents’ initial representations and the quality of first contact with psychologists. This study enhances our understanding of procedural elements little studied and yet determinant for the engagement of parents in the psychological assessment and the intervention that would follow.  相似文献   

The present article offers a review of the literature evaluating work-life balance training (which includes work-family balance training). The research, spanning over 43 databases, allowed the identification of 17 pertinent peer-reviewed articles. The selected studies are analysed in light of their main characteristics (design, sample, intervention, outcomes, etc.). The analysis shows that the offering of work-life balance training benefits both employees and managers. The methodological presuppositions and limitations of the selected studies are then critically examined. Lastly, possible topics for further research, such as the importance of conducting comparative researches and of adopting quasi-experimental and experimental protocols, are suggested in manner of conclusion.  相似文献   

This paper presents the issues and main principles of community psychology and community research as well as associated relationships and viewpoints in terms of health psychology and social psychology. In this perspective, the paper presents the context in which community psychology has emerged and its fundamental principles such as empowerment, community involvement and the ecological model. Using two examples of research in prevention of HIV infection, the paper leads to a greater comprehension of how a particular community-based approach to involve affected populations may be particularly relevant, not only to better understand their beliefs and behaviors but also to try to encourage them to change current behaviors or generate new ones. Research with adolescents involved in promoting condom use illustrates the use of psychosocial models of behavior change through a community approach. A second research focus on medical and psychosocial innovation through the use of non-routine, rapid screening tests for HIV - which are neither carried out nor supervised by medical personnel - aims to highlight the impact of the development of preventive action by directly concerned communities. The article aims to present the innovative methodological and epistemological issues which underpin community research.  相似文献   

Literature findingsMental health promotion is still insufficiently known by psychologists and few of them work in this field, in part because it is based on public health concepts and data. Furthermore, its approach is focused on positive health – as opposed to deficit models – which proposes interventions consisting in developing human competencies and strengths as a means of preventing potential future mental illnesses.DiscussionThe present stake, in the field of mental health, thus requires a paradigmatic change in psychologists which would enable to move from mainly curative interventions to actions oriented towards individual and collectives’ potentialities. This article presents a synthesis of mental health determinants as well as national and international public policies aiming at developing health promotion.ConclusionIt concludes on how psychologist could become major actors in this field.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2019,64(4):361-375
Changes, innovations and developments in the corporate environment are followed by new organizational policies. These new work policies are marked by the introduction of innovative working tools commonly known as Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The aim of this article is to propose a theoretical reflection on the technological changes and psychological health at work. From a corpus of articles and books published in management and psychology journals (English and French), several categories of ICTs in organizations are explored. These ICTs lead from a rigid organization to a flexible one. They enable organizations to maximize productive capacities, reduce intermediate management, recompose work collectives and develop the versatility of employees. These arrangements also change the nature, modalities and content of the work to be carried out. Beyond that, ICTs give workers the opportunity to renew their skills, open up new fields of action, broaden the space for autonomy and increase efficiency. But at the same time, these technologies can also involve more control and pressure, increase intensification factors and considerably reduce the scope for maneuver and expression of the trade; exposing the psychological health of employees to risks such as stress and burn out.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(4):361-374
A number of previous studies have focused on the effect of sport practice on eating disorders and substance use. Most of these studies suggest that among students sport practice is related to low levels of health issues like eating disorders and substance use. However, there is a relative dearth of evidence for these relationships and previous findings are based on comparisons between people involved in sport practice and physical activity and sedentary or largely inactive people. The present study aims to test the effects of frequency of sport practice on college students’ eating disorders and substance use when also controlling for gender effects.MethodsOne thousand and seventy-three first year college students (35.6% boys, 64.4% girls) volunteered to participate in the study. Participants were divided into three groups according to the frequency of their sport practice: students who rarely participated in sport practice (less than one hour a week and not every week; 406 students, 26.4% boys vs 73.6% girls), students who frequently participated in sport practice (every week but less than eight hours a week; 173 students, 33.5% boys vs 66.5% girls), and students who had intensive sport practice (eight hours a week or more; 494 students, 43.9% boys vs 56.1% girls). Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use were assessed using the Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST). Three different categories of eating disorders (Dieting, Bulimia, Oral control) were assessed using the EAT-26 inventory. ANOVAs were computed to test for gender differences across the three sport practice groups.ResultsResults of univariate ANOVAs revealed main effects for gender and sport practice on some of the substance use and eating disorder variables, ANOVA with multiple comparisons (Tamhan T Test) revealed a significant interaction effect of sport practice and gender on oral control and tobacco use. For girls, oral control and tobacco use do not vary within the three groups of sport practice whereas for boys the more frequent the sport practice, the lower their scores on oral control and tobacco use. For oral control, boys reported significantly higher scores than girls only when sport practice was rare. For tobacco use, boys reported significantly higher scores than girls when sport practice was rare and lower scores when sport practice was intensive.ConclusionThese results suggest that the positive effects of sport practice vary by gender and that the campaigns for promotion of physical activity might assist in the prevention of health issues amongst students but should be adapted according to the gender of the participants.  相似文献   

This study is about psychological distress lived by Canadian workers. Only a few studies considered personal traits in the comprehension of this phenomenon. This study aims to determine the moderator role of self-esteem, the sense of control and the sense of cohesion on the relation between the work organization conditions and psychological distress. Some longitudinal data (n=7338 workers) coming from five cycles (1994-2003) of the National Population Health Survey (NPHS) have been used to complete some multilevel analysis (n1=time and n2=individual). The results indicate that the sense of control and the sense of cohesion play a moderator role on the relation between some of the work organization conditions and the level of psychological distress.  相似文献   

Gender or beauty stereotypes strongly influence evaluations and hiring decisions. Recent studies (Jawahar & Mattson, 2005) show an evolution of the lack of Fit model (Heilman, 1983) : the beauty of the women is not any more a handicap for certain managerial jobs. In order to test the model, we distinguished the hierarchical status and the sex type of the job and we measured the effects of attractiveness, gender and of the aptitude on the hirability, on the perceived desirability and utility and on the perceived competence. According to the variance analysis, the attractive applicants were ranked as more hirable, more useful, more socially desirable, and more competent. The applicants who were highly qualified were considered more hirable, more useful and more competent but the aptitude did not influence the desirability.  相似文献   

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