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伪气功的起源与吕炳奎 话说前北戴河气功疗养院首任院长刘贵珍,在五十年代将古人流传下来的吐呐、导引、静坐养生等诸多锻炼方法统一命名为气功,上报给卫生部并得到卫生部表彰,将气功锻炼推广到全国后,曾经掀起了第一次全国性群众学练气功的热潮。然而,好景不  相似文献   

3~5岁幼儿反事实思维的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张坤 《心理学探新》2007,27(1):57-60,74
该研究采用结果和前提反事实推理任务,选取58名3-5岁幼儿为被试,考察了其反事实思维能力的发展。结果表明:1.3岁儿童在结果反事实推理中的得分显著低于4岁和5岁儿童,而4岁和5岁儿童的得分并不存在显著差异;2.幼儿的前提反事实推理因结构和方向不同而表现出不同的年龄变化趋势;3.幼儿产生的上行和下行反事实论断之间不存在显著差异。如成人一样,幼儿较少产生减法反事实。  相似文献   

Fluency characteristics of 36 nonstuttering males aged 2, 4, and 6 yr are presented in terms of patterns of disfluency and relationships among disfluency variables. The most frequently occuring disfluency types at each age level were revision-incomplete phrase and interjections; the least noted type was part-word repetitions for 2- and 4-yr olds and disrhythmic phonations for 6-yr-olds. Patterns of disfluency appear to be similar at all age levels studied, except that the 2-yr-old pattern showed greater magnitudes in various disfluency types. A range exists in the relationships among individual disfluency types, from moderately strong relationships between, for example, revision-incomplete phrase and interjections to lack of linear relationships between, for example, interjections and phrase repetitions. A linguistic factor may be strong within certain disfluency types. e.g., revision-incomplete phrase, interjections, and word repetitions, whereas a motor factor may be operative in others, e.g., part-word repetitions and disrhythmic phonations.  相似文献   

The Wason 2-4-6 task was embedded in a practical reasoning scenario where number sequences had well-defined utilities in the process of achieving a goal. Reasoners' hypothesis-testing behavior was clearly goal-driven and was significantly influenced by whether the utilities favored positive or negative sequences. In the version of the scenario where generating positive sequences had greater benefits than generating negative ones, participants performed poorly at the task as measured by their ability to guess the correct rule and by the nature and number of triples tested before making an announcement. In contrast, the scenario that assigned a greater utility to the production of negative sequences fostered significantly more diligent and creative hypothesis-testing behavior, and participants were significantly more likely to discover the rule. These results suggest that the poor performance observed in Wason's traditional 2-4-6 task reflects a hypothesis-testing process that by default assigns greater utility to the production of sequences that conform to the initial triple, and hence receive positive feedback. However, reasoners are not averse to producing negative sequences, and understand their implication, if their utility is made relevant in the process of achieving goals.  相似文献   

曹智频 《现代哲学》2005,1(1):74-79
庄子所追求的审美人格,有一个从“有待”而“无待”的转变,一个从逻辑层面、实践层面向审美层面的递升,也是庄子以“无名”超越理性与价值,以“无功”超越功利,以“无己”回归“神人以和”的审美境界的过程。  相似文献   

Continental Philosophy Review - Corijn van Mazijk’s book is a critical exploration of the relations between Immanuel Kant’s, Edmund Husserl’s, and John McDowell’s...  相似文献   

Continental Philosophy Review - Violence, Slavery and Freedom between Hegel and Fanon is a volume of secondary literature that dispels common misconceptions about the relationship between Hegelian...  相似文献   

结构基因组学与功能基因组学的划分,割裂了"结构与功能"的辩证关系,实践上容易造成结构基因组学大功告成的误解."后基因时代"的提法,在科研思维方式上还容易误导人们追新逐热,急功近利.这种提法也是医药企业追逐商业利润的产物.  相似文献   

When people's behavior in laboratory tasks systematically deviates from a rational model, the implication is that real-world performance could be improved by changing the behavior. However, recent studies suggest that behavioral violations of rational models are at least sometimes the result of strategies that are well adapted to the real world (and not necessarily to the laboratory task). Thus, even if one accepts that certain behavior in the laboratory is irrational, compelling evidence that real-world behavior ought to change accordingly is often lacking. It is suggested here that rational models be seen as theories, and not standards, of behavior.  相似文献   

这篇报告回忆了作者20世纪50年代在德国编辑《费希特全集》的艰难开端和20世纪80年代到中国促成编译《费希特选集》的东方之旅,讲得真实生动,可谓有价值的学术史料。  相似文献   

遮挡范式下对碰撞时间的估计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究视觉信息对碰撞时间估计的影响。实验采用遮挡范式(occlusion paradigm),遮挡一段固定的距离,让被试估计该段距离所用的时间。自变量为移动速度与挡板的宽度。过程:让被试看速度知觉仪上移动的红灯,估计碰撞发生时按下电键。结果表明,移动速度对时间估计的准确性影响显著,速度越大,估计准确性越高;移动速度还与挡板宽度存在交互作用,即速度快、挡板宽度时碰撞时间的估计更准确,而速度慢、挡板  相似文献   

正奥地利心理学家弗洛伊德以其宏大的理论体系和深邃的学术思想,不仅横跨多个学科领域,成为了西方心理学历史上具有里程碑意义的人物,而且,他也以"闯进人类文明花园的一头野猪"身份和姿态,在赢得世人尊敬的同时,也为其赚得了"色情狂"、"二十世纪最大骗子"等骂名,可谓是毁誉参半,极具争议。他所创立的学说和思想,我们可称之为弗洛伊德主义。从上个世纪的70年代末至80年代初,弗洛伊德思想刚刚开始传入我国,立刻在我国掀  相似文献   

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