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Within a pre-post-design, we scrutinized the effects of normative augmented feedback with positive and negative valence on learning motor accuracy, consistency as well as automaticity by means of a dual-task paradigm. Forty-two healthy physical education students were instructed to produce an arm-movement sequence as precisely as possible with regard to three spatial reversal points within a time limit of 1200 ms. Twenty-eight practiced an elbow-extension-flexion-sequence (690 trials) and 14 participants were tested as a control group without feedback practice. Valence of normative feedback was systematically manipulated by means of reference lines in a visual feedback display. The reference lines indicated performance of a putative peer-group either to be superior (negative valence, Normative-Negative-Group) or inferior (positive valence, Normative-Positive-Group) to participants’ actual performance.As a result, dual-task costs (n-back error) significantly decreased solely in the Normative-Positive-Group, p = .003, η2p = .51, but in no other group. Surprisingly, the mean absolute error for the motor task significantly decreased (i.e., precision increased) only in the Normative-Negative-Group with a large effect size, but in none of the other groups. Motor consistency was not significantly affected by the valence of normative feedback. According to the hypotheses of error-provoked attentional control, positive feedback-valence appears to enhance skill automatization, while – unexpectedly – only negative feedback-valence seems to enhance movement precision, which may be explained by effects of feedback valence on the learners aspiration level.  相似文献   

The study investigated how children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure regulate movement speed and accuracy during goal-directed movements. 16 children ages 7 to 17 years with confirmed histories of heavy in utero alcohol exposure, and 21 nonalcohol-exposed control children completed a series of reciprocal tapping movements between two spatial targets. 5 different targets sets were presented, representing a range of task difficulty between 2 and 6 bits of information. Estimates of percent error rate, movement time, slope, and linear fit of the resulting curve confirmed that for goal-directed, reciprocal tapping responses, performance of the group with prenatal alcohol exposure was described by a linear function, as predicted by Fitts' law, by sacrificing movement accuracy. The index of performance was the same for the two groups: it initially increased, then leveled off for more difficult movements.  相似文献   

The failure of previous investigators to obtain a Ponzo illusion when each test line is rotated 90 deg from its conventional placement has been interpreted as a refutation of constancy scaling theory. It was proposed that, instead, these results might be due to a failure of linear perspective to elicit foreshortening scaling, and vice versa, since the two types of perspective have different functions. This hypothesis was tested and confirmed.  相似文献   

Ubiquitous 1/f scaling in human cognition and physiology suggests a mind-body interaction that contradicts commonly held assumptions. The intrinsic dynamics of psychological phenomena are interaction dominant (rather than component dominant), and the origin of purposive behavior lies with a general principle of self-organization (rather than a special neurocognitive mechanism). E.-J. Wagenmakers, S. Farrell, and R. Ratcliff (2005) raised concerns about the kinds of data and analyses that support generic 1/f scaling. This reply is a defense that furthermore questions the model that Wagenmakers and colleagues endorse and their strategy for addressing complexity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate changes in the control of movement, using EMG and kinematic variables, over practice by children. Children in three age groups, 7, 9, and 11 yr., performed 60 trials of an elbow-flexion movement. Correct movements consisted of a 60 degrees angular movement of the forearm in 800 msec. The analysis of biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscle EMG activity, movement displacement and timing error, and movement velocity patterns indicated changes in motor performance with practice. All age groups improved performance with practice and also exhibited a decrease in biceps EMG activity with practice. Only movement-time error and time to peak triceps muscle activity differed between the age groups. The 11-yr.-old group significantly altered the timing of the antagonistic response to stop the movement over the practice session. This change is suggested to be related to the greater information-processing ability of these children and the development of appropriate movement strategies to perform the movement task successfully. Other changes observed in the EMG data appear similar to changes observed in studies of adults.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine participants' ability to transfer a learned movement sequence to new spatial locations. A 16-element dynamic arm movement sequence was used in both experiments. The task required participants to move a horizontal lever to sequentially projected targets. Experiment 1 included 2 groups. One group practised a pattern in which targets were located at 20, 40, 60, and 80° from the start position (long sequence). The other group practised a pattern with targets at 20, 26.67, 60, and 80° (mixed sequence). Both groups were tested 24 hours later on the long, mixed, and short sequence. The short sequence was considered a proportional transfer for the long acquisition group because all the amplitudes between targets were reduced by the same proportion. Nonproportional transfer occurred when the amplitudes between targets did not have the same proportions as those for their practice sequence (e.g., long sequence to mixed sequence or vice versa). The results indicated that participants could effectively transfer to new target configurations regardless of whether the transfer required proportional or nonproportional spatial changes to the movement pattern. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of extended practice on proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer. The data indicated that while participants can effectively transfer to both proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer conditions after 1 day of practice, they are only effective at transferring to proportional transfer conditions after 4 days of practice. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which response sequences become increasingly specific over extended practice in an attempt to optimize movement production.  相似文献   

In reaching for an object in the environment, it has been suggested that movement components concerned with transport of the hand toward the object and those related to grasping the object are organized and executed independently. An experiment is reported that demonstrates people adjust grasp aperture to compensate for factors affecting transport error. Grasp aperture was found to be greater in reaching movements performed faster than normal, and grasp aperture was also found to be wider when reaching with the eyes closed. In both cases, transport was spatially less accurate. It is argued that, in advance of movement, formation of grasp is planned to take into account not only the perceived characteristics of the object but, also, internalized information based on past experience about the likely accuracy of the transport component.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine participants' ability to transfer a learned movement sequence to new spatial locations. A 16-element dynamic arm movement sequence was used in both experiments. The task required participants to move a horizontal lever to sequentially projected targets. Experiment 1 included 2 groups. One group practised a pattern in which targets were located at 20, 40, 60, and 80° from the start position (long sequence). The other group practised a pattern with targets at 20, 26.67, 60, and 80° (mixed sequence). Both groups were tested 24 hours later on the long, mixed, and short sequence. The short sequence was considered a proportional transfer for the long acquisition group because all the amplitudes between targets were reduced by the same proportion. Nonproportional transfer occurred when the amplitudes between targets did not have the same proportions as those for their practice sequence (e.g., long sequence to mixed sequence or vice versa). The results indicated that participants could effectively transfer to new target configurations regardless of whether the transfer required proportional or nonproportional spatial changes to the movement pattern. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of extended practice on proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer. The data indicated that while participants can effectively transfer to both proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer conditions after 1 day of practice, they are only effective at transferring to proportional transfer conditions after 4 days of practice. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which response sequences become increasingly specific over extended practice in an attempt to optimize movement production.  相似文献   

Recognition memory for shapes has been shown to depend on differences between the size of shapes at the time of encoding and at the time of the memory test (Jolicoeur, 1987). Experiment 1 of the present paper replicates this effect and establishes a set of parameters used in the subsequent experiments. Experiment 2 considers the results of Experiment 1 in light of the distinction between "perceived" size, which, under normal viewing conditions, varies minimally with changes in distance between the observer and object, and "retinal" size, which varies proportionally with viewing distance as an object is moved closer to or farther from an observer. Subjects studied novel shapes and performed a recognition memory test in which the distance from the subject to the viewing screen at the time of testing was different from that at the time of encoding. The viewing distance and the size of the shapes were manipulated such that perceived and retinal sizes were dissociated. The results suggest that the size-congruency effect in memory for visual shape occurs as a result of changes in the perceived size of shapes between the encoding and the testing phases, with little or no contribution of retinal size per se.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to study the relationship between Emmert's law and the duration of the movement after-effect (MAE). The duration of the MAE increased with increased distance of the test field; this result was shown to be produced by the correlative change in apparent size of the after image. The effect did not occur when cues for distance judgments were reduced. Reducing the duration of the MAE suppressed the variation in its duration at varying distances of the test field. Some implications for the mechanism of the MAE are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effect of movement time (MT) and movement velocity on the accuracy and initiation of linear timing movements. MTs of 100, 200, 500, 600, and 1000 msec were examined over various distances; timing accuracy decreased with longer MTs and slower average velocities. The velocity effect was independent of MT and occurred when the velocities were above and below about 15 cm/sec. Self-paced initiation times to movement increased directly with MT and inversely as a function of movement velocity. The latency data complement the MT findings in suggesting that average velocity is a key parameter in the initiation and control of discrete timing movements and, that there is some lower velocity below which movement control breaks down.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence suggesting that healthy humans can perform a two degree of freedom visuo-motor pursuit tracking task with the same response time delay as a one degree of freedom task. In contrast, the time delay of the response is influenced markedly by the nature of the motor synergy required to produce it. We suggest a conceptual account of this evidence based on adaptive model theory, which combines theories of intermittency from psychology and adaptive optimal control from engineering. The intermittent response planning stage has a fixed period. It possesses multiple optimal trajectory generators such that multiple degrees of freedom can be planned concurrently, without requiring an increase in the planning period. In tasks which require unfamiliar motor synergies, or are deemed to be incompatible, internal adaptive models representing movement dynamics are inaccurate. This means that the actual response which is produced will deviate from the one which is planned. For a given target-response discrepancy, corrective response trajectories of longer duration are planned, consistent with the principle of speed-accuracy trade-off. Compared to familiar or compatible tasks, this results in a longer response time delay and reduced accuracy. From the standpoint of the intermittency approach, the findings of this study help make possible a more integral and predictive account of purposive action.  相似文献   

We investigated the organized storage of motor sequences in memory by assuming that processes related to interference at retrieval are indicative of memory organization. Effects resulting from these processes, thus, would allow inferences on how motor sequences are represented and organized. Participants learned motor sequences that were categorized by the direction of the initial movement. The subsequent selective retrieval of a subset of sequences of one category resulted in retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) for the non-retrieved sequences of the same category. RIF occurred in an explicit recall test (Experiment 1), as well in an implicit test assessing memory with novel cues (Experiment 2). The results suggest that RIF affected motor programmes and that other cues as the used effectors (here movement direction) can be used for the organization of procedural memory. Basic retrieval dynamics apparently operate within the declarative and procedural systems in a similar way.  相似文献   

In a recent study Boulenger et al. (2006) found that processing action verbs assisted reaching movement when the word was processed prior to movement onset and interfered with the movement when the word was processed at movement onset. The present study aimed to further corroborate the existence of such cross-talk between language processes and overt motor behaviour by demonstrating that the reaching movement can be disturbed by action words even when the words are presented delayed with respect to movement onset (50 ms and 200 ms). The results are compared to studies that show language-motor interaction in conditions where the word is presented prior to movement onset and are discussed within the context of embodied theories of language comprehension.  相似文献   

Eye-height (EH) scaling of absolute height was investigated in three experiments. In Experiment 1, standing observers viewed cubes in an immersive virtual environment. Observers' center of projection was placed at actual EH and at 0.7 times actual EH. Observers' size judgments revealed that the EH manipulation was 76.8% effective. In Experiment 2, seated observers viewed the same cubes on an interactive desktop display; however, no effect of EH was found in response to the simulated EH manipulation. Experiment 3 tested standing observers in the immersive environment with the field of view reduced to match that of the desktop. Comparable to Experiment 1, the effect of EH was 77%. These results suggest that EH scaling is not generally used when people view an interactive desktop display because the altitude of the center of projection is indeterminate. EH scaling is spontaneously evoked, however, in immersive environments.  相似文献   

The effects of instructed movement speed were investigated in two experiments. First, rapid-timing and single-aiming movement tasks were compared. Unlike rapid timing, single aiming implies spatial accuracy. The aim of the first experiment was twofold: (a) to examine whether the requirement of accurate placement termination in single aiming affects the negative relationship between instructed average velocity and reaction time found in rapid timing, and (b) to test the speed-accuracy relationships predicted by the symmetric impulse variability model of these movement tasks. For this purpose, four average velocities (5, 24, 75, and 140 cm/s) were investigated in both types of movement tasks in a two-choice reaction task. The effects of average velocity on reaction time were similar in both single-aiming and rapid-timing tasks, and the predicted linear relationship between instructed average velocity and spatial accuracy was not found. The results suggest that the movement control mode, that is, open loop or closed loop, interferes with effects of instructed average velocity. The movement control mode explanation was confirmed in the second experiment with respect to the effect of paired velocities on reaction time. It is argued that the type of movement control mode must be considered in the interpretation of effects of instructed average velocity on reaction time and spatiotemporal measures.  相似文献   

After observation of a stimulus composed of a top grating with large bar widths (low spatial frequency) and a bottom grating of narrow lines (high spatial frequency), a subsequently presented test grating of medium bar width appears to have a higher spatial frequency on the top half than on the bottom. Although this size aftereffect can be obtained dichoptically, this does not necessarily imply a central locus, since retinal input from the adapted eye could produce the effect. Ss were tested for the aftereffect in the adapted eye and for interocular transfer with and without pressure blinding the adapted eye. In this last condition, input from the adapted eye cannot reach the cortex. However, the aftereffect was equally present under all three conditions. This result suggests that size and frequency adaptation have a central locus.  相似文献   

Merleau-Ponty’s explication of concrete or practical movement by way of the Schneider case could be read as ending up close to automatism, neglecting its flexibility and plasticity in the face of obstacles. It can be contended that he already goes off course in his explication of Schneider’s condition. Rasmus Jensen has argued that he assimilates a normal person’s motor intentionality to the patient’s, thereby generating a vacuity problem. I argue that Schneider’s difficulties with certain movements point to a means of broadening Merleau-Ponty’s account of concrete movement, one that he broaches without exploiting. What could do more work is his recognition of a transposition capacity - and hence of a plasticity - in the healthy body’s skill schema. As well as avoiding vacuity, he could forestall the appearance of a dichotomy between practical coping and creativity.  相似文献   

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