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蕺山门弟子、明末殉难忠臣金铉论学崇尚程朱,其学以"诚"为宗,视"诚"为安身立命之基和尽"独"之工夫法要。因有此"诚",人固可修身成圣;欲彰此"诚",则为学当"慎独"。同时,"诚"不离"性","诚"之中自然内蕴天命之"性","诚"以"性"显。人之生而有"心",心之本体即是"性",性即心之理;性体不睹不闻,惟默识体仁而彰明自身之存在与可能。是故,"诚"体本天,"性"体内蕴于人"心",言"诚"言"性",皆是言"本体"。不过,要申明"本体"之功用,当落实于居敬致知的"工夫"路向。金铉遵循程朱理学"下学而上达"路径,以工夫为通达本体之入手始基,言"即工夫即本体",是对业师刘宗周"即本体即工夫"理路的扬弃。终究而言,金铉为学重德性伦理,为人重忠义气节,以自己短暂的生命历程书写完美的人生精义,学问人生能圆融统合。  相似文献   

蕺山门弟子、明末殉难忠臣金铉论学崇尚程朱,其学以"诚"为宗,视"诚"为安身立命之基和尽"独"之工夫法要。因有此"诚",人固可修身成圣;欲彰此"诚",则为学当"慎独"。同时,"诚"不离"性","诚"之中自然内蕴天命之"性","诚"以"性"显。人之生而有"心",心之本体即是"性",性即心之理;性体不睹不闻,惟默识体仁而彰明自身之存在与可能。是故,"诚"体本天,"性"体内蕴于人"心",言"诚"言"性",皆是言"本体"。不过,要申明"本体"之功用,当落实于居敬致知的"工夫"路向。金铉遵循程朱理学"下学而上达"路径,以工夫为通达本体之入手始基,言"即工夫即本体",是对业师刘宗周"即本体即工夫"理路的扬弃。终究而言,金铉为学重德性伦理,为人重忠义气节,以自己短暂的生命历程书写完美的人生精义,学问人生能圆融统合。  相似文献   

"化"是中国传统社会中的一种观念,源于形而下的生活经验的累积形成的对于世界的认知,先秦儒家智者将其上升到形而上的层面,成为天道观的核心。天人合一的思维模式使天道之"化"贯通于人道,因而"化"之观念在人道这个层面重在教化。无论是天道还是人道,化之根基都本于"诚",正是"诚"之贯通使儒家"化"观念统摄宇宙人生,而化的最高境界在天道可谓之"神",在人道则是"参",即人通过教化重回天地人共在的场域,达到天人合一的境界。  相似文献   

<正>"诚者,天之道也"一、中华文明对"诚信"的言说1.中华文明对"诚信"的解读《说文解字》中说:"信者,诚也。"在汉语中,习惯将信和诚连用,因为两字含义相同。诚信,就是守诺、无欺之意。2.中华文明对"诚信"的重视儒家思想可谓中华传统文化的主流,其所提倡的伦理观念是仁义礼智信,即"五常",这是儒家学说的精髓,也成为中国古典社会的道德规范。孔子曰:"人  相似文献   

庐山白鹿洞书院肇基于唐代。据记载,李渤兄弟曾在此隐居读书。南唐升元四年(940年)白鹿洞建起庐山国学,为五代时期著名学府之一。北宋初年改称“白鹿洞书院”,后毁于兵火。1179年,著名理学家朱熹出任南康(今江西省星子县)知军,亲自筹款建屋,征集图书,聘请教师,招收生徒,制定学规,自任洞主,亲自讲学。1181年又请陆九渊登白鹿洞讲坛讲学,并将其讲稿定为书院之讲义。至此白鹿洞书院,达鼎盛时期,成为宋代四大名书院中最有影响的一所书院。在元、明、清三代,书院屡经兴废,但影响长存。解放后,国家多次拨款整修书院,并定为全国重点文物保护单位。1987年经上级批准,恢复白鹿洞书院建制。聘请周谷城、冯友兰、邓广铭、蔡美彪、汤一介等教授为顾问,陈正  相似文献   

正翻开《易经》,乾卦《文言传》里有两句有关"真诚"的话,值得我们参考。一是"闲邪存其诚",二是"修辞立其诚"。合而观之,或许颇有深意。为了避免断章取义,我把上下文一并列出,再作清楚的白话语译。先谈第一句。原文是"庸言之信,庸行之谨,闲邪存其诚,善世而不伐,德博而化。"白话为:"平常说话都能守  相似文献   

儒家的"意"范畴及宋明以后出现的"主意"学说,与道家所言之"意"干系甚微.对"主意"学说的形成、发展有直接影响的是儒、佛两家对"意"之范畴的诠释与阐述.儒学的"意"范畴,既可从"毋意"说出发而作私意、意念之理解,又可从"诚意"说出发而作意向、志意之解读;既可基于工夫论而把"诚意"视为"欲诚之意",又可基于本体论而把"诚意"视为"已诚之意";既可使"意"与"志"相结合,又可使"意"与"念"相并列.明中叶后"主意"一词由工夫层面的"诚意"范畴提升为本体层面的"意根"范畴,这种转变,既有历史逻辑的承继关系,又有阳明心学之修正思潮的现实推动.  相似文献   

儒家据"诚于中,形于外"的观念展开其教化的工夫历程."诚中形外"或曰"合外内",着重于内外的一体性,可用"旁通万物之情"一语来表示."旁通"表示个体存在之横向范围上的展开和"超出",其境域常带有空间性、平面性和实存的有限性.这"旁通"中,又必然蕴含着天人合一或"一天人"的维度."一天人"表现为一种天人之立体纵贯的关系,可用孔子"上达"一语来表示."上达"即上达于天、天命,是通过"超克",即对每一当下具有时空范围限定之"旁通"进行转变升华,赋予其普遍性意义而达至的"超越"境界."旁通"与"上达"并非有时间先后的两截."旁通"本即涵蕴纵贯"上达"之一几,其上达天德之成就,同时又反哺于横向之"旁通"而为之奠基,二者相摄互成,本来一体."旁通而上达"可用来表示儒家实现其终极关怀的教化途径."旁通"与"上达"两个维度是动态互成、内在统一的.儒家特立独行的君子人格亦由此"旁通而上达"的教化历程而得以奠基和实现.  相似文献   

《中庸》首先将诚提升为一个重要的哲学概念,此后的儒家学者对此概念的阐释大都归宗于此。作为先秦最后一位儒学大师,荀子对诚也有深刻的哲思。荀子对诚的阐释与《中庸》有紧密的联系,但是荀子之诚却因其理论基点——性恶论——而又与思孟一系儒家不同。在荀子这里,诚仅仅作为一种道德修养功夫而存在。这一道德修养功夫又可以具体化为"常"和"慎独"两个层次。作为功夫的诚之最终目的乃在于实现人本身的"化",但是这种化指的是心对道的认可及行为的合规范性,并非是在人性层面实现本质性的转化。  相似文献   

《尚书引义》是王船山重要的哲学著作。通过文本中以"实有"解释"诚",船山对《尚书》中的很多概念作了义理上的创造性阐发。船山以"实有"释"诚",既对"浮明""人心"所导致心物、天人、形上形下之割裂以及人的价值的虚落进行了严厉的批评,同时也强调了"诚"在天人之际维系和存续的动态历程,以避免对人性的抽象静观。由此船山不只强调了天人贯通的"诚"的根源性价值,而且把人的实存性存在及人所面对或创造出来的实有世界都作了价值上的肯定。船山以实有义、公有义、固有义丰富了"诚"的内涵,努力沟通应然与实然以揭示人的本真存在。通过《尚书引义》"诚"的阐发,透显出船山坚定的儒家价值立场和强烈的实有精神。  相似文献   

This study examined age-related trends in adolescents' view of sincerity and of honesty towards oneself. Subjects were 84 high school students in grades 8 to 12 (age range 12-18). Semistructured interviews with preplanned probes were used and analyzed using content categories reflecting different emphases on disclosing "facts" versus internal events (for sincerity) and on recognizing conflicts with others versus recognizing internal divisions (for honesty towards oneself). Results indicate clear age trends on these two dimensions and a close association between them. The age trends suggest that for the younger adolescent, being "genuine" consists mainly in disclosing facts that are in principle accessible to others. For the older adolescent, being genuine more frequently implies recognizing and expressing one's "true" nature. The findings are discussed both in light of recent research on the development of self-understanding and as challenging traditional paradigms of studying the self.  相似文献   

Kelly C. Smith 《Synthese》2011,178(2):219-235
Why is the academy in general, and philosophy in particular, not more involved in the fight against the creationist threat? And why, when a response is offered, is it so curiously ineffective? I argue, by using an analogy with the battle against the Black Knight from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, that the difficulty lies largely in a failure to see the nature of the problem clearly. By modifying the analogy, it is possible to see both why large sections of the academy have remained unmoved and also why many of the reactions to the threat have been so unsuccessful. Finally, I offer some very broad suggestions as to how to modify our approach in light of this new perspective.  相似文献   

《管子》论“国有四维”的现代启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“礼”、“义”、“廉”、“耻”为国家的“四维”,《管子》曰:“国有四维,一维绝则倾,二维绝则危,三维绝则覆,四维绝则灭。”可见“礼”、“义”、“廉”、“耻”犹如支撑国家大厦的四根柱子,如果有一根断裂,就会危及国家的安危。在市场经济高度发展的现代,我们要借鉴“守国之道,在饰四维”的治国之道,汲取中国传统文化中“礼义廉耻”的合理因素,加强道德建设,使我们的国家更加昌盛富强。  相似文献   

对诚信的内在结构可有多种解析。从所属领域角度,诚信可以被分为心诚、言诚、行诚三个层面。这三个层面相互依赖、相互作用:心诚是言诚和行诚的内在依据,言诚和行诚是心诚的必要外化,而言诚和行诚则相互促进。从所涉对象角度,诚信可以被分为诚己、诚人、诚群三个维度。这三个维度彼此相关、层层推进:诚己是诚人和诚群的必要前提,诚人是诚己的必然延伸和必要确证,而诚群则是诚人的合乎逻辑的扩展。  相似文献   

Three studies explored the influence of self-evaluation in one domain (e.g., the academic domain) on self-evaluation in another domain (e.g., morality), assuming a process of intra-personal dimensional comparisons (i.e., comparisons between self-evaluations in two different domains). A pre-study with N = 143 university students replicated the Muhammad Ali effect, that is, the tendency to rate one's own honesty higher than one's own intelligence. As suggested in our assumptions regarding dimensional comparisons, Study 1 (N = 70) then showed that low self-concept students rated their honesty slightly more positive than high self-concept students. More important, in Study 2 (N = 64) participants who just experienced academic failure in an experimental task rated their honesty slightly more positive than students who experienced academic success. Therefore, it was demonstrated that academic outcome influenced self-concept in a non-academic domain. Results are discussed with regard to their implications for the extension of the I/E model.  相似文献   

Integrity tests, and other methods of assessing "honesty," are widely used in pre-employment screening, as most employers want to minimize dishonest and counterproductive behavior among their employees. This review applies a structured framework to the research literature to assess the general effectiveness of integrity tests. The framework employed evaluates integrity tests in terms of their scope, accuracy (reliability), relevance (validity), fairness, acceptability, and practicality. Such a framework based on these six aspects allows for an objective and systematic analysis of the qualities of integrity tests, as well as a structure for the evaluation of other methods of assessing honesty and integrity. For both narrow, overt measures of integrity and broader personality-based measures, research has shown favorable evidence of reliability, validity, fairness, and practicality. Even though in terms of acceptability research has indicated that integrity tests are viewed neither positively nor negatively, there is still considerable debate surrounding the issues of false positive rates and labeling. Comparisons with other methods of assessing honesty and integrity are also reviewed.  相似文献   

The prosocial personality trait of honesty‐humility has received extensive attention in the last decade. However, research on the mechanism underlying the relationship between honesty‐humility and prosocial behavior is rather scarce. This study aims to explore the internal mechanism underlying this relationship to draw a complete picture of the honesty‐humility trait. A sample of 458 Chinese young adults was obtained to complete self‐report measures of honesty‐humility, perspective taking, guilt‐proneness, and prosocial behavior. The mediation model revealed that: (1) honesty‐humility positively related to prosocial behavior; (2) perspective taking and guilt‐proneness mediated the relationship between honesty‐humility and prosocial behavior, separately; and (3) the effect of honesty‐humility on prosocial behavior was mediated via perspective taking and then guilt‐proneness. In conclusion, we provide an initial support for the mediating roles of perspective taking and guilt‐proneness in the relationship between honesty‐humility and prosocial behavior. Both theoretical and practical implications for understanding the psychological mechanisms of prosocial behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Eighty Ss were first tested for base-level response to a pain-producing stimulus and then were re-tested on the same pain stimulus after receiving 1 of 8 experimental treatments. The 8 treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design: presence or absence of hypnotic induction procedure; presence or absence of instructions for anesthesia; and presence or absence of demands for honest reports. Neither the hypnotic-induction procedure nor the demands for honesty affected the Ss'reports of the degree of pain experienced. The anesthesia instructions--"think of the hand as numb and insensitive as if it were a piece of rubber..."--produced an equal degree of pain reduction in hypnotic and non-hypnotic Ss and in Ss who were and those who were not exposed to demands for honesty. The results indicate that (a) Ss' reports of pain are less affected by demands for honesty and are more closely related to their actual experiences than has been previously assumed and (b) instructions which direct Ss to exercise cognitive control over painful sensory input are effective (with or without 'hypnosis') in reducing the experience of pain.  相似文献   

诚信的三个限度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
诚信作为一种德性或规范并非绝对普适,而是有其限度。它至少面临着三个方面的限度:个体理性的限度、根本利益的限度和社会正义的限度。对于缺乏起码的理性行为能力的人,社会不能提出诚信要求。诚信不可能出现在没有任何共同利益尤其是根本利益相互冲突的双方之间。社会正义是诚信的一条重要边界,诚信应当在正义的范围内活动。逾越正义的诚信是自我背叛、自我否定的诚信,因而不是真正的诚信。深入认识诚信的限度,是为了更适当地要求诚信和更合理地践行诚信。  相似文献   

This paper motivates and defends “Rortian realism,” a position that is Rortian in respect of its underlying philosophical theses but non‐Rortian in terms of the lessons it draws from these for cultural politics. The philosophical theses amount to what the paper calls Rorty's “anti‐representationalism” (AR), arguing that AR is robust to critique as being anti‐realist, relativist, or sceptical, invoking Rorty's historicism/ethnocentrism as part of the defence. The latter, however, creates problems for Rorty in so far as his reformative views on the nature of philosophical and academic activity are meant to be foisted on an academy that ex hypothesi holds views different from these. The paper suggests we can motivate a different conception of the consequences of AR more amenable to the academy: Rortian realism, a view that makes greater concessions to realism and a kind of scientific naturalism than Rorty would like, but that for those very reasons is more likely to allow AR to prevail.  相似文献   

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