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王华山 《管子学刊》2008,(1):109-114
本文比照史籍,分析山东临淄出土的7方北朝清河崔氏乌水房墓志,认为其中北齐崔博、崔德墓志称“十二世祖琰,魏中尉”属于攀附冒引,而《新唐书·宰相世系表》所载乌水房世系合理可信。  相似文献   

十六国北朝时期的石刻造像具有不同的时代特色、地域特色,而且小型石刻造像较之石窟寺造像更具特有的质朴、世俗、自由的民间气息,是反映十六国北朝时期中下层经济文化、人情风俗、生活习惯的艺术作品。对这批造像的研究,亦是研究石窟寺造像的有益补充,使我们能够更全面地认识十六国北朝佛教石雕造像艺术。  相似文献   

东晋十六国时代,南北对峙,中国历史步入了大分裂的时期。这一时期,在中国的北方,先后有匈奴、羯、鲜卑、氐、羌等民族所建立的二赵、三秦、四燕、五凉及夏、成(成汉)等十六国。与此同时,在中国的南方,晋元帝司马睿于公元317年在建康(今南京)建立了东晋政权,直到晋恭帝元熙二年(420),东晋为刘宋所取代。这一时期,史称“东晋十六国”。  相似文献   

在北齐时代,佛教达到了十六国北朝时期的顶点,这与北齐佛教的政治化是密切相关的。在北齐皇权的直接支持下,佛教取得了近乎国教的地位。这种政治化既表现在皇室和大臣对佛教的尊崇信奉上,也表现在佛教与北齐政治事件的紧密联系上。之所以会出现这种情况,一是因为北齐的佛教直接继承了十六国北朝佛教热衷参与政治的传统,二是因为北齐的佛教势力对北齐的统治持支持的态度。  相似文献   

<正>北魏疆域辽阔,太和十九年(公元495年)孝文帝迁都后,洛阳作为当时北朝政治、经济、文化的中心,出土了大量的北魏墓志,这些墓志最能直观地体现当时所流行的书法风格。其中元氏墓志所表现的形式美是北魏政权审美趣味转变最有力的证明,作为北魏书法改制的“标准品”,结体、用笔都是十分严谨,但在短短几十年之内,其风格却出现多变的情况。  相似文献   

佛图澄,天竺僧人,本姓帛氏,西晋末年怀帝永嘉四年(311)来洛阳,自云百岁有余,能服气摄生。腹旁有一孔,用絮塞住,夜间拔絮露孔,光照一室,洛阳百姓称他为奇僧。当时中国历史正处于一个非常特殊的战乱动荡阶段,史称“五胡十六国”(304~439),与南方东晋政权并峙。五胡,指匈奴、鲜卑、竭、氏、羌五个少数民族而言。十六国,也不是固定的成数,据《晋书·载记》里的十六国为五凉、四燕、三秦、二赵及县与蜀等十六国。诸国的兴起,并不在同一时间内,乃是在两晋时代(265~420)陆续出现、先后灭亡的。十六国之一的后起,仅仅存在…  相似文献   

从《元嶷墓志》的形制及书法风格入手,结合墓主人所处的时代背景等进行研究之后可知,此墓志文字以楷字为主,字形多为扁平,波磔有隶意,为比较典型的北朝时期的隶楷书。探讨该墓志的书法风格,对研究东魏时期的楷书风格及书体的演变具有重要意义。  相似文献   

自西晋禁碑令后,墓志这一石刻形式逐渐取代了碑刻。"永嘉之乱"爆发后,朝廷南渡,随之进入东晋。在南北文化及新书风的影响下,东晋的铭石书法得到了长足的发展,尤其是墓志,在当时门阀制度下,出现有家族墓志,比如王氏、谢氏、李氏等。在魏晋南北朝时期,能与琅琊王氏比肩的,唯有陈郡谢氏。谢氏的起步较晚,但是发展却很快。因此,谢氏家族墓志的研究对于魏晋南北朝史是极为重要的。旨在已出土的东晋时期谢氏墓志基础上,探究其家族墓志书法,研究其在史学、书法上的价值。  相似文献   

正魏晋南北朝时期,由于北方游牧民族的汹涌南侵,中国陷入了长期的分裂和战乱。从总体上看,南渡士族在长江中下游地区建立的东晋和南朝政权相对稳定一些,而被北方游牧各族占据的北方地区则经历了十六国和北朝的纷争,长期处于干戈扰攘、杌陧不安的大动荡之中。可以说,这一时期,特别是在十六国和北朝统治的北方地区,是中国历史上灾难最为深重的时期,是在中国境域内生活的各个民族实现大融合的时期,是印度佛教大规模输入中土并且实现自身形态中国化的时期,也是中国文化在不断被强化和充实的同时得到更多认同和接受的时期。  相似文献   

正十六国北朝时代,是敦煌莫高窟营建的第一个阶段,这期间,敦煌的艺术家们经过吸收西域传来的艺术风格,并结合汉晋以来的传统艺术,创造出了具有敦煌本地特点的佛像艺术。又在北朝后期受中原文化的冲击,而形成了新的时代特点。本文在对莫高窟早期佛像作全面调查的基础上,分析佛像的类型,从而探讨不同类型的来源等问题。  相似文献   

笔者曾著文研判了《周易》古经中的剥、豫、萃、咸、艮等五卦与中国传统医学萌芽期的关系。战国楚竹书《周易》问世以后,通过对其豫、咸二卦文字的考察,进一步揭示了此二卦所蕴涵的中国传统医学的萌芽。  相似文献   

In this article the author describes the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) and its junior versions, the High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) and the Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ). Development of the tests is described briefly. Reliabilities and validities of the tests are covered, with attention to applications in educational, clinical, and occupational settings.  相似文献   

裴传永 《周易研究》2000,4(3):61-65
《易经》作者具有强烈的主体意识和道德内求思想,这典型地表现在《谦》、《节》、《中孚》、《遁》等集中论述道德修养的专卦之中,亦散见于《乾》、《履》、《同人》、《恒》、《随》、《升》、《萃》、《既济》诸卦之中。《易经》作者之所以对主体意识和道德内求思想给予了极大的关注,是因为在生产力极不发达的古代社会中,主体意识和道德伦理对于古老社会共同体内各种关系的协调和稳定,对于人类改造客观世界活动的成功,具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

刘彬  王敏 《周易研究》2005,(5):30-36
<易纬·稽览图>卷下载有一种"一爻直一日"的卦气占术,还少见学者讨论.本文对这一占术作了梳理,并对其特点、流传作了初步考察.与<稽览图>卷下"六日七分"卦气术不同,<稽览图>"一爻直一日"的卦气术,与焦赣"焦林直日"卦气说有密切的关系,二者可能同属于<连山><归藏>系统.此术至唐一直在流传.  相似文献   

The Bristol Social Adjustment Guides (BSAG) are widely employed in research and in the identification of maladjustment in school children. The BSAG provides scores on several indices including five homogeneous behavioral syndromes and one associated grouping. Field experience suggests that maladjusted children frequently manifest problems in more than one syndrome. In order to discover what patterns of syndromic profiles may commonly exist among children, the data for the most recent revision of the BSAG are reanalyzed. The syndrome scores for all 2,527 5- to 15-year-old regular school children in the standardization sample were grouped into similar profile patterns by hierarchical cluster analysis. Sixteen homogeneous syndromic profile types emerged. The resultant profile types were described on the basis of their component behaviors and examined for membership trends by sex and age groups. Multiple syndromic profiles represented 60% of all maladjusted children.The author wishes to thank Dr. Denis H. Stott, former professor of psychology at the University of Guelph, Ontario, for kindly making the Bristol Social Adjustment Guides data available for this study.  相似文献   

The behavior of an autistic child was observed in his natural environment. Observations were made in three settings, over approximately 6 months. Sixteen behaviors of the child and six behaviors of adults and peers were recorded. A cluster analysis was performed to identify response classes within the behavioral structure of the child and to see if correlations existed between response and stimulus events. To examine intra- and intersetting changes, Spearman rank correlations and ttests were also computed. This autistic child exhibited a diversity of behavior over time in a given setting and across settings. He persistently ignored other nonautistic children, although he was responsive to adults. Response classes reflected an inverse correlation between the child's selfstimulatory behaviors and his attentiveness to the environment. Elevated levels of adult attention were consistently related to reduced levels in most self-stimulatory behaviors. Two response classes showed inverse relationships between self-stimulatory behaviors. Reducing the frequency of some self-stimulatory behaviors might cause increases in others.This study is based on a dissertation submitted by the first author to The University of Tennessee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. The research was conducted under the chairmanship of the second author. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Dr. Edward E. Cureton for his help with the statistical analyses.  相似文献   

A cricket-song simulator is described. The device uses a waveform generator to produce a song carrier frequency that is modulated by the 68705 microcomputer. Sixteen different songs can be stored in memory.  相似文献   

The view of language is greatly changed from early modern philosophy to later modern philosophy and to postmodern philosophy. The linguistic question in early modern philosophy, which is characterized by rationalism and empiricism, is discussed in this paper. Linguistic phenomena are not at the center of philosophical reflections in early modern philosophy. The subject of consciousness is at the center of the philosophy, which makes language serve purely as an instrument for representing thoughts. Locke, Leibniz and Descartes consider language from a representationalist point of view. To them, language itself is idealized and represents thought as if it were thought representing itself. Like the structural linguist Saussure, the founders of phenomenology and analytical philosophy give much attention to the logical or static structure of language, and stick up for the representationalism of early modern philosophy. However, their successors refuse to accept this attitude, meaning the final collapse of representationalism. Translated by Cui Zengbao and Yang Dachun from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Research), 2007, (8): 62–67  相似文献   

On ethical order     
The existent ethical relationships are the result of the historical amalgamation of objective and subjective conditions. Ethical relationships are essential relationships in the real and rational order, which are maintained by a system of regulations on morals, laws and customs, and infused with a spirit of subjectivity. Rationality and legitimacy are the primary concerns of those relationships. A distinction between morals and ethos needs to be made when studying ethical order. Sound ethical order lies in effective regulation of morals and effective control of law. In the process of social reform, ethical order promotes social development through the dialectical movement of freedom and necessity. A harmonious society is a society which is based on legitimate and just ethical order. Translated by Cui Hui from Lunlixue yanjiu 伦理学研究 (Studies in Ethics), 2007, (5): 1–8  相似文献   

A battery of 57 specially constructed and marker tests was administered to 206 ninth-grade students. Sixteen divergent production abilities were predicted, along with 7 other reference factors in the structure of intellect. Principal components analysis was followed by orthogonal rotation according to Cliff's least squares procedure for approximating a target matrix. The 16 divergent-production factors and the 7 reference factors were clearly identified.  相似文献   

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