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个人认识论理论概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人认识论是个体对知识和知识获得所持有的信念,它对个体的认知过程及行为有重要的调节作用。该文在对文献资料进行梳理的基础上,系统介绍了个人认识论研究中相关理论,其中包括个人认识论的各发展模型,多维度的认识论信念系统模型以及认识论“理论”的观点和认识论资源的观点。最后,该文指出个人认识论的未来研究应该运用多种多样的研究方法提出更整合的理论,并解决有关个人认识论领域一般性和领域特殊性的争议问题  相似文献   

本文是欣迪卡生前最后一部论文集《苏格拉底认识论》的第一篇文章。欣迪卡认为,我们不应该孤立地探讨知识和信念这些认知概念,而应该把它们放到人的行动和决策的语境中去探讨。在这种探讨中,至关重要的概念不是知识和信念,而是信息。我们不应该把研究重点放在知识的定义和证成,而应该放到知识的发现和获取,即把知识作为探究过程的结果。由此,他提出了基于问答逻辑的询问探究模型,试图由此去建立认知逻辑和认识论,其中知识和信念都不具有关键地位。  相似文献   

知识比真信念更具有价值,这是我们的直觉。英美认识论研究中的过程可靠主义试图解释这一直觉,认为这一直觉来自信念形成过程的可靠性。但这一理论遭到"淹没问题"的挑战,即信念形成过程的可靠性本身并不会为知识带来额外的价值。因此,如何回应"淹没问题"成为认识论研究需要承担的任务,可能的解决来自重估这一直觉背后的真理一元论预设。  相似文献   

对于认识论信念的层次划分,实际上反映了研究者对于认识论信念本质和结构的认识。研究者们对于认识论信念的认识,随着一般领域——特殊领域——特殊主题的层次之分而逐渐深化。他们普遍认为,当学习者身处特定的学习情境时,与之相对应的不同层次认识论信念则被优先激活。但是,对于不同层次认识论信念之间的内部关系、发展顺序和作用途径,相关研究仍然需要不断扩展和深化。  相似文献   

多文本阅读理解,是将不同来源和内容的多文本信息整合为统一心理表征的认知过程。研究者对于多维度认识论信念与多文本阅读理解之间的关联进行梳理。除知识来源外,其余认识论信念维度促进多文本信息的整合。基于文档模型的理论框架,认识论信念各维度对于整合心智模型与跨文本模型的影响,中介效应与调节效应并存。未来的研究可以采用眼动追踪技术和出声思维法等实时的研究方法,对于相关理论模型进行确证和完善。  相似文献   

通常认为,获得知识不能靠碰运气,凭借好运气获得的真信念不足以被视为知识。知识与运气是近年来认识论研究的热门话题。一般认为,一个好的知识理论应该能排除认知运气的影响。在当代认识论中,过程可靠主义、德性认识论和反运气认识论这三条主要进路都分别在一定程度上排除了认知运气,但各自都存在明显不足。由于缺乏对"运气"统一的、明晰的概念,迄今为止还没有一种认知论进路能够完全满足排除认知运气这一要求。  相似文献   

在综合国内外相关研究并结合半开放式访谈的基础上,构建了大学生认识信念的理论维度,并据此编制了大学生认识信念问卷。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析的结果表明:大学生认识信念问卷由知识的获得、知识确定性、知识简单性、学习的价值、学习的速度、学习的能力六个维度构成。中国大学生的认识信念具有不同于西方学生的独特特点。问卷的信效度指标良好,可以作为大学生认识信念的测量工具。  相似文献   

马克思主义认识论与皮亚杰图式学说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、认识论研究的两个重要方面关于马克思主义认识论,有两个重要的方面往往被人们忽视:其一是关于认识的自然科学研究;其二是关于认识的个体发生研究。  相似文献   

教育学与哲学交叉,产生了教育哲学。在教育哲学体系中,有一个可以说与哲学最直接、最密切的部分,这就是教学认识论。它试图以哲学认识论的原理阐释教学这一人类特殊认识活动过程,并通过对这个特殊认识活动过程的研究丰富认识论学说。教学认识论之所以成为教育学与哲学的重大结合点,是因为它的研究对象——教学活动过程比之于人类一般认识过程有其特殊性。首先,教学过程主要是一个学生掌握人类间接经验的认识活动过程。其次,教学过程是一个双认识主体复杂的活动过程。正由于这两大特殊性,使得教学过程的研究与哲学尤其与认识论关系更为密切。  相似文献   

一、什么是发生认识论发生认识论是国际知名的瑞士学者让保罗·皮亚杰根据以他自己为代表的日内瓦学派对儿童心理发展的长期研究和对其他学科认识论的研究而提出来的一种关于认识论的独特理论。它用发生学的方法,即发展观点,来研究认识论。用皮氏自己的话来说,“发生认识论试图根据认识的历史,认识的社会根源,认识所依据的概念和“运算”的心理起源来解释认识,特别是解释科学认识。”[2]发生认识论有两个明显的特点:(一)用发生学的观点和方法来研究人类的认识,强调认识的个体心理起源和历史发展。皮氏认为传统的认识论只注意认识的高级水平,认识的最后结果。近代现代的认识论则专门从事认识的逻辑分析或语  相似文献   

Background. More empirical work is needed to examine the dimensionality of personal epistemology and relations between those dimensions and motivational and strategic components of self‐regulated learning. In particular, there is great need to investigate personal epistemology and its relation to self‐regulated learning across cultures and academic contexts. Because the demarcation between personal epistemology and implicit theories of intelligence has been questioned, dimensions of personal epistemology should also be studied in relation to implicit theories of intelligence. Aims. The primary aim was to examine the dimensionality of personal epistemology and the relation between those dimensions and implicit theories of intelligence in the cultural context of Norwegian postsecondary education. A secondary aim was to examine the relative contribution of epistemological beliefs and theories of intelligence to motivational and strategic components of self‐regulated learning in different academic contexts within that culture. Samples. The first sample included 178 business administration students in a traditional transmission‐oriented instructional context; the second, 108 student teachers in an innovative pedagogical context. Methods. The dimensionality of the Schommer Epistemological Questionnaire was examined through factor analyses, and the resulting dimensions were examined in relation to implicit theories of intelligence. We performed multiple regression analyses, separately for the two academic contexts, to try to predict motivational (i.e. self‐efficacy beliefs, mastery goal orientation, and interest) and strategic (i.e. self‐regulatory strategy use) components of self‐regulated learning with epistemological beliefs and implicit theories of intelligence. Results. Considerable cross‐cultural generalizability was found for the dimensionality of personal epistemology. Moreover, the dimensions of personal epistemology seemed to represent constructs separate from the construct of implicit theories of intelligence. Differences in the predictability of the epistemological dimensions were found for the two samples. For the student teachers, belief about knowledge construction and modification was a better predictor of self‐regulated learning. For the business administration students, belief about the certainty of knowledge played a more important role in self‐regulated learning. Conclusions. Epistemological beliefs predict self‐regulated learning among Norwegian postsecondary students and play more important roles than implicit theories of intelligence. Relations between epistemological beliefs and self‐regulated learning may vary with academic context.  相似文献   

The primary aim was to explore and compare the dimensionality of personal epistemology with respect to climate change across the contexts of Norwegian and Spanish students. A second aim was to examine relationships between topic-specific epistemic beliefs and the variables of gender, topic knowledge, and topic interest in the two contexts. Participants were 225 Norwegian and 217 Spanish undergraduates enrolled in psychology or education courses, and the dimensionality of topic-specific personal epistemology was explored through factor analyses of the scores on a 49-item questionnaire. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to predict scores on the epistemic belief dimensions emerging from the factor analyses with gender, topic knowledge, and topic interest, respectively. Even though considerable cross-cultural generalizability in dimensionality was demonstrated, this research also draws attention to the cultural embeddedness of topic-specific epistemic beliefs. Moreover, differences in the predictability of topic knowledge and topic interest in Norway and Spain, suggest that factors constraining or enhancing adaptive epistemic beliefs concerning particular topics may vary across cultures.  相似文献   

关于阅读障碍神经机制的研究已经有很多,但到目前为止,研究者仍不完全清楚,阅读障碍者脑区的异常,究竟是阅读障碍的原因还是结果。研究者发展出不同的研究范式来探究此问题,包括学龄前研究、双对照组研究、纵向研究等。文中综述了这些研究范式各具的优势、不足和研究结果之间的一致性,并分析了确认因果关系之所以困难的原因。在此基础上,提出如下建议:(1)细致区分阅读障碍的亚类型;(2)以成熟和完善的阅读认知-神经模型为指导;(3)通过不同的研究范式进行交叉印证;(4)综合考虑脑的动态发展变化特点,和基因、环境、经验的作用等多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

Virtue epistemology is the view that beliefs are attempts at truth (or perhaps knowledge) and, as a result, can be assessed as successful, competent, and apt. Moreover, virtue epistemology identifies central epistemic properties with normative properties of beliefs as attempts. In particular, knowledge is apt belief and justified belief is competent belief. This paper develops a systematic virtue epistemological account of defeat (of justification/competence). I provide reason to think that defeat occurs not only for beliefs but for attempts more general. The key constructive idea is that defeaters are evidence that attempting (in a certain way) isn't successful and that defeaters defeat the competence of an attempt when one stands in a certain normative relation to the defeater. I argue that while this account handles paradigm cases of defeat both within epistemology and beyond nicely, cases of external (sometimes also ‘normative’ or ‘propositional’) defeat continue to cause trouble. To handle these cases, I develop a distinctively functionalist version of virtue epistemology. This functionalist version of virtue epistemology allows me to countenance proficiencies, that is, roughly, abilities that have the function to produce successes under certain conditions. It is the normative import of proficiencies that delivers the normative relation that serves to explain defeat in cases of external defeat. In this way, the functionalist version of virtue epistemology ushers the way towards a satisfactory account even of external defeat.  相似文献   

目前, 阅读的眼动研究中常用的实验研究范式包括移动窗口范式、移动掩蔽范式、边界范式、快速启动范式、消失文本范式和视觉—情境范式等。本文详细介绍了这些实验范式的具体实验操作程序、内在的实验逻辑关系及相应的研究成果, 同时总结了在应用各种眼动范式时需要注意的问题。另外, 本文对阅读的眼动研究范式的应用前景进行了展望:(1)眼动研究范式在验证当前阅读的眼动理论模型中的作用; (2)不同眼动研究范式的有效结合及其在场景知觉等研究领域的迁移; (3)眼动研究范式和电生理/脑成像技术的结合; (4)眼动研究范式在中文阅读研究中的应用。  相似文献   

James Yerkes 《Zygon》1998,33(3):431-442
Adjustments in the understanding of the relation of religion and science since the Enlightenment require new considerations in epistemology and metaphysics. Constructionist theories of knowledge and process theories of metaphysics better provide the new paradigms needed both to preserve and to limit the significance of each field of human understanding. In a course taught at Moravian College, this perspective is applied to the concepts of nature, reality, and the sacred, with a view to showing how we might develop one such paradigm. Key resources for this task are to be found in the work of artist René Magritte; theologians Langdon Gilkey, Arthur Peacocke, and John Haught; philosophers and historians of science Alfred North Whitehead, Timothy Ferris, Ernan Mc Mullin, and Ian Barbour; philosopher of religion Paul Ricoeur; and historians of religion Rudolph Otto and Mircea Eliade. Such a new paradigm calls for an ecologically sensitive religious awareness which is both sacramental and holistic.  相似文献   

通过评述道德困境研究范式的发展过程, 系统阐释了经典两难法、加工分离法、CNI模型法和CAN算法的优缺点和理论价值。后来的研究范式均在一定程度上克服了之前研究范式的局限。加工分离法克服了经典两难法的加工纯粹性假设等局限, CNI模型法在加工分离法基础上进一步分离了道德困境决策的多种心理过程, CAN算法则修正了CNI模型法的序列加工的不恰当预设。研究范式的沿革启示研究者综合应用新方法来解决研究争议和重新审视以往道德理论, 合理应用新方法来探索其他具有潜在冲突性的研究议题。总之, 本文为道德困境及相关研究提供了方法学参考。  相似文献   

The current study examines the personal epistemology of fourth-grade elementary school teachers from Germany (n = 10) and the United States (n = 10) to gain a more nuanced understanding of teachers’ beliefs about knowledge and knowing through a cross-cultural lens. Analyses of semi-structured interviews reveal similarities and differences in the statements of teachers. Four themes are identified: The majority of teachers believed that (a) knowing is uncertain and (b) knowledge has domain-specific qualities; (c) U.S. teachers seemed to view knowledge more as being embedded within their community, while (d) German teachers discussed more internal knowledge sources. The general discussion includes possible cross-cultural explanations for these four emerging themes and points tentatively to developmental issues stemming from uncertainty beliefs. Conceptual and educational implications are discussed and suggestions for future research are given.  相似文献   

方平  陈满琪  姜媛 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1396-1399
情绪启动是探讨情绪和态度自动激活的有效方法,近期其研究范式有了较大的发展,相继产生了经典情绪启动实验、阈下情绪启动实验、向后情绪启动实验以及情绪启动与其他范式相结合的实验等较有影响的研究范式。文章分别梳理了这些范式及其研究结果,并在此基础上,总结研究所采用的范式并展望今后研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

面孔视错觉现象表现为个体从其他事物中感知到并不存在的面孔。面孔视错觉要素已广泛应用于艺术、广告及商品中,起到吸引注意、促进消费的作用。同时,先前的研究通过采用各种范式,发现患者在面孔视错觉的产生上同常人的差异,以及视错觉与视幻觉之间的联系。根据视觉加工通路的不同,相关范式可分为视错觉监测范式,以及视错觉辨认范式。前者侧重于基于提取的类面孔特征所做出的快速预测,后者侧重于主观期望引导个体对物体特征的提取,两者最终均会影响到后续的认知判断。日后研究可从面孔视错觉的发生机制出发,结合自上而下和自下而上两种加工通路,为面孔视错觉产生机制提供理论依据,并拓宽该要素在临床诊断及商业广告领域上的应用。  相似文献   

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