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The aim of this study was to examine the predictive power of spirituality and religiousness in terms of well-being. Spirituality and religiousness were measured by the ASPIRES Scale. Participants in this study were 171 middle-aged Vietnamese-born American Catholics. Results indicated that both resilience and stress significantly related to Prayer Fulfillment, Religious Involvement, and Religious Crisis, and Universality related significantly to resilience. A series of hierarchical multiple regressions examined the incremental predictive validity of spirituality and religiousness over gender, religious status, and personality. Results demonstrated that spirituality and religiousness incrementally predicted stress overload and resilience in midlife over these other variables (Δ R2 scores ranged from .02 to .06). These findings provided further support for the hypothesis that spirituality and religiousness are important resources for managing stress and maintaining resilience for middle-aged Vietnamese-born American immigrants.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated relationships between traditional indicators of acculturation, cultural distance, acculturation strategies, and basic dimensions of personality as they pertain to psychological adjustment among Hispanic students. Although personality characteristics have been shown to be important determinants of psychological well-being, acculturation research has put less emphasis on the role of personality in the well-being of immigrants. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that basic dimensions of personality such as extraversion and neuroticism were strongly related to psychological adjustment. Acculturation strategies did not mediate the effect of personality variables, but cultural resistance made a small, independent contribution to the explanation of some aspects of negative psychological adjustment. The implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

It was the purpose of this study to test Holland's assertion that stability of vocational choice can be predicted from: (a) congruence of personality with chosen career, (b) differentiation of personality, and (c) internal consistency of personality characteristics. The relationship of each of the three constructs to stability of choice of college major was studied among 167 university students. It was hypothesized that prediction could be improved by combining congruence, differentiation, and consistency in a multiple relationship. The relative importance of the three constructs was examined. Findings supported Holland's contention that congruence and consistency are positively related to stability. No significant relationship was found between differentiation and stability. When combined, all three constructs predict stability, but the efficiency of prediction is not improved by adding differentiation and/or consistency to congruence. As hypothesized, congruence was found to be the most important predictor, followed in importance by differentiation and consistency, respectively.  相似文献   

Personality research has shown that negativity in social situations (e.g., negative evaluations of others) can be reduced by the activation of participants' sense of attachment security. Individuals with avoidant personality disorder (APD), however, are theoretically less responsive to context or situational cues because of the inflexible nature of their personality disposition. This idea of individual differences in context-responsiveness was tested in a sample of 169 undergraduates who were assessed for APD features and assigned to positive, negative, or neutral attachment priming conditions. More pronounced APD features were associated with more negative responses to vignettes describing potentially distressing social situations. A significant interaction showed that participants with more avoidant features consistently appraised the vignettes relatively more negatively, regardless of priming condition. Those without APD features, by contrast, did not exhibit negative appraisals/evaluations unless negatively primed (curvilinear effect). This effect could not be explained by depression, current mood, or attachment insecurity, all of which related to negative evaluative biases, but none of which related to situation inflexibility. These findings provide empirical support for the notion that negative information-processing is unusually inflexible and context-unresponsive among individuals with more pronounced features of APD.  相似文献   

This paper examines the incremental value of achievement orientations (Mastery-Approach; Mastery-Avoid; Performance-Approach; Performance-Avoid), above Extraversion and Neuroticism, in predicting two different types of satisfaction outcomes; expectation-based-job-satisfaction (EX-JS) and satisfaction-with-one’s-own-job-performance (P-JS). Using structural equation modelling, data from 242 UK government body employees showed that only Extraversion shared a (positive) relationship with EX-JS. Whereas, the strongest relations with P-JS were found for Neuroticism and Mastery-Approach with both sharing positive relationships with this satisfaction outcome. Analyses indicated that Mastery-Approach accounted for unique variance in P-JS beyond Extraversion and Neuroticism. Findings show that there is scope for experiences of satisfaction at work to be traced to stable approach competence specific motivational tendencies.  相似文献   

Adult attachment styles and personality disorders (PDs) show some conceptual and empirical overlap and both may complicate the course of symptoms among psychiatric patients. In this naturalistic prospective study, 149 patients with affective, anxiety, substance use, and other disorders were interviewed shortly after entering treatment, which included psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, or both. Follow-up interviews were conducted 6 and 12 months later. Attachment styles, DSM-III-R PDs, and symptoms were assessed using structured interviews and consensus ratings. At intake, borderline, avoidant, and dependent PD features correlated consistently with symptom severity and secure attachment correlated inversely with two of four symptom scales. Secure attachment was linked with greater relative improvement in global functioning and a more benign course of anxiety symptoms over 6 months. Borderline PD features predicted less relative improvement of depressive symptoms over 6 months. These findings clarify the relations between attachment styles and PD features and they point to potential mediators of treatment response.  相似文献   

On the basis of surveys completed by 105 male participants in a popular marathon, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify the variables contributing significantly to the prediction of final time. Overall prediction was successful, with R = .896, and training pace was the most important factor in the equation, speedier workouts being associated with faster marathon times. Final time was also related positively to best 10-km race time in the previous 12 mo. and repression-sensitization (faster runners being more sensitized), and negatively to maximum number of training miles in a single week, number of previous marathons completed, and number of days of training lost through illness or injury. Contrary to expectations, locus of control was not related to final time. Only 27% of the runners had lost training time through injury, but a discriminant analysis showed that, compared to those who had avoided this problem, the injured were younger, rested less, ran less in the week prior to the marathon, ran a slightly longer long run but ran it earlier before the race, and ran fewer runs of 20 miles or more. It is suggested that researchers should study the repression-sensitization variable and investigate injury in runners preparing for a marathon.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal, multimethod investigation, the authors examined mothers' personality and its interaction with infants' negative emotionality as predictors of parenting behavior. When infants were 8-10 months old (N = 112), mothers completed personality self-reports, and the authors observed infants' negative emotionality in both standard procedures and naturalistic daily contexts. When infants were 13-15 months old (N = 108), the authors observed two aspects of parenting, power assertion and maternal responsiveness, in mother-child interactive contexts. Maternal personality alone and also in interaction with child emotionality predicted future parenting behaviors. The longitudinal links established between personality and parenting behaviors indicate the predictive utility of personality. Findings also highlight the bidirectionality of the early parent-child relationship.  相似文献   

Work engagement is seen as a critical antecedent of various organizational outcomes such as citizenship behavior and employee productivity. Though defined as a state, recent research has hinted at potential individual differences in engagement, meaning that employees differ in their tendencies to engage at work. This study investigated the effects of the Big Five personality traits, work-specific personality, and trait emotional intelligence, on work engagement among a sample of 1050 working adults. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses identified trait EI, openness to experience, interpersonal sensitivity, ambition, extraversion, adjustment, and conscientiousness as predictors of engagement. Trait EI predicted work engagement over and above personality. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between parents' perceptions of marital satisfaction and family stress and their third grade children's classroom behavior. Twenty-one married couples completed questionnaires during home visits. Behavior observations were made from videotapes of children recorded in their classroom during lunch and group academic periods on each of three days. Frequencies of peer interactions, solitary behaviors, and teacher interactions were coded. Regression analyses showed that mothers' level of marital satisfaction (but not fathers') predicted their children's frequency of peer interactions during lunch. Fathers' level of perceived family stress (but not mothers') predicted their children's frequency of peer interactions during lunch. Neither measure for either parent was related to the frequency of peer interactions, solitary behaviors, or teacher interactions observed during the academic sessions. These findings highlight the importance of assessing the potential differential relation of parent variables to children's trans-situational behaviors, and the examination of these variables in relation to different social-environmental contexts in which children participate outside the home.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the degree to which youth unemployment in N. Ireland can be predicted from a number of antecedent variables. It was found that home background, IQ, personality, school type and educational attainments all had significant effects on unemployment. The magnitude of the effects and the causal mechanisms through which they operate were analysed by path analysis in terms of the Duncan-Jencks path-analysis model. The results show that the model holds well for N. Ireland; the major difference is that school type (grammar vs secondary modern) plays a greater role in N. Ireland than school differences in the U.S.A. The data are considered from the point of view of the intergenerational cycle of deprivation hypothesis. It was found that using the criteria of father-son and father-daughter correlation for unemployment, the cycle is quite weak in N. Ireland.  相似文献   

Historically, the concept of human maturity has been discussed in the social science field. The process of attaining maturity has also been explored since last century. This study investigates the possible influences of mindfulness practice and spirituality in predicting maturity. The model of causes of maturity in this study assesses the contributions of personality, mindfulness, and spirituality in the prediction of maturity in a random sample of 537 Chinese adults. Results indicated that personality, mindfulness, and spirituality all correlated with maturity in many aspects. Multiple regression analyses found that mindfulness and spirituality each added an additional significant amount of variance in maturity after controlling for the influence of age and personality. As expected, when mindfulness and spirituality were practiced together, the amount of combined incremental influence on maturity was significantly greater than the amounts of incremental influence mindfulness and spirituality each alone had on maturity.  相似文献   

Acculturation theory has been the dominant model that investigators use in examining the effects of transmigration. This theory indicates the problematic effects of intercultural contact in terms of adjustment and stress. One criticism of this theory, however, is its lack of integration with the more generic contact literature. This literature suggests that intergroup contact can have positive effects on intergroup relations. The authors presented a longitudinal study of 35 Japanese nationals living in the United Kingdom over a period of 12 months. The present results suggested that both conventional acculturation variables (e.g., language ability and perceived cultural distance) and intergroup variables (e.g., in-group bias and intergroup anxiety) were associated with acculturative stress and psychosomatic illness over time. Higher intergroup anxiety was associated with increased acculturative stress, whereas higher in-group bias was associated with reduced psychosomatic illness. The present results indicated the possibility that these variables add an important dimension to the acculturation literature.  相似文献   

Negative discipline has been linked to childhood externalizing behaviour. However, relatively little attention has been given to the potential effect of individual personality characteristics of children and parents. Using the Five Factor Model, we examined the extent to which parents' and children's personality characteristics were related to parenting and children's externalizing behaviour in a proportional stratified general population sample (N=599) of elementary‐school‐aged children. Based on Patterson's macromodel of parenting, an initial model was built, hypothesizing that the impact of parents' and child's personality dimensions on externalizing problems was fully mediated by negative discipline. Results supported a modified model that added direct pathways between parent and child personality characteristics and externalizing problem behaviour. For the mother data, as well as for the father data, children's Extraversion and Imagination were positively related to children's externalizing problem behaviours. Children's Benevolence and Conscientiousness and parents' Emotional Stability were negatively related to externalizing problem behaviours. For the mother data, maternal Agreeableness was positively related to externalizing problem behaviours too. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current study examined the individual and joint effects of the Big Five personality traits and acculturation on coping styles. Using the proposed framework of McCrae ( 22 2001), the relations among these variables were evaluated at the intracultural level to exploit previously unexplored within‐culture variability for an unstudied Asian American group (Korean Americans). This approach emphasizes the unique expression of specific personality traits in a single culture. A community sample of Korean Americans completed measures of the Five‐Factor Model of Personality (NEO‐PI‐R; Costa & McCrae, 13 1992), coping (Brief COPE; Carver, 7 1997), and acculturation (SL‐ASIA; Suinn, Ahuna, & Khoo, 40 1992). The results primarily showed statistically significant relations between the Big Five personality traits and coping. Neuroticism was positively related to indices of emotion‐focused coping (emotional support) and avoidance (substance abuse, behavioural disengagement, venting, self‐blame); Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Openness were positively related to indices of problem‐focused (active coping, planning) and emotion‐focused coping (positive reframing, humour, acceptance); and Agreeableness was positively associated with active coping and humour. Acculturation was only significantly (and positively) associated with venting. Significant Acculturation×Big Five personality traits interactions were found, however. For individuals high in acculturation, both Neuroticism and Openness were positively related to indices of avoidance coping. Moreover, for individuals low in acculturation, a negative relationship was found between Conscientiousness and venting. These results show that there is considerable within‐culture variation for the dimensions of the Five‐Factor Model of Personality, coping styles, and acculturation in this largely bicultural sample. Moreover, the amount of variation and its directionality among the target study variables is similar to that typically found in Caucasian American samples. Finally, the stronger relations found between the dimensions of personality and coping styles (relative to the relations found between acculturation and coping styles) suggests that personality traits rather than acculturation may be more important clinically when profiling patients and developing treatment plans.  相似文献   

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