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This discussion of Suchet's paper further explores Butler's double disavowal of love and loss as it relates to racialized bonds. It also examines Yoshino's concept about the cost of “covering” difference and supports the need to uncover white privilege and lack while being mindful of holding the tension of sameness and difference between the psychic and the social. Surrender is considered within a frame of multiplicity and of Buddhist thought, and the author associates to the sensory realm of childhood through her own early attachment. Finally, the author wonders about the nature and complexity of racialized shame and its delicate place in clinical work.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics -  相似文献   

陈音 《天风》2006,(1):26-28
最近,我们周围的教会以及信徒们受所谓的“灵恩运动”影响,引起教会的分歧,并带来不利影响。我们如何看待做异梦,见异象,说方言,仆倒在地,被提升天,医病赶鬼等圣经所记载的这些统称为属灵的恩赐? “恩赐”两个字在原文中的意思是“恩典的彰显”,这个字是指神为着教会的益处而赐给个人的属灵礼物。新约圣经中有三处经文列举了“属灵的恩赐”:罗马书12章6至8节;哥林多前书12章8至10节;以弗所书4章11节。从这三处有关圣灵恩赐的经文中,我们可以找出二十种属灵的恩赐。此外,新、旧约圣经中也提到一些别的恩赐,如异梦、异象。  相似文献   

Early advances in psychoanalytic knowledge, profound though they were, were incomplete structures to be built upon, modified, and partially discarded. In addition to errors due to insufficient knowledge, Freud's difficulties with Dora stemmed from countertransference. Dora's transference included an identification with a governess/maid. Important oedipal role played by a nursemaid in Freud's life made him vulnerable to being left by Dora. The maid, Monika, "the prime originator" of Freud's neurosis, seduced him, chastised him, and taught him of hell. In his self-analysis she was associated with Freud's mother who left him when she gave birth to his sister. When he was two and a half years old, Monika was discharged and jailed for stealing. I suggest that Freud's attraction to Dora revealed itself in his libidinal imagery of the treatment and his premature sexual interpretations, the effects of which he misjudged. Defending against his attraction, he pushed her away from him, did not act to keep her in analysis or allow her to reenter analysis later. In addition, since Dora had left him as he must have felt his childhood nursemaid had, he reacted as if she were that maid. Hurt, saddened, and angered, he used reversal and deserted her, thus damping his feelings.  相似文献   

Risto Saarinen 《Dialog》2006,45(1):55-62
Abstract: This article responds to the work of George Lindbeck and John Milbank while putting forth a new position on the theology of gift and forgiveness. Saarinen constructs a rudimentary theological anthropology, focusing on God and human beings as givers. As an example of applying this “giver‐oriented perspective” he outlines a fourfold typology of forgiveness as (1) negative giving, forgetting; (2) negative and positive giving, forgetting; (3) negative giving, forgetting and remembering; (4) negative and positive giving, forgetting and remembering.  相似文献   

The effort against the totality is an effort that can lead to the capacity to love—W hitmost (25)  相似文献   

A certain objection to belief in God is based on the intrinsic incoherence of the concept of Divine Being or God. In particular, it questions the major traditional characteristic, notably omniscience, and its relation to omnipotence, moral unassailability, and absence of embodiment on the part of the Divine Being. In this paper, an attempt is made to counter this objection by an appeal, not to natural theology, but rather to physicalism in its application to human beings, and by extension to the possible consistency of God’s omniscience with the other divine attributes, which philosophers such as Michael Martin have found to be mutually inconsistent and therefore wanting. I would like to thank several anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments, suggestions and criticisms. Though I did not address all of their concerns, I hope that I have done justice to the effort they put into reviewing this essay.  相似文献   

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