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This research examined the effects that the nonverbal behavior of job applicants had on subsequent hiring evaluations. Interviewees (n = 32) were instructed to use one of four styles of nonverbal behavior during the recording of short job interviews with a standard content. The videotaped interviews were watched by behavior raters (n = 22), who assessed nonverbal-cue usage, and by judges (n = 50), who evaluated the applicants as prospective employees. The applicants were also rated by judges (n = 30) for physical attractiveness. Results supported the hypothesis that nonverbal behavior in the job interview operates as subtle reinforcement. Implications for job-counseling programs are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of nonverbal communication has generated numerous hypotheses and theories but little that is directly useful to the practitioner. This article discusses the major controversies in the literature to provide an overview of the field. Concepts with practical application are then organized into a suggested model for interpreting nonverbal behavior in the actual counseling setting.  相似文献   

The paper discusses different well-known imagined monsters. Starting with the fairy tale and the films on The Beauty and the Beast (La Belle et la Bête), hidden meanings from several psychodynamically valid perspectives are proposed with the aim of finding out what makes this story so popular and everlasting. Projected demons or impulses in Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are are discussed as well as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and his monster who are presented and connected to facts in this author’s life. In the summary links to psychoanalytic thinking are proposed.  相似文献   

对言语沟通与非言语沟通领域中存在的各种复杂、容易混淆的现象进行了分析与厘清,对言语沟通与非言语沟通之间的质性差异与区别进行了深入剖析,对两种沟通方式传递信息的契合情况和相互作用进行了论述。重新界定与表述了言语沟通与非言语沟通之间的基本概念及其相互关系,澄清了以往对言语沟通与非言语沟通中存在的模糊认识,探讨了两种沟通方式传播信息的契合性对沟通效果的影响。文章的分析与论述对于重新认识言语沟通与非言语沟通领域中的基本理论问题,客观准确地把握两种沟通方式的本质及其相互作用的特点,规范当前社会心理学教科书有关内容的表述是一种积极的探索。  相似文献   

Previous research has reported that nonverbal elements of physician-patient communication influence medical outcomes such as patients’ understanding, compliance, and saris/action with health care delivery. This investigation examined the impact of various patients’ characteristics (age, sex, education, anxiety, and relational history with the physician) on patterns of nonverbal communication exhibited in 41 physician-patient interactions at a family practice clinic. Several findings were noteworthy. First, although they were relatively consistent in their nonverbal responses to different patients, physicians generally reciprocated patient's adjustments in response latency, pauses during speaking turns, body orientation, and interruptions and compensated patient's modifications in turn duration and gestural rates. Second, physicians nonverbally interacted with patients over 30 years of age in a less domineering and more responsive fashion (e.g., comparable turn durations, more vocal back-channels, and more nonverbal behavior reciprocity) than they did when conversing with patients under 30. Third, physicians appeared responsive to patients experiencing various degrees of anxiety. Specifically, relative to their interactions with less worried patients, physicians used less task touch with anxious patients and to a greater degree compensated the worried patients nonverbal responses. Finally, the patients sex, education, and visit (i.e., first versus repeat) had little impact on the structure of physician-patient nonverbal exchanges.  相似文献   

Popularly, theology and mission are understood as the works of words and language. Starting from the perspective of women with intellectual disabilities who experience trauma, this paper proposes an apophatic approach for theology and mission that gives the primacy of nonverbal self‐expression over verbal logocentrism. Such a proposal places vulnerability at the heart of the Christian mission.  相似文献   

Classical cognitive science has been characterized by an association with the computational theory of mind. Although this association has produced highly significant results, it has also limited the scope of scientific psychology. In this paper, we analyse the limits of the specific kind of computational model represented by the Chomskian-Fodorian tradition in the study of mind and language. In our opinion, the adhesion to the principle of formality imposed by this specific computational model has motivated the exclusion of consciousness in the reflection on language and, consequently, has led to the inability to account for some aspects of language functioning at the processing level of discourse. The aim of this article is to restore the role of consciousness in discourse comprehension and production processes. Specifically, we argue that the ability to produce and understand discourses is based on individuals’ capacity for navigation in space and time. We will show that the space–time orientation is guaranteed by the projection of the self, which involves a special kind of consciousness.  相似文献   

This paper describes how the temporary illness of the analyst affects the analytic work when it breaks the habitual analytic setting and exposes the analyst to countertransference reactions. The illness stimulates different meanings and reactions in the analysand. The paper describes how the fostering of the habitual analytic work helps the analysand to make use of the event, i.e., to integrate it into the transference. In the light of the patient cases, it would seem that corporeality is the key: the crucial question is what it means not only to the analyst him/herself but also to the analysand, that the analyst's body remains unchanged, secure, living and stable and does not require any particular attention.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between level of television viewing and ,nonverbal behavioral encoding skills among school-aged children. As predicted, frequent TV viewers communicated emotions common on television (happiness and sadness) better than emotions uncommon on television (disgust and fear/surprise), a pattern that did not emerge for infrequent TV viewers. Additionally, compared with infrequent TV viewers, frequent viewers were better encoders of spontaneous nonverbal displays, but worse encoders of posed displays. The results of a follow-up study suggest that this latter pattern may reflect a failure by children who are exposed to highly expressive television models to engage in active self-regulation of their nonverbal expressions.  相似文献   

Three types of communication—verbal, nonverbal, and private speech—were investigated in 4- and 5-year-old children. Multiple analyses of variance (MANOVAs) without IQ controlled and multiple analyses of covariance (MANCOVAs) with IQ as a covariate were computed and followed by ANOVAs and ANCOVAs to determine the effects of sex, age, and socioeconomic status (SES) on each of these types of communication. The ANOVAs and the ANCOVAs yielded the same conclusions. Results indicated that age and SES, but not sex, influence the use of the three communication types. From age 4 to age 5, private speech decreased for middle SES children and remained the same for lower SES children. Although lower SES children had more nonverbal communication at both age levels than middle SES children, nonverbal communication decreased for middle SES children and increased for lower SES children between the ages of 4 and 5 years. Both lower and middle SES groups increased in verbal communication between the two ages. The middle SES 4-year-olds used more verbal communication than their lower SES counterparts, and the difference was maintained at age 5. Although IQ is related to verbal communication, statistically controlling for the effects of IQ did not change the conclusions.  相似文献   

An unorthodox view of the function of primary process is presented with a view to enlarge, rather than diminish Freudian assumptions. One of the basic tenets of Freudian hypothesis was the supposed lack of influence of outside experience upon primary process functions. Yet we see demonstrated on a daily basis that primary process cognition is at work in any human interaction or experience. The mental structures of the self in interaction with the nonself is constantly monitored, added to, or subtracted from during contact with others. It is a prereflective mode that does not immediately rise into awareness. We give meaning to all interactions without necessarily reflecting upon them or even clarifying them to ourselves. Without allowing for such meaning to be integrated, we would lose or misinterpret large portions of our daily interactions. Flaws in communication occur every day and are demonstrable particularly in therapy when therapists are not attuned to their patients' emotional needs. It is demonstrated that nonverbal avoidance behavior of disturbed infants is the precursor for disturbed object relations of adults. Therefore, it makes no sense to interpret unconscious meanings—there are none. The difficulty lies in the inter-subjective realm and serves defensive modes. However, if patients present an inauthentic self, it is often difficult to decide if one is indeed in the presence of such a maimed self. The therapist's countertransference aids in detecting inaulhenticity. Ever-present, unconscious meaning analysis must be brought into consciousness by the therapist in order to further the therapeutic process.  相似文献   

This paper is a report of a study of congruity between verbal and nonverbal maternal communication with sons during two 30-minute sessions. The instructions to the mothers varied for the two sessions by increasing the time the mother was asked to spend on a brain teaser game and by decreasing the number of play materials available for the sons in the second session. The two sessions were videotaped through a one-way mirror and rated independently for maternal verbal and nonverbal communicaiton and child compliance. Mothers differed for the two sessions in their communication with their sons. The study demonstrated that maternal nonverbal communication, as well as verbal communication, can be reliably measured through use of videotape recording.  相似文献   

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