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I tell the story of my own development from the childhood of a psychiatrist's daughter in wartime Britain, through a brief career in family medicine, to the position of a member of the Independent tradition in British psychoanalysis. As well as having psychoanalysts from different theoretical orientations in my family, I became confused during my training by the different strands of thought and technique taught and promulgated in the British Psychoanalytical Society. For some time after qualification, I took the lonely path of listening mostly to my patients' material as the prime source of understanding mental suffering. It was only after a few years that I was satisfied at being able to connect psychoanalytic theory with what I heard in the consulting room, and following this was further able to explore different strands of psychoanalytic thinking to reach my own position.  相似文献   

This article aims to outline, in brief, the life and work of Charles Rycroft. He had been one of the brilliant and fecund psychoanalysts of the second half of the Twentieth century, although his legacy has unfortunately often been neglected. The author suggests that this might have been because of his withdrawal from the British Psychoanalytic Society, which made him, in many ways, “invisible” to his own colleagues and that continues even today—more than ten years after his death—to preclude a real recognition of his personal and original clinical thinking and working style.  相似文献   

Sidney W. Bijou is among the founders of behavior analysis, but the record of his contributions is incomplete. It has not systematically described his contributions beyond his tenure at the University of Washington (1948-1965). The purpose of this paper is to describe his contributions over the course of the next decade-his years at the University of Illinois (1965-1975). I begin by reviewing his education and training, contributions at Washington, and why he left and moved to Illinois. Then, I describe his Illinois years: his appointments, colleagues, and service; the Child Behavior Laboratory; grant funding and publications; further service, awards, and recognition; and influence on his colleagues, students, classroom teachers and research supervisors, and visiting scholars. Bijou is modest about his contributions at Illinois, but he advanced the field in many ways over the course of the decade, especially the careers of his colleagues and students.  相似文献   

The British Sexological Society was a largely unknown society composed of influential people of the early twentieth century in Great Britain. The present research is an archival study of the Society and its work concerning homosexuality. Issues addressed by the British Sexological Society are relevant to the early development of sexual emancipation movements as well as to issues of sexuality today.  相似文献   

You have just retired from editing Counselling Psychology Review, the in-house journal of the British Psychological Society, Division of Counselling Psychology. It seems an appropriate moment to interview you for Counselling Psychology Quarterly. In this interview I want to focus on a topic I know you are interested in, client-therapist boundary issues, and your experience editing the journal. But I'd like to start off at a slight tangent. What encouraged you to go into counselling psychology as a profession?  相似文献   

The UK provides an important case study when analysing the influence of religious attitudes and values on political behaviour in the European Union. Our research shows British members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to be relatively at ease working with the different faith-based organisations (FBOs) which seek to influence the European policy process – and much more so than many of their colleagues from other member-states. This can potentially be explained by the more ‘pluralist’ political culture which is prevalent in the UK, and can also be related to the comparatively high rates of non-church attendance among the British sample which facilitates their even-handedness towards different groups. This, in turn, produces a resistance to allowing religious factors to disproportionately influence European policymaking.  相似文献   

The articles of Elizabeth Spillius and Jennifer Johns exemplify contrasting ways in which an analyst may form her psychoanalytic identity. She may recognize and accept a particular theoretical standpoint as valid, and form an analytic identity around that position. Or she may engage with a variety of viewpoints, and form an analytic identity through the interaction between these and her own internal self-experience. These approaches coexist in the British Psychoanalytical Society. There has been the potential for creative discussion between them, especially as regards their implications for analytic training. These six articles together, however, reveal how hard it has been for such discussion to take place. Spillius describes the disparity between the Society's three groups in relation to candidates' choice of supervisors, and I discuss this further. It seems to reflect an underlying difference in approach to psychoanalytic training, based on these different views of how an analyst's identity is formed. I suggest that the difficulty in debating this freely reflects a fear that opening up the issue might lead the Society to split. In 2005 the so-called Gentlemen's Agreement, which for 60 years governed group balance in the British Society, was formally abolished. In the light of this, I consider what is needed for a Society creatively to contain divergent philosophies of training.  相似文献   

A few months before Joe Sandler's death, he participated in an American Psychoanalytic Association panel that focused on the Controversial Discussions that occurred in the British Psychoanalytic Society from 1941 to 1945. Our plan was to revisit the controversies in the context of British psychoanalysis some 50 years later. As we designed the panel, I suggested that we have one Kleinian panelist, one contemporary Freudian panelist, and a third panelist representing the Independents.  相似文献   

A little more than 40 years ago, J. R. Simon and colleagues introduced what is now called the Simon task, which yielded a correspondence effect known as the Simon effect. In this paper, I set Simon's contribution in the context of research on stimulus-response compatibility. The novel contribution of the Simon task is described, along with foundational findings using the task that Simon and colleagues reported. I acknowledge the significance of Simon's (1990) review chapter in generating my own interests in the Simon task and describe four selected lines of research from my lab that have been a result of those interests. The article concludes with a brief tribute to Simon and his contribution to experimental psychology.  相似文献   

英国心理学会介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国心理学会成立于1901年,有较长的历史;现有会员4万4千多人,在英国心理学研究和应用方面发挥了重要的领导和协调作用。该文介绍了英国心理学会的组织结构及它在2006年的活动情况。  相似文献   

This article traces an intellectual journey from a university environment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, under military dictatorship in the sixties, to becoming a training analyst of the British Psychoanalytic Society. The journey includes an M. Phil. in Social Anthropology from the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro, followed by a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics. Reading the classic texts of social anthropology, as well as Latin American writers and the Jewish classics, paved the way for an understanding of the world of others. Training in family therapy and ten years of clinical work in the NHS gave the clinical foundation required for the longed-for training with the British Psychoanalytic Society. From then on, the journey to becoming a training analyst is delineated, as well as the new challenges which this new phase has brought in the last ten years.  相似文献   


I attempt to rehabilitate Edward Glover's historical reputation, based on unpublished interviews as well as recently found documentary material. This should make one of the defining moments in the history of British psychoanalysis more plausible. Glover was an eloquent heresy-hunter - against Jung, Rank, Klein, Alexander, and others - yet the polemical side of him represents only one aspect of his career. During the Controversial Discussions Glover was taking some of the burden for the way his leader Jones had run the British Society. In moving against Klein, Glover felt he was fulfilling Freud's own wishes, and that he was allied with the recently arrived Viennese contingent. After Glover's resignation in 1944, Jones split the opposition by appointing Anna Freud as Glover's successor as IPA Secretary. Subsequently Adrian Stephen and Donald Winnicott opposed Glover's even being allowed to speak at a psychoanalytic conference in Amsterdam; Anna Freud defended Glover's presence then. Glover's long struggle to be accepted as a member of the Swiss Society only went through in 1949, when Jones ceased being President of the IPA. Glover and Anna Freud regularly corresponded about setting up of the distinction between the "B" and "A" groups within the British Society. Meanwhile Glover, who had since the early 1930s been the de facto founder of the Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency, used his administrative talents there. He successfully founded The British Journal of Delinquency with Miller and Mannheim. Unlike what happened at the British Society, Glover cooperated without problem at the ISTD and the Portman Clinic. Glover was not only an important and successful clinical analyst but also a pioneer in forensic psychiatry. In 1947 he was unofficially approached and asked to take over the Directorship of the New York Psychoanalytic Training Institute. When the proceedings of the Controversial Discussions were published in 1991, various myths had been established about what had happened. That Glover found himself caught in the middle was not only a personal tragedy but also a part of a much larger story.  相似文献   

On the 26 and 27 September, a group of theologians met at Liverpool Hope University College and reflected on the state of contemporary British theology. The following statement was the result. This statement was widely circulated inviting colleagues throughout higher education to become signatories.  相似文献   

I argue that developmental psychologists need to view cultural approaches to cognitive development as necessary and not just nice. Cultural psychology enables one to study problems one otherwise might not be able to study and also to identify solutions to problems that might be obscured or even distorted if one looked only at results within a single culture (usually, one’s own). I describe work my colleagues and I have done around the world addressing specific problems such as what does it mean to be adaptively intelligent in various cultures, how does illness affect intellectual functioning, and what do people even mean by “intelligence” in different cultures. The results show that cognitive development can be fully understood only if one looks beyond one’s own cultural boundaries and preconceptions. The article further argues that a theory of successful intelligence can be a useful way of studying phenomena of intellectual development within a cultural framework.  相似文献   

The starting-point is the distinction between concept and conception. Our conceptions of gold, for instance, are the different understandings we get when we hear the word ‘gold’ whereas the concept of gold consists in the scientific determination of what gold is. It depends on the context whether it is more reasonable to claim a concept or to look for fitting conceptions. By arguing against metaphysical realism and for non-metaphysical realism, I will elaborate on some philosophical reasons for dealing with conceptions instead of concepts of God, and secondly, I will discuss how such conceptions should be critically assessed. This article is an amended and enlarged version of a paper delivered at the conference on The Concept of God, arranged by the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion in Oxford, Great Britain, September 11–13, 2007.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to obtain data reJlecting NHS clinical psychologists' perceptions of counselling psychologists. A 19-item questionnaire was devised and sent by post to 303 clinical psychology departments throughout the United Kingdom in July 1995. 161 replies were received from areas including mental health, community care, general hospital, neurological rehabilitation, learning disabilities and combinations of these. Results showed considerable confusion among clinical psychologists around the identity and competencies of counselling psychologists. Much of this confusion seems to be attributable to a lack of information regarding the content of training and a lack of awareness that counselling psychologists are now chartered under the auspices of the British Psychological Society. The survey suggests that counselling psychologists should work to clarify their identity and increase communication with professional colleagues before their contribution to the provision of psychological care can be recognised.  相似文献   

Lacking the size, talent, and speed to play shortstop for the New York Yankees, I chose instead to become a psychologist/psychoanalyst. Yet, baseball and psychoanalysis share much in common. Each is played in the inner diamonds of one's mind, values the past and what is passing, and requires a strong work ethic. Both are timeless and involve an almost boring leisureliness between occasional moments of crisis. Then too, each calls for an attitude of consistency and patience and a responsibility to do one's best. From my parents and brother to my wife and son and his family, from my teachers and supervisors to my colleagues, and from Menninger to the Society for Personality Assessment (SPA), I feel deeply grateful for the partners and teammates I have and have had.  相似文献   

This paper traces some aspects of the fertile matrix within which, over many years, the application of a psychoanalytic perspective to clinical work with the most severely mentally ill, difficult and at times frightening patients in secure and community settings has evolved and now led to the recent inauguration of the Forensic Psychotherapy Society (FPS), a new Member Institution of the British Psychoanalytic Council. The Society provides both a framework for a national, multidisciplinary professional training in psychodynamic forensic psychotherapy and the potential launching pad for an active post-qualification organisation supporting CPD and all other forms of professional development. The particular contributions to the birth of the FPS of the Forensic Psychotherapy Department at West London Mental Health NHS Trust, partly because we know it best but also because it is part of the largest forensic psychiatric service in the United Kingdom, are described.  相似文献   

After the Isaacs' seminal work on the nature and function of unconscious phantasy (1948), several authors (mostly in the British Society) have reflected on the topic and tried to extend the concept of fantasy. In this paper I shall examine the contributions of Winnicott, Gaddini, Joseph and Anne Marie Sandler that aim at broadening this psychoanalytic concept. The authors that I have considered share a focus mostly on the early stages of child development. Both Winnicott and Gaddini belong to a line of thinking that explores the vicissitudes of the primary emotional development of the infantile self (in the mother‐infant relationship) involving the earliest processes of holding and bodily and kinaesthetic fantasy that form the bodily integrity of the person. The Sandlers focused mostly on the concept of the past unconscious understood as a place of primitive vicissitudes with a deficit in figuration where the process of repression is missing. The present unconscious phantasy (that is located in the here and now) has the function of rendering the past unconscious phantasy partly accessible; otherwise it would remain unknowable.  相似文献   

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