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An instrument, the Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Scales (GRSLSS), was developed to assess six student learning styles. These styles are Independent, Dependent, Avoidant, Participant, Collaborative, and Competitive. A “rational approach” was used to develop the GRSLSS and evaluate its construct validity. The process included professional and student inputs in special procedures for selecting scale items and designing criterion items. The utility of this approach is considered and problems critiqued. The rational approach yielded relatively high temporal reliability coefficients (range across scales r = .76 to r = .83; N = 269) and numerous meaningful correlations between criterion items and scale scores.  相似文献   

This study examined perception of Munsell notation color by seven third-graders and three college adults (both with normal color vision) and three children (from the same family) who were red-green color blind. The stimuli varied in terms of Munsell Hue (red, green, and purple), Munsell Value (brightness), and Munsell Chroma (saturation). Each S judged the dissimilarity of 325 color pairs (from 26 stimuli). The data were analyzed via individual difference multidimensional scaling that defined a common perceptual space for the group. The results indicated that the third-graders’ color perception was like that of the adults. The color circle was reproduced, as were dimensions based on Munsell Value and Chroma. The color deficient children's data did not fit into that common space. Their perception was guided primarily by the brightness of the stimulus. In sum, the data indicated that, for the domain of Munsell colors, results obtained from adults concerning the dimensionality of the color space could be applied to young children (as long as they have normal color vision).  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the roles of emotional comprehension and representational drawing skill in children's expressive drawing. Fifty 7‐ to 10‐year‐olds were asked to produce two (happy and sad) expressive drawings, two representational drawings (drawing of a man running and drawing of a house) and to answer the Test of Emotion Comprehension (Pons & Harris, 2000). The expressive drawings were assessed on the number of expressive subject matter themes (‘content expression’) and the overall quality of expression on a 5‐point scale. Each of the representational drawings was measured on a scale assessing detail and visual realism criteria, and contributed to a single representational drawing skill score. In line with our predictions, we found that both emotional comprehension and representational drawing skill accounted for a significant variance in children's expressive drawings. We explain that children's developing emotional comprehension may allow them to consider more detailed and poignant expressive ideas for their drawings and that their developing representational drawing skill facilitates the graphic execution of these emotional ideas. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of the work presented here is to investigate the effects of mere-exposure to familiar and unfamiliar stimuli (as primes) on credibility judgement about sentences unrelated to the primes. These target sentences are presented just after the prime. In all, 124 students participated in 3 priming experiments. The nature of the primes (both infraliminary and supraliminary) is different in each experiment: we used public vs. unknown faces, exposed vs. unexposed faces, and objects vs. nonobjects. Primes were presented for 50msec or 400msec. After the presentation of each prime, subjects had to judge the credibility of an assertion; its ambiguity has previously been tested with 100 subjects. The results show that assertions which follow familiar primes (public faces, exposed faces, or objects) are granted more credibility that those which follow unfamiliar primes (unknown faces or nonobjects). This effect is observed especially when presentation time is 50msec.  相似文献   

A number of reports have suggested that changing intensity in short tonal stimuli is asymmetrically perceived. In particular, steady stimuli may be heard as growing louder; stimuli must decrease in intensity to be heard as steady in loudness. The influence of stimulus duration on this perceptual asymmetry was examined. Three participants heard diotic tonal stimuli of eight durations between 0.8 s and 2.5 s. Each stimulus increased, decreased, or remained steady in intensity; initial intensity was 40 dB SPL (sound pressure level relative to 0.0002 dynes/cm2), and carrier frequency was 1 kHz. Participants made forced binary responses of “growing louder” or “growing softer” to each stimulus. For each duration, that value of intensity change eliciting equal numbers of both responses was determined. The results indicated a pronounced perceptual asymmetry for 0.8-s stimuli, which diminished for longer stimuli; changing intensity in 2.5-s stimuli was perceived symmetrically. Additionally, sensitivity to changing intensity improved as stimulus duration increased, suggesting that responses may be based in part on the difference in intensity between the beginning and end of the stimulus. Possible ramifications of the asymmetry reside in (a) the percussive nature of many natural sounds and (b) selective responding to approaching sound sources.  相似文献   

Three- to 5-year-old children's knowledge that pictures have a representational function for others was investigated using a pictorial false-belief task. In Study 1, children passed the task at around 4 years old, and performance was correlated with standard false-belief and pictorial symbol tasks. In Study 2, the performance of children from two cultural settings who had very little exposure to pictures during the first 3 years (Peru, India) was contrasted with that of children from Canada. Performance was better in the Canadian than Peruvian and Indian samples on the picture false-belief task and drawing tasks but not on the standard false-belief measure. In all settings, children passed drawing and standard false-belief tasks either concurrently with, or prior to, passing the picture false-belief task. The findings suggest that children's explicit knowledge of the representational function of pictorial symbols matures in the late preschool years and develops more rapidly in cultures that strongly promote the symbolic use of pictures early in life.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between children's self-concepts and evaluations of parent figures. The subjects were elementary school children (352 males and 280 females; Grades 5 through 10) who came from intact families, divorced families, or families in which one or both parents had died. Significant relationships were obtained between children's self-concept ratings and their evaluations of their natural father and mother for both intact and divorced families. This relationship was not significant, however, for families in which a parent had died. Furthermore, children's self-ratings were not significantly correlated with their evaluations of stepparents.  相似文献   

Children from preschool, first-grade, and fourth-grade classrooms (N = 60) were randomly assigned to two different instructional conditions to assess (a) their recognition of the significance of knowledge versus physical (age or gender) criteria for making information-seeking decisions and (b) their reliance on these criteria in actual need-for-information situations. The results suggest that older children are more likely than younger children to recognize the salience of a peer's knowledge for making information-seeking decisions. Depending on the context, however, even young children may be able to view a peer's knowledge of a particular task as a dimension that takes precedence over such competing cues as gender or age. Age differences in children's tendencies to recognize and apply these criteria are also discussed.  相似文献   

A landmark study by O'Neill (1996 O'Neill , D. K. ( 1996 ). Two-year-old children's sensitivity to a parent's knowledge state when making requests . Child Development , 67 , 659677 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), in which 2-year-old children were found to be more likely to point toward a hidden object to help an adult who was unsighted during the hiding event than to point helpfully for an adult who had been sighted, seems to undermine the conventional assumption that children this young do not understand the relationship between seeing/not seeing and knowing/not knowing. Concerns remain, however, as to whether the children's success was mentalistic or behavioral. In two experiments, 2-year-old children received first-person experience with two kinds of glasses of different colors but with apparently identical opaque lenses, one of which blocked their vision and the other of which they could see through. When the parent was wearing these glasses, the children were able to use their own first-person experience of the glasses to infer whether the adult could see or not. Despite this, they did not understand the causal relationship between visual perception and knowledge formation, as demonstrated by their indiscriminate pointing behavior in response to an ignorant or a knowledgeable parent. However, in a third experiment, we examined the relationship between experience of the adult's behavioral incompetence when wearing glasses of a certain color and the children's pointing behavior. Here they tended to point appropriately. We conclude that the phenomenon reported by O'Neill (1996 O'Neill , D. K. ( 1996 ). Two-year-old children's sensitivity to a parent's knowledge state when making requests . Child Development , 67 , 659677 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) yields to an account in terms of the 2-year-olds' assumptions about behavioral competence/incompetence rather than about knowledge/ignorance.  相似文献   

When a visual pattern is displayed at successively different orientations such that a rotation or translation is implied, an observer's memory for the final position is displaced forward. This phenomenon of representational momentum shares some similarities with physical momentum. For instance, the amount of memory shift is proportional to the implied velocity of the inducing display; representational momentum is specifically proportional to the final, not the average, velocity; representational momentum follows a continuous stopping function for the first 250 ms or so of the retention interval. In a previous paper (Kelly & Freyd, 1987) we demonstrated a forward memory asymmetry using implied changes in pitch, for subjects without formal musical training. In the current paper we replicate our earlier finding and show that the forward memory asymmetry occurs for subjects with formal musical training as well (Experiment 1). We then show the structural similarity between representational momentum in memory for pitch with previous reports of parametric effects using visual stimuli. We report a velocity effect for auditory momentum (Experiment 2), we demonstrate specifically that the velocity effect depends on the implied acceleration (Experiment 3), and we show that the stopping function for auditory momentum is qualitatively the same as that for visual momentum (Experiment 4). We consider the implications of these results for theories of mental representation.  相似文献   

Displacements in the remembered location of stimuli in displays based on Michotte’s (1946/1963) launching effect and entraining effect were examined. A moving object contacted an initially stationary target, and the target began moving. After contacting the target, the mover became stationary (launching trials) or continued moving in the same direction and remained adjacent to the target (entraining trials). In launching trials, forward displacement was smaller for targets than for movers; in entraining trials, forward displacement was smaller for movers than for targets. Also, forward displacement was smaller for targets in launching trials than for targets in entraining trials. Data are consistent with a hypothesis that the launching effect involves an attribution that the mover imparted to the target a dissipating impetus that was responsible for target motion. Introspective experience of a perception of physical causality in the launching effect might result because behavior of movers and targets is consistent with that predicted by an impetus heuristic.  相似文献   

Measurement, the means by which numbers enter science, is of fundamental importance to modern science. The relationship between its qualitative and quantitative aspects has generated many theories and much controversy. In 19th century geometry similar developments led mathematician Felix Klein to devise a theory for unifying qualitative and quantitative approaches to geometry. Klein's theory, which today is called the Erlanger program, was based on transformation groups. In this article, the Erlanger program is given a new foundation based on mathematical logic and is extended to science. The current dominant theory of measurement in the literature, the representational theory, is then justified in terms of the new foundation for the Erlanger program. Certain inferential techniques used in dimensional analysis and the related technique of possible psychophysical laws are also given justifications in terms of the new foundation.  相似文献   

Six- and 7-year-old children computed moves on a board game from dice over 3 sessions (game context) and also solved simple, aurally presented addition problems (academic context), corresponding to the dice rolls made in the game. Children displayed multiple and variable use of addition strategies in both the game and academic contexts, although there were significant differences in the strategies used and patterns of performance between the 2 contexts. Children used more sophisticated strategies and made more errors during the academic than the game context. The relation between strategy use, variability, and errors also varied between the 2 conditions, as did the selection of strategies children used for solving identical addition problems. These findings support selectionist models of cognitive development and illustrate the potent role of context in young children's strategy use.  相似文献   

The present study investigated how group membership criteria and moral understanding can affect children's evaluations of peers after different types of transgressions. In all, the study included 47 participants attending a junior school in Cornwall. All participants were allocated to an in‐group and responded to a number of questions which tested intergroup bias and the differential evaluation of norm‐violating peers from the in‐group and the out‐group. Overall, moral transgressions (physical and relational aggression) were evaluated more negatively than a social‐conventional transgression. However, those who violated group norms by expressing positive attitudes towards the out‐group were viewed differently depending on both moral and group‐based criteria. These different criteria for evaluating peers were uncorrelated. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用时间比较法,考察数目及其呈现方式对时间知觉的影响。任务中,首先呈现标准时距,此时变化刺激的数目或呈现方式,然后呈现比较时距,被试的任务是判断比较时距比标准时距长还是短。实验1和实验2分别采用1秒内和1秒以上的时间,结果发现: 1秒内的时间加工中,刺激一个一个连续呈现时,小数引起标准时距的低估,大数导致标准时距的高估,而同时呈现时,刺激的数目对知觉到的时间无影响;数目及其呈现方式影响计时的准确性,而对计时的变异性和敏感性无影响。时间在1秒以上,同时呈现和连续呈现条件下,刺激的数目影响知觉到的时间;计时的  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether the valence and origin of emotional words can alter perception of ambiguous objects in terms of warmth versus competence, fundamental dimensions of social cognition. 60 individuals were invited into the study focusing on the limits of intuition. They were asked to try to guess the meaning of Japanese pictorial signs in terms of their warmth versus competence connotations. Before each trial a subsequent memory load task was applied. Participants were supposed to read and remember words creating a factorial manipulation of valence (three levels) and origins (three levels: automatic, neutral and reflective) of affective connotations presenting to them for 500 ms. For positively valenced words, automatic originated ones resulted in perception of ambiguous signs more in terms of warmth, while reflective originated words resulted in perception of signs more in terms of competence. This study shows that social perception of warmth versus competence is susceptible to emotional influence of unrelated stimulation, and thus can be primed by objects in the environment. Warmth may be treated as linked with automatic mind processes, while competence may be treated as associated with the controlled part of the mind. In a broader context, this experiment results support claim that distinct dualities identified in dual-processes theories of mind are related to one another, and in fact they may be emanations of two more general systems of mind.  相似文献   

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