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This paper describes one social worker's journey from the first days of his social work education to his current experience as a psychoanalyst, and the subsequent transformation of his professional self. The complementary nature of the relationship between social work and psychoanalysis is considered. Through a personal vignette, the author hopes to remind current social work educators about the usefulness of psychoanalytic theory and practice within the context of casework values and principles.  相似文献   

Existing research from the fields of education, cognitive science, neuroscience, and psychoanalytic psychotherapy points us toward possibilities for the future of psychoanalytic supervision. This research suggests that we need to go beyond communicating abstract knowledge and make our supervisory relationships more experiential, participatory, relationship-focused, and personal in order to teach usable knowledge, develop complex psychotherapeutic skills, and facilitate emotional and relational development in our supervisees. The author concludes that a relational model of supervision fits this pedagogical profile. After grappling with our resistances to change, the author hopes that more psychoanalytic supervisors will make use of a relational model of supervision, as well as drawing upon new technologies and neuroscience-based teaching techniques.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the larger society inevitably are manifest in intrapsychic dynamics, as well as interpersonal interactions, in and out of the psychoanalytic consulting room. Traditional psychoanalytic inattention to the social world predisposes analysts to enact unreflectively some of the racist and classist patterns in the social world around us in our clinical work. This author argues first that U.S. psychoanalysis, as a field, has sought to define itself as white, thereby demonstrating the influence of racism in this country. Second, in a clinical example, the author demonstrates the subtle imprint of racism and classism in a dyad in which both participants are conventionally classified as white. He concludes that open discussion of U.S. history and of the past and current social location of psychoanalysis as a field goes hand in hand with increased awareness of the ways in which social forces organize psychoanalytic interactions.  相似文献   

This essay considers the historical periodization and epistemology of psychoanalytic thinking about gender. Overlapping historically with feminism itself, psychoanalytic thinking about gender has two periods of efflorescence, the 1920s and 1930s, and the contemporary period beginning in the 1970s. Two divides have characterized our gender thinking, the modern-postmodern and the classical-relational. From the early theorizing of the 1920s and 1930s until around the early 1990s, most psychoanalytic thinking about gender should be considered modernist, as it draws on traditional views of scientific evidence and holds more universalistic and dichotomized conceptions of men and women. In the contemporary period, although postmodernism tends to be associated with relational psychoanalysts and modernist thinking with classical analysts, the divisions overlap. The author argues that considering any psychoanalytic theory as "premodern" is misleading: from its inception, psychoanalysis formed part of modernism.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the organizational resistance to psychoanalytic thinking within the public services. The paper begins with a look at Freud's proposal that resistance to psychoanalytic theory is provoked by his assertion that sexual impulses underlie much of human activity. The author suggests that similar unconscious resistance to psychoanalytic thinking is present in organizations today, but that which we in the modern world find more unacceptable than sex as such is to be confronted with our own essential vulnerability. It is argued that because psychoanalytic therapy makes us aware of the limits of our ability to control our emotional experience, it evokes resistance at the individual and organizational level. Therapies that promote mastery and control are more acceptable because they allow these defences to be maintained and sometimes reinforced. The consequences of this in terms of loss of creativity are explored.  相似文献   

In this paper, the proposition is developed that multi‐model thinking with respect both to theories of mind and to theories of technique has always been implicitly present in psychoanalytic practice as a response to the demands of the clinical moment. But this has gone unnoticed and untheorised, in part because it is hidden in general considerations regarding tact, timing and (less discussed) variations in voice tone and also because our psychoanalytic practices, without our awareness but as adaptations to the clinical moment, do not always match our theories. The author offers reasons from the broad culture of psychoanalysis why this is so. He also offers a conceptualisation and a strategy for raising the implicit and untheorised to heightened levels of awareness; he does this by highlighting the place of patient characteristics as the underpinning of theory variation and the place of a vast array of clinical possibilities as the backdrop of analytic listening. Clinical examples are used throughout.  相似文献   

There is constant pressure on 20th-century psychoanalytic paradigms concerning gender and sexuality, leading to ambiguity in theoretical constructs of, and therapeutic approaches to, gender. The ongoing destructive notion that transgender people are inherently abnormal, perverse, and psychotic is an epistemological problem that warrants scrutiny and correction in the field of psychoanalysis. This article explores a nuanced set of transgender experiences juxtaposed with the author’s psychoanalytic encounters as therapist, analysand, and analyst-in-training, in an effort to elaborate on transgender subjectivities. Categories are woven, unraveled, and rewoven in the face of personal realities and the author’s relationship to gender over time.  相似文献   

Postmodern sensibilities, generally associated with relational psychoanalysis, are applicable also in traditional and contemporary Freudian psychoanalytic contexts. Historically speaking, views of femininity and female sexuality may be ordered according to positions designated as premodern, modern, and postmodern. This temporal continuum provides a basis for incorporating aspects of postmodern feminist approaches to deconstructing gender into a more traditional yet contemporary psychoanalytic framework. The postmodern "crisis of category" is addressed through a critique from a modern psychoanalytic point of view of the gender stereotyping inherent in certain false binaries and either/or thinking of premodern psychoanalytic thinking regarding female (as well as male) sex and gender. The cultural changes brought about by the consciousness-raising of postmodern feminist and contemporary psychoanalytic thinking contribute significantly to evolutionary changes in the understanding of gender that are further internalized and represented intrapsychically. That is, sequential transformations in the internalization of new cultural norms influence the development of still more new cultural norms, so that progression in these identificatory markers of gender can be observed over successive generations.  相似文献   

M Nadig 《Psyche》1990,44(1):53-70
The author compares "individual" motherhood, common in countries like Switzerland and the Federal Republic, with the "social" motherhood characteristic of a Mayan peasant culture in Yucatan. She discusses various psychoanalytic conceptions of motherhood, for instance, Freud's and Winnicott's. She argues that the ideological concept of the missing penis actually expresses the very real cultural deficiency of women. The retention of such ideological concepts prevents the actual conditions from being acknowledged in psychoanalytic theory. This, in turn, blocks the change in paradigm necessary for an adequate metatheoretical handling of gender differences.  相似文献   


The author discusses his recollection of Erich Fromm's views on psychoanalytic work with patients, including the author's treatment of a patient. The remembrance involves Fromm's clinical thinking on social character and the social unconscious, and its relevance to present-day clinical work. The author presents, in detail, his treatment of a 37-year old successful woman which addresses certain of today's clinical views on gender differences that resonate and differ with Fromm's thinking on the treatment of the marketing personality.  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic theories of gender identity have come a long way since Freud. The author reviews two dialectics that have shaped psychoanalytic gender theory thus far: first, the tension between theories that emphasize biological versus sociocultural influences on gender, and second, the dialectic between nomothetic (i.e., universalizing) and idiographic (i.e., focusing on individual variation) approaches. The author argues that psychoanalytic gender theory could be further enriched with more attention to two additional dialectics. One involves the so-called gender binary and the relative focus on cultural versus developmental aspects of the binary; a second involves the relationship between gender identity and desire. Attention to these dialectics can help better integrate theoretical and clinical perspectives on gender identity.  相似文献   

杨晨  张积家 《心理学探新》2014,34(5):405-409
该研究采用图片启动和句子完成范式,考察汉语形容词的性别编码及对句子加工的影响.结果表明:(1)图片的性别信息对形容词性向判断具有重要影响;(2)形容词性向影响被试对句子主语的选择.被试倾向于选择与形容词性向一致的代词为句子主语.对中性形容词,被试选择句子主语的时间更长.整个研究表明,在汉语形容词加工中存在性别编码.  相似文献   

This article analyzes and critiques the construct of gender as a psychoanalytic and cultural category. Without succumbing to a nonpsychoanalytic notion of androgyny, the argument developed here challenges the assumption that an internally consistent gender identity is possible or even desirable. Beginning with the idea that, from an analytic perspective, the construct of “identity”; is problematic and implausible, because it denotes and privileges a unified psychic world, the author develops a deconstructionist critique of our dominant gender‐identity paradigm. It is argued that gender coherence, consistency, conformity, and identity are culturally mandated normative ideals that psychoanalysis has absorbed uncritically. These ideals, moreover, are said to create a universal pathogenic situation, insofar as the attempt to conform to their dictates requires the activation of a false‐self system.

An alternative, “decentered”; gender paradigm is then proposed, which conceives of gender as a “necessary fiction”; that is used for magical ends in the psyche, the family, and the culture. From this perspective, gender identity is seen as a problem as well as a solution, a defensive inhibition as well as an accomplishment. It is suggested that as a goal for analytic treatment, the ability to tolerate the ambiguity and instability of gender categories is more appropriate than the goal of “achieving”; a single, pure, sex‐appropriate view of oneself.  相似文献   


The present study was designed to examine the effect of information about the high prevalence of safe sex on condom use intention, and to investigate the possible mediating role of the perceived social norm of friends, and the perceived social norm of future. sexual partners. Participants were provided with gender specific prevalence information, that is with the information that most men have exclusively safe sex, or with the information that most women exclusively engage in safe sexual behavior. The results show some gender differences. Information about the high prevalence of safe sex among men tends to increase women's condom use intention, and this effect seems to be mediated by the paceived social norm of future sexual partners. Men's intention, on the other hand, seems to be unaffected by high prevalence information of safe sex. Implications for research and prevention are discussed  相似文献   

The discussion about identity in the process of social change in Western nations seems to be the domain of sociologists and philosophists. In the last years, however, there has been an increasing interest among psychoanalysts concerning the question what the psychoanalytic contribution to this interdisciplinary discourse could be. In this article, first Erikson’s considerations to the concept of identity are presented, delivering important entries and the context to the topic. Then, further psychoanalytic authors and their thoughts on identity are presented. Their common ground is the theory of inner conflicts, but they vary in their comprehension of these conflicts. From the psychoanalytic point of view it could be said that the identity of an individual is formed in the moment when the inner conflicts are balanced in an appropriate way. For sociologists and social behaviourists, however, identity is formed automatically in the daily role-taking process in different social fields. By taking the role of another and balancing it with our own role definition our sense of selfhood can arise. Mead has created the concept of “Me” and “I” to describe the conflicts of this process. Brede pointed out the different areas of validity both of sociology and psychoanalysis. Her work has been helpful to outline the possible interdisciplinary intermediation of both sciences. Finally, as a conclusion, the potential contribution of psychoanalysis is described as a concept that could enrich the identity discussion. The individual has to balance intrinsic desires against the needs of social interaction, thus emphasising the discontinuity of nature and culture.  相似文献   

Gender differences in ego defenses were hypothesized in adolescence, with greater internalization by girls and greater externalization by boys. Through the inclusion of sex role constructs (masculinity and feminity, agency and communion, and passivity-dependency), relational models as well as psychoanalytic theory were investigated as bases for sex differences. The Berm Sex Role Inventory and the Defense Mechanism Inventory were administered to 66 high school students (31 boys and 25 girls), ages 14-19. As expected, boys scored higher on projection and aggression-outward defenses and girls scored higher on turning against the self, but girls failed to exceed boys on reversal. Multiple regression supported sex roles as moderating variables in gender differences in defenses. Alternative reconceptualizations of sex roles supported aspects of both psychoanalytic and relational models as explanation of gender differences in defenses.  相似文献   

The birth of people with confused or ambiguous sex makeup as a biological fact since the annals of history has posed the challenge of accommodating them within the binary gender of sociocultural systems. In this process, the role of religion as a defining factor in social engineering has been paramount. Major religions, such as Islam and Christianity, have addressed this issue within the frame of their God-ordained laws by devising a set of moral and legal imperatives specific to the “third gender.” Modern developments in medicine and biology, however, have made sex reassignment possible for this category of people, today called transsexuals. The question is: How do Islam and Christianity respond to it. After presenting an analytical view of both Muslim scholars and Christian religious authorities on the legitimacy of sex reassignment for transsexuals, this paper attempts to explore if such a dilemma can be resolved.  相似文献   

In his book Impossible Training, Emanuel Berman stresses the historical roots of current standards of psychoanalytic training and demonstrates the persistence of controversies that have been present in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic training from their inception. This perspective, of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic education as evolving, encourages candidates and practitioners to be participants and creative voices in an evolving field rather than rote followers learning a trade. The author proposes ways that the transference of educators to the younger generation of psychoanalysts can facilitate or interfere with the training of candidates. Berman is applauded for shedding light on current controversies in psychoanalytic education by showing their roots in historical controversies. However, the author points out Berman's tendency to overvalue his side of the controversy rather than embrace controversy itself as in the best interest of the evolution and development of the field.  相似文献   

This article represents a collaboration between Russian and Western researchers concerned with the cross-cultural study of gender. A con-temporary Russian psychoanalytic perspective on gender role development in the context of their own culture is presented, and its relationship to the Soviet and Western research literature is explored. Historical changes are noted in the transitions from prerevolutionary peasant society to Soviet socialism and to the new reforms in Russia. A long standing ambivalence toward agentic values is described throughout these phases of Russian history, and its legacy is identified in current social problems. Difficulties inherent in using Western conceptualizations of gender roles in this different context are discussed, as are points of compatibility, and their application to an investigation of Russian gender roles is illustrated.  相似文献   

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