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Current theories of how elementary school children solve addition and subtraction word problems have emphasized semantic characteristics of the problems as the major factor influencing ease of solution. The present study assesses the potential impact the instructional environment (textbooks, in particular) might have on the relative difficulty of different types of addition and subtraction word problems by comparing the presentation of word problems in four American textbook series with the corresponding presentation in one Soviet textbook series. In general, the four American text series were found to resemble each other but to differ markedly from the Soviet text series. Several important findings emerged: (a) Distribution of word problems across the various problem types was extremely uneven in the American texts, with two thirds of all problems being of only three simple one-step problem types. The Soviet problems were distributed over many types, including more complex two-step problems; (b) most of the problems in the American texts are those that American children find easiest to solve; (c) Soviet textbooks also provide a more variable and a more distributed method of presentation than do the American textbooks. The implications of this study are discussed in terms of theoretical models of word problem solving and in terms of practical ideas about textbook construction.  相似文献   

This study compares a policy response to child maltreatment—family preservation programs—in the U.S. and in Taiwan. The comparison focuses on analyses of policy development, implementation, and evaluation under the historical and social contexts in both countries. In order to prevent and reduce occurrence and recurrence of maltreatment, both the U.S. and Taiwanese governments have targeted high-risk families to provide services with the ideology of preserving family. This study first compares historical and social contexts in both countries. The impacts of economic recession, social movements, social changes, and social values toward child maltreatment are examined. Second, this study analyzes the characteristics of family preservation programs. It focuses on the comparison of target population, eligibility, type of services, and government’s role. Third, this study evaluates the implementations of the programs. Strengths and weaknesses of the programs in both countries are identified. Fourth, effectiveness of the programs is evaluated. Finally, based on these analyses, policy recommendations are provided for both countries to address the weakness in program implementation. Findings from this comparative study make unique contributions to modifying the child welfare services in both U.S. and Taiwan.  相似文献   


Student perpetrated violence against teachers is widespread, yet few studies differentiate teacher experiences of violence by school level (i.e., elementary, middle, and high school). This study, based upon 2,558 pre-kindergarten through 12th grade teacher survey responses, revealed differences in types of student aggression against teachers by school level. Middle and high school teachers were more likely to report verbal harassment compared to elementary school teachers. Middle school teachers were most likely to report property offenses. Elementary and middle school teachers were more likely to report physical aggression than high school teachers. Demographic predictors of teacher-directed violence were also examined at each school level. Across all school levels, urban teachers had a greater probability of experiencing a violent incident. For elementary teachers, race/ethnicity and teaching experience were also significant risk factors. Future research, policy, and practice implications and recommendations are discussed.


Ethical issues are an inevitable part of genetic counseling practice. Prior research identified 16 domains of ethical and professional challenges encountered by practitioners in the United States. In order to further validate these domains, the present study surveyed Australian genetic counselors. Sixty-three respondents rated the frequency with which they encountered each domain, and 39 individuals also provided personal anecdotes detailing their most challenging ethical and professional dilemmas. Every domain reportedly was experienced by the Australian sample. However, there were some differences between Australian respondents and U.S. genetic counselors in frequencies of domain occurrence, and in strategies recommended for resolving them. Several anecdotes illustrate challenging situations due to Australia’s geography, universal healthcare system, and the genetic counseling profession’s evolution in that country. The results generally validate domains identified for U.S. genetic counselors. They further suggest that certain ethical issues may manifest in ways unique to a given country, and therefore they must be addressed in a culturally-appropriate manner.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1932,1(2):162-165

U. S. A.     

U. S. A.     
《Journal of personality》1935,3(3):241-244

U. S. A.     

The current study examines the personal epistemology of fourth-grade elementary school teachers from Germany (n = 10) and the United States (n = 10) to gain a more nuanced understanding of teachers’ beliefs about knowledge and knowing through a cross-cultural lens. Analyses of semi-structured interviews reveal similarities and differences in the statements of teachers. Four themes are identified: The majority of teachers believed that (a) knowing is uncertain and (b) knowledge has domain-specific qualities; (c) U.S. teachers seemed to view knowledge more as being embedded within their community, while (d) German teachers discussed more internal knowledge sources. The general discussion includes possible cross-cultural explanations for these four emerging themes and points tentatively to developmental issues stemming from uncertainty beliefs. Conceptual and educational implications are discussed and suggestions for future research are given.  相似文献   

U. S. A.     
《Journal of personality》1934,3(2):157-160

U. S. A.     

U. S. A.     
《Journal of personality》1935,3(4):345-350

美国华人基督教会研究:以大波士顿地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国华人基督教的历史与华人移民美国的历史几乎一样长。大波士顿地区的华人基督徒出现较早,但华人基督教会直到1946年才出现。该地区现有华人基督教会近30家,信徒5000多人,约占当地华人总人口的5%。华人新移民加入基督教会的主要原因有:近代以来中国社会和文化变迁;寻求族群归属和文化认同;寻求物质与精神帮助;华人教会的主动宣传。华人基督教会的特点有:组织独立,神学保守;华人新移民是华人基督教会的生力军;普通话、英语和粤语三种语言并存;尽量少谈或不谈政治。华人基督教会的功能有:解决华人信仰问题;团结华人;服务华人,教育华人,帮助华人新移民融入美国社会,同时保持中国传统文化。华人基督教会是华人社团的重要组成部分,与华文报刊和中文学校一起构成美国华人文化社区的核心内容。  相似文献   

Evans  Lorraine  Davies  Kimberly 《Sex roles》2000,42(3-4):255-270
In this study, we investigate the portrayal of gender characteristics in elementary school reading textbooks. Over the past 25 years, most of the research on textbooks has focused on female roles and characteristics. In this research, we focus particularly on how males are portrayed. Using an evaluative instrument based on the Bem Sex Role Inventory, we examine first, third, and fifth grade literature textbooks. In particular, we analyze traits pertaining to masculine and feminine stereotypes. Our results show that despite publisher's guidelines and Title IX, males are still primarily portrayed in a stereotypical light. Males are overwhelming shown to be aggressive, argumentative, and competitive.  相似文献   

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment - Although psychopathic personality has been described as a syndrome comprising three or four distinct personality domains, there is still no...  相似文献   

本文围绕"当科学的结论与我们赖以维持一个国家、一个社会、一个世界的观念相冲突时,百姓将遭殃"这一观点,阐述了在美国的科学与反科学的冲突。作者通过对日常生活的分析,得出人们总会陷入简单的将因果关系判断为时序关系误区的结论。又通过描述政府操纵数据而胁迫科学家妥协的行为,来支持其论点。  相似文献   

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