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The writings of British Congregationalist theologian Peter Taylor Forsyth (1848–1921), although traversing a wide range of topics, revolve around a clear centre – his understanding of the significance of the death of Christ on the cross. Commentators on his thought have, however, lamented the occasional nature of his writings on this central doctrine of the atonement, and highlighted aspects of his thought which require clarification. This article seeks to respond to these observations by presenting a fairly complete and systematic view of Forsyth's understanding of the atonement, supplementing his explicit statements where necessary by drawing out the implications of his writings. We hope, at the end, to have demonstrated the robustness of Forsyth's treatment of the atonement, especially its ability to integrate the diverse areas of thought traditionally associated with this doctrine.  相似文献   

The American moral governmental theory of the atonement was distinct from other Protestant views in several ways, but truly unique in one. Its definition of forgiveness as a pardon instead of a debt paid, its insistence that Christ died for the good of the moral universe, and its rejection of the distributive understanding of penal substitution all stemmed from its relentless commitment to view both God and humanity in terms of public life. It is the purpose of this article to demonstrate that the most foundational element in the American moral governmental theory of the atonement was the idea of publicity, namely the public nature it ascribed to sin, salvation and the glory of God.  相似文献   

Despite important moves toward reconciliation and dreams of a rainbow nation, the culture of violence impacts upon family and community life. This article is written within this context and more specifically within the writer's personal reflections on her practice of working as a family therapist in one of South Africa's largest black townships, Mdantsane. It challenges the relevance of first world theory and practice of family therapy in the third world context but is written in the first person and thus in the form of a reflective practitioner. The usefulness of the Milan approach is questioned and a move toward a social constructionist approach is favoured. The metaphor of dance and music is used to capture the dynamic interaction between client and therapist in the search for a relevant and respectful way of working with families in the South African context.  相似文献   

This discussion provides a commentary on Lyons-Ruth's article examining the interface between attachment and intersubjectivity. First, this commentary posits that it may be useful to conceptualize proximity-seeking behaviors more broadly in order to encompass the types of communicative bids observed in the affective face-to-face interactions of parents and infants. Such a revision to this concept underscores the similarity between primitive proximity-seeking behaviors and the drive for intersubjectivity, which may fundamentally constitute part of the same motivational system. Finally, this article argues that both Lyons-Ruth and others have discussed the role of the attachment relationship as promoting the regulation of affects of all valences as opposed to just distress and that the augmentation and regulation of positive affect within the attachment relationship may be a promising direction for future research and theory.  相似文献   

以3353名初一、初二、高一、高二年级学生为被试,探讨了青少年消极情感的特点,并进一步检验了不同依恋类型对青少年消极情感的独特效应、同伴依恋在亲子依恋与消极情感中的中介作用以及二者对消极情感的交互作用。结果发现:1)青少年的消极情感水平总体上呈现从初一到高二逐渐上升的趋势,且女生得分显著高于男生;2)同伴与父子依恋对消极情感的独特效应显著,但母子依恋的独特效应不显著,且同伴依恋在消极情感中的独特效应显著高于父子与母子依恋;3)同伴依恋部分中介父子依恋与消极情感、完全中介母子依恋与消极情感的联系,同时,父子与母子依恋又调节同伴依恋对消极情感的影响,表现为同伴依恋对消极情感的预测在高亲子依恋个体中更显著。因而,依恋对消极情感的作用机制中,间接效应模型与交互作用模型同时成立,是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

This article traces the origins of language about ‘theories’ of the atonement in Friedrich Schleiermacher and F.C. Baur’s historicization of Protestant theology in Germany. It follows the growth and promulgation of this conceptualization as it spread to America and Great Britain in the later nineteenth century. This approach contributed to the growth and development of the doctrine and its history, while severely limiting it in important ways. I note four dangers implicit within uncritical use of ‘theory’ language in studies of the history of the doctrine of the atonement, and conclude by arguing that a more fitting approach lies in the ancient and medieval concept of theoria, or contemplation, which serves as the broader telos for appreciating the riches we have in the work of Christ, within which modest contemporary notions of theory can and should play a role.  相似文献   

Authors described four distinct conceptualizations of the construct of attachment and identified clinical implications associated with each. Three of the conceptualizations, which are influenced by the work of Bowlby and Ainsworth, seem to have some empirical support; these conceptualizations are compatible with systemic and social constructionist approaches to family therapy. The other conceptualization— Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)—contradicts the extensive body of literature associated with the Bowlby/Ainsworth traditions and tends to pathologize children. Therefore, family therapists interested in attachment are encouraged to maintain conceptual clarity in their clinical work and are further encouraged to rely on clinical conceptualizations and interventions that are consistent with the work of Bowlby and Ainsworth.  相似文献   

This study was the first to investigate the relationship between adult romantic attachment and marital satisfaction in a clinical sample of 172 distressed couples seeking therapy. Fifty-six therapy-seeking nondistressed couples were also assessed for comparison. Analyses of variance showed that attachment avoidance was a distinctive characteristic of distressed couples. Actor-partner analyses revealed that attachment avoidance (for men and women) and attachment anxiety (for women only) were predictive of marital dissatisfaction for distressed couples. Gender-stereotype discordant partner effects were also found. Results suggest that attachment orientations (especially avoidance) are relevant predictors of marital dissatisfaction in distressed couples seeking therapy, and that couple therapists can gain important information by assessing partners’ attachment orientations.  相似文献   

Drawing on a series of 141 couple therapy cases, the main goal of the present study was to determine whether romantic attachment, pre-treatment relationship distress and therapeutic mandates (i.e., reduction of couple distress or ambivalence resolution) are prognostic indicators of early termination. Couples completed the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier 1976) and the Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire (Brennan et al. 1998) at intake, whereas therapists filled in the Classification of Therapeutic Mandates (Poitras-Wright and St-Père 2004) after the 4th session. Results showed that an ambivalence resolution mandate, elevated couple distress and higher levels of attachment anxiety were associated with early termination. The implications of these findings to further understand early termination in couple therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

This qualitative, phenomenological study explores the experiences of dance therapy for 5 women who had been sexually abused as children. Using in‐depth, largely unstructured interviews, the women reflect on their dance therapy experiences and on their perceptions of the role of these experiences in their psychological healing. Analysis of these data revealed 6 common themes related to the women's sense of spontaneity, permission to play, struggle, freedom, intimate connection, and bodily reconnection. The implications of the findings are discussed in terms of the therapeutic nature of dance therapy and how this therapeutic modality facilitates change and healing in clients' lives.  相似文献   

Abstract : The last twenty years have seen a resurgence in dialogue between Lutheranism and Eastern Orthodoxy, especially as the dialogue pertains to deification, known as theosis. For Eastern Orthodox Christians, theosis is one way to describe atonement. This paper approaches the theology of atonement through the lens of each tradition's hymnody. Although the images in the hymns are not identical, their themes are similar enough to reinforce the present‐day dialogue between these two traditions.  相似文献   

This article considers the interface between the concepts of attachment and intersubjectivity in light of accumulated research on infant development. Both Tomasello (1999) and Hobson (2002) have argued persuasively that the flexible human capability for sharing mental states with others reframes and revolutionizes our older, more highly channeled primate biological heritage. In contrast to this emphasis on discontinuity from primate to human evolution, attachment theorists have stressed the continuities between human attachment and attachment in other primates. The implication of new work on infant intersubjectivity for reframing aspects of attachment theory is first explored. By the same token, however, the extent to which the infant–caregiver attachment relationship functions to maintain positive engagement and regulate the infant's fearful arousal will have escalating consequences over development for the organization of intersubjectivity. Therefore, attachment research has much to offer in understanding the development of joint attention and the sharing of mental states under conditions of increased emotional arousal. The potential contributions of attachment research for understanding the development of intersubjectivity are discussed in light of recent work from the author's lab on forms of young adult symptomatology associated with deviance in the early intersubjective dialogue between mother and infant. The clinical implication emerging from all these diverse areas of research is that fostering more collaborative forms of communication may lie at the heart of evolutionary change, developmental change, and changes resulting from psychodynamic psychotherapy.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this study was to examine the factor structure of the “Experiences in Close Relationships” instrument (Brennan et al. 1998; ECR) for assessing adult attachment among a clinical sample by conducting a series of exploratory factor analyses (EFA). While the measure demonstrated high reliability and strong validity among the original sample of college undergraduates (Brennan et al.), the factor structure had yet to be examined among participants involved in therapy. It is unclear if any results obtained using the ECR extrapolate to populations other than the original sample. Our findings support the factor structure of the ECR for assessment of attachment anxiety and avoidance among a more diverse, clinical population. Noteworthy differences between men and women also were found in the clinical sample. Finally, clinical implications for use with clients participating in therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper develops and addresses a major challenge for therapeutic conceptions of philosophy of the sort increasingly attributed to Wittgenstein. To be substantive and relevant, such conceptions have to identify “diseases of the understanding” from which philosophers suffer, and to explain why these “diseases” need to be cured in order to resolve or overcome important philosophical problems. The paper addresses this challenge in three steps: With the help of findings and concepts from cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology, it redevelops the Wittgensteinian notion of “philosophical pictures.” Through a case study on seminal versions of familiar mind‐body problems, it examines how such pictures shape philosophical reflection and generate ill‐motivated but captivating problems. Third, it shows that philosophical pictures are constitutive of “diseases of the understanding,” in a quite strict sense of the term. On this basis, the paper explains when and why philosophical therapy is required.  相似文献   

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