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新生儿自娩出起便开始利用臻于成熟的听觉系统对语音的各要素进行大脑表征和学习记忆。考察新生儿语音加工特点,不仅能揭示语言功能在人类发展最初阶段的认知神经机制,还能对自闭症等神经发育性疾病的早期预警和临床诊断提供有价值的线索。我们回顾并总结了新生儿对语音的感知、辨别和学习以及语言发展对自闭症的预测作用,发现新生儿对特定语音存在感知偏好;新生儿具备独特的音素辨别能力;婴儿期语言加工的脑功能或结构指标对自闭症具有一定的预测价值。我们建议未来研究从三个方面开展工作。在基础研究方面:第一,严格控制语音材料的韵律因素,重新审查新生儿语言加工特征及大脑偏侧化问题;第二,揭示新生儿语音学习的认知神经机制以及睡眠的记忆巩固作用。在临床转化研究方面,以高风险自闭症新生儿为追踪对象,基于纵向多模态脑观测数据,建立疾病风险评估系统,揭示出生早期语言发展脑指标对自闭症的预测价值。  相似文献   

情绪加工的性别差异及神经机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁加锦  汪宇  鞠恩霞  李红 《心理科学进展》2010,18(12):1899-1908
已有研究表明, 情绪加工存在显著性别差异。这主要表现为女性人群具有情绪识别优势, 更好的情绪记忆能力与更强的负性情绪易感性。此外, 情绪加工的性别差异也表现为情绪调节过程的不同:相比男性, 女性更善于抑制情绪行为, 却较难通过认知策略调节负性情绪。情绪加工的性别差异有重要生理基础, 与情绪脑结构, 荷尔蒙水平的男女差异有关。同时, 情绪加工的性别差异同女性更高的情绪障碍易感性有着密切联系:不善于调节负性情绪, 及更强的消极情绪易感性可能是女性更易患情绪障碍的重要原因。从情绪加工角度探讨情绪障碍的性别差异及其原因, 对于情绪障碍的预防和治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

前瞻记忆意向后效应会对日常生活产生负面影响,研究发现这种现象在老年人中尤其突出。近些年来,研究者们从内外两方面对影响前瞻记忆意向后效应年龄差异的因素进行了探讨,了解到认知老化所带来的抑制能力的衰退以及短时记忆缺陷是造成其年龄差异的主要原因。未来研究需进一步拓展对认知老化的机制和抑制控制能力的认识。另外,可以采用事件相关电位(Event-Related Potentials, ERPs)和功能性磁共振成像(Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI)等脑成像技术揭示前瞻记忆意向后效应年龄差异的加工机制及神经机制。  相似文献   

前瞻记忆意向后效应会对日常生活产生负面影响,研究发现这种现象在老年人中尤其突出。近些年来,研究者们从内外两方面对影响前瞻记忆意向后效应年龄差异的因素进行了探讨,了解到认知老化所带来的抑制能力的衰退以及短时记忆缺陷是造成其年龄差异的主要原因。未来研究需进一步拓展对认知老化的机制和抑制控制能力的认识。另外,可以采用事件相关电位(Event-Related Potentials, ERPs)和功能性磁共振成像(Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI)等脑成像技术揭示前瞻记忆意向后效应年龄差异的加工机制及神经机制。  相似文献   

内隐记忆特点的新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱国英  游旭群 《心理科学》2007,30(4):998-1001
从1911年Claparede发现遗忘症病人有回避条件反射记忆到Graf和Schacter于1985正式提出内隐记忆这一概念,再到内隐记忆成为认知心理学的研究焦点,研究者对内隐记忆的定义、研究方法等都进行了逐渐深入的探讨。在此基础上,内隐记忆的相关特点也日益明晰,概念性内隐记忆、知觉性内隐记忆、自动加工记忆等各亚类均具有提取自动化、年龄独立性等共同特征,但在编码、脑机制诸方面存在差异。  相似文献   

性别对组织沟通的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
严文华 《心理科学》2001,24(5):614-615,617
随着人力资源性别结构的变化、管理层性别结构的变化,性别差异及其对人际沟通、组织沟通的影响成为研究者们非常感兴趣的一个研究内容。研究者们多从文化角度,而不是从生物和心理角度解释他们观察到的差异。他们认为,性别差异更多是社会习得的产物(Rubben。1988)。也有的研究者把性别也作为跨文化研究的内容之一。20世纪80年代学者们更关注男性和女性在语言沟通和非言语沟通中具体差异的研究,进入90年代以来,  相似文献   

自传体记忆不仅是对过去自我经验的加工和提取,还反映了特定的社会和文化背景。近年来,自传体记忆跨文化研究表明,东西方被试在最早记忆年龄、记忆容量和具体性、内部语言的使用、记忆取向等方面存在差异。文章从自我概念、亲子回忆和叙事方式、社会变迁和文化多元化等角度,探讨了文化自我观对于自传体记忆的核心意义。Nelson和Fivush的社会文化发展观则从发展的角度动态考察了内外因素对自传体记忆产生文化和个体差异的机制。文章还回顾了自传体记忆跨文化研究的主要方法。最后,文章探讨了自传体记忆跨文化及相关领域的研究前景和存在的问题  相似文献   

前瞻记忆和认知控制是人类认知能力的重要组成部分。Bugg等人(2013)发现前瞻记忆多重加工模型和双重认知控制理论具有共性。此后,越来越多的研究者关注认知控制在意图执行中和执行完成后的作用。本文对近年来关于前瞻记忆与认知控制的研究进行了梳理,发现认知控制对前瞻记忆的完成起支持作用,但二者也在脑机制层面存在差异。本研究能为未来更深入地探讨前瞻记忆的加工机制及生理基础提供新的视角。  相似文献   

刘蕴坤  陶沙 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1980-1990
数学成就的性别差异是多年来广受关注的问题。长期以来人们多关注男性、女性数学成就水平的高低, 而近年来研究结果一方面揭示出总体上男性和女性数学成就的平均水平差异很小, 呈现出相似性多于差异性的特点; 同时也显示男性内部变异比女性更大, 男性在高数学成就者中占多数。数学成就性别差异的大小和方向受到评分系统、测验组织形式、测验内容和难度的影响。数学成就性别差异的形成是心理、生物、社会文化等方面多因素综合作用的结果。近期研究探讨了年龄、遗传和进化、激素和脑、刻板印象威胁、社会性别公平和时代等因素在数学成就性别差异的形成中的作用。未来对数学成就性别差异的研究应注意开展追踪研究, 关注低数学能力者, 进一步探讨复杂数学加工机制的性别差异, 建立数学成就性别差异形成机制的综合模型, 并在更广阔的社会文化背景下开展研究。  相似文献   

大脑的性别差异近年来受到了广泛关注。脑成像技术的出现为脑结构和脑功能性别差异的研究开辟了新的道路。借助结构磁共振成像和弥散张量成像等脑结构信息, 以及脑电图、正电子发射断层扫描技术和功能性磁共振成像等脑功能信息, 当前研究主要探讨了脑灰质、脑白质和大脑的基线活动在脑局部区域、脑子系统、全脑连接组三个层次上的性别差异及其在年龄上的发展变化。此外, 为了更好地理解脑性别差异, 当前文章还探讨了脑性别差异研究领域的一些认识误区。有关脑性别差异的研究虽然已经取得了丰富的成果, 但现有的研究结果存在很多分歧, 仍然有深入挖掘的空间。未来应该加强对具有性别特异性的心理疾病脑机制的研究, 关注基因和环境对脑性别差异的交互作用, 并利用脑功能活动动态变化的特性、以及结合多模态的脑成像技术进一步阐明脑性别差异。  相似文献   

This paper reviews a number of studies done by the authors and others, who have utilized various averaged electroencephalic response (AER) techniques to study speech and language processing. Pertinent studies are described in detail. A relatively new AER technique, auditory brainstem responses (ABR), is described and its usefulness in studying auditory processing activity related to speech and language is outlined. In addition, a series of ABR studies, that have demonstrated significant male—female differences in ABR auditory processing abilities, is presented and the relevance of these data to already established differences in male—female language, hearing, and cognitive abilities is discussed.  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques provide a promising measurement strategy for characterizing individual differences in cognitive processing, which many clinical theories associate with the development, maintenance, and treatment of psychopathology. The authors describe the use of deterministic and probabilistic MDS techniques for investigating numerous aspects of perceptual organization, such as dimensional attention, perceptual correlation, within-attribute organization, and perceptual variability. Additionally, they discuss how formal quantitative models can be used, in conjunction with MDS-derived representations of individual differences in perceptual organization, to test theories about the role of cognitive processing in clinically relevant phenomena. They include applied examples from their work in the areas of eating disorders and sexual coercion.  相似文献   


Multiple experimental, neuropsychological, and individual differences studies indicated that faces are processed (e.g. perceived and memorized) differently from non-face objects. It was suggested that face specificity is a result of configural processing which is different from a rather part-based processing of other objects. In this research, we investigated the specificity of face cognition in terms of processing style. To this aim, we estimated Time-on-Task Effects (ToTEs) that allow inferring the level of automaticity of face and house processing. We collected data from 219 participants by applying four perception and recognition tasks. Generalized linear mixed-effects modelling was used to estimate fixed and random effects. Random slopes were interpreted as individual differences in ToTEs. Findings suggested that in the majority of tasks, face processing was dissociable from the processing of non-face objects. Thereby, these results offer a new perspective on the nature of differences in face and object processing.  相似文献   

This paper describes the new security solutions based on cognitive approaches and new computing paradigm called cognitive cryptography. This new security area establish a new generation of computational methods and security systems, focused on creation intelligent cryptographic algorithms and security protocols using cognitive information processing approaches. Such systems are designed for semantic evaluation of encrypted data, and allow to select the most appropriate techniques of its encryption. This paper presents a possible application of such techniques for different security tasks like authentication, secret sharing, secure data management etc. Additionally, some cryptographic solutions inspired by biological models will be presented.  相似文献   

大众与个人的审美品位分别代表了审美活动在个体间的一致性和差异性。将大众品位和个人品位相结合的新趋势正在挑战传统的“普遍性”审美法则, 并日益凸显审美反应的个体差异。存在诸多因素可以调节大众和个人审美品位的相对比例, 包括刺激类型、专业性、文化背景、先前经验和年龄等。大众与个人审美品位的神经机制中, 奖赏系统和默认模式网络扮演重要角色。目前, 审美品位与审美加工模型的理论关系有待进一步厘清和验证。未来相关研究可以在拓展审美对象领域、完善大众与个人审美品位与不同审美加工阶段的对应关系等方向上继续开展。  相似文献   

Following several decades of research on native language (L1) processing, psycholinguists have more recently begun to investigate how non-native language (L2) speakers comprehend and process language in real time. Regarding the traditional assumption that L2 learners have 'difficulty with grammar', this new research has revealed some unexpected similarities and differences between L1 and L2 processing. Specifically, it appears that L2 processing can become native-like in some linguistic subdomains (including certain aspects of grammar) but that L1 and L2 processing differences persist in the domain of complex syntax, even in highly proficient L2 speakers. Thus, more subtle linguistic distinctions seem to be required to understand the nature of non-native language processing.  相似文献   

In person identification, recognition failure due to variations of illumination is common. In this study, we employed image‐processing techniques to tackle this problem. Participants performed recognition and matching tasks where the face stimuli were either original images or computer‐processed images in which shading was weakened via a number of image‐processing techniques. The results show that whereas recognition accuracy in a memory task was unaffected, some of the techniques significantly improved the identification performance in a face‐matching task. We conclude that relative to long‐term face memory, face matching is more susceptible to discrepancy of shading in different images of a face. Reducing the discrepancy by certain preprocessing techniques can facilitate person identification when original face images contain large illumination differences. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last decades, a considerable number of studies about auditory processing deficits in schizophrenia have been published, some of them using the term of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). Due to heterogeneous methodology and inconsistent results concrete conclusions may not be straightforward. We focused on studies that used at least one behavioral test for the assessment of auditory processing in schizophrenia, in order to identify new evidence on auditory processing deficits in schizophrenia, and to consider fields for future research. 28 studies met inclusion criteria and are presented in this review. The articles were divided into three groups, those that implemented a test battery approach, those that used only Dichotic Listening (DL), those that used DL along with imaging or electrophysiology techniques. Most of the studies that implemented a test battery showed significant performance differences between patients and controls. This indicates APD presence. Due to the limited number of studies implementing a test battery, this is not conclusive. The majority of all studies that used a DL task showed that patients' performance or laterality was significantly lower than that of controls. Age, duration of illness, total and specific positive symptoms seem to affect significantly DL performance and auditory laterality. The results support the existence of various schizophrenia subgroups that differ in their auditory processing performance, and also have structural and functional specificities. Further research in the field is needed, especially studies that implement a test battery, and studies that examine possible correlations between clinical variables and auditory processing deficits.  相似文献   

A great deal of psycholinguistic research has focused on the question of how adults interpret language in real time. This work has revealed a complex and interactive language processing system capable of rapidly coordinating linguistic properties of the message with information from the context or situation (e.g. Altmann & Steedman, 1988; Britt, 1994; Tanenhaus, Spivey-Knowlton, Eberhard & Sedivy, 1995; Trueswell & Tanenhaus, 1991). In the study of language acquisition, however, surprisingly little is known about how children process language in real time and whether they coordinate multiple sources of information during interpretation. The lack of child research is due in part to the fact that most existing techniques for studying language processing have relied upon the skill of reading, an ability that young children do not have or are only beginning to acquire. We present here results from a new method for studying children's moment-by-moment language processing abilities, in which a head-mounted eye-tracking system was used to monitor eye movements as participants responded to spoken instructions. The results revealed systematic differences in how children and adults process spoken language: Five Year Olds did not take into account relevant discourse/pragmatic principles when resolving temporary syntactic ambiguities, and showed little or no ability to revise initial parsing commitments. Adults showed sensitivity to these discourse constraints at the earliest possible stages of processing, and were capable of revising incorrect parsing commitments. Implications for current models of sentence processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Fresh fields and postures new: a discussion paper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By their very nature, studies of visual hemifield differences in normals are biased toward the discovery of hemispheric asymmetries that occur early in visual processing, and may consequently give a narrow and distorted view of human laterality as a cultural and evolutionary phenomenon. One saving factor, however, is that hemifield differences may in some cases actually represent differences between the two sides of phenomenal space, and thus represent cerebral asymmetries at a relatively late stage in processing. It may therefore be important to develop techniques for distinguishing retinal effects from higher order spatial ones.  相似文献   

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