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Disproportionate representation of minority students in special education remains a very controversial, unresolved issue. This synthesis summarizes historical perspectives and current knowledge about disproportionate representation with respect to: (a) definitions of disproportionate representation and related issues of interpretation; (b) national and state-level estimates of disproportionality for four ethnic groups; (c) legal, policy, research and teacher education responses to disproportionality; and (d) hypothesized causes and predictors of disproportionality. Authors stress the need for: coherent and well-articulated conceptual frameworks, responsible use and representation of data, research dialog that is informed by appreciation of the complex sociopolitical history and current context, and the need for effective advocacy to improve the educational success of minority students.  相似文献   

人格测验在人事测评中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人事测评过程中,利用成熟的人格测验方法对管理者或应聘人员的人格特征进行诊断,可以为合理利用人力资源提供参考依据。文章首先强调了人格测验在人事测评中的必要性,在此基础上介绍了四种经典人格测验和三种管理情境中的人格测验,分析了人格测验在预测个体未来工作表现、工作风格以及实现人岗匹配方面所发挥的作用。最后,文章提出:加入社会评价性维度的人格测验可以鉴别个体是否具有健康人格,更好地发挥人格测验的三大功能。有助于企业在人事测评中合理使用人格测验。  相似文献   

刘源  刘红云 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1322-1328
从测验结构上,一般音乐能力测验包含基本认知能力、审美能力和创造能力测验.而现代音乐能力测验延伸到奏唱能力、表演交流能力和个体特质测验,从结构上对其进行拓展和完善.另一方面,从分析方式上,教育测验从总结性评价朝形成性评价方向发展.以美国国家评价与教育计划(NAEP)为例对测验项目进行属性层面的分析,证明了音乐能力认知诊断测验(CDA)的可能性.未来的研究应注意音乐能力测验结构的完整性和系统性,并将音乐能力认知诊断测验应用到实际当中.  相似文献   

This article explores whether homogeneity or fairness better explains generalized interpersonal trust across countries. Although some research suggests that ethnic diversity and income heterogeneity have a negative impact on social trust, I argue that cross‐national variations in social trust are better explained by fairness: fair procedural rules (democracy), fair administration of rules (freedom from corruption), and fair income distribution (relatively equal but also unskewed). This expectation is confirmed by a multilevel analysis of data from the World Values Surveys and European Values Study covering 170,000 individuals in 80 countries.  相似文献   

情景判断测验的开发程序、构思效度及研究趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
章详细介绍情景判断测验开发的一般程序,对情景判断测验的多种形式和记分方法进行了总结和比较。同时,从情景判断测验的结果与认知能力、个性和工作经验等关系的角度出发,分析了情景判断测验的构思效度,认为情景判断测验测量的是多维构思。文章最后认为,需要从与其他构思的关系、测评指定构思、影响效度的因素以及跨文化比较等四个方面对情景判断测验开展进一步研究。  相似文献   

Rüdiger Bittner argues that regret is not useful and so it is always unreasonable to feel and express it. In this paper, I argue that regret is often reasonable because regret has a communicative function: it communicates where we stand with respect to things we have done and outcomes that we have caused. So, I not only argue that Bittner’s argument is unsuccessful, I also shed light on the nature and purpose of regret.  相似文献   

The International Test Commission's Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests (2010) provide important guidance on developing and evaluating tests for use across languages. These guidelines are widely applauded, but the degree to which they are followed in practice is unknown. The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review of published articles to determine whether the methodologies related to test adaptation and evaluation of cross-lingual measurement bias have improved since the initial publication of the Guidelines. Results demonstrated that although reporting reliability estimates and statistically analyzing construct equivalence improved since publication of the Guidelines, the majority of test development and validation practices in the published literature have not embraced the recommendations put forth by the International Test Commission. Overall, these findings call into question many of the inferences derived from cross-linguistic comparisons and clearly signal a need for better dissemination mechanisms of the Guidelines.  相似文献   

试论我国人才测评事业的发展   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文在简要回顾西方人才测评发展历史的基础上,对我国人才测评事业的发展过程进行分析,提出三个不同的发展阶段及其特点。最后在总结经验的基础上,指出我国人才测评事业发展中存在的问题并提出建议。  相似文献   

Issue frames in policy discourse and news reporting regularly influence citizens' political opinions. Yet, we only have a limited understanding of how and among whom these framing effects occur. I propose a dual-process model of issue framing effects arguing that we must understand mediators of framing (the how question) in connection with individual-level moderators of framing (the whom question). Experimental results show that issue framing affects opinion through different psychological processes depending on who the receiver of the frame is. Among the moderately politically aware or those having weak political values, framing effects were mediated through processes of changing importance of considerations as well as changing content of considerations. Among the highly aware, only the importance change process mediated framing effects, while there were no framing effects among those least aware or those having strong values.  相似文献   

学生考核是医学教育中的重要环节,《本科医学教育质量改进全球标准(2015年修订版)》中学生考核标准体现了新的评价理念,即以结果为导向的学生考核、广泛多样性考核方法、形成性和终结性考核之间均衡、建立学业帮助进展考核制度、实施考核结果学生申诉制度等理念。介绍了美国名校如何采用新的考核理念。2016年,我国临床医学专业认证标准中已经融入了学生考核标准的新理念,但是目前的现实状况与国外相比差距还很大,需要认真理解与加快运用新理念的考核方式,大力推进我国医学教育评价制度改革,为健康中国战略培养优秀医学人才。  相似文献   

This study reports on the results of a reflective case analysis of a first generation assessment procedure of a chronic offender. The assessment focused on offender's experiential world and his pathway to crime, including precipitating crime risk factors as well as treatment needs to direct an intervention. The results of this assessment are compared with the results of a third-generation appraisal scale to evaluate the corresponding and/or different findings of these assessments. Findings suggest comparability of corresponding assessment indicators, suggesting that first and third generation assessment techniques can be integrated in corrections rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The social construction of human-environment relations is a central concern of an emerging tradition of research on place, which extends the so-called “discursive turn” in social psychology. This research highlights the primary role of everyday linguistic practices in the production of place meanings, challenging the prevailing tendency among environmental psychologists to treat place meanings mainly as an expression of individual cognitions. By the same token, in this article we argue that research on human-environment relations also has the potential to enrich the field of discursive psychology, tempting discursive researchers to move beyond their customary focus on verbal and written texts. Specifically, we propose an analytic framework that transcends the dualism between the material and discursive dimensions of human-environment relations. In order to develop this argument, we outline the novel concept of place-assemblage and illustrate its utility by conducting an analysis of a recent conflict over a public space in Barcelona. This analysis shows how discursive constructions of the development of this public space over time were inextricably entwined with other kinds of material and embodied practices—practices through which place meanings were actively performed, reproduced and contested.  相似文献   


Sporting excellence is a function of physical, cognitive and psychological capacities: its standard requires demonstration of superlative physical and strategic skills and the performance of these skills under pressure. However, despite the widespread acceptance of this idea there has been little exploration of what counts as a legitimate test of the psychological dimension. What work has been done has tended to focus on the practice of trash talking and whether the pressure that trash talking exerts is conducive to sporting objectives. However, not only do we believe that the philosophical work on trash talking is misguided, but also its conclusions have not been used to elucidate the legitimacy of other psychological pressures that occur in sport. In this paper we address this first lacuna by providing a more nuanced exploration of trash talking than exists in the philosophical literature, with the aim of addressing the second lacuna by suggesting a framework by which to evaluate other forms of psychological pressure that arise in sport. Briefly, our claim is that not all forms of trash talking that derail an opponent degrade, and that recipients of trash talking have both epistemic and social responsibilities in how they respond to trash talking. Moreover, these epistemic and social responsibilities can be extrapolated to evaluate the legitimacy of other forms of psychological pressure in sport, with forms that turn out to preclude broader social ends being morally illegitimate, and forms that do not preclude social ends yet facilitate meaningful challenges being legitimate tests of sporting excellence.  相似文献   

The objective of the present article is to explore differences and similarities between cognitive diagnostic assessment (CDA) and evidence-centered game design (ECgD) in the service of intentional hybridization. Although some testing specialists might argue that both are essentially the same given their origins in principled assessment design and equivalency of measurement models, this view misses differences in their focus and operationalization. Given the strengths of both CDA and ECgD, there is motivation to consider ways in which each can deliberately inform the other. The intentional hybridization of CDA and ECgD has, at least in principle, significant advantages to produce a stronger offspring than either parent alone. The article includes four sections: (1) conceptual differences between CDA and ECgD, (2) conceptual similarities between CDA and ECgD, (3) challenges with CDA and ECgD, including narrowness of cognitive models, fidelity with learning, ocean of data, sensitivity to diverse learners, reliance on multidimensional psychometric models, and how hybridization may help, and (4) implications for educational assessment in the twenty-first century around the globe.  相似文献   


This article describes a multidimensional framework for evaluating team-based services in schools. The theory and literature on developmental, causal and confirmatory program evaluation are discussed as the foundation for this framework. The model of Instructional Consultation Teams (IC-Teams) is presented as an illustration of how program evaluation research supports program development and provides evidence of program impact. The inferred impact of IC-Teams upon over-referral and identification of students for special education, especially minority students, is investigated using the confirmatory criteria of consistency. Three studies investigating the impact of IC-Teams upon special education referrals of the IC-Team model are presented. The studies, conducted across three implementations of the program with three different methodologies, demonstrated decreases in the referral, evaluation and placement of students in special education. The need for additional research and limits of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The Scaling Individuals and Classifying Misconceptions (SICM) model is an advanced psychometric model that can provide feedback to examinees’ misconceptions and a general ability simultaneously. These two types of feedback are represented by a discrete and a continuous latent variable, respectively, in the SICM model. The complex structure of the SICM model brings difficulties in estimating both misconception profile and ability efficiently in a linear test. To overcome this challenge, this study proposes a flexible computerized adaptive test (FCAT) design as a new test delivery method to increase test efficiency by administering an individualized test to examinees. We propose three item selection methods and two transition criteria to determine adaptive steps based on the needs of estimating one or two latent variables. Through two simulation studies, we demonstrate how to select an appropriate item selection method for an adaptive step and what transition criterion should be used between two adaptive steps. Results reveal the combination of the item selection method and the transition criterion could improve the estimation accuracy of a specific latent variable to a different extent and thus provide further guidance in designing an FCAT.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which introductory psychology textbooks cover child maltreatment and to evaluate how appropriately the information was presented. We randomly selected 15 introductory psychology textbooks from Koenig et al.’s (2004) Compendium of Introductory Psychology Texts. Three analyses included a subject index review, a content review, and a content analysis review. Although all of the textbooks covered the topic of child maltreatment in some fashion, they varied considerably in the specific forms of child maltreatment that they addressed. Furthermore, content that addressed child maltreatment consistently lacked appropriate emphasis and clear definitions. The results are discussed to enhance understanding regarding the most appropriate information on child maltreatment to include in introductory psychology textbooks.  相似文献   

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