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One probabilistic version of Coombs' unfolding model called the MMUR (Marginalization model for the Multidimensional Unfolding analysis of Ranking data) is extended to treat ranking data for groups. One favorable feature of the model is that it can both take into consideration individual differences without estimating the subject parameters and capture the differences between the groups in a systematic manner. Another advantage lies in the fact that one can see the group differences in the geometrical point configuration, since the model shows how the ideal points of the groups differ from each other in space. Four applications are provided which demonstrate that the model is useful for clarifying systematic differences in this type of data.  相似文献   

This paper develops diagnostic measures to identify those observations in Thurstonian models for ranking data which unduly influence parameter estimates that are obtained by the partition maximum likelihood approach of Chan and Bentler (1998). Diagnostic measures are constructed by employing the local influence approach that uses geometric techniques to assess the effect of small perturbations on a postulated statistical model. Very little additional effort is required to compute the proposed diagnostic measures, because all of the necessary building blocks are readily available after a usual fit of the model. The work described in this paper was partially supported by the grants from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (RGC Ref. No. CUHK4186/98P and RGC Direct Grant ID2060178). The authors are grateful to the Editor and four anonymous referees for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a stochastic multidimensional unfolding (MDU) procedure to spatially represent individual differences in phased or sequential decision processes. The specific application or scenario to be discussed involves the area of consumer psychology where consumers form judgments sequentially in their awareness, consideration, and choice set compositions in a phased or sequential manner as more information about the alternative brands in a designated product/service class are collected. A brief review of the consumer psychology literature on these nested congnitive sets as stages in phased decision making is provided. The technical details of the proposed model, maximum likelihood estimation framework, and algorithm are then discussed. A small scale Monte Carlo analysis is presented to demonstrate estimation proficiency and the appropriateness of the proposed model selection heuristic. An application of the methodology to capture awareness, consideration, and choice sets in graduate school applicants is presented. Finally, directions for future research and other potential applications are given.  相似文献   

The PARELLA model is a probabilistic parallelogram model that can be used for the measurement of latent attitudes or latent preferences. The data analyzed are the dichotomous responses of persons to stimuli, with a one (zero) indicating agreement (disagreement) with the content of the stimulus. The model provides a unidimensional representation of persons and items. The response probabilities are a function of the distance between person and stimulus: the smaller the distance, the larger the probability that a person will agree with the content of the stimulus. An estimation procedure based on expectation maximization and marginal maximum likelihood is developed and the quality of the resulting parameter estimates evaluated.I gratefully acknowledge Ivo Molenaar and Wijbrandt van Schuur for their advice and encouragement during the course of the investigation, Derk-Jan Kiewiet who constructed the program for the ML estimator for the person parameter and Anne Boomsma, Wendy Post, Tom Snijders, and David Thissen for their comments on smaller aspects of the investigation.  相似文献   

Bayesian analysis of order-statistics models for ranking data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a class of probability models for ranking data, the order-statistics models, is investigated. We extend the usual normal order-statistics model into one where the underlying random variables follow a multivariate normal distribution. Bayesian approach and the Gibbs sampling technique are used for parameter estimation. In addition, methods to assess the adequacy of model fit are introduced. Robustness of the model is studied by considering a multivariate-t distribution. The proposed method is applied to analyze the presidential election data of the American Psychological Association (APA).The author is grateful to K. Lam, K.F. Lam, the Editor, an associate editor, and three reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. This research was substantially supported by the CRCG grant 335/017/0015 of the University of Hong Kong and a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. HKU 7169/98H). Upon completion of this paper, I became aware that similar work had been done independently by K.G. Yao and U. Böckenholt (1999).  相似文献   

J. O. Ramsay 《Psychometrika》1978,43(2):145-160
Techniques are developed for surrounding each of the points in a multidimensional scaling solution with a region which will contain the population point with some level of confidence. Bayesian credibility regions are also discussed. A general theorem is proven which describes the asymptotic distribution of maximum likelihood estimates subject to identifiability constraints. This theorem is applied to a number of models to display asymptotic variance-covariance matrices for coordinate estimates under different rotational constraints. A technique is described for displaying Bayesian conditional credibility regions for any sample size.The research reported here was supported by grant number APA 320 to the author by the National Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

The vast majority of existing multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedures devised for the analysis of paired comparison preference/choice judgments are typically based on either scalar product (i.e., vector) or unfolding (i.e., ideal-point) models. Such methods tend to ignore many of the essential components of microeconomic theory including convex indifference curves, constrained utility maximization, demand functions, et cetera. This paper presents a new stochastic MDS procedure called MICROSCALE that attempts to operationalize many of these traditional microeconomic concepts. First, we briefly review several existing MDS models that operate on paired comparisons data, noting the particular nature of the utility functions implied by each class of models. These utility assumptions are then directly contrasted to those of microeconomic theory. The new maximum likelihood based procedure, MICROSCALE, is presented, as well as the technical details of the estimation procedure. The results of a Monte Carlo analysis investigating the performance of the algorithm as a number of model, data, and error factors are experimentally manipulated are provided. Finally, an illustration in consumer psychology concerning a convenience sample of thirty consumers providing paired comparisons judgments for some fourteen brands of over-the-counter analgesics is discussed.  相似文献   

An Extended Two-Way Euclidean Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) model which assumes both common and specific dimensions is described and contrasted with the standard (Two-Way) MDS model. In this Extended Two-Way Euclidean model then stimuli (or other objects) are assumed to be characterized by coordinates onR common dimensions. In addition each stimulus is assumed to have a dimension (or dimensions) specific to it alone. The overall distance between objecti and objectj then is defined as the square root of the ordinary squared Euclidean distance plus terms denoting the specificity of each object. The specificity,s j , can be thought of as the sum of squares of coordinates on those dimensions specific to objecti, all of which have nonzero coordinatesonly for objecti. (In practice, we may think of there being just one such specific dimension for each object, as this situation is mathematically indistinguishable from the case in which there are more than one.)We further assume that ij =F(d ij ) +e ij where ij is the proximity value (e.g., similarity or dissimilarity) of objectsi andj,d ij is the extended Euclidean distance defined above, whilee ij is an error term assumed i.i.d.N(0, 2).F is assumed either a linear function (in the metric case) or a monotone spline of specified form (in the quasi-nonmetric case). A numerical procedure alternating a modified Newton-Raphson algorithm with an algorithm for fitting an optimal monotone spline (or linear function) is used to secure maximum likelihood estimates of the paramstatistics) can be used to test hypotheses about the number of common dimensions, and/or the existence of specific (in addition toR common) dimensions.This approach is illustrated with applications to both artificial data and real data on judged similarity of nations.  相似文献   

A Thurstonian Analysis of Preference Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a Thurstonian model for the analysis of preference change. Preferences are expressed in the form of rankings, possibly with ties. A vector-autoregression framework is used to investigate relationships between past and current rankings. It is shown that this approach yields a parsimonious and easily interpretable representation of individual preference differences in time-dependent ranking data. A detailed analysis of the 1992 National Election Study illustrates the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Existing test statistics for assessing whether incomplete data represent a missing completely at random sample from a single population are based on a normal likelihood rationale and effectively test for homogeneity of means and covariances across missing data patterns. The likelihood approach cannot be implemented adequately if a pattern of missing data contains very few subjects. A generalized least squares rationale is used to develop parallel tests that are expected to be more stable in small samples. Three factors were varied for a simulation: number of variables, percent missing completely at random, and sample size. One thousand data sets were simulated for each condition. The generalized least squares test of homogeneity of means performed close to an ideal Type I error rate for most of the conditions. The generalized least squares test of homogeneity of covariance matrices and a combined test performed quite well also.Preliminary results on this research were presented at the 1999 Western Psychological Association convention, Irvine, CA, and in the UCLA Statistics Preprint No. 265 (http://www.stat.ucla.edu). The assistance of Ke-Hai Yuan and several anonymous reviewers is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Probabilistic multidimensional scaling: Complete and incomplete data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simple procedures are described for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of the location and uncertainty parameters of the Hefner model. This model is a probabilistic, multidimensional scaling model, which assigns a multivariate normal distribution to each stimulus point. It is shown that for such a model, standard nonmetric and metric algorithms are not appropriate. A procedure is also described for constructing incomplete data sets, by taking into consideration the degree of familiarity the subject has for each stimulus. Maximum likelihood estimates are developed both for complete and incomplete data sets. This research was supported by National Science Grant No. SOC76-20517. The first author would especially like to express his gratitude to the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study for its very substantial help with this research.  相似文献   

Equivalence of marginal likelihood of the two-parameter normal ogive model in item response theory (IRT) and factor analysis of dichotomized variables (FA) was formally proved. The basic result on the dichotomous variables was extended to multicategory cases, both ordered and unordered categorical data. Pair comparison data arising from multiple-judgment sampling were discussed as a special case of the unordered categorical data. A taxonomy of data for the IRT and FA models was also attempted.The work reported in this paper has been supported by Grant A6394 to the first author from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Data are ipsative if they are subject to a constant-sum constraint for each individual. In the present study, ordinal ipsative data (OID) are defined as the ordinal rankings across a vector of variables. It is assumed that OID are the manifestations of their underlying nonipsative vector y, which are difficult to observe directly. A two-stage estimation procedure is suggested for the analysis of structural equation models with OID. In the first stage, the partition maximum likelihood (PML) method and the generalized least squares (GLS) method are proposed for estimating the means and the covariance matrix of Acy, where Ac is a known contrast matrix. Based on the joint asymptotic distribution of the first stage estimator and an appropriate weight matrix, the generalized least squares method is used to estimate the structural parameters in the second stage. A goodness-of-fit statistic is given for testing the hypothesized covariance structure. Simulation results show that the proposed method works properly when a sufficiently large sample is available.This research was supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse Grants DA01070 and DA10017. The authors are indebted to Dr. Lee Cooper, Dr. Eric Holman, Dr. Thomas Wickens for their valuable suggestions on this study, and Dr. Fanny Cheung for allowing us to use her CPAI data set in this article. The authors would also like to acknowledge the helpful comments from the editor and the two anonymous reviewers.  相似文献   

Sik-Yum Lee 《Psychometrika》1981,46(2):153-160
Confirmatory factor analysis is considered from a Bayesian viewpoint, in which prior information on parameter is incorporated in the analysis. An iterative algorithm is developed to obtain the Bayes estimates. A numerical example based on longitudinal data is presented. A simulation study is designed to compare the Bayesian approach with the maximum likelihood method.Computer facilities were provided by the Computer Services Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The properties of nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) are explored by specifying statistical models, proving statistical consistency, and developing hypothesis testing procedures. Statistical models with errors in the dependent and independent variables are described for quantitative and qualitative data. For these models, statistical consistency often depends crucially upon how error enters the model and how data are collected and summarized (e.g., by means, medians, or rank statistics). A maximum likelihood estimator for NMDS is developed, and its relationship to the standard Shepard-Kruskal estimation method is described. This maximum likelihood framework is used to develop a method for testing the overall fit of the model.  相似文献   

In the “pick any/n” method, subjects are asked to choose any number of items from a list of n items according to some criterion. This kind of data can be analyzed as a special case of either multiple-choice data or successive categories data where the number of response categories is limited to two. An item response model was proposed for the latter case, which is a combination of an unfolding model and a choice model. The marginal maximum-likelihood estimation method was developed for parameter estimation to avoid incidental parameters, and an expectation-maximization algorithm used for numerical optimization. Two examples of analysis are given to illustrate the proposed method, which we call MAXSC.  相似文献   

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