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Twenty mice (Mus musculus), the second filial generation offspring from a C57BL/6 and DBA/2J cross, received spatial win-shift and win-stay water escape training within a mixed design in which all mice received both types of training. Acquisition under win-shift was superior to win-stay with respect to errorless trials and latencies regardless of the order in which the procedures were experienced. Win-stay responding did not exceed chance levels during any training phase. These data contradict the claim that win-stay training is the more easily acquired of the 2 acquisition strategies under aversive motivation.  相似文献   

Win-shift spatial memory tasks in a radial maze reinforce animals for avoiding previously visited rewarded arms; win-stay tasks reinforce them for returning to those arms. Win-shift tasks have generally been found much easier to perform, and this may be explained either in terms of foraging models which postulate avoidance of locations where food has been found, or in terms of the predominance of spontaneous alternation (exploration). Experiment 1 examined spontaneous alternation behavior in the radial maze as a function of whether the first visit to an arm had been rewarded or not, and showed that alternation was more probable after nonreward than after reward in both hungry and thirsty rats (a result which conflicts with the foraging account of the win-shift superiority). Experiment 2 replicated the finding that win-stay discrimination performance was inferior to win-shift. A manipulation (lengthening the delay between initial and test choices) which weakens spontaneous alternation, reduced, but did not reverse, the win-shift superiority. In Experiment 3, in order to eliminate the influence of spontaneous alternation, versions of the win-stay and win-shift tasks were devised in which, unlike the original task, all arms were familiar at the choice trial. Under those conditions win-stay was performed better than win-shift. It is concluded that spontaneous alternation plays a major role in many spatial memory tasks, and that the results can best be accounted for by combining principles of exploration and simple associative learning, without recourse to foraging models.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that perseveration in escape situations is an unlearned response bias of rats and mice which is difficult to overcome. In Experiment I, Sprague-Dawley rats were trained to a criterion of nine correct choices in 10 consecutive trials in a win-stay working memory water-escape task wherein an escape platform was hidden in one of two compartments. Subjects were given a forced choice on an Information Trial followed by a free choice on a Test Trial 5 min later. Subjects who were given a 30-s forced swim in the incorrect section following errors on the Test Trial showed faster acquisition and less use of response perseveration than control subjects. In Experiment II, the delayed escape procedure was used to compare acquisition of win-stay and win-shift strategies. Contrary to previous research both groups learned the tasks, although the win-stay group showed better performance. It is concluded that unlearned response biases of perseverating and returning to previous escape sites can be overcome if experimental conditions are appropriately arranged.  相似文献   

The Law of Effect dictates that animals will repeat the just-reinforced response “win-stay”, and yet there have been apparent violations of this by rats running for food in mazes, in the form of “win-shift” behaviour. Four experiments analysed the conditions determining win-stay and win-shift behaviour. All the experiments employed a schedule in which reinforcement was distributed across two choices, and in which the probability of reinforcement for the first response after previous reinforcement was equivalent for the two options. Despite this lack of programmed differential reinforcement, rats showed a significant win-stay tendency in Experiment 1, with no spatial bias. Experiments 2 and 3 used respectively a Y-maze and an operant chamber in which responding required a return to a central choice point. In both situations, significant win-shift behaviour resulted initially, at relatively high frequencies of reinforcement, but this win-shift changed to significant win-stay over many sessions, and with intermittent reinforcement. Experiment 4 introduced explicitly non-reinforced trials and demonstrated a “lose-shift” tendency, parallel to win-stay. Possible artefacts underlying win-stay and win-shift behaviour are rejected, and various mechanisms for these effects, including theories of optimal choice and associative learning, are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the behavioral function of the medial caudate putamen (MCPu) in the solving of maze tasks. MCPu lesioned rats (n = 35) and control rats (n = 35) were trained for the place or cue task (the four baited arms and four unbaited arms task) in an eight-arm radial maze, which requires the win-stay or the win-shift strategy. In Experiment 1, in which the place task was used, MCPu lesioned rats could learn the task in the win-shift condition, but not in the win-stay condition. MCPu lesioned rats made a lot of unbaited errors in the win-stay condition, as they persistently chose adjacent arms. Control rats could learn the tasks in both conditions. In Experiment 2, in which the cue task was used, MCPu lesioned rats and control rats could learn the tasks in both the win-stay and the win-shift conditions. If anything, the performance of MCPu rats was a little better than that of control rats in the win-stay condition. The results of these two experiments revealed that the MCPu was involved in solving the win-stay place task, but not the win-shift place, win-stay cue, and win-shift cue tasks. These findings suggest that the MCPu plays an important role in utilizing both spatial information and switching foraging strategies flexibly and efficiently, that is, processing complicated visuospatial cognition.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to remember lists of five arms on an Olton eight-arm radial maze. A forced-choice memory recognition test procedure was used which required the animal to choose between an arm previously visited during the study phase of a trial and an arm not visited. To receive additional food reinforcement, 10 animals were required to return to the previously visited arm (win-stay) and 10 animals were required to choose the novel, unvisited arm (win-shift). In this way, a direct comparison was made between the serial position curves (SPCs) generated by win-stay trained and win-shift trained animals. The results indicated that only win-stay trained animals produced the classical U-shaped SPC, which included significant primacy and recency effects. Win-shift subjects showed only recency effects. These findings are discussed in terms of differential processing requirements for the two procedures. It is suggested that the win-stay rule necessitates relatively more effortful, elaborative processing than does the win-shift rule, which is used automatically.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on a discrete-trial probability learning task. In Experiment 1, the molar reinforcement probabilities for the two response alternatives were equal, and the local contingencies of reinforcement differentially reinforced a win-stay, lose-shift response pattern. The win-stay portion was learned substantially more easily and appeared from the outset of training, suggesting that its occurrence did not depend upon discrimination of the local contingencies but rather only upon simple strengthening effects of individual reinforcements. Control by both types of local contingencies decreased with increases in the intertrial interval, although some control remained with intertrial intervals as long as 30 s. In Experiment 2, the local contingencies always favored win-shift and lose-shift response patterns but were asymmetrical for the two responses, causing the molar reinforcement rates for the two responses to differ. Some learning of the alternation pattern occurred with short intertrial intervals, although win-stay behavior occurred for some subjects. The local reinforcement contingencies were discriminated poorly with longer intertrial intervals. In the absence of control by the local contingencies, choice proportion was determined by the molar contingencies, as indicated by high exponent values for the generalized matching law with long intertrial intervals, and lower values with short intertrial intervals. The results show that when molar contingencies of reinforcement and local contingencies are in opposition, both may have independent roles. Control by molar contingencies cannot generally be explained by local contingencies.  相似文献   

Rats were capable of acquiring a four-choice win-stay water-escape task. While preventing access to the incorrect choice sections on information runs affected the first choices made on test runs, it did not affect rate of acquisition.  相似文献   

Four experiments with mazes examined the effects of feeding upon rats' subsequent choice between spatially or visually distinct alternatives. It is concluded that rats can recall both whether any food remained at the cessation of feeding (nondepletion) and whether or not feeding was interrupted; both features can be associated with the place where they occurred. The memory of nondepleted food evokes an unlearned tendency to return to the place where it was present (“win-stay” behaviour). The memory of interruption transiently had a similar effect in naive animals but eventually exerts a more nonspecific influence, which facilitates not only win-stay learning but its opposite, win-shift. The nondepletion effect was also obtained when the alternatives were defined by a visual cue (brightness) rather than spatial location. The determinants of staying and shifting are discussed in terms of reward memory and exploration.  相似文献   

The tendency to win-shift (to better learn to avoid, rather than return to, recently rewarded locations) has been demonstrated in a variety of nectarivorous birds and in honeybees. It is hypothesized to be a cognitive adaptation to the depleting nature of nectar. In the present study we report the first attempt to test for a win-shift bias in a nectarivorous parrot, the rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus hematodus). This species differs from others tested for a win-shift bias in that it is a facultative, rather than an obligate, nectarivore. We tested a captive-reared population of the birds on a shift/stay task at long and short retention intervals. The data show no evidence of either a win-shift or a win-stay bias. The birds demonstrated efficient spatial search ability and above chance performance for both shift and stay contingencies at long and short delays. These data suggest that an innate tendency to win-shift may not be present in all avian nectarivores, or that the role experience plays in shaping such behaviors is different for different species.  相似文献   

It was proposed that prediction hypotheses do not emerge full blown in the repertoire of the young child. Instead, the component units out of which predictions are consolidated (win-stay, lose-shift) are acquired independently and at different rates. The young child's behavior is at first dominated by response sets in which the win and lose components involve the same action (win-stay, lose-stay or win-shift, lose-shift). The components of response sets must be separated and coordinated with task-relevant information before appropriate components are consolidated to yield prediction hypotheses. A combination of learning-set and blank-trial procedures was used to evaluate this conception with preschoolers (mean CA = 4:1) and second graders (mean CA = 7:6). Results revealed that children of both age levels exhibited response patterns that corresponded to hypotheses in most of their probes (.89 to. 98). The striking finding was the relative weakness of win-stay on object cues at the outset of acquisition, particularly among the younger children. In contrast. lose-shift object was strong from the outset among children of both age levels. Once the two components (win-stay object, lose-shift object) were consolidated, the resulting scheme was durable, in that transfer to more complex problems was nearly perfect. Children who did not achieve criterion (in 70 problems) failed because they exhibited mostly position hypotheses and/or because the strength of win-stay object remained weak throughout all sessions.  相似文献   

Shanks (1985) has used a video game to investigate how subjects estimate the effect of their behaviour in a task defined by a 2×2 contingency table. The subjects were able to distinguish positive and negative contingencies from zero contingencies. In addition, they showed a learning curve and a bias to rate zero contingencies with a high outcome density higher than low-density zero contingencies. He interpreted these data as being consistent with associative models derived from animal learning. In Experiment 1 we replicated these results using a task and instructions similar to his. In a second experiment we showed that the subjects' tendency to overestimate high-density zero contingencies did not arise because the “game” was so difficult that it interfered with processing the events. In this experiment subjects were given tables of the outcome frequencies that had been determined by the earlier subjects. These subjects were, if anything, less accurate in rating the zero contingencies. We point out several logical problems with Shanks's initial task. The task did not represent a true 2×2 contingency, and aspects of it were physically impossible. In Experiment 3 we modified the task to represent a true 2×2 contingency. Using this task, we found a similar pattern of results, except that there was no evidence of the learning curve predicted by the associative models. We conclude that there is little in our data to rule out a “rule-based” analysis of contingency judgements.  相似文献   

We examined depressed and nondepressed college students' perceptions of control over outcomes in a task similar to the one introduced by Alloy and Abramson (1979, Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, when subjects completed a contingency learning task with no one else present, nondepressed subjects perceived themselves to have more control over frequently occurring response-independent outcomes than did depressed subjects, which replicated Alloy and Abramson's finding. When subjects completed the task in the presence of an observer, depressed students perceived themselves to have more control than did nondepressed students. In Experiment 2, the observer effects found in Experiment 1 were replicated, and we extended those results by showing that when response-independent outcomes occurred relatively infrequently, depressed and nondepressed subjects who completed the task in the presence of an observer did not reliably differ in their estimates of personal control. In Experiment 3, which included minor procedural variations from the other experiments, the pattern of results found in Experiments 1 and 2 was replicated under conditions in which observers were present while subjects received frequently occurring outcomes. Together, the results of the three experiments demonstrate that the consistently accurate personal control estimates of depressed subjects that have been found across a variety of situations break down when subjects complete a contingency learning task in the presence of an observer, and outcomes occur independently of response at a high frequency.  相似文献   

We recently reported that fear extinction, a form of inhibitory learning, is selectively blocked by systemic administration of L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (LVGCC) antagonists, including nifedipine, in mice. We here replicate this finding and examine three reduced contingency effects after vehicle or nifedipine (40 mg/kg) administration. In the first experiment, contingency reduction was achieved by adding USs to the training protocol (degraded contingency), a phenomenon thought to be independent of behavioral inhibition. In the second experiment, contingency reduction was achieved by varying the percentage of CS-US pairing, a phenomenon thought to be weakly dependent on behavioral inhibition. In the third and fourth experiments, contingency reduction was achieved by adding CSs to the training protocol (partial reinforcement), a phenomenon thought to be completely dependent on behavioral inhibition. We found that none of these reduced contingency effects was impaired by nifedipine. In a final experiment, we found that extinction conducted 1 or 3 h post-acquisition, but not immediately, was LVGCC-dependent. Taken together, the results suggest that reduced contingency effects and extinction depend on different molecular mechanisms and that LVGCC dependence of behavioral inhibition develops with time after associative CS-US learning.  相似文献   

Numerous previous investigators have explained species differences in spatial memory performance in terms of differences in foraging ecology. In three experiments we attempted to extend these findings by examining the extent to which the spatial memory performance of echidnas (or "spiny anteaters") can be understood in terms of the spatio-temporal distribution of their prey (ants and termites). This is a species and a foraging situation that have not been examined in this way before. Echidnas were better able to learn to avoid a previously rewarding location (to "win-shift") than to learn to return to a previously rewarding location (to "win-stay"), at short retention intervals, but were unable to learn either of these strategies at retention intervals of 90 min. The short retention interval results support the ecological hypothesis, but the long retention interval results do not. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Three-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats were trained on a working memory win-stay (spatial delayed matching-to-sample) water-escape task with the escape platform location the same for all subjects on a given trial, a procedure that maximizes the buildup of an odor trail to the escape platform. In subsequent tests during which the location of the escape platform varied randomly between subjects, the rats, especially the females, while continuing to perform above chance level, made increased errors. Varying the platform location between subjects eliminated odor trail as a nonambiguous cue for locating the escape platform. In a second experiment females performed better than males on a reference memory odor trail discrimination task which involved following the path of like-gender "pathmaker" rats to the escape platform. The relatively poor use of odor trails by the males was associated with a high frequency of choosing a preferred choice section or returning to the choice section selected first on the immediately preceding trial (perseveration). Collectively, the two experiments demonstrate that rats can use either working memory or odor trails to locate an escape platform in a water maze, and that they, especially females, will use odor trails in a working memory task if odor trails are available. Clearly, the location of the escape platform should be varied randomly between subjects in tests of working memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted employing a continuous measure of conditional stimulus/unconditional stimulus (CS/US) contingencies as perceived by the subject (i.e., subjective contingency or SC). It is argued that direct measurement of relational learning, as indexed by SC, can lead to a better understanding of Pavlovian conditioning processes. The first two experiments applied this approach to a methodologic controversy, raising the debate from a procedure-based argument to testing what the subject actually learns about CS/US relationships. While the issue was not resolved, testable hypotheses for future research were generated from the data. The third experiment contrasted the contingency stimulus-stimulus (S-S) account of Pavlovian conditioning with an earlier stimulus-response (S-R) continguity-reinforcement account. In this experiment, both SC and skin resistance were measured. Evidence for the existence of both cognitive-propositional and response-learning processes in conditioning was obtained.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to examine the development of a spatial learning set in rats and some of the variables influencing the retention of individual problems. The apparatus was a plus maze. At the beginning of each test, the rat was put on two arms, each in a different place. Food was present in one of the arms, but not in the other. The rat was then given a choice between these two places; the correct response was to return to the place that previously contained food (win-stay, lose-shift, response-reinforcement contingency). Fifty different two-choice spatial discriminations were given, each in a different location. At the end of testing, the mean percentage of correct responding for the first choice between the two places was 83%. Control procedures showed that the discriminative stimuli were distal, extramaze spatial stimuli. Variations of the procedure examined the influence of proactive interference and temporal delay on the memory for each discrimination. These results demonstrate that rats can develop a spatial learning set and provide new information about the characteristics of the memory underlying learning sets.  相似文献   

采用两个实验:实验一以陈述性知识为学习内容,实验二以程序性知识为学习内容,在这两种情况下,分别用组间设计探讨信息呈现方式对不同认知风格和空间能力的学习者在多媒体环境下学习效果的影响。结果表明:(1)认知风格对陈述性知识在多媒体环境下的学习效果产生影响,而选择的多媒体信息呈现方式和被试的空间能力则对其不产生影响;(2)对于程序性知识的保持,多媒体信息呈现方式和被试认知风格都会对学习效果产生影响,被试空间能力则不会产生影响,而且被试不同的认知风格在不同的多媒体信息呈现方式上会产生不同的影响;(3)对程序性知识的迁移,多媒体信息呈现方式、被试认知风格和空间能力都会对多媒体环境下的学习效果产生影响,而且被试不同的认知风格和空间能力在不同的多媒体信息呈现方式上都会产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

If spatial memory tasks are considered as foraging problems, it can be predicted that rats' difficulty in learning a win-stay task—revisiting part of a maze where food has recently been found—should be partly overcome if the food is not fully consumed at the first visit (nondepleted reward) rather than being all eaten (depleted reward). Three experiments confirmed and further analysed this result. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that it does not depend on the amount of food initially found; nor is win-stay performance affected by the amount of food actually eaten. Experiment 3 suggested that the effects of nondepleted reward are mainly due to the animals' being interrupted while eating, and very little to the fact that uneaten food is left behind. The results are discussed with regard to their implications for learning theory, and for the application of foraging theory to learning and memory experiments.  相似文献   

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