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This article presents a critical review of traditional testing practices and offers the unificationist perspective as the next logical step in the evolution of psychological and educational measurement. Building on the notion that any activity involving testing should be unified under the rubric of the scientific method, the unificationist view is defined and contrasted to traditional test validation strategies. Implications for test development and for the use of tests and measures in counseling (e.g., interest inventories, personality measures) are delineated from the unificationist perspective.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to explore the ways that women with severe work disabilities (SWDs) attributed meaning to their lives, experiences, and decisions. The author used qualitative research methodology and grounded theory procedures to analyze data obtained from videotaped interviews, discussion of videotaped interviews, and prolonged and persistent participant observations to shed light on the lives and experiences of women with SWDs, a previously understudied group. Implications for counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

The interview is the most widely used personnel selection method, but has revealed low reliability and validity compared with other selection methods (Mayfield 1964; Ulrich and Trumbo 1965; Schmitt 1976; Arvey 1979). Thirty-one studies on the validity of the interview were meta-analyzed. The result was an average validity coefficient of .27. The estimated true validity of the interview was calculated to be .38. These values indicated that the interview has moderate validity as a personnel selection device. Six characteristics of the interview were also examined in relation to the validity of the interview: structure of the interview; number of interviewers; length of the interview; gender of the applicant pool; blue-collar/white-collar jobs; and use of college students versus job applicants. The six study characteristics accounted for 30.9% of the variance in the validity of the interview. Structure of the interview appeared to be the only characteristic that moderated the validity of the interview. The relationship of this study to other meta-analyses of the employment interview is discussed.  相似文献   

Despite increasing clinical and empirical attention, the construct validity of acceptance has not been extensively investigated. The present study utilized a multitrait-multimethod design and a correlated trait-correlated method minus one [CT-C(M-1)] confirmatory factor analytic model to assess acceptance's convergent validity across methods and discriminant validity in comparison to cognitive reappraisal and perceived emotional control in a sample of 210 outpatients with anxiety and mood disorders. In addition, the study evaluated acceptance's concurrent validity by investigating the extent to which it was associated with variables of clinical interest over and above the two rival constructs. Results of confirmatory factor analyses supported acceptance's convergent and discriminant validity in comparison to the two neighboring constructs, and thereby provided partial support for its construct validity. However, contrary to prediction, acceptance was not significantly associated with concurrent validation measures. These results are discussed in the context of acceptance's potential therapeutic utility and functional relationships with associated constructs.  相似文献   

The empirical evidence that has accumulated in support of the notion that personality is a valid predictor of employee performance is vast, yet debate on the matter continues. This study investigates frame‐of‐reference effects as they relate to the validity of self‐report measures of personality. Specifically, we compare the validities of general, noncontextualized personality measures and work‐specific, contextualized measures. The findings suggest that personality measures are a more valid predictor of performance when the scale items or instructions are framed specifically so as to reference work‐specific behaviors. We found that the validities for noncontextualized measures of personality ranged from .02 to .22, with a mean validity of .11. The validities for contextualized measures ranged from .14 to .30, with a mean of .24 . Additional moderator analyses were conducted in an effort to examine several alternate explanations for these validity differences. Specifically, we examined differences between the developmental purpose (general use vs. workplace use) and reliabilities of each type of personality measure. We also compared the validities from published studies to those from unpublished studies. Results suggest that these moderators did not have an impact on the validity differences between noncontextualized and contextualized measures.  相似文献   

The Rorschach test situation was defined as an ambiguous power relationship in which the S could respond either by moving away from (Recognition), moving toward (Reaction) or moving against (Proaction) the E. Construct validity was approached by predicting both to a trait (trait validity) and to a different theoretical system (nomological validity). To evaluate trait validity it was predicted that yielders would have more Reactive responses than non-yielders and that non-yielders would have more Proactive responses than yielders. Nomological validity was investigated by predicting into Schachter's (1959) theory of affiliation. First born and only children should produce more Reactive scores than late born children and late born children should produce more Proactive responses than first and only children. The prediction that the non-yielders would produce more Proactive scores than yielders was not sustained. However, the hypotheses about yielding and Reaction, first and only children and Reaction, and late children and Proaction were sustained.  相似文献   

Education of health professionals about genetics is essential to the integration of genetics into mainstream health care, but there are a number of associated challenges. By virtue of their training, genetic counselors are well suited to address many of those challenges and to assume a variety of roles related to genetics education for health professionals. This paper provides a brief overview of the status of genetics education for non-genetics health professionals and reviews the context in which educational efforts are likely to occur.  相似文献   

The Scale for Assessing Emotional Disturbance (SAED) is a standardized, norm-referenced measure designed to operationalize the federal definition of Emotional Disturbance. It has demonstrated content validity and reliability. The two studies reported here address the SAED's concurrent validity. Samples in each study consisted of students identified with Emotional Disturbance. In both studies, special education teachers rated students on the SAED and a second measure of children's emotional and behavior problems. In the first study the SAED was compared to the Revised Behavior Problem Checklist. Correlations were generally moderate to high for similar subscales and low for dissimilar subscales. In the second study, the SAED was compared to the Teacher Report Form. Again, correlations generally were as expected and compatible with results of the first study. Results indicate that the SAED emotional and behavior problem subscales measure constructs akin to emotional and behavior problems measured by similar collections of item on the Revised Behavior Problem Checklist and Teacher Report Form. Implications of results and recommendations for use of the SAED are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper I propose and develop a social account of global autonomy. On this view, a person is autonomous simply to the extent to which it is difficult for others to subject her to their wills. I argue that many properties commonly thought necessary for autonomy are in fact properties that tend to increase an agent's immunity to such interpersonal subjection, and that the proposed account is therefore capable of providing theoretical unity to many of the otherwise heterogeneous requirements of autonomy familiar from recent discussions. Specifically, I discuss three such requirements: (i) possession of legally protected status, (ii) a sense of one's own self-worth, and (iii) a capacity for critical reflection. I argue that the proposed account is not only theoretically satisfying but also yields a rich and attractive conception of autonomy.  相似文献   

Our article is about dissociative phenomena in the transference—countertransference patterns that emerge in patients known to have been sexually abused as children [Davies and Frawley, 1992, p. 94].  相似文献   

本文从对一元价值谓词“好”、“坏”和二元价值谓词“更好”之间的关系出发,首先回顾了偏好逻辑中用二元价值谓词定义一元谓词的各种方案。然后,文章介绍了vanBenthem利用语境从一元谓词定义二元谓词的工作。文章着重分析了在这一背景下语境的概念和性质,并提出了两种逻辑的方法刻画语境。本文重点给出了语境的模态语言、语义模型,并对涉及语境变化的三条有效规则进行了深入讨论。  相似文献   

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