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This study evaluated the relations between positive religious coping (PRC) and negative religious coping (NRC) strategies and adjustment in 87 children and adolescents (described as “children”) hospitalized for asthma. Children's adjustment during hospitalization and at follow-up was correlated with and regressed onto measures of PRC and NRC. After controlling for relevant variables, religious coping predicted up to 50% of the variance in adjustment measures. Religious coping also significantly predicted adjustment after controlling for established measures of secular coping. PRC did not predict adjustment as hypothesized, other than predicting spiritual growth. NRC predicted poorer adjustment during hospitalization and at follow-up, and an increase in anxiety over time suggesting potential risk to children's adjustment. Although methodological limitations are noted, these initial findings provide a foundation on which to further examine the palliative and potentially harmful effects of children's religious coping.  相似文献   

Social categorization processes may be initiated by physical appearance, which have the potential to influence how people evaluate others. Categorizations ground what stereotypes and prejudices, if any, become activated. Gender is one of the first features people notice about others. Much less is known about individuals who may transgress gender expectations, including people who are transgender. Using an experiment, this study investigates whether the attitudes that people have about transgender people and rights are influenced by information and facial images. We hypothesize that mere exposure to transgender people, via information and images of faces, should be a source of prejudice reduction. We randomly provide participants with vignettes defining transgender and also randomize whether these vignettes come with facial images, varying the physical features of gendered individuals. We find our treatments have lower levels of discomfort and transphobia but have little effect on transgender rights attitudes. We further find that the impacts are stronger among Democrats than among Republicans. Our findings support the argument that people are in general unfamiliar with transgender people, and the mere exposure to outgroups can be a source of prejudice reduction.  相似文献   

This study examined amount of uncertainty, openness of communication about uncertainty, and the uncertainty reduction process as three competing mechanisms that account for increased intimacy in romantic relationships. To test these competing mechanisms, we used multilevel modeling to analyze longitudinal data that were collected from individuals in romantic associations over a 6‐week period. Results of separate analyses indicated that the amount of uncertainty was negatively associated with concurrent intimacy and the openness of communication about uncertainty, and decreases in uncertainty were positively associated with subsequent intimacy. When all three predictors were considered simultaneously, the decrease in uncertainty was the only significant predictor of intimacy. These findings highlight the importance of the uncertainty reduction process, rather than low amounts of uncertainty, for increased intimacy.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that women have lower pay expectations and a lower sense of personal entitlement with respect to pay than similarly qualified men (cf. Major & Konar, in press; Major, McFarlin, & Gagnon, 1984). The present research examined, in two liking simulation experiments, the impact of a job applicant's pay expectations and gender on starting salary offers, hiring recommendations, and evaluations made by management students. Results of both experiments indicated that, given identical applicant qualifications, the higher the salary requested by an applicant, the higher the salary he or she was offered, regardless of the applicant's gender. However, women with moderate pay expectations were offered significantly more money (Experiment 1) and were significantly more likely to be hired (Experiment 2) than were men with moderate expectations. Amount of pay expected had no impact on other evaluations of the applicant. The role that gender differences in pay expectations may play in perpetuating nonperformance-related pay differences between women and men is discussed.  相似文献   

Carol A. McKeen 《Sex roles》2005,52(7-8):533-546
Through a survey of 214 Canadian and 160 Chinese business students, we investigated students hopes and expectations regarding their future spouses employment and family roles relative to their own. The results of this exploratory study show that a large proportion of the students from both countries hope for equality between spouses, especially in the distribution of domestic tasks. However, significant discrepancies exist between their ideal hopes and their expectations of what will actually happen in reality. Many men and women of both countries expect that the wives will do more of the domestic work and have less prestigious jobs and lower earnings than their husbands. The between-sex and cross-national differences in gender role hopes and expectations were also explored.  相似文献   

This study examined the value of the Fishbein and Ajzen model of behavioral intentions and Bandura's concept of self-efficacy expectations as prospective predictors of the dental hygiene behaviors of young adults. All participants (73 males and 58 females) completed self-report measures of the predictor variables and 60% of that group (N = 77) then recorded brushing and flossing behaviors over a four-week period. The Fishbein and Ajzen model accounted for a significant proportion of the variance in intentions to brush (R2= .32) and intentions to floss (R2= .30). Intentions were in turn related to self-monitoring records of brushing and flossing frequency (rs= .52 and .61). Introducing self-efficacy expectations into the Fishbein and Ajzen model failed to improve the prediction of brushing and flossing frequency. However, self-efficacy was predictive of behavioral intentions, adding significantly to the variance accounted for by the attitudinal and subjective norm components of the Fishbein and Ajzen model. These data suggest that self-efficacy expectations are important in understanding protective health behaviors and that the inclusion of a self-efficacy component in the Fishbein and Ajzen model deserves consideration.  相似文献   

This study explores students' word schemas, that is, their knowledge not just of specific words, but also about words in general that can be applied when they encounter new words. Students in 7th and 10th grade and college undergraduates were asked to rate the plausibility of made-up definitions for nonsense words. Some of the definitions, although nonexistent or extremely rare, represented plausible meanings. Other definitions, however, were constructed to violate hypothesized expectations about possible meanings of English words. Students at all grade levels were found to distinguish plausible from less plausible meanings. College undergraduates also displayed sensitivity to part of speech distinctions in a subset of the items for which the range of possible meanings was hypothesized to be different for nouns and verbs. Results show that word schemas are applied in evaluating hypotheses about possible meanings of new words and that skilled adult readers are sensitive to subtle regularities in the English lexicon.  相似文献   

Reading is a fundamental skill for success in school and as an adult. However, many children and adults experience difficulties reading. Previous research has demonstrated that repeated readings is an effective intervention for increasing both fluency and comprehension for elementary age readers of all skill levels. However, the impact of repeated readings on fluency and comprehension has not been examined with secondary students with reading deficits. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of repeated readings for increasing four secondary student's fluency on passages at their instructional level, at the ninth grade level, and on generalization passages from their school curriculum. Furthermore, the effects on comprehension were also explored. A comparison group of average readers served as an estimate for how fluently secondary students read. The results of this study demonstrated that fluency improvements were achieved for all of the participants with just ten additional hours of practice. Effects on comprehension were not as clear. Limitations and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors sought to identify groups of students who differed in their patterns of expectations about counseling, and then to relate those groups to personality, as organized in the 5-factor model (FFM). Results of cluster analysis of 150 female and 96 male students' responses to the Expectations About Counseling-Brief form (EAC-B; H. E. A. Tinsley, 1982) questionnaire revealed 5 distinct clusters. Results of discriminant analysis identified 2 FFM personality functions (A Neuroticism and Closedness and Optimism) that meaningfully discriminated among the 5 clusters. A brief interpretation is offered of each cluster that integrates information based on EAC-B factor scores and the significant personality functions.  相似文献   

The present analysis examined interlocutors’ question-asking under high, moderate, and low levels of anticipated future interaction. Anticipated future interaction with another is presumed to increase persons'motivation to reduce their uncertainty. Prior to conversation, for example, observers engage in higher levels of information-seeking when they expect to meet the target. However, examination of subjects’ use of question-asking strategies suggested this effect does not extend to ongoing interaction. Instead, highest levels of mutual interrogation occurred at moderate levels of anticipated future interaction, in dyads required to negotiate a second encounter. The extent to which interlocutors control subsequent interaction has not been previously identified as a determinant of either uncertainty or uncertainty reduction. Such increased question-asking may be a function of actors’ desire to avoid negative conversational outcomes, a desire that becomes especially salient when actors are allowed to select their social partners.  相似文献   

Information exchange in initial interactions was examined across varying expectations for future contact with the conversational partner. Thirteen dimensions of information were employed to track conversational content over time, tap individuals’ desires, and obtain overall impressions of the information exchanged. The anticipation of future interaction had minimal effects on the actuality of and desire for information exchange, with its strongest effects concerning perceptual variables of conuersational coordination. The importance of anticipation of future interaction to uncertainty reduction theory was found to be misplaced and the theory itself was brought into question by the findings. The importance of the construct of anticipation of future interaction was questioned in terms of the relationship of its operationalization to its conceptualization.  相似文献   

Reducing the Effects of Performance Expectations on Behavioral Ratings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we develop and test two strategies for reducing the effects of performance expectations on behavioral ratings. A 3 × 3 experimental design (N = 169), manipulating preobservation performance cues (positive, negative, or none) and the type of intervention (halo error training, structured recall memory, or none), was conducted. The results of this study indicate that both interventions reduced the effects of performance expectations on behavioral ratings. However, analyses of rating accuracy and measures from both recognition memory and recall memory tests suggest that the structured recall memory intervention has distinct advantages. These analyses indicate that the structured recall intervention can reduce raters' reliance on heuristics and increase the correspondence between raters' memory and their subsequent ratings.  相似文献   

This study examined the degree of professional satisfaction among candidates taking the National Counselor Examination (NCE) between 1986 and 1990. A total of 383 written evaluative responses were analyzed and categorized using content analysis through a word-based frequency computer for the analysis of narrative responses.  相似文献   

We examined how affective expectations and objective experience influenced female college students' (N= 69) evaluations of discussions of safe‐sex practices and willingness to engage in future discussions. Participants interacted with a confident male confederate (positive experience) or a nervous one (negative experience). Positive experiences produced more positive evaluations and greater willingness to participate in the future. Expectations were manipulated after the discussion by telling participants that discussions became easier over time (positive expectations) or telling participants nothing (neutral expectations). Independent of experience, positive expectations also resulted in more positive evaluations and greater willingness. Similar results were obtained 2 weeks later. Findings are discussed in terms of previous studies of affective expectations and implications for safe‐sex education programs.  相似文献   

This study examined additive effects of various types of person–job and person–organization fit. Although numerous studies have investigated the correlates of various fit types, little research has examined whether the effects of different fit types are additive or convergent. The effects of multiple fit perceptions on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions were examined. Results indicate additive effects of person–job and person–organization fit perceptions on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The effects of person–job fit perceptions on turnover intentions were also additive. However, person–organization and person–job fit had convergent effects on turnover intention. Results indicate that managers must pay attention to various fit types for positive job attitudes and to reduce turnover.  相似文献   

本实验考察了在教学活动中,动力系统中自我强化和学生期待两因素与中学生学习效率的关系。结果表明:在其它教学条件相同的情况下,适当地、适时地满足学生期待对初中生学习效率的提高有较明显的作用,而对高中学生则作用不明显;对中学生进行自我强化的训练,有助于高中生学习效率的提高,而对初中生学习效率的作用则不明显;实验中未出现交互作用。  相似文献   

Two studies examined (a) the pervasiveness of stigmas of incompetence, (b) the possible moderating effects of qualifications and type of affirmative-action plan, and (c) the influence of an individual's attitudes toward affirmative action on stigmatization of a beneficiary. Results for Study 1 showed that participants evaluated the affirmative-action hiree as less competent and unlikely to have been hired because of qualifications, regardless of the hiree's actual qualifications. Study 2 demonstrated that, while affirmative-action plan had no effect on participants' evaluations, association with affirmative action produced negative evaluations on competence, career progress, and hiring because of qualifications. Attitudes toward affirmative action had a stronger effect on evaluations of the hiree than the qualifications of the hiree. Implications for alleviating stigmatization are discussed.  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that women report mostly negative expectations about being a gender-token in male-dominated work groups. We speculate that this is partially caused by the socially ascribed status devaluation of women. In this study we investigated the degree to which elevated social status may lessen negative expectations of gender-token women assigned to leadership positions. Sixty-three undergraduate women participated in 1 of 3 tokenism conditions: (1) nontoken, (2) gender-token, and (3) high-status gender-token. In all conditions participants were led to believe that they would be leading a group of men in a decision-making exercise. Leader expectations were then assessed. The results suggest that increased social status may help prevent gender-token women from developing negative expectations about interactions with male-dominated work groups.  相似文献   

As an example of “culture-specific” communication research, the present study investigated “self-disclosure” during initial interaction within Japanese culture. Presented with a simulated conversation containing varying levels of self-disclosure, a total of 192 Japanese males and females filled out several scale items measuring episode perception, social attractiveness and communication competence of the discloser, and strength of logical force. While respondents generally rated a low level of self-disclosure positively, the results also indicated a significant dialogue-by-sex interaction effect on the episode and person perception variables. With regard to logical force, the results showed that the strength of prefigurative force varied little, except for cultural archetype-act linkage, whereas practical force differed as a function of self-disclosure level. Implications of these findings are further discussed within the context of Japanese culture.  相似文献   

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