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A brief review of the major advances in multicultural counseling and psychotherapy literature and research is presented. A major emphasis is on the construct of “worldview” and on how knowledge and understanding of client worldview leads to more effective, ethical, sensitive, and client-specific counseling and development activities and interventions. This article reviews research and theory to support use of the worldview construct as a mediating variable in counseling and development interventions. This information can help the process of engaging clients, training effective and sensitive counselors, understanding organizational culture, and understanding the impact of gender on worldviews of men and women. Current research on the construct of worldview and its applications in counselor training, in counseling interventions, and in industrial-organizational settings is presented. Se presenta un repaso de los mayores avances en consejería multicultural y de la literatura e investigación en psicoterapia. Se pone un gran émfasis en la construcción de una visión universal y en como el conocimiento y entendimiento de la visión universal del cliente redunda en intervenciones mas efectivas, éticas, y sensibles. El trabajo revisa investigaciones y teorías para apoyar el uso del constructo de la visión universal coma un variable intermedia entre la consejería y las intervenciones de desarollo. Esta información puede ayudar al proceso de vinculación del cliente, entrenamiento de consejeros efectivos y sensitivos, comprensión de la cultura organizacional, y las diferentes maneras de concebir la visión universal por hombres y mujeres. Se presentan las investigaciones corrientes sobre la construcción de la visión universal y sus aplicaciones en el entrenamiento de consejeros, en intervenciones de consejería, y en ambientes industriales/organizacionales.  相似文献   

The authors describe the design of and student reaction to a counseling and spirituality course offered to full‐time resident counselor education students at the University of Virginia, a secular university. The course was offered as a blended Internet‐based and seminar course. The Internet components were the result of student feedback from previous distance Internet courses. Positive student reactions to both the content and the method were reported. The students viewed the Internet discussion of spiritual and religious issues as a positive feature of the course. Their most common suggestion was to have more seminar meetings to discuss the issues raised in required Internet postings.  相似文献   

An approach to marriage counseling aimed at Christian couples is described. The theoretical bases of the approach are cognitive behavioral therapy and structural and strategic marital therapies. Techniques are drawn from various schools of marriage therapy. Shared Christian values between counselor and clients are used to promote increased marital commitment, marital satisfaction, and personal spiritual growth. Marital satisfaction might be increased through helping the couple increase their intimacy, enhance their communication, improve their conflict management, and forgive each other for past and present hurts.  相似文献   

The authors offer an integral approach to counseling ethics using K. Wilber's (2000a, 2000b) integral metatheory. The article examines traditional counseling ethics through the lens of K. Wilber's (2000a, 2000b) “all‐quadrants, all‐levels” model, consisting of quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types. The authors begin with the 4 quadrants and how they can inform understanding of traditional counseling ethics. Vertical development in relation to counseling ethics is addressed, followed by a case study of an ethical dilemma in counseling. The authors offer an integrally informed process of ethical decision making that can be seen to complement less comprehensive ethical decision‐making models.  相似文献   

Too often, career counseling is associated with objective test scores and rational decision making. The purpose of this article is to reiterate the importance of considering the client's developing self-concept in career counseling.  相似文献   

Major conceptual models for counseling supervision are described and compared: supervision as a counseling analog, as an instruction or teaching analog, and as a role that includes counseling and teaching aspects. Although each of these approaches avails supervisors of familiar roles, none adequately provides the scope and utility required of a model for such a complex function. Thus, a higher order metamodal, supervision as consultation, is presented, and this consultation metamodel is related to the psychoeducational model for counseling psychology.  相似文献   

A religious approach is one of the matters emphasized in counseling today. Many researchers find that there is a need to apply the religious element in counseling because religion is important in a client’s life. The purpose of this research is to identify aspects of the Islamic approach applied in counseling clients by counselors at Pusat Kaunseling Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (PKMAINS). In addition, this research also analyses the Islamic approach applied in counseling at PKMAINS with reference to al-Quran and al-Sunnah. This is a qualitative research in the form of case study at PKMAINS. The main method used in this research is interview. The research instrument used is interview protocol. The respondents in this study include 9 counselors who serve in one of the counseling centers in Malaysia. This study also uses questionnaire as an additional instrument, distributed to 36 clients who receive counseling service at the center. The findings of the study show that the Islamic approach applied in counseling at PKMAINS may be categorized into three main aspects: aqidah (faith), ibadah (worship/ultimate devotion and love for God) and akhlaq (moral conduct). Findings also show that the counseling in these aspects is in line with Islamic teachings as contained in al-Quran and al-Sunnah.  相似文献   

SCOPE is a comprehensive career-counseling program presently in operation at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, New Jersey. It consists of a basic program plus a cluster of supplemental, optional exercises. The basic program has a sequence of four career-planning phases, one of which applies to each undergraduate year. Efforts are made to process students systematically through the entire basic program. An individual checklist kept for each participating student provides an internal mechanism for program evaluation and modification. Early results suggest effectiveness and positive student reactions.  相似文献   

Clinical supervision is central to the successful training and ongoing professional development of counselors and psychotherapists. Although clinical supervision shares much in common with psychotherapy, it is a distinct activity from psychotherapy that requires its own distinct theories and techniques (Bernard & Goodyear, 2014). In this article, an approach to clinical supervision (which I refer to as constructive clinical supervision) that is grounded in constructivist principles of learning, growth, and development is presented. In addition to outlining the key constructivist principles that have influenced this approach, I also provide supervision strategies that can be used to facilitate critical self-reflection in supervisees, which includes establishing a solid relationship, asking reflective questions, and implementing reflective-based activities. Additionally, guidelines for conducting supervisee assessment and evaluation in ways consistent with constructivist thinking are described.  相似文献   

It is being argued, in this article, that multicultural education is subversive because it challenges the assumed inevitability and superiority of the dominant culture by presenting alterna-tives to it. For multicultural education to be subversive, however, culture has to be understood as an order of things mapped across truth and power axis à la Foucault. These order of things are sup-pressed by the dominant culture in order to maintain its hegemony. It is being further argued that with the help of Foucault's genealogy we can understand how multicultural education can liberate subjugated order of things.  相似文献   

To determine whether liberal feminist and conventional approaches to career counseling might differentially affect women's career self-efficacy beliefs, 40 college women heard audiotapes of career counseling and provided ratings of their own career self-efficacy. Analysis supported the suggestion that a feminist approach to career counseling can have a significantly more positive effect on career self-efficacy than a conventional approach. This was true for ratings on the category of nontraditional careers as well as for overall career self-efficacy ratings.  相似文献   

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