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A 3 R's of Forgiveness model is presented in which forgiveness is seen as a complex therapeutic process involving both situational and personal variables. Forgivers are seen to utilize the cognitive processes of dialectical reasoning and reframing, modulated by the emotional experiences of empathy, guilt, and shame. Personality style and self-esteem significantly influence the process as well. Distinctions are maintained among various kinds of forgiveness. Divine forgiveness, seen as a partial component of a spiritual encounter with one's God, may be a valid experience for people of faith, but is not something that psychologists are equipped to experimentally analyze. Interpersonal and intrapsychic varieties of forgiveness are more accessible to therapists and deserve empirical investigation. Important differences are highlighted between conjunctive forgiveness (where the third R in the forgiveness sequence is reconciliation) and disjunctive forgiveness )where the third R is release). Pastors are reminded that, depending on the circumstances, forgiveness can be either good or bad.  相似文献   

Avron Kulak 《Sophia》2015,54(4):513-523
In my paper I examine the relationship between biblical principles and modern western philosophy. I begin with various biblical passages, including the twice-told tale of the miracle of the loaves and fish from the Gospel of Matthew, the story of creation, and the story of Adam and Eve, contrasting them with what I argue are the non-tales of Plato’s Republic. I then move on to modern philosophical texts—Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Hegel, and Kierkegaard (with passing mention of Vico and Buber) in order to examine the idea that what constitutes the ‘twice’ in our modern twice-told tales is the biblical, self-reflexive recognition that it is the core of values underpinning our stories—love of neighbor—that is itself the story that we tell.  相似文献   

We argue that the effects of evaluative learning may occur (a) without conscious perception of the affective stimuli, (b) without awareness of the stimulus contingencies, and (c) without any awareness that learning has occurred at all. Whether the three experiments reported in our target article provide conclusive evidence for either or any of these assertions is discussed in the commentaries of De Houwer and Field. We respond with the argument that when considered alongside other studies carried out over the past few decades, our experiments provide compelling evidence for a theory that posits a dissociation between evaluative learning and contingency awareness.  相似文献   

A core characteristic of world politics is the presence of communal conflict over ideas of national identity, inextricably bound to ideas of cultural identity. Increasingly, foreign policy decision-makers realize the importance of considering cultural factors in their calculations of how peoples will define the "self" that seeks "determination." Although a collective's culture changes over time (through interaction with others and in response to external events), scholars and policy analysts sometimes treat identities as static, monolithic, and derived from cultures that rarely change. This leads policymakers to underestimate the extent to which culture influences and can be influenced by foreign policy. This paper integrates work in political science and psychology into a content analysis–based method for examining three major ways in which culture impinges on communal conflict. The utility of the approach is demonstrated with a case study of the Northern Ireland conflict from 1984 to 1986, which shows how the rhetoric of the competing nationalist/Catholic leaders (John Hume and Gerry Adams) was the site of debate over group culture, how differences in the rhetoric reflected different cultures of the conflict, and how the conflict has been affected by the foreign policy decisions of other actors.  相似文献   

The emergence of counseling in Malaysia illustrates the importance of a strong professional association and counseling training programs at the university level.  相似文献   

L. Kohlberg (1969) argued that his moral stages captured a developmental sequence specific to the moral domain. To explore that contention, the author compared stage assignments obtained with the Standard Issue Scoring System (A. Colby & L. Kohlberg, 1987a, 1987b) and those obtained with a generalized content-independent stage-scoring system called the Hierarchical Complexity Scoring System (T. L. Dawson, 2002a), on 637 moral judgment interviews (participants' ages ranged from 5 to 86 years). The correlation between stage scores produced with the 2 systems was .88. Although standard issue scoring and hierarchical complexity scoring often awarded different scores up to Kohlberg's Moral Stage 2/3, from his Moral Stage 3 onward, scores awarded with the two systems predominantly agreed. The author explores the implications for developmental research.  相似文献   

In a globalized world, people's attempts at living a good life interfere with one another in complex ways. In particular, tension and conflict are inevitable. This confronts counselors/therapists with the ethical question of how to take into account (global) interdependence and relational complexity. In this article, I explore what moral visions—assumptions of what a person is and should be—help counselors shift their focus from individual to relational well-being. First, I examine the moral vision of narrative therapy, as an alternative to more traditional, individualistic moral visions. Then, I construct a moral vision of relational being, based on the relational being perspective of Kenneth Gergen. This vision represents an ethical stance that may, using work by philosopher Judith Butler, be understood as an ethic of recognition and nonviolence. Finally, implications of the moral vision of relational being for counseling/therapeutic practice are explored.  相似文献   

Adult education and counseling are needed facilitative and helping functions for a nation growing older. The current challenge seems to be to make counseling and educational services more widely available to people of all ages. Fulfilling adult needs and helping them adjust to new life circumstances will stretch the counseling system far beyond its traditional settings in schools and public service agencies. Present trends highlight the need for accessible, even convenient, resources for stimulating lifelong learning, adjustment to change, and personal development. In fact, the need structure of most adults seems to be weighted far more heavily in the direction of developmental counseling and learning more effective ways to fulfill their needs. Opportunities for adult education, career planning and assessment, and counseling services head the list of needed resources.  相似文献   

Indigenous communities are not of themselves holistic, and are not necessarily free from abuse of power. They are equally in need of internal reforms and emancipation from external forces of dominance and marginalization exist. Indigenous communities need an internal critique of people's experiences, particularly minorities and women. This thesis is set in the context of the Ao Naga Indigenous people of Northeast India.  相似文献   

A qualitative method was used to explore the phenomenon of mother-daughter incest. Common themes were extracted from in-depth interviews with survivors of mother-perpetrated sexual abuse, some of which parallel the experience of survivors of other forms of child sexual abuse, and some of which are more specific to mother-daughter incest. These themes are discussed in detail. Counseling implications are discussed and treatment recommendations are made for therapists working with adult survivors of maternal sexual abuse.  相似文献   

The author describes a type of mental development in which the primitive libidinal value of faeces and urine is kept unaltered all through adulthood. In this instance, individuals harbour fantasies of projective identifi cation with the internal parents, denying their real dependence, which leads to a pseudomaturity. These fantasies are usually accompanied by anal and genital masturbation and have intense aggressive content. Furthermore, there is a signifi cant confusion among all body orifi ces, leading to an inability to distinguish the self from the object, the inner world from outside reality. Individuals with this type of development can only maintain limited object relations and have highly erotized excretory activities. Manipulation of faeces may occur. This structure works as a defence against breakdown, but may also provide pleasure as it gives the illusion of omnipotent control of the object, as typical in pathological organizations. The author presents clinical material and discusses the diffi culties of the analysis, in which the patient tries to seduce the analyst into colluding with his mental functioning, primarily as a means of communication as well as a projection of his despair and his disbelief in the analyst's ability to help him.  相似文献   

As part of a controlled study of the effectiveness of a counseling program for family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia, we conducted a comprehensive examination of the process. The particular foci were on themes that arose during sessions, principal therapeutic interventions offered, and caveats for counselors working in the field. The most striking finding was the diverse range of themes, covering personal, coping, family, and social aspects of the caregiving experience. This required a correspondingly broad array of interventions. The implications are clear: confining counseling for caregivers to such traditional dimensions as education or attempts to reduce emotional expressiveness denies them the opportunity to deal with other equally relevant concerns.  相似文献   

Counseling practitioners are increasingly being exposed to the theoretical ideas and clinical techniques based in systems thinking. Systemic or interactional counseling approaches are based on an alternative view of causality and symptomatic behavior. As a result, several treatment, ethical, and legal challenges await the counselor who attempts to implement these theoretical ideas. Because of these potential problems, practitioners interested in such approaches must recognize and be prepared to deal with the unique diffculties that accompany this method of counseling. Using spouse abuse as an example, the author reviews the basic components of systemic approaches, identifies the potential problems inherent in their implementation, and offers solutions for the interactional counselor.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the focus of the special edition on emerging adulthood in DCD and how the different papers present the increasing awareness not only of the disorder but the continuation of difficulties into adulthood. It highlights the varying presentation at this stage and the impact these difficulties have on quality of life. Finally, it calls for further research to be undertaken to increase the understanding of DCD for both clinicians and researchers.  相似文献   

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