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Field concepts have been imported from physics into psychology and philosophy, in the work of writers such as Kurt Lewin and Maurice Merleu-Ponty. In psychoanalysis, they are found in the work of Harry Stack Sullivan, Enrique Pichon-Rivière, and Willy and Madeleine Baranger. They are essential for relational analysis, where everything than happens in the analytic situation is considered to depend on both parties of the analytic relationship. The analytic situation is understood as a two-person setup, in which neither party can be conceived without the other, because they are inescapably bound and complementary. This is called a “dynamic field,” and it corresponds to an experiential configuration that changes and evolves in time. Insight is better understood as a restructuring of the field, a gradual development of both parties' understanding of their shared unconscious situation. In this paper I discuss the main ideas posed by the Barangers, as well as my own, and present a clinical vignette to illustrate the phenomenology of the field.  相似文献   

This paper provides an integration of dynamic systems principles with the concept of the Analytic Third to further understand the therapeutic properties of the alliance between analyst and patient. I argue that the Analytic Third is an emergent phenomenon, in which something that is more than the sum of its parts is created, leading to an expansion of the capacity for play and spontaneity—with words, in relating to others, within the metaphor of the transference—which is one of the essential elements of therapeutic action. Rupture and repair is the central movement of therapeutic action, with mutual understanding building both mutual recognition and a stronger self-object bond. Adolescents can perhaps offer us the most striking and dramatic illustrations of emergence, because their analyses are particularly likely to unfold chaotically, often rapidly oscillating between periods of introspection and nonreflective action, but eventually shifting toward adaptation. A series of clinical vignettes taken from the analysis of an adolescent boy are utilized to illustrate these principles.  相似文献   

农村卫生改革面临的深层次的矛盾和问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对健康缺失阻碍农村经济发展没有清楚的认识,是制约农村卫生发展的重要因素.农村卫生纯属公共品范畴,理所当然是政府实现公共服务目标的基本职责.我国财政整体分配格局不合理,是农村卫生投入不足的基本原因.农村卫生保健制度一个非常突出的问题,是基本模式的选择,忽视关键制度的设计与调整.卫生院是医疗服务的提供者,是合作医疗保障制度的利益主体,同时又是合作医疗的组织者与管理者,不符合医疗保障制度的要求,同时也难以形成纠错的机制.  相似文献   

Two apparently contradictory ideas are closely linked in Israeli political discourse: Israel is powerful and independent and Israel is vulnerable and dependent. This study used content analysis and focus groups, as well as existing survey data analyzed by others, to explore how this paradox has been reflected in newspapers and conversations during six different time periods from 1948 to 1996. The goal was not to explain the paradox but to examine its consequences for Israeli perceptions of U.S. policy in the Middle East—and, in the process, to explore Israeli self-images. The nature of U.S. strategic interests was originally treated as problematic and in need of political discussion, but in the past 25 years these interests have become taken for granted. Surprisingly, even after the end of the Cold War, a critical discourse moment in which a reexamination of U.S. interests in the Middle East would seem inevitable, the U.S. role remains taken for granted and largely unexamined. The strong/vulnerable paradox explains this absence of discussion: Examining U.S. interests too closely upsets the delicate balance that keeps the sense of vulnerability in check.  相似文献   

Social problems are a prevalent feature of ADHD and reflect a major source of functional impairment for these children. The current study examined the impact of working memory deficits on parent- and teacher-reported social problems in a sample of children with ADHD and typically developing boys (N = 39). Bootstrapped, bias-corrected mediation analyses revealed that the impact of working memory deficits on social problems is primarily indirect. That is, impaired social interactions in children with ADHD reflect, to a significant extent, the behavioral outcome of being unable to maintain a focus of attention on information within working memory while simultaneously dividing attention among multiple, on-going events and social cues occurring within the environment. Central executive deficits impacted social problems through both inattentive and impulsive-hyperactive symptoms, whereas the subsidiary phonological and visuospatial storage/rehearsal systems demonstrated a more limited yet distinct relationship with children’s social problems.  相似文献   

Counselor educators in developing countries should use “appropriate technology” in training in order to help Third World counselors meet the challenges unique to their countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if a genetic counseling student’s perception of the supervisory working alliance (SWA) is related to their self-efficacy on select clinical practice-based competencies (PBCs), evaluating the second tenet of the Reciprocal Engagement Model of Supervision (REM-S) from a student perspective. Second year genetic counseling students (N?=?168) completed a survey containing demographic and clinical rotation experience questions, the Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory-Trainee Form (SWAI-T), and the Genetic Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale (GCSES). Overall, the SWAI-T was significantly associated with all factors of the GCSES. Additionally, the relationship between the SWAI-T and self-efficacy was specific to those who had only one supervisor, thus highlighting the SWA may be most important under these circumstances. This serves as an important step in being able to guide supervisors toward effective methods in supervision, which may include encouraging supervisors to build a strong relationship with their supervisee in order to help strengthen the student’s confidence in their clinical skills.  相似文献   

文字概率是衡量不确定性的方式之一, 即人们使用诸如“也许”、“未必”的词汇来描述特定事件发生的可能性。文字概率不同于数字概率, 主要体现在文字概率的模糊性、非概率运算性和语义特性上。这使得相对于数字概率, 用文字概率衡量不确定性既有优势也有问题, 进而对人们的不确定信息沟通和风险决策造成影响。虽然文字概率与数字概率存在特征上的差异并且人们在日常交流中偏爱文字概率, 但是大部分风险领域的研究却仅局限于数字概率, 今后有必要研究使用文字概率测量的风险决策。在已有文字概率特征研究的基础上, 还可以进一步探究其不同于数字概率的其它特征(文字/数字概率与双系统模型的联系、文字概率的跨文化差异等)及其对风险决策的影响。  相似文献   

Prepared by the Working Group on Education and Training from the November 1995 Georgetown conference sponsored by the Association of Medical School Psychologists, this paper focuses upon the education and training of psychologists and education and training of other health care professionals about psychology in academic medical settings. Seven specific topic recommendations are offered that help psychologists define their educational and training missions into the next century.  相似文献   

彭君  莫雷  黄平  周莹  王靖  昂晨 《心理学报》2014,46(10):1498-1508
目前已有许多研究证据表明, 工作记忆训练能提高成人、儿童的流体智力成绩, 然而这种训练是否能够提高幼儿的流体智力表现, 更为重要的是, 如果训练确有成效, 那么这种训练效果能否长期保持?为此, 本研究选择了幼儿园4~5岁幼儿进行工作记忆训练任务, 考察工作记忆训练对流体智力的提升及保持效应。实验中设立3个组:实验组、控制1组和控制2组。实验组采用单个空间n-back的工作记忆游戏程序进行训练, 控制1组采用“水果忍者”的游戏程序进行训练, 两组进行游戏训练的时间均为14天, 每天15 min; 控制2组不进行任何训练。结果发现, 训练后实验组幼儿被试的流体智力成绩明显优于两个控制组, 在6个月后再进行测试, 这种优势仍然保持。本研究结果表明, n-back工作记忆训练可以提高幼儿的流体智力成绩, 并且这种训练效果具有持续的稳定性。  相似文献   

试析当前价值生活中的几个矛盾和问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
价值生活的健康发展 ,一方面依赖于各种不同价值要素的和谐共处 ,另一方面也伴随着不同价值资源的矛盾冲突乃至对立。随着我国改革开放的不断深入和社会转型力度的加大 ,价值生活多样化和丰富性的特征越来越明显 ,同时也出现了一些值得关注的矛盾和问题。一、信念系统的绝对性和相对性问题信念系统的相对性问题在计划经济时代是不太可能存在的。当时政府倡导一套具有绝对权威的价值信念系统 ,并使之成为主导的意识形态。这个系统由知识分子提供核心词并通过其中的专门人士进行阐释 ,使之合理化。只要整个社会成员的政治经济地位变化不大 ,他…  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of working in dyads and their associated gender composition on performance (solution rate and time) and process variables (number of impasses, number of passed solutions, and number of problem solving suggestions and interactions) in a set of classic insight problem solving tasks. Two types of insight problems were used: multiple moves available (MMA) and few moves available (FMA) problems. The results showed no effects on number of problems solved or solving time, but group and gender composition effects emerged when looking at process variables such as number of impasses, time to impasse, number of passed solutions, number of problem solving suggestions, and number of interactions between dyad members. Results support prior evidence that process loss in creative problem solving may be due to differences in interpersonal interactions during group problem solving that do not necessarily affect overall problem solving success.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of an 8-week mindfulness training for adolescents aged 11–15?years with ADHD and parallel Mindful Parenting training for their parents was evaluated, using questionnaires as well as computerized attention tests. Adolescents (N?=?10), their parents (N?=?19) and tutors (N?=?7) completed measurements before, immediately after, 8?weeks after and 16?weeks after training. Adolescents reported on their attention and behavioral problems and mindful awareness, and were administered two computerized sustained attention tasks. Parents as well as tutors reported on adolescents’ attention and behavioral problems and executive functioning. Parents further reported on their own parenting, parenting stress and mindful awareness. Both the mindfulness training for the adolescents and their parents was delivered in group format. First, after mindfulness training, adolescents’ attention and behavior problems reduced, while their executive functioning improved, as indicated by self-report measures as well as by father and teacher report. Second, improvements in adolescent’ actual performance on attention tests were found after mindfulness training. Moreover, fathers, but not mothers, reported reduced parenting stress. Mothers reported reduced overreactive parenting, whereas fathers reported an increase. No effect on mindful awareness of adolescents or parents was found. Effects of mindfulness training became stronger at 8-week follow-up, but waned at 16-week follow-up. Our study adds to the emerging body of evidence indicating that mindfulness training for adolescents with ADHD (and their parents) is an effective approach, but maintenance strategies need to be developed in order for this approach to be effective in the longer term.  相似文献   

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