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While the recognition of emotional expressions has been extensively studied, the behavioural response to these expressions has not. In the interpersonal circumplex, behaviour is defined in terms of communion and agency. In this study, we examined behavioural responses to both facial and postural expressions of emotion. We presented 101 Romanian students with facial and postural stimuli involving individuals (‘targets’) expressing happiness, sadness, anger, or fear. Using an interpersonal grid, participants simultaneously indicated how communal (i.e., quarrelsome or agreeable) and agentic (i.e., dominant or submissive) they would be towards people displaying these expressions. Participants were agreeable‐dominant towards targets showing happy facial expressions and primarily quarrelsome towards targets with angry or fearful facial expressions. Responses to targets showing sad facial expressions were neutral on both dimensions of interpersonal behaviour. Postural versus facial expressions of happiness and anger elicited similar behavioural responses. Participants responded in a quarrelsome‐submissive way to fearful postural expressions and in an agreeable way to sad postural expressions. Behavioural responses to the various facial expressions were largely comparable to those previously observed in Dutch students. Observed differences may be explained from participants’ cultural background. Responses to the postural expressions largely matched responses to the facial expressions.  相似文献   

Body posture influences feelings about the self, but little is known about its impact on social cognition more generally. We apply the Big Two framework (Agency/Competence, Communion/Warmth) and study how body posture influences interpersonal perception in a dyadic interaction. In three experiments, we studied dyads with different body postures (Exps. 1 and 2: expanded/restricted; Exp. 3: expanded/neutral). Dyad members worked on a joint task, and rated self and other. Findings showed that participants in an expanded posture rated the self higher and the other lower on agency, whereas those in a submissive (or neutral) posture rated the self lower and the other higher on agency. In Experiment 2, participants in a submissive posture also rated their communion lower. Results are important both for the impact of body posture on interpersonal perception and for context effects in the relationship of Agency versus Communion ratings of self and others.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested the possibility that self-esteem (SE) may be viewed as a two-dimensional concept consisting of: (a) self-liking, the subjective evaluation of oneself as a social being; and (b) self-competence, the internal conceptions of success and failure in performing tasks (Tafarodi & Swann, 1995). Establishing differential relations between these two dimensions of SE and an important psychological concept like the Big Five, would support the notion of two-dimensional SE. To test this hypothesis the self-liking/self-competence scale (SLCS) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI) were administered to 128 Norwegian college students. The results show a differential relationship between the two dimensions of SE and the personality dimensions of the BFI.  相似文献   

The present study developed new clinical cutoffs for the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) with 59 older adult psychiatric outpatients. Maximum discrimination of a current major depressive episode resulted, with cutoff scores of 22 for the BDI and 16 for the GDS. Specifically, the following validity scores emerged for the BDI: sensitivity, 64%; specificity, 73%; positive predictive power, 75%; negative predictive power, 61%; and hit rate 68%. For the GDS the validity scores were as follows: sensitivity, 79%; specificity, 69%; positive predictive power, 77%; negative predictive power, 72%; and hit rate, 75%. Combined BDI and GDS scores did not result in improved prediction of a current major depressive episode as compared to the GDS alone. These results support the notion that the BDI and GDS are valid quick screening instruments in discriminating a current major depressive episode for older adult psychiatric outpatients.  相似文献   

自尊影响面孔吸引力刻板印象,然而由于能动性特质自我评价能够预测自尊,高自尊的个体拥有更高的能动性自我评价,因此自尊对面孔吸引力刻板印象的影响是否只体现在能动性特质维度上还未可知。60名女被试分别评价高、低吸引力女性目标在能动性和社群性人格特质维度上的符合程度。结果发现:能动性维度上,高自尊被试对高吸引力目标在积极特质形容词的符合程度评价显著高于低自尊被试,低自尊被试对低吸引力目标在积极特质形容词的符合程度评价显著高于高自尊被试;社群性维度上,高、低自尊被试均认为高吸引力目标与积极特质形容词更符合。研究结果表明,自尊对面孔吸引力刻板印象的影响主要体现在能动性评价上;在社群性评价上,高、低自尊被试都表现出面孔吸引力刻板印象。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the validation of the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious Spiritual Well-Being (MI RSWB 48) in a convenience sample of 250 Iranian psychiatric outpatients. In addition to the MI RSWB 48, the patients completed the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWS), the WHO-5, the PHQ-9, and the PHQ-15. Cronbach’s α for the MI RSWB 48 was .84, and for its subscales ranged from .33 (Hope Transcendent [HT] Subscale) to .89 (General Religiosity [GR] Subscale). The SWS score had the highest positive correlation with the MI RSWB 48 score. Two factors identified for the scale. The religiosity spirituality score of female patients was significantly higher than the score of the male patients. The MI RSWB 48 can be considered as a suitable tool for evaluating different aspects of religiosity and spirituality in Iranian society. The HT Subscale may need modification to improve its internal consistency.  相似文献   

The Dualistic Model of Passion (Vallerand, 2010) regards passion as a strong inclination toward a self-defining activity that one loves, values, and in which one invests a substantial amount of time and energy. The model proposes two distinct types of passion, harmonious and obsessive, that predict adaptive and less adaptive outcomes, respectively. We hypothesized that individuals relatively high on explicit self-esteem would experience higher levels of harmonious passion, given their implementation of relatively adaptive self-regulatory strategies. Individuals relatively low on implicit self-esteem, on the other hand, would experience higher levels of obsessive passion, given their ego fragility and defensiveness. Participants completed the Passion Scale, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, and the self-esteem Implicit Association Task. Path analyses revealed that, consistently with hypotheses, explicit self-esteem positively predicted harmonious passion, whereas implicit self-esteem negatively predicted obsessive passion.  相似文献   

In order to better integrate research on personality pathology, interpersonal problems, and social skills, we applied the traditional methods of these three research strands (questionnaires, interviews, and interpersonal role-plays) to the same sample. Participants who attributed higher levels of interpersonal problems to themselves in general were also more critical of their own role-play performances, but these impressions were not mirrored by observer-ratings. Self-observer agreement in judging overall role-play performance was essentially zero. Interviewer-ratings of personality pathology had incremental validity over self-ratings in predicting observer-rated role-play performance. Self-reports of interpersonal functioning leave relevant behavioral variance untapped and thus should be complemented by other sources of information.  相似文献   

Gratitude is a positive disposition that is connected to well-being. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of self-esteem in the association between gratitude and well-being among undergraduate students. Two hundred and thirty-five participants completed measures of dispositional gratitude, self-esteem, and several indices of well-being. The results indicated that higher levels of dispositional gratitude were associated with greater self-esteem and indices of well-being. Moreover, higher levels of self-esteem were also associated with indices of well-being. Path analyses showed that self-esteem acted as a partial mediator of the association between gratitude and well-being. These results provide information regarding a possible process through which dispositional gratitude has beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Self-esteem in body dysmorphic disorder   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Phillips KA  Pinto A  Jain S 《Body image》2004,1(4):385-390
Although studies indicate that poor body image is associated with poor self-esteem, few investigations have examined self-esteem in a clinical sample of individuals with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The present study examined self-esteem in 93 BDD patients and change in self-esteem with pharmacotherapy. Subjects completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and were assessed with other measures. Participants in a placebo-controlled fluoxetine trial completed measures at baseline and endpoint. The mean RSES score was approximately 1.5 SD units lower than means reported for nonclinical samples. Although poorer self-esteem was associated with more severe BDD and depression, as well as greater delusionality, the relationship between self-esteem and BDD severity was largely mediated by depressive symptoms. Self-esteem did not improve significantly more with fluoxetine than placebo, although it improved significantly more in fluoxetine responders than in nonresponders. It is unclear whether poor self-esteem predisposes to BDD and/or is a consequence of the disorder.  相似文献   

杨慧  吴明证  刘永芳 《心理科学》2012,35(4):962-967
采用2(外显自尊:高、低)×2(内隐自尊:高、低)×2(编码深度:浅、深)×3(词汇效价:积极、中性、消极)混合设计,考察了89名不同自尊类型的大学生在不同编码深度下对不同效价形容词的再认记忆。结果发现:(1)在浅水平编码组中,低内隐自尊被试比高内隐自尊被试有更强的积极记忆偏向,而高低不同水平的外显自尊者对于词语记忆偏向没有显著差异;(2)在深程度编码组中不同自尊水平影响被试对积极词的无意识提取;(3)所有被试均有积极记忆偏向。  相似文献   

Pathogenic beliefs (PBs) are a key construct within control-mastery theory, a dynamic cognitive-relational psychotherapy approach. It is common for these beliefs to trigger interpersonal problems. The present study explored the relationship between PBs and interpersonal problems. Sixty-eight patients with depressive disorder were assessed using a 54-item Pathogenic Belief Scale (PBS), and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-32). Eight sub scales of the IIP-32 were analysed, along with the interpersonal circumplex (IPC) dominance and love dimensions. The PBS was significantly associated with the IIP-32 total score (r?=?.608, p?r?=??.285, p?相似文献   

Social axioms are people's general beliefs about how the world functions and always involve the relationship between two conceptual entities. Social axioms have been proposed as a construct that can be useful in helping researchers interpret cultures and explain people's behaviors in different cultural contexts. Despite the growth of studies on social axioms in various countries, no effort has been made so far to investigate specifically the relation between social axioms and indicators of interpersonal, social, and environmental functioning. To fill this gap, this exploratory study sought to examine the relation between social axioms and a set of variables indicating positive interpersonal, social, and environmental functioning (namely, gratitude, connectedness to nature, social participation, perspective-taking, and empathic concern) in a sample of 303 Iranian university students. Findings showed that reward for application, religiosity, and social complexity significantly predicted gratitude when sex was controlled for. Social complexity and reward for application significantly contributed to explaining the variance in connectedness to nature over and above sex. Social cynicism and social complexity also predicted perspective-taking significantly after controlling for sex. Social axioms were not successful in predicting social participation and empathic concern. Overall, it is possible to conclude that the findings support the utility of social axioms in predicting interpersonal, social, and environmental functioning. That is, generalized beliefs about oneself, the social and physical environment, or the spiritual world are associated with individuals' interpersonal, social, and environmental functioning in this Iranian sample.  相似文献   

Given that little is known about the underlying mechanisms of rumination in response to an interpersonal offense, the purpose of this research is to reveal if inferiority feelings, dispositional rumination, and gender predict rumination regarding an interpersonal offense in a college student population. A sample of 147 undergraduate students completed the Ruminative Thought Style Scale, the Inferiority Feelings Scale and the Rumination About an Interpersonal Offense scale. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis confirm that although the majority of variation in interpersonal rumination is accounted for by dispositional rumination, inferiority feelings still explain a significant amount of variation in interpersonal rumination. Additional analysis demonstrates that dispositional rumination has a partial mediator role between inferiority feelings and interpersonal rumination, which indicates that feelings of inferiority make individuals more prone to dispositional rumination, which in turn, increases their tendency to ruminate following an interpersonal offense.  相似文献   

目的研究初二学生父母教养方式、自尊对应对方式的影响。方法使用父母教养方式问卷、自尊量表、中学生应对方式量表对广州及深圳162名初中二年级学生进行施测。结果 (1)各量表不同因子存在不同的性别效应,父亲惩罚(t=2.737,P<0.01)、父亲拒绝否认(t=2.444,P<0.05)、问题指向应对(t=2.196,P<0.05)。(2)父母情感温暖与自尊、问题指向应对有显著的正相关(r=0.350,r=0.490,P<0.01),父亲偏爱对问题指向应对有显著的正相关(r=0.170,P<0.05);而母亲的拒绝否认和严惩与自尊存在显著的负相关(r=-0.198,r=-0.209,P<0.01),但与情绪指向应对有显著的正相关(r=0.235,r=0.258,P<0.01)。(3)父亲情感温暖(β=0.413,P<0.05)和自尊(β=0.230P<0.05)是问题指向应对方式的预测因子,且自尊是中介因素;母亲严惩(β=0.299,P<0.001)、父亲温暖(β=0.158,P<0.05)对情绪指向应对方式存在显著的预测作用。结论不同教养方式、自尊对不同应对方式存在影响。  相似文献   

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