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The establishment of support groups for school and college counsellors in Devon is described. Reference is made to the pressures which led to their creation, to the way the support system has gradually been developed and modified, to the membership, organisation and purpose of the present groups, and to some initial problems and adjustments. Possibilities for future development are suggested.  相似文献   

A qualitative study was conducted into the experience of student counsellors working as lone counsellors or as members of a small team in higher education colleges. The data, gathered through semi-structured interviews of eight participants, all of whom were responsible for the management of their counselling service, revealed the complexity of the student counsellor's role. While the one to one work with clients was seen as the primary task, the significance of the counsellor's involvement in the organisation was not to be underestimated. Issues around case load, support and relationships with colleagues, which can be problematic for counsellors working in organisations generally, were highlighted for those working as lone counsellors.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the unique counselling needs of foreign students as reflected from a review of the literature. As more and more students from developing countries opt to further their education in the West, knowledge about counselling foreign students is of increasing interest. Distinctive aspects of foreign student clients and the typical problems faced by them are described. The issues which need to be addressed and the competencies which need to be developed in order to effectively counsel foreign students are discussed. Finally, specific strategies for counselling foreign students are suggested in the context of general guidelines for cross-cultural counselling.  相似文献   


The incidence, factor structure and scale item differences in anxiety-depression comorbidity were investigated in a sample of Australian university students defined according to the presence of anxiety and/or depression. The incidence of anxiety-depression comorbidity was over 32%, about four times that for anxiety or depression alone. Participants with comorbidity had significantly higher Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) total and factor scores than those with anxiety or depression alone. The major differences between the comorbid and unitary disordered subgroups were for self-disintegration and autonomic arousal. Comorbidity of anxiety and depression is a more serious disorder than either anxiety or depression alone, and appears to exist in large proportions among university students. Assessment and treatment plans might benefit from inclusion of this comorbidity.  相似文献   

Traditionally the relationship between tutor and student has been regarded as of great importance in higher education. With the recent growth of student services in universities, polytechnics and colleges, some tutors have felt redundant or de-skilled. This article describes a course which aimed to restore an important role to tutors by helping them to develop their skills and see their work in a wider perspective. The course was basically practical and did not aim to produce fully-trained cousellors. Rather, it explored the hazards of adolescence, practical skills in tutoring, and sources and techniques of referral.  相似文献   

A training programme for youth counsellors, aimed to improve counsellors' self-efficacy and their ability to cope effectively with stressful situations, was developed and implemented. Two versions of the training programme were evaluated: one based on Participant Modelling; the other on Symbolic Modelling. As predicted, the self-efficacy of subjects of the Participant Modelling group increased significantly compared to the self-efficacy of subjects of the Symbolic Modelling or the contrast groups. Both training methods positively affected self-efficacy when compared to the contrast group.  相似文献   

The activities of voluntary or ‘paraprofessional’ counsellors, who work for free, represent a highly significant component of the delivery of psychological therapy in Britain and other countries. However, in recent years there has been relatively little published research into issues associated with the provision of service by counsellors who work on a voluntary part‐time basis, and who typically receive limited training and supervision. This paper introduces a special theme section on counselling in the voluntary sector, which highlights some recent examples of research into the context, organisation, training and effectiveness of such counsellors. Some suggestions are made concerning the research agenda for counselling in the voluntary sector.  相似文献   

Because rumination may allow an idea to stay in one's conscious longer and indecision may result in more time on a given task, it was expected that these two cognitive processes may predict creativity. Self-report measures of rumination, indecision, and creativity were electronically distributed to 85 adults (28 men, 57 women; M age = 32.96 years old). Reflective rumination significantly predicted creativity, moderated by high levels of indecision. This study may resolve previous conflicts between findings on rumination and creativity and introduces indecision as beneficial in the creative process. This study also provided important clinical implications in distinguishing between adaptive and maladaptive rumination suggesting a new cognitive link between creativity and depression.  相似文献   

Publication records of 85 social‐personality psychologists were tracked from the time of their doctoral studies until 10 years post‐PhD. Associations between publication quantity (number of articles), quality (mean journal impact factor and article influence score), and impact (citations, h‐index, g‐index, webpage visits) were examined. Publication quantity and quality were only modestly related, and there was evidence of a quality‐quantity trade‐off. Impact was more strongly associated with quantity than quality. Authors whose records weighed quality over quantity tended to be associated with more prestigious institutions, but had lesser impact. Quantity‐ and quality‐favoring publication strategies may have important implications for the shape and success of scientific careers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Exposure to terror seriously threatens the well-being of children and adolescents. School mental health professionals cope simultaneously with the counselling needs of their clients and with their own fears and doubts. This report is based on two studies. The first study was concerned with the perceptions of Israeli adolescents of the place of terrorist attacks in their lives. It also examined adolescents' help-seeking attitudes and behaviours in relation to terrorist attacks. The second study investigated Israeli school counsellors' and teachers' perceptions of their own roles and professional attitudes in relation to terror. A better understanding of the effects of terrorism on adolescents as well as potentially effective approaches to coping with its individual and organisational outcomes are proposed.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years the use of microtraining as a method for training professionals in communication skills has attracted considerable attention. In this paper, the microtraining approach is explained briefly, in terms of the development of microteaching and microcounselling, as a means of training teachers and counsellors respectively. One interesting aspect of the training of teachers is then focused upon, namely the use of microcounselling in the preparation of in-service teachers for the role of school counsellor. The nature of teaching and counselling activities are compared and contrasted, and the resultant difficulties in training teachers to act as counsellors are high-lighted. Finally, a number of procedures for trainers involved in such training are listed, whereby teachers can be encouraged to more readily adopt a style of behaviour appropriate for the counselling context.  相似文献   

Few discussions on counselling pay more than lip service to what adolescents actually want. Data presented on the preferences of adolescents with regard to helping services show that no one method of providing help would be adequate. An indication of the number of relatively Isolated and unsupported adolescents is given, suggesting that 20-40% of young people lack a regular source of advice or understanding. Professional and official sources of advice are rarely used, and are not likely to be until they improve both their accessibility and image in the eyes of youth.  相似文献   

Given the harm caused to clients and the psychology profession by therapist sexual misconduct, sexual ethics training should be given high priority in graduate training programs. The present study surveyed sexual ethics training and student understanding of sexual ethics in clinical psychology doctoral programs from the perspectives of training directors (n=84) and students (n=451). Ninety-four percent of the students had received sexual ethics training; programs provided an average of 6 hr of training. Still, students showed significant deficits in knowledge of sexual ethics principles. Students who had discussed a client attraction with a supervisor showed the best understanding of sexual ethics. Suggestions for ensuring adequate sexual ethics training are discussed.  相似文献   

The placement of black children in white families in the US and UK once constituted the majority of transracial adoptions. This is reflected in much of the research to date, and the (sometimes negative) findings continue to influence policy and practice. More recently, in Asia and Latin America, need and demand have led to a relaxation of intercountry adoption laws. Transracial adoptions by Caucasian parents are increasing in number and type; questions about how to facilitate adjustment must be readdressed. These parents of transracially adopted children face the task of striking a balance between racial awareness and cultural integration. Most want to protect their adoptive child's sense of self using knowledge of biological family and county of origin but, at the same time, they must settle the child into a new, sometimes alien, community. This paper provides guidelines for counselling all transracially adoptive families who are concerned about adjustment, but particular reference is made to questions on heritage raised by Caucasian parents of Asian children.  相似文献   

Maintenance of self-esteem and of social relationships are major tasks for cancer patients, and are facilitated by supportive interactions with a variety of others. Different sources potentially provide different forms of support. Patients value informational support from doctors, with concurrent emotional support; family members and confidants specialise in the provision of empathy, reassurance of personal worth, and encouragement; and other cancer patients may act as supplementary sources of both information and empathy. Counsellors may provide direct social support in the forms of empathy and access to material help and information, and may also facilitate socially supportive interactions between the patient and other natural providers of support such as doctors, family, and peers.  相似文献   

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