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认知催眠疗法是心理治疗的整合模式下,催眠疗法与认知疗法有机结合而发展成的一种治疗方法.催眠疗法虽然有临床疗效,但因为缺乏现代心理治疗和行为矫治的理论,所以难以进入主流学院派的心理疗法范畴.促进催眠疗法发展的一个途径是在心理疗法整合模式的思想指导下,就像心理疗法中的认知疗法和行为疗法整合一样,催眠疗法作为一种有效的疗法整合融入公认的认知疗法中,从而让催眠疗法有现代理论依托.认知催眠疗法的提出,为催眠术临床实践提供了标准统一的理论平台,也代表着心理疗法整合模式的发展,有利于临床实践和理论相结合.  相似文献   

刘滨 《社会心理科学》2003,18(4):140-142
当代国际心理治疗与咨询趋于整合的新趋势,在此大趋势下,我们很有必要探讨一下东西方心理疗法的整合。本便是从此角度对整合心理疗法方面的一些问题加以探讨的。  相似文献   

意义疗法是以存在积极心理学为理论基础,以构建个体生命意义为目的,实现生活正负两极性的动态平衡,从而解决其心理困扰获得心理治愈与成长的一种整合性心理咨询与治疗方法。起源于Frankl意义学说的意义疗法是通往人类美好生活的路径,它源于对苦难生活所隐含意义的本质认识。在理论上,意义疗法以意义定向看世界为中心,以意义管理理论和双系统模型为支架; 在方法上,为保障意义获得,应遵循8个基本问题和12条原则,充分发挥意义源的作用,实现意义获得的双路径统一; 在技术上,灵活采用趋向性(PURE)策略、回避性(ABCDE)策略、以及双视角双通道策略或其它策略的整合。意义疗法因包含了精神成分而超越了心理动力学和个体心理学等传统心理治疗方式。未来研究还需明确意义疗法整合了哪些流派的具体方法和技术,细化意义疗法主要的技术与策略的操作步骤,考察成熟幸福感量表在中国文化下的适用性,以及充分整合质性与量化研究方法检验意义疗法在中国的适用性  相似文献   

——认识疗法与行为疗法都以为:大多数的心理疾患都要比弗洛伊德精神分析学派所想象的更为简单,更为直接。  相似文献   

陈振宇 《法音》2013,(6):22-28
箱庭疗法(sandplay therapy)又称沙游疗法,是指在咨询者的陪伴下,来访者从玩具架上自由挑选玩具,在盛有细沙的特制箱子里进行自我表现的一种心理疗法[1]。箱庭疗法是在荣格分析心理学的基础上,整合东西方的哲学思想,借鉴了心理分析及地板游戏等技术,由瑞士心理学家卡尔夫(Dora Kailf)创立并发展的一种心理疗法。日本临床心理学家河合隼雄于1965年将这一技法介绍到日本,并将其译为"箱庭疗法"。  相似文献   

人们对于心理疗法似乎还不十分熟悉。其实,很早以前,我们的老祖先就已经应用它治病了。在现实生活中,在各个家庭,也在自觉或不自觉地应用着。 所谓心理疗法,即精神疗法,是对病人  相似文献   

在四川经历了汶川大地震后两年,青海又发生了玉树地震。地震灾害不仅对灾区幸存者造成了身体上的伤害,让人们失去家园和亲人,在心理上也给他们造成了严重的创伤。因此,对于这类人群的灾后心理康复治疗尤为重要。然而,幸存者心理的康复,单纯依靠心理辅导和治疗是不够的,而肢体上的运动能够起到缓解心理症状的良好效果。动作疗法就是一种行之有效的疗法。本文将介绍动作疗法在灾后心理康复的治疗中的运用,并提出具有针对性的动作疗法的措施。  相似文献   

图式疗法也称图式聚焦疗法,是在整合了认知疗法、行为疗法、客体关系、格式塔理论的有利元素基础上,而形成的一个统一性、系统性、创新性的心理疗法.图式疗法包括两个主要的阶段,一是评定阶段,这一阶段主要用来识别、评定来访者的图式;二是改变阶段,在这一阶段来访者由消极、适应不良的思维和行为习惯转变为积极、健康的认知和行动.图式疗法对治疗人格障碍、慢性抑郁症等长期的心理问题有很好的效果.  相似文献   

催眠心理疗法已经成为一种重要的心理疗法,被越来越多的专业人员所青睐;现在倾向用生理心理整体结构理论来解释其实质;其生理和心理机制是一种“感应”中的暗示作用;使用催眠心理法应该遵守一定的原则;其技术构成非常严格,必须专业人员结合其它疗法来使用。  相似文献   

心理治疗有两种不同的范式:科学主义治疗范式和人文主义治疗范式。前者主要由行为疗法和认知—行为疗法的诸种治疗形式所构成;后者则包括当事人中心疗法、存在疗法等。两种范式在人性观、心理诊断、治疗关系、治疗方法和治疗目的等方面存在着明显的对立。对此进行分析,并提出两者整合的构思,以期裨益于心理治疗实践。  相似文献   

Although speechreading can be facilitated by auditory or tactile supplements, the process that integrates cues across modalities is not well understood. This paper describes two “optimal processing” models for the types of integration that can be used in speechreading consonant segments and compares their predictions with those of the Fuzzy Logical Model of Perception (FLMP, Massaro, 1987). In “pre-labelling” integration, continuous sensory data is combined across modalities before response labels are assigned. In “post-labelling” integration, the responses that would be made under unimodal conditions are combined, and a joint response is derived from the pair. To describe pre-labelling integration, confusion matrices are characterized by a multidimensional decision model that allows performance to be described by a subject's sensitivity and bias in using continuous-valued cues. The cue space is characterized by the locations of stimulus and response centres. The distance between a pair of stimulus centres determines how well two stimuli can be distinguished in a given experiment. In the multimodal case, the cue space is assumed to be the product space of the cue spaces corresponding to the stimulation modes. Measurements of multimodal accuracy in five modern studies of consonant identification are more consistent with the predictions of the pre-labelling integration model than the FLMP or the post-labelling model.  相似文献   

Ingo Brigandt 《Erkenntnis》2010,73(3):295-311
The paper works towards an account of explanatory integration in biology, using as a case study explanations of the evolutionary origin of novelties—a problem requiring the integration of several biological fields and approaches. In contrast to the idea that fields studying lower level phenomena are always more fundamental in explanations, I argue that the particular combination of disciplines and theoretical approaches needed to address a complex biological problem and which among them is explanatorily more fundamental varies with the problem pursued. Solving a complex problem need not require theoretical unification or the stable synthesis of different biological fields, as items of knowledge from traditional disciplines can be related solely for the purposes of a specific problem. Apart from the development of genuine interfield theories, successful integration can be effected by smaller epistemic units (concepts, methods, explanations) being linked. Unification or integration is not an aim in itself, but needed for the aim of solving a particular scientific problem, where the problem’s nature determines the kind of intellectual integration required.  相似文献   

The integration of psychotherapeutic techniques is a common practice among today's clinicians. However, most discussions on psychotherapy integration have focused on general theoretical issues without attention to special populations. Latinos now represent the largest ethnic minority population in the United States and the mental health needs of this population are increasing. Although there are few controlled outcome studies that focus on Latinos, basic research suggests that integrating components of interpersonal therapy (IPT) into cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may be particularly effective with this population. Specific suggestions for integrating CBT and IPT techniques are presented, and ways in which this integration can be adapted in a culturally sensitive manner are reviewed. An ethical and culturally sensitive CBT-IPT integration for Latinos requires empirical verification. Future studies on CBT-IPT synthesis should demonstrate the effectiveness of such integration relative to CBT or IPT alone.  相似文献   

Once presumed to be intimately related, feature integration and the consequences of attentional orienting are now often studied separately. Yet the paradigms used to study each can be highly similar; participants respond to a stimulus, which is then followed by a second stimulus, matching or mismatching the first on some feature(s). Given the similarities between the methods, it seems likely that these fields each could gain insights regarding their own work by looking at the other. Here we note a peculiarity of feature integration research: It relies on paradigms that require or encourage participants to identify the nonspatial features of a stimulus in order to make the correct response. This leaves open the question of whether feature integration effects can be found in tasks that do not require stimulus identity (e.g., color or shape) processing. To answer this question, we reviewed attentional orienting studies that manipulated whether stimulus identity repeated but that required only detection or localization responses, irrespective of stimulus identity. With one exception, feature integration effects were absent from those experiments. Furthermore, we attempted to replicate the exception and found no feature integration effects. Our review shows that detection and localization paradigms are particularly useful for studying the consequences of attentional orienting in the absence of integration effects, and that these same tasks provide a baseline to understand the sources of feature integration effects with only slightly variations in the basic task.  相似文献   

Two experiments studied how information about the nontarget items in a visual search task is used for the control of the search. The first experiment used the detection of “hurdle” stimuli to demonstrate that efficient memory representations of the context items can be established within each particular trial. This finding is explained by a model for the short-term integration of context information. The second experiment which varied the complexity of the local but not the global context provided some information about the nature of the integration operations involved. In its final version the model postulates two stages of processing with independent mechanisms of integration. Spatial integration at the first stage deletes repetitions within small samples. Temporal integration at the second stage stores and primes the memory representations of the context items over larger intervals. It is assumed that transient temporal integration within trials is mediated by the same mechanism that underlies permanent temporal integration between trials.  相似文献   

My rejoinder is a response to two commentaries on my SEPI keynote in 1997: commentaries written by Goldfried and Cullari. Instead of grappling with the ideas I presented, both respondents were distracted by my satirical beginning. In my talk I proposed a method for studying psychotherapy integration. I am not pessimistic about the potential for integration, nor am I pessimistic about psychotherapy. But I am a skeptic, and science is driven—and indeed advance—by skepticism. In fact, psychotherapy integration requires that its advocates be skeptics. I still do not know what psychotherapy integration is, and remain confused. I can only conclude that I am not only an outsider, but out of it.  相似文献   

A trend toward eclecticism and integration amongst counsellors and others is described. This is mainly prompted by the demands of practice. Eclecticism emphasises 'borrowing freely from various sources' while integration emphasises 'combining parts into a whole'. Integration can be either horizontal, within a theoretical position, or vertical, between theoretical positions. Four models of eclecticism and integration are presented: single theoretical position; supermarket eclectic; eclectic theory-integrative practice; and integrative theory and practice. Neither eclecticism nor integration guarantees comprehensiveness. Some dimensions of a comprehensive theoretical position are described. The lack of a sound, comprehensive and integrative theoretical position, focused on the developmental needs and problems of living of the vast majority of people, has negative implications for both counselling and counsellor training.  相似文献   

Research on probability judgment has traditionally emphasized that people are susceptible to biases because they rely on “variable substitution”: the assessment of normative variables is replaced by assessment of heuristic, subjective variables. A recent proposal is that many of these biases may rather derive from constraints on cognitive integration, where the capacity-limited and sequential nature of controlled judgment promotes linear additive integration, in contrast to many integration rules of probability theory (Juslin, Nilsson, & Winman, 2009). A key implication by this theory is that it should be possible to improve peoples’ probabilistic reasoning by changing probability problems into logarithm formats that require additive rather than multiplicative integration. Three experiments demonstrate that recasting tasks in a way that allows people to arrive at the answers by additive integration decreases cognitive biases, and while people can rapidly learn to produce the correct answers in an additive formats, they have great difficulty doing so with a multiplicative format.  相似文献   

The features of perceived objects are processed in distinct neural pathways, which call for mechanisms that integrate the distributed information into coherent representations (the binding problem). Recent studies of sequential effects have demonstrated feature binding not only in perception, but also across (visual) perception and action planning. We investigated whether comparable effects can be obtained in and across auditory perception and action. The results from two experiments revealed effects indicative of spontaneous integration of auditory features (pitch and loudness, pitch and location), as well as evidence for audio—manual stimulus—response integration. Even though integration takes place spontaneously, features related to task-relevant stimulus or response dimensions are more likely to be integrated. Moreover, integration seems to follow a temporal overlap principle, with features coded close in time being more likely to be bound together. Taken altogether, the findings are consistent with the idea of episodic event files integrating perception and action plans.  相似文献   

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