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The aim of this paper is to identify the functions that best predict school achievement among adolescents and whether they change or remain stable as pupils grow older. For this purpose, we used a sample of 1392 pupils of both sexes, belonging to second and fourth grades of Secondary School of Galicia (Spain). The students were assessed with a battery of instruments that provided data about a range of variables such as family system, personal characteristics, social relationships, goal orientation, attributional variables, attitudes towards evaluation and studies, as well as learning processes and strategies. Sixty-eight potentially predictive variables were obtained and they were subsequently related to "high", "intermediate" and "low" levels of school achievement by means of discriminant analysis. Results showed that school achievement can be discriminated by two functions, which include 12 variables in second grade, dropping to 8 in fourth grade. Of these, only five are common to both years. The results of this research project support the idea that the functions that best predict school achievement vary throughout Secondary Education.  相似文献   

Many adolescents experience a discrepancy between their biological time, which is shifted toward eveningness, and early school starting times. Due to this social jetlag, eveningness is negatively correlated with school performance. On the basis of the here presented data, we derived a model for the association of chronotype and school performance, the Chronotype-Academic Performance Model (CAM), including daytime sleepiness and achievement motivation as mediating factors. The sample comprised N = 273 adolescents aged 14–16 years. Circadian preference, daytime sleepiness, learning and achievement motivation, and information about participants’ last school certificate were assessed online. Chronotype was not directly related to academic performance, but was mediated by daytime sleepiness and learning motivation. Morning-orientation was negatively associated with daytime sleepiness and positively with learning motivation, which, in turn, affected performance. In evening-types, we found the strongest association between sleepiness and refusal to work. The CAM suggests that chronotype may not directly influence academic performance, but be mediated by daytime sleepiness and learning motivation. Evening types seem to be at high risk to suffer from daytime sleepiness and to display dysfunctional attitudes toward work. Measures of reducing sleepiness and modifying attitudes toward academic achievement might attenuate the disadvantages of evening-types due to social jetlag.  相似文献   

The association between attachment and school-related cognitive functioning was longitudinally examined for a French Canadian sample of 108 school-age children. The affective quality of mother-child interaction patterns, child cognitive engagement, and quality of child attachment to mother were evaluated during a laboratory visit that included a separation-reunion procedure occurring when the children were approximately 6 years of age. Children's mastery motivation and academic performance were assessed 2 years later (at age 8). Analyses indicated that secure children had higher scores than their insecure peers on communication, cognitive engagement, and mastery motivation. Controlling children were at greatest risk for school underachievement, with the poorest performance on all measures except mastery motivation. Avoidant and ambivalent children were lowest on mastery motivation. Results of mediational analyses support the salience of mother-child interactional processes and child cognitive engagement at school age in explaining relations between attachment and cognitive functioning in school.  相似文献   

The relationship between father-absence and academic achievement in children was studied in a sample of 80 urban children of predominantly lower social status. Differences between the father-absent and father-present groups in IQ and family background were controlled by matching. Boys and girls from father-present homes were found to score higher on standardized reading tests than children from father-absent homes, regardless of the child’s age when the father became absent. Mediating variables by which father-absence may exert its influence (achievement motivation, absenteeism, parental attitudes, sex-role identity, life stress) were also examined. Contrary to predictions, children from father-absent homes scored higher on achievement motivation measures than children from intact homes. Girls from father-absent homes missed more school and scored lower on tests of “masculinity” than girls raised in father-present homes. No other mediating variables exerted a significant influence on the results. These data are discussed in the light of the “confluence” theory of cognitive development. This study is part of a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the M.A. degree by the senior author. Preparation of this article was assisted by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Scheme to the second author.  相似文献   

A questionnaire for the postoccupancy evaluation of school architecture was developed. It contains distinct modules covering different parts of a school building. A module of the questionnaire comprises a semantic differential section and items covering six content domains which were selected based on a literature review, namely, aesthetics, equipment, room climate, spatial cognition, privacy and publicity, and personalization of and identification with space. The questionnaire is available in the German language and can be used with students age 10 years or older and teachers.  相似文献   

Parent-adolescent communication, family functioning, and school performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the results of a test of theoretical postulates proposed by Olson, Russell, and Sprenkle (1983) using a matched set of adolescents and their parents. One set of families (n = 40) consisted of adolescents who had been unsuccessful in public school and were attending alternative schools, while the other (n = 52) was a matched group of public school adolescents and their families. Results showed predicted differences in the direction of greater balanced functioning (i.e., optimal cohesion and adaptability) and more positive communication in the public school families. Public school families also perceived greater congruence between perceived and ideal family functioning. Congruence and differences between adolescent and parent perceptions, the importance of positive communication for optimal functioning, and implications for family treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

To further understanding regarding how content of change, degree of change, and initial level of functioning influence consultants' evaluation of consulation outcome, 14 mental health consultants completed a questionnaire. For each of the 18 prepost consultation ratings on the questionnaire (2 context × 3 degrees of change × 3 initial levels = 18), consultants rated the success of consultation and the degree to which they would like to have been the consultant. Analysis of variance results for both dependent measures indicate main effects for degree of change and initial level. Neither main effects for content nor interaction effects are indicated. It appears that consultants perceive consultation as more successful with and prefer working with consultees who improve the most and who function at a higher initial level.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the school performance of residential youth who attended a public school setting. Direct comparisons were made between the residential youth and students in the community on a number of school measures. Results from a multivariate analysis of covariance indicated that the residential students had significantly lower grades, participated in significantly fewer extracurricular activities, and exhibited more problematic behaviors such as tardies and absences. These findings were consistent with previous research which found that many residential youth have a number of behavioral, social, and academic difficulties that interfere with school functioning. A number of recommendations were made regarding educational placement for residential youth.  相似文献   

Relation of attention control and school performance in normal children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the relation of attention control and school performance in a sample of 113 school children (51 boys, 62 girls), ages 9 to 12 years (M = 10.86, SD = 0.91). Children and parents completed the Attention Control Scale for Children, which measures children's ability to focus and shift attention, and also a scale for assessing symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Teachers provided a global rating of children's school performance. Analysis indicated that attention control correlated positively with school performance.  相似文献   

A group of 34 pupils from two school classes (Class 8, M = 13.1 yr., SD=0.5) were administered the Serial Color-Word Test to assess the pattern of adaptation during repeated exposure to the Stroop task (5 massed trials). The typological classification, centered on measures of linear (R) and nonlinear (V) change of reading times, employed norms derived from the medians of the group. The Stabilized primary pattern (low R and low V) corresponded to higher grades, compared with the other 3 primary patterns. Concerning the secondary classification across trials (based on the R and V of the 5 Rs, and on the R and V of the 5 Vs), better school performance was found among subjects with a linear increase of linear changes across trials (high R of the 5 Rs; CR pattern), compared with subjects with a nonlinear increase of linear changes (high V of the 5 Rs; DR and CDR patterns).  相似文献   

Two brief intervention studies tested whether teaching students to mentally contrast a desired future with its present reality resulted in better academic performance than teaching students to only think about the desired future. German elementary school children (N = 49; Study 1) and US middle school children (N = 63; Study 2) from low-income neighborhoods who were taught mental contrasting achieved comparatively higher scores in learning foreign language vocabulary words after 2 weeks or 4 days, respectively. Results have implications for research on the self-regulation of commitment to solve assigned tasks in classroom settings, and for increasing academic performance in school children in low-income areas.  相似文献   

School harassment, or bullying, is a term that for being so frequent already forms a part of our vocabulary. In the present work one presents a new instrument of evaluation of the violence that happens in the school centers. The Questionnaire of School Violence (CUVE) has been elaborated and, later, applied to a sample of 1637 teenagers of seven centers of Secondary Obligatory Education (public and compound). The CUVE evaluates in a trustworthy way five dimensions of the school violence: a) physical indirect violence on the part of the student body; b) verbal violence of the student body towards companions; c) physical direct violence between (among) pupils; d) verbal violence of the student body towards the professorship; and e) violence of the professorship towards the student body.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the validity and reliability of a new coding system — The Family Therapist Behavior Scale (FTBS) — that was designed to identify and study clinically relevant verbal behaviors of short-term, problem-oriented family therapists. Validity was assessed by testing the scale's ability to discriminate significant, predicted differences between the in-therapy behaviors of eight beginning family therapists conducting observed interviews and eight advanced family therapists conducting supervisory interviews. All of the sessions, which were initial interviews, were videotaped. Two coders rated three five-minute samples from each of the 16 tapes with the FTBS. The validity results supported over 50 per cent of the 16 research hypotheses. The reliability analysis, based on the actual study data, indicated that the interrater reliability of the 19 category FTBS differed from chance at less than the .001 level of significance. The implications of these findings are examined and future research directions are identified.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate a possible association between brain activation in functional magnetic resonance imaging scans, cognition and school performance in extremely preterm children and term born controls. Twenty eight preterm and 28 term born children were scanned while performing a working memory/selective attention task, and school results from national standardized tests were collected. Brain activation maps reflected difference in cognitive skills but not in school performance. Differences in brain activation were found between children born preterm and at term, and between high and low performers in cognitive tests. However, the differences were located in different brain areas. The implication may be that lack of cognitive skills does not alone explain low performance due to prematurity.  相似文献   

Three months before school entrance a sample of 29 children and their mothers was tested for degree of decentred child educability and degree of decentred maternal teaching. Mother and child were tested in two different situations, thus preventing interdependency between the measures of mother and child. Four months after school entrance, teacher judgements of school performance were obtained. A strong correspondence between degree of decentred child educability and degree of decentred maternal teaching was demonstrated. Degree of decentred maternal teaching and degree of decentred child educability were found to be good predictors of school performance, accounting for respectively 45 and 33% of the variance in school performance. In contrast a test of school readiness only accounted for 2% of the variance. A test of intelligence given after the teacher judgement accounted for 31% of the variance. The fact that the mother seems to be a better predictor of her child's school performance than the child himself, supports the assumption that parents, particularly mothers, are important mediators between the child and the outer world.  相似文献   

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