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Associative accounts of the etiology of phobias have been criticized because of numerous cases of phobias in which the client does not remember a relevant traumatic event (i.e., Pavlovian conditioning trial), instructions, or vicarious experience with the phobic object. In three lick suppression experiments with rats as subjects, we modeled an associative account of such fears. Experiment 1 assessed stimulus-response (S-R) associations in first-order fear conditioning. After behaviorally complete devaluation of the unconditioned stimulus, the target stimulus still produced strong conditioned responses, suggesting that an S-R association had been formed and that this association was not significantly affected when the outcome was devalued through unsignaled presentations of the unconditioned stimulus. Experiments 2 and 3 examined extinction and recovery of S-R associations. Experiment 2 showed that extinguished S-R associations returned when testing occurred outside of the extinction context (i.e., renewal) and Experiment 3 found that a long delay between extinction and testing also produced a return of the extinguished S-R associations (i.e., spontaneous recovery). These experiments suggest that fears for which people cannot recall a cause are explicable in an associative framework, and indicate that those fears are susceptible to relapse after extinction treatment just like stimulus-outcome (S-O) associations.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test for the presence of associations between contextual cues and the nominal conditioned stimulus (CS) in fear conditioning. Rats were given tone-footshock pairings and were tested for their fear of the nominal CS, the tone, in a different context. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that rats given nonreinforced exposure to the training context following conditioning were less fearful of the CS. Experiment 3 indicated that additional footshock presentations in the training context following conditioning produced greater fear of the CS. In both procedures postconditioning treatments designed to directly alter only the associative strength of the training context yielded parallel changes in the conditioned response to the CS. These data suggest that within-compound associations are formed between the context and the CS during classical conditioning.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported in which conditioned lick suppression by water-deprived rats was used as an index of associative strength. In Experiment 1, overshadowing of a light by a tone was observed when the light-tone compound stimulus was paired with foot shock. After initial compound pairings, the tone-shock association was extinguished in one group of subjects. Subsequently, these animals demonstrated significantly higher levels of suppression to the light relative to a control group in which the tone had not been extinguished. Experiment 2 replicated this effect while failing to find evidence to support the possibilities that extinction presentations of the overshadowing tone act as retrieval cues for the light-shock association, or that, via second-order conditioning, the light-shock association is actually formed during extinction of the tone. Experiment 3 determined that the recovery from overshadowing observed in Experiments 1 and 2 was specific to the extinction of the overshadowing stimulus rather than the extinction of any excitatory cue. Collectively, these results suggest that the debilitated response to an overshadowed stimulus does not represent an acquisition failure, but rather the failure of an acquired association to be manifest in behavior.  相似文献   

Conditioned lick suppression in rats was used to examine the effectiveness of three different “reminder” treatments in reactivating associations to a blocked stimulus in a Kamin blocking paradigm. Experiment I indicated that with our parameters prior tone-footshock pairings could block manifestation of a light-footshock association that would otherwise be evident following pairings of a light-tone compound stimulus with footshock. In Experiment II, exposure to either the US, the blocked stimulus (light), or the apparatus cues between the compound conditioning trials and testing decreased blocking. Experiments III(a) and III(b) replicated the unblocking effects seen in Experiment II and included control groups that received the identical training and reminder treatments except for the omission of the light from the compound stimulus. These latter animals failed to display behaviour comparable to the blocked and reminded subjects, thereby establishing the associative basis of suppression to the light in the animals reminded following treatment known to produce blocking. Experiment IV also replicated the results of Experiment II and included control groups that received identical light-tone compound trials and reminder treatments without prior conditioning to the tone alone. In these control groups, reminder treatments tended to disrupt rather than increase evidence of conditioning to the light. The results suggest that associations are formed to the added element of a compound despite prior conditioning to the initial element, and that failure on the test trial to retrieve these associations to the blocked CS, rather than a failure to attend to or learn about the added element, is at least in part responsible the Kamin blocking effect.  相似文献   

The renewal of extinguished conditioned behaviour appears to reflect context-dependent learning. The present research used a conditioned suppression task with humans to examine whether instructions concerning the context could influence renewal. Pairings of a conditional stimulus (CS) and unconditional stimulus (US) were made in one context, followed by extinction trials of CS alone in a second context, and test trials of CS alone upon return to the original learning context. Four experiments tested whether the renewal of conditioned suppression observed during test would be attenuated if participants were instructed that the context changes were irrelevant to the predictive relationship between the CS and US. Using a differential conditioning design, no attenuation was found when the instructions were given prior to conditioning (Experiment 1) or immediately prior to the test trials (Experiment 2). The latter result was replicated with a single-cue conditioning design and further controls for exposure to the extinction contexts (Experiment 3). The collection of on-line ratings about the relationship between the contextual changes and the predictive nature of the CS indicated that participants did attend to and believe the instructions (Experiment 4). The results point to the resistance of renewal to explicit instructions that attempt to devalue the role of the contextual cues.  相似文献   

Three experiments with Wistar rats searched for a sex difference in contextual control over the expression of latent inhibition and extinction. Experiment 1 used a latent inhibition procedure; Experiments 2 and 3 employed an extinction preparation. All experiments used a shock as the unconditioned stimulus, a tone as the conditioned stimulus, and suppression of food magazine visits as the measure of conditioned responding to the tone. Each experiment revealed a reliable context effect on conditioned responding to the tone; after conditioning in a separate context, conditioned responding in the former latent inhibition or extinction context was attenuated relative to conditioned responding in a control context. There was no sex difference in the magnitude of this effect. These results are discussed in the framework of sex differences in the hippocampus and of the putative role of this structure in various instances of contextual learning.  相似文献   

The comparator hypothesis posits that conditioned responding is determined by a comparison at the time of testing between the associative strengths of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and stimuli proximal to the CS at the time of conditioning. The hypothesis treats all associations as being excitatory and treats conditioned inhibition as the behavioral consequence of a CS that is less excitatory than its comparator stimuli. Conditioned lick suppression by rats was used to differentiate four possible sources of retarded responding to an inhibitory CS. These include habituation to the unconditioned stimulus (US), latent inhibition to the CS, blocking of the CS-US association by the conditioning context, and enhanced excitatory associations to the comparator stimuli. Prior research has demonstrated the first three phenomena. Therefore, we employed parameters expected to highlight the fourth one--the comparator process. In Experiment 1, our negative contingency training was shown to produce a conditioned inhibitor that passed inhibitory summation and retardation tests. In Experiment 2 we found transfer of retardation from an inhibitory CS to a novel stimulus when the location where retardation-test training occurred was excitatory, which is indicative of contextual blocking and/or comparator effects. In Experiment 3, extinction of the conditioning context was found to attenuate retardation regardless of whether extinction occurred before or after the CS-US pairings of the retardation test. This indicates that much of the present retardation was due to the comparator process rather than to contextual blocking. Experiment 4 demonstrated that habituation to the US did not contribute to retardation in the present case. Collectively, these studies suggest that retardation following inhibitory training can be explained without recourse to any of the traditional mechanisms of conditioned inhibition.  相似文献   

In four experiments we investigated whether signaled and unsignaled US presentations resulted in differential context conditioning. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that the presence of a tone during grain presentation facilitated the formation of tone-food associations in pigeons. Experiment 2 also showed that the acquisition of associative value by the tone did not diminish associations between context and the unconditioned stimulus (US). Experiment 3 showed that signaled USs did not interfere with the acquisition of context-US associations, and Experiment 4 showed that even when the signal was extensively pretrained, context-US associations could not be blocked. The results of these experiments are inconsistent with conditioning models that require competition between cues and contexts for associative value.  相似文献   

The authors studied the role of context in reinstatement. Freezing was reinstated when the conditioned stimulus (CS) was extinguished in 1 context and rats moved to another context for reexposure to the shock unconditioned stimulus (US) and test. It was also reinstated (rather than renewed) when rats were shocked in the extinction context and moved to another context for test. This reinstatement was CS specific and reduced by nonreinforced exposures to the extinction context. Rats shocked in the context in which a stimulus had been preexposed froze when tested in another context. These findings suggest 2 roles for context in reinstatement: conditioning of the test context (M. E. Bouton, 1993) and mediated conditioning by the extinction context (P. C. Holland, 1990).  相似文献   

In the present research water-deprived rats were used in a conditioned lick suppression paradigm to test and further develop Rescorla's (1968) contingency theory, which posits that excitatory associations are formed when a conditioned stimulus (CS) signals an increase in unconditioned stimulus (US) likelihood and that inhibitory associations develop when the CS signals a decrease in US likelihood. In Experiment 1 we found that responding to a CS varied inversely with the associative status of the context in which the CS was trained and that this response was unaltered when testing occurred in a distinctively dissimilar context with a different conditioning history, provided associative summation with the test context was minimized. These results suggest that manifest excitatory and inhibitory conditioned responding is modulated by the associative value of the training context rather than that of the test context. In Experiment 2 it was demonstrated that postconditioning decreases in the associative value of the CS training context reduced the effective inhibitory value of the CS even when testing occurred outside of the training context. Moreover, this contextual deflation effect was specific to the CS training context as opposed to any other excitatory context. Collectively, these studies support the comparator hypothesis, which states that conditioned responding is determined by a comparison of the associative strengths of the CS and its training context that occurs at the time of testing rather than at the time of conditioning. This implies that all associations are excitatory and that responding indicative of conditioned inhibition reflects a CS-US association that is below (or near) the associative strength of its comparator stimulus. It is suggested that response rules which go beyond a monotonic relation between associative value and response strength can partially relieve learning theories of their explanatory burdens, thereby allowing for simpler models of acquisition.  相似文献   

In animals, the reappearance of conditioned fear responses after extinction has been primarily investigated using single-cue conditioning paradigms. However, a differential paradigm can overcome several of the disadvantages associated with a single-cue procedure. In the present study, the reinstatement phenomenon was assessed in mice using a differential conditioned suppression paradigm. In a first phase, one conditioned stimulus (CS + ) was consistently paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US; footshock) while another CS (CS–) was not, resulting in selective suppression of previously trained instrumental behaviour during the CS + . After the extinction phase, half of the animals (reinstatement group) were presented with unsignalled USs, while the other half were not (control group). A differential return of conditioned responding was observed in the reinstatement group, but not in the control group. The implications of these findings for future conditioning research are discussed.  相似文献   

In animals, the reappearance of conditioned fear responses after extinction has been primarily investigated using single-cue conditioning paradigms. However, a differential paradigm can overcome several of the disadvantages associated with a single-cue procedure. In the present study, the reinstatement phenomenon was assessed in mice using a differential conditioned suppression paradigm. In a first phase, one conditioned stimulus (CS + ) was consistently paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US; footshock) while another CS (CS-) was not, resulting in selective suppression of previously trained instrumental behaviour during the CS + . After the extinction phase, half of the animals (reinstatement group) were presented with unsignalled USs, while the other half were not (control group). A differential return of conditioned responding was observed in the reinstatement group, but not in the control group. The implications of these findings for future conditioning research are discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility of reversing the deficit produced by overshadowing through the use of memory reactivation was investigated. Using lick suppression as a measure of associative strength, water-deprived rats were conditioned in a Pavlovian paradigm which produced reliable overshadowing of a flashing light by a tone. It was found, however, that exposure to the overshadowed stimulus outside of the conditioning context during the retention interval (reminder treatment) caused an increase in lick suppression during testing in animals that had undergone overshadowing, relative to nonreminded overshadowed animals. Subjects that received the reminder treatment but were conditioned without overshadowing showed no increase in lick suppression. Additional control groups ensured that the increase in suppression observed in the overshadowed subjects following reminder treatment was not due to nonspecific fear. The results suggest that the performance deficit produced by overshadowing is due at least in part to a reversible failure to efficiently retrieve associations to the overshadowed stimulus at the time of testing, rather than a failure to form those associations during conditioning.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate that context-specific memory retrieval after extinction requires the hippocampus. However, the contribution of hippocampal subfields to the context-dependent expression of extinction is not known. In the present experiments, we examined the roles of areas CA1 and CA3 of the dorsal hippocampus in the context specificity of extinction. After pairing an auditory conditional stimulus (CS) with an aversive footshock (unconditional stimulus or US), rats received extinction sessions in which the CS was presented without the US. In Experiment 1, pretraining neurotoxic lesions in either CA1 or CA3 eliminated the context dependence of extinguished fear. In Experiment 2, lesions of CA1 or CA3 were made after extinction training. In this case, only CA1 lesions impaired the context dependence of extinction. Collectively, these results reveal that both hippocampal areas CA1 and CA3 contribute to the acquisition of context-dependent extinction, but that only area CA1 is required for contextual memory retrieval.  相似文献   

A conditioned taste aversion experiment tested context-switch effects on retrieval of conditioned stimulus (CS)–unconditioned stimulus (US) acquisition performance in rats. A context switch impaired performance when the target flavour was trained in a context where a different flavour underwent extinction. Conditioned taste aversion in the absence of previous extinction of the alternate flavour was not context dependent. It is suggested that the ambiguity in the meaning of the extinguished cue leads animals to pay attention to the context, so that the information learned in that context becomes context dependent.  相似文献   

Using conditioned suppression of barpressing to investigate the stability of a conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus (CS-US) association, we gave water-deprived rats either a few pairings of the CS with a strong footshock US or many pairings with a weak footshock US so that barpress suppression in response to the CS was equated. Experiment 1 established training parameters that yielded this equivalence. Specifically, rapid acquisition to a preasymptotic level of responding with strong shock produced suppression comparable to the asymptotic level reached more slowly with weak shock. Experiment 2 showed that although equivalent performance was obtained from extensive conditioning with a weak shock or limited conditioning with strong shock, only extensive conditioning with weak shock resulted in retarded acquisition of an association between that same CS and a footshock level perceived as midway between the two initial training shock intensities as implied by asymptotic performance in Experiment 1. Experiment 3 demonstrated that the observed retardation in animals given many conditioning trials with weak shock was CS specific. Collectively, these findings indicate that the malleability of learned behavior is not simply a function of initial associative strength but is dependent on path during initial acquisition.  相似文献   

Following A+/X- training (with A, X, and + being a light, tone, and footshock, respectively), rats received extinction of A and the training context, extinction of the training context alone, or no extinction. The inhibitory potential of X was then assessed with conditioned lick suppression in a neutral context using both summation and retardation tests. Extinction of the training context alone and extinction of A and the training context reduced the inhibitory potential of X appreciably and equally. Hence, what is traditionally called differential inhibition appears to depend not on the excitatory value of A but on the excitatory value of the training context. In conjunction with what is known about other inhibitory training procedures, these results suggest that a conditioned inhibitor is a stimulus that has been paired with little or no reinforcement in the presence of an accompanying stimulus that predicts greater reinforcement.  相似文献   

Two experiments employing 180 rabbits and involving tone conditioned stimuli (CSs) and intraoral water unconditioned stimuli (UCSs) investigated pseudoconditioning of jaw movement. CS-alone, UCS-alone, paired CS-UCS, and four explicitly unpaired CS-UCS treatments were compared to no stimulus presentation. UCS-alone presentations were sufficient to produce pseudo-CR (conditioned response) acquisition. Pseudo-CRs were retained and gradually extinguished over 30 days of CS-alone presentations. Random sequences of unpaired CSc and UCSs produced higher pseudo-CR frequencies than fixed sequences. A pseudo-CR partial reinforcement extinction effect was observed. Background extinction, that is, simply confining the subject in the experimental environment without stimulation, was effective in extinguishing both pseudo-CRs and CRs. Pseudo-CR results could not be attributed to CS-UCS trace conditioning, sensory preconditioning, second-order conditioning, or intra-analyzer conditioning. Results indicate that the associative mechanisms underlying pseudoconditioning phenomena involve conditioning of associations to contextual background (apparatus, trace, temporal, and sequential aftereffect) cues by UCS-alone and unpaired UCS presentations.  相似文献   

Four experiments with rat subjects in a Pavlovian appetitive conditioning procedure examined the effects of prior pairings of S2 with the unconditioned stimulus (US) on the nature of the associations formed in S1----S2----US serial compound conditioning. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that prior training of S2 prevented the acquisition of stimulus-stimulus (S-S) associations between S1 and stimulus features of S2, but enhanced the acquisition of stimulus-response (S-R) associations between S1 and the emotional conditioned response (CR) evoked by S2. Experiments 3 and 4 showed that the effects of S2 pretraining were not due to S2 training itself, but rather to its endowing S2 with the ability to evoke a strong CR during the early stages of serial compound conditioning. In Experiment 3, suppression of the CR to a pretrained S2 during serial compound conditioning permitted the establishment of S-S associations. In Experiment 4, the induction of a CR in the presence of an untrained S2 during serial compound conditioning prevented the acquisition of S-S associations. Implications of these data for our understanding of compound conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

In classical eyeblink conditioning, non-specific emotional responses to the aversive shock unconditioned stimulus (US), which are presumed to coincide with the development of fear, occur early in conditioning and precede the emergence of eyeblink responses. This two-process learning model was examined by concurrently measuring fear and eyeblink conditioning in the freely moving rat. Freezing served as an index of fear in animals and was measured during the inter-trial intervals in the training context and during a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) presented in a novel context. Animals that received CS-US pairings exhibited elevated levels of fear to the context and CS early in training that decreased over sessions, while eyeblink conditioned responses (CRs) developed gradually during acquisition and decreased during extinction. Random CS-US presentations produced a similar pattern of fear responses to the context and CS as paired presentations despite low eyeblink CR percentages, indicating that fear responding was decreased independent of high levels of learned eyeblink responding. The results of paired training were consistent with two-process models of conditioning that postulate that early emotional responding facilitates subsequent motor learning, but measures from random control animals demonstrate that partial CS-US contingencies produce decrements in fear despite low levels of eyeblink CRs. These findings suggest a relationship between CS-US contingency and fear levels during eyeblink conditioning, and may serve to clarify further the role that fear conditioning plays in this simple paradigm.  相似文献   

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