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Conclusions Except for Mowbray, the commentators approach the issue of mental health services quite differently than we do, a fact which may have contributed to some of their misconceptions. Although not stressed in our original report, our view of mental health services is eclectic and pragmatic, encompassing a wide range of psychosocial approaches. We agree with Salem that a range of options needs to be developed and maintained. The motivation for the development of both the ACT and DIC programs was to address the needs of a population neglected by existing mental health services. By contrast, the commentators' agendas converged on the promotion of nonprofessional forms of help-giving. Like the commentators, we have long advocated for consumer choice, self-help groups, and the use of natural supports. Where we part company with them is what we hypothesize would be a minimally sufficient response to over 2 million persons with SMI in the United States. For us, it is not enough to assert that self-help groups might be a partial answer. For us, the self-selection into self-help groups and drop-in centers (which all of the commentators readily acknowledge) leaves open some troubling questions from apolicy standpoint about what happens to those who do not self-select into such groups, especially because we believe that those who select themselves out are likely to include some of the most vulnerable segments of the SMI population. Editor's Note. This paper is an invited reply to several commentaries on an earlier paper by the authors.Preparation of this report was supported in part by Research Scientist Development Award MH 00842-01 from the National Institute of Mental Health to the first author. Our thanks to Debra Pavick for her help in preparing the drop-in center statistics cited in the report.  相似文献   

Paul Ten Have 《Human Studies》1995,18(2-3):245-261
This paper gives a selective overview of studies in medical ethnomethodology. It starts with the 1967 contributions by Garfinkel and Sudnow, which focus on medical action as accountable Then it discusses the many CA-inspired studies of doctor-patient interaction published during the 1980s. Finally, it points to scattered studies that suggest several ways in which this latter approach can be deepened and enlarged. In this way, it formulates the contours of a program for ethnomethodological studies in the medical field.Revised draft of a paper read at the Conference: Ethnomethodology: Twenty Five Years Later,International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, Bentley College, Waltham, Mass. 13–16 August, 1992  相似文献   

Three basic concepts in psychometric theory are homogeneity, consistency, and stability. These terms, however, are not singular in meaning as used in the literature and as a result often lead to confusion. The pluralities involved are discussed and alternatives are recommended.  相似文献   

Although interaction in analysis of variance has an unequivocal theoretical meaning (and so it appears in the statistic literature), frequent misconceptions are found in empirical research, which, in many cases, lead to wrong conclusions. In this paper, 150 articles are reviewed: in 12.7% of them, no attention is paid to the interaction (either because it is not analysed or because it is analysed but not discussed); in 79.1%, interaction is studied through simple effects analysis; and only in 8.2% of the cases, interaction is correctly discussed. It could be that psychology researchers tend to analyse and interpret the interaction between factors incorrectly because the most widespread statistic packages (with SPSS in the lead) do not allow performing the comparisons needed to analyse a significant interaction in factorial designs with randomized groups. In order to contribute to eradicating this problem, we herein show how to design some of the linear comparisons that allow isolating the interaction effect, and we explain how to use SPSS to compute these comparisons.  相似文献   

This study investigates the difficulty order in (1) sequence comprehension versus simultaneity comprehension and production, and (2) contribution of semantics, syntax, order of mention, and cognitive (Raven's CPM) and linguistic factors (PPVT) in understanding sequence and simultaneity constructions in Greek, which display similar properties to English sequence and simultaneity constructions. In general, results with kindergartners, first-, second-, and sixth-graders, and graduate school students supported the findings of psycholinguists who claimed that Piaget has specified difficulty order of simultaneity over succession. Performance on simultaneity production tasks was lower then performance on sequence. Performance on simultaneity production tasks was better than performance on simultaneity comprehension and consistently lower than performance on sequence. No consistent order of difficulty between the different construction types of sequence and simultaneity was found. Semantics (arbitrary vs. logical sequences) seems to affect performance, as a few studies have indicated. Unlike most previous findings, an order of mention strategy influences performance when the syntax (transformationally simple vs. complex) and semantics effect is partialed out. Syntax (when not confounded with the two previous variables) does not affect performance. Cognitive (Raven's CPM) and linguistic (PPVT) factors contributed approximately equal amounts of variance to performance on sequence and simultaneity by children in kindergarten and first and second grades.Research and Evaluation Department, Ft. Worth Independent School District.  相似文献   

A group of subjects rated the similarities of all 55 pairs of 11 spices, Nonmetric multidimensional scaling of this judgment matrix indicated a single underlying dimension, interpretable as pleasantness. Short-term recognition memory for the same spices was tested in separate groups of subjects required to remember one, three, and five stimuli, respectively. Performance was best for the group remembering one stimulus, but was not affected by the number of stimuli preceding the correct stimulus in the test. The confusion matrix for the one-stimulus group, symmetrized by removal of a stimulus bias, showed a significant correlation with the judgment matrix.  相似文献   

Behavioral history research includes studies that (a) permit assessment of a prior experimental condition on a subsequent one, (b) show either short-lived or permanent effects, and (c) produce effects that are observable in ongoing behavior or that may be unobservable until special test conditions are introduced. We review experiments within both the conventional experimental analysis of behavior and behavioral pharmacology in order to identify commonalities and differences in the outcomes of conceptually similar experiments. We suggest that a deeper understanding of the necessary and sufficient conditions for producing history effects will emerge from these complementary research efforts.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the debate on corporate citizenship and the role of business in global governance. In the debate on political corporate social responsibility it is assumed that under globalization business is taking up a greater political role. Apart from economic responsibilities firms assume political responsibilities taking up traditional governmental tasks such as regulation of business and provision of public goods. We contrast this with a subsidiarity-based approach to governance, in which firms are seen as intermediate actors who have political co-responsibilities in society endowed upon them by (inter)national governmental institutions. We argue that both approaches face conceptual and empirical problems, and do not make clear the content and scope of political corporate responsibility. Based on Iris Marion Young’s account of political responsibility we argue that corporate actors and governmental actors have a shared responsibility to tackle societal problems. Taking political corporate responsibility not only entails engaging in private action or engaging in public–private partnerships, but it also includes aiding governmental actors to remedy injustice or even create public institutions where they do not yet exist. By adding this perspective we contribute to the debate on responsibility in corporate citizenship and clarify the political role business can play in global governance.  相似文献   

Over the course of the past decade, neurobiologists have become increasingly interested in concepts and models imported from economics. Terms such as “risk,” “risk aversion,” and “utility” have become commonplace in the neuroscientific literature as single-unit physiologists and human cognitive neuroscientists search for the biological correlates of economic theories of value and choice. Among neuroscientists, an incomplete understanding of these concepts has, however, led to a growing confusion that threatens to check the rapid advances in this area. Adding to the confusion, notions of risk have more recently been imported from finance, which employs quite different, although formally related, mathematical tools. Of course, the mixing of economic, financial, and neuroscientific traditions can only be beneficial in the long run, but truly understanding the conceptual machinery of each area is a prerequisite for obtaining that benefit. With that in mind, I present here an overview of economic and financial notions of risk and decision. The article begins with an overview of the classical economic approach to risk, as developed by Bernoulli. It then explains the important differences between the classical tradition and modern neoclassical economic approaches to these same concepts. Finally, I present a very brief overview of the financial tradition and its relation to the economic tradition. For novices, this should provide a reasonable introduction to concepts ranging from “risk aversion” to “risk premiums.”  相似文献   

Current orthodoxy in research ethics assumes that subjects of clinical trials reserve rights to withdraw at any time and without giving any reason. This view sees the right to withdraw as a simple extension of the right to refuse to participate all together. In this paper, however, I suggest that subjects should assume some responsibilities for the internal validity of the trial at consent and that these responsibilities should be captured by contract. This would allow the researcher to impose a penalty on the subject if he were to withdraw without good reason and on a whim. This proposal still leaves open the possibility of withdrawing without penalty when it is in the subject's best interests to do so. Giving researchers recourse to legal remedy may now be necessary to protect the science, as existing methods used to increase retention are inadequate for one reason or another.  相似文献   

A psychiatrist, an ethicist, and a pastoral counselor comment on the ways in which they conceive of homosexuality in their work, reflection, and efforts at counseling. Although each writes in isolation from the others, a surprising degree of consensus emerges. All three cite the problem of unclear terms and the peril of labeling. Each distinguishes between homosexuality as a state of being and homosexual acts or behavior. Mansell Pattison, the psychiatrist, comments on prejudice, norms, sickness, and deviancy and their relevance for understanding homosexuality, before suggesting a model himself. Stanley Hauerwas, the ethicist, seeks a context that will allow us to think seriously about homosexuality from an ethical point of view. John Patton, the pastoral counselor, argues that the major contribution of a counselor is to avoid labeling and preconceived notions about homosexuality and to relate to the counselee in such a way as to help him clarify what he seeks.  相似文献   

Ajaan Sujin, a prominent Thai lay teacher of Theravada Buddhism, interprets abhidhammic theory in a manner that, in my view, approaches the teachings of Emptiness as presented in the Prajñā-pāramitā-sūtras and in the Madhyamaka-kārikā. This paper presents an overview of Ajaan Sujin's teachings and compares them with Emptiness as expressed in the Diamond Sūtra, the Heart Sūtra, and the Madhyamaka-kārikā, as well as from a few well-known secondary sources. Core distinctions between the two theories do remain, primarily that for Ajaan Sujin dhammas do have characteristics and nibbāna is distinct from samsāra; thus I have termed Ajaan Sujin's teachings ‘Theravada Emptiness’. While it may seem that these distinctions are too great to overcome in bridging the gap between abhidhammic theory and Emptiness, a direct comparison between the wording of certain sections and the overall correspondence of vocabulary, practice, and other conceptions, serves to narrow the divide created by these distinctions.  相似文献   

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