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In the context of chronic disease, models and studies in health psychology have first focused on the patients’ adjustment. Research conducted with the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) and the Transactional Integrative and Multifactorial Model (Bruchon-Schweitzer, 2002) have shown that individuals’ social relations, and especially family support, are associated to patients’ outcomes. Recently, studies have taken more attention to the “significant others”, most often the partners. In fact, relatives are also affected indirectly by the disease and its changes on daily life. Moreover, they often play a crucial role by helping the patient to face the disease. These models are focused on the individual and are not relevant to study dyads. An evolution of these models can be proposed by integrating a systemic and dyadic approach. In fact, the way the patient and the relative face the disease, the quality of their relation but also the way they face the disease together, as a dyad, have to be considered. The first part of this article presents the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping and the Transactional Integrative and Multifactorial Model and their evolutions. The second part shows how it is possible to develop a dyadic approach based on these models. It presents the Family System-Illness Model (Rolland, 1987), the Developmental-Contextual Model of couples coping with chronic illness across the adult life span (Berg and Upchurch, 2007) and a Systemic and Transactional Model of Dyads, which help to take more completely into account the adjustment processes of patients and relatives to a chronic illness.  相似文献   

Chronic diseases require both a medical treatment that a patient adherence to health recommendations. These include changes in lifestyle to adopt healthy behaviors. However, these changes are hardly adopted by patients. This article provides a review of theoretical models to explain resistance to change or factors motivating new behaviors. After presenting the steps by which a person gets through when changing an aspect of her lifestyle, we will discuss the factors involved in motivational and volitional phases of change. Thus, in the motivational phase, we will refer to classic sociocognitive models, illness representations model and the self-determination model. In the volitional phase, we discuss concepts related to action monitoring and action planning, self-control, and the anticipation of barriers to help maintain the action in time.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(3):219-234
Recidivism prevention remains a crucial issue in France. While meta-analyses clearly indicated the effectiveness of the Risk-Need-Responsivity (R-N-R) model for assessment and rehabilitation, this model is not used in French probation services. The aim of this article is to introduce the R-N-R model, through an emphasis on its three main principles. A necessary continuity from assessment to intervention is highlighted. The article concludes by stressing the need to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of intervention to prevent recidivism.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the applicability of the depression diathesis-stress theoretical model to an adolescent group. The mediatory and moderating functions of two types of cognitions, (dysfunctional attitudes and automatic negative thoughts) on the relationship between stressful negative life events and depressive symptoms was studied. Research hypotheses made it possible to verify if an individual that shows cognitive vulnerability towards a stressful negative event also shows more risks at developing depressive symptoms. The study was conducted on a sample of 752 participants from 4th, 3rd and 2nd grade, 55% of which were girls and 45% were boys. The study was carried out for 12 months in four Quebec high schools in Canada. The results showed that automatic negative thoughts are partly mediatory in the relationship between stress and depressive symptoms, among girls as well as boys. As for dysfunctional attitudes, the interaction effect between the autonomy schema and performance stress, as well as the interaction effect between the sociotropy schema and relational stress, predicted depressive symptoms only among boys.  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite the high prevalence of depressive symptoms among women being overweight or having obesity, the role of stigma and causal attributions in the expression of these symptoms in French women has been largely under-explored to date.ObjectiveThe aim of this research is to study the role of internalized stigmatization, stigmatizing experiences and causal attribution in the intensity of depressive symptoms in overweight and obese French women.MethodThese four variables were measured in 160 French women being overweight or having obesity.ResultsOur analyses highlight positive correlations between stigmatizing experiences, internalized stigmatization and depressive symptomatology. It is important to note that stigmatizing experiences seem to play a more preponderant role than internalized stigmatization in the expression of depressive symptoms.ConclusionFor women with significant depressive symptoms, it appears essential to integrate interventions aimed at reducing their level of stigma. Moreover, from a preventive perspective, it also seems essential to promote campaigns in France aimed at reducing the stigmatization in this population.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2022,67(3):223-247
IntroductionThe COVID-19 crisis of 2020 has led authorities to re-establish measures at the French-German border. The media refer to a “closure” of the border. This constitutes a rapid and brutal event in terms of the cross-border practices and mobility of local inhabitants.ObjectiveBy considering the closure period as a socio-spatial crisis, we question, first, the thematic structure of media discourse during the period of border closure, and second, the psychological continuity of the crisis discourse, by comparing it with pre-crisis interviews.MethodA thematic analysis of the discourse is done on a corpus of 407 local press articles, and on 12 semi-structured interviews with young, local inhabitants.ResultsThe analysis identified five themes which support the discursive media structure, and which organize and enable the debate. The international comparison and the use of historical and memorial content in the discourse enable actors to take a position on the border closure. The analysis of the links with the interviews shows that the relationship to the border during the crisis is structured on representational dimensions already present in the pre-crisis discourse of the inhabitants.ConclusionResults show a psychological continuity in pre- and post-crisis discourse: the media discourse reveals preexisting representations of the border, which act as generators of opinions on its closure. Additionally, we discuss the results by focusing on the place of identity-based feelings in the representational relationship to the border: this phenomenon is analysed here on a group and positional level.  相似文献   

The research analysis various factors of the commitment in professional training by a model inspired of the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985). A sample of 127 adults having to start a professional training cycle has answered questionnaires relating to the selected model, sociobiographic, attitudinal and contextual variables. Moreover, effective behavior (entry/non-entry in the session) was taken into account. On the whole of the sample, 60,6% actually integrated the forcasted training course . The major results show that the model of the planned behavior is relevant insofar as the intensity of the intention predicts the behavior of integration. Various dimensions of the model act in differentiated ways: some of them explain the intention of entry in training course and others explain the effective behavior.  相似文献   

Researchers have proposed that high quality of supervisor–employee relationships (Basu & Green, 1997; Scott & Bruce, 1994; Sanders, Moorkamp, Torka, Groeneveld & Groeneveld, 2010) fosters innovative behaviour. Moreover, researchers have acknowledged that this relationship is not clear (Rosing, Frese & Bausch, 2011; Volmer, Spurk & Niessen, 2012). The present study aims at testing the moderating role of resistance to change in the LMX-innovative behaviour relationship. Results of a study based on 160 participants from an organization provide empirical support to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the moderating role of personality traits on the relationship between work conditions and burnout. The stress theories (Lazarus et Folkman, 1984; Marchand, 2004; Pearlin, 1999) argues that the effects of stressors are moderated by the individual perception of stressors, some personality traits may thus moderate the relationship between work stressors and burnout. The main results confirm self-esteem and locus of control moderates the relationship between work conditions and burnout. The results of this study may be useful in some human resource management activities, particularly career management, promotions management and personnel selection.  相似文献   

Careers in the French Navy are determined by successive certifications allowed military to have more and more managerial responsibilities. Women are unequally represented in the hierarchy. Military identity is deeply associated with male characteristics (Sorin, 2003). Women encounter difficulties to be perceived as military in their own right (Héritier, 2011), but also to articulate their identity as women with their professional identity, de facto in opposition (Toulgoat, 2002). On the one hand women's family life is seen as incompatible with service life (Caraire & Léger, 2000), on the other hand, within the crews of warships, their skills are underestimated (Matthews, Ender, Laurence, & Rohall, 2009). The objective of this study is to model the effects of professional identifications and self-assessment of competences on the success of military women in professional certifications. We interviewed 154 students in training to become “experienced operators” (including 73 women) with an average of 3.32 years of duty (SD = 2.11) and 61 students in training to become “team leader” (including 20 women) with an average of 9.28 years of duty (SD = 3.30). The questionnaire measures self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977), performance expectations compared to their colleagues (Rosenthal, Crisp, & Suen, 2007), identification to the professional group (Laplante & Tougas, 2011) and identification to the organization (Tougas, Rinfret, Beaton, & de la Sablonniere, 2005). The final score at the end of the training is considered as an indicator of success. While women are as successful as men in the certification “operator”, they are less successful in the certification “team leader”. The structural equation model (path analysis) (χ2(15, n = 215) = 21.32, p = .13; CFI = .982, GFI = .976, RMSEA = .044) emphasizes the centrality of professional identifications to succeed in training. Women are less identified with sailor than men and feel less able to succeed, they develop lower performance expectations and they underestimate their performance compared to their colleagues, which has a negative effect on their success in training. In parallel, changes in family life are associated with reduced professional identifications, but this effect is independent of the sex of the individuals. Women are therefore exposed to two independent sources of influence limiting their career development: gender, which leads to less professional identifications and to compare unfavorably with their colleagues, and family status. These results highlight the importance of the dynamic of self-realization processes throughout the career.  相似文献   

The current investigation, studying the burnout among oncology nurses, was guided by the Demand Control Support model (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). However, in accordance with scholars claiming for a context-specificity in occupational stress research, we first conducted 3 semi-structured focus groups to identify the specific sources of demands, control and support experienced by oncology nurses. The scale established from this analysis, (as well the other study variables), had been answered by 144 oncology nurses. Factorial analyses revealed 4 latent factors: “job demands”, “patient demands”, “support” and “control”. Then, hierarchical regression analyses indicated that job demands, control and support predicted significant proportions of burnout, in particular emotional exhaustion. We also observed a moderator effect of social support. Furthermore, the situation-specific stressors, that is, those relating to difficult relationships with patients, made significant contributions to burnout, supporting the claim of augmenting the components of the Demand Control Support model with stressors that are more situation- specific.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2019,64(2):141-158
Project management, especially in the field of sustainable development, requires to take into account not only the working environment stricto sensu, but also supra components of environmental, social, economic, legislative, etc. Ergonomists and psychologists are then led to be interested in, and to develop modeling frameworks to better understand and to make more intelligible this complex environment. The study presented here, which requires taking into account this environment, aims at setting up a novel practice for improving the food safety of a cereal chain in a global context of sustainable development: protection of the environment (flora and fauna) and the health of farmers and consumers. As part of this study, a quick fungal contamination diagnostic tool and a corresponding decontamination process have been developed for an application in the barley-malt-beer food chain. However, the use of these processes may change the agricultural practices in antifungal treatments with the regular and high dose treatments replaced by fine targeted applications only where and when necessary. In relation with this technological development, the challenge is to identify the components of the environment that may become brakes and levers to the implementation of this new practice. In this scope, this investigation mobilizes the modeling of the environment of Thatcher and Yeow (2016). This paper is consequently aimed at presenting the underlying process to this construction, and this in relation with the characteristics of the study. At last, a discussion is initiated concerning the further use of such modelling practices for purposes other than the decision-making processes on ergonomic intervention purposes.  相似文献   

Empirical and anecdotal evidence for hedonic adaptation suggests that the joys of loves and triumphs and the sorrows of losses and humiliations fade with time. Notably, adaptation to positive experiences in particular has been identified as one of the primary obstacles to maintaining well-being. In this article, we first review evidence of hedonic adaptation to both negative and positive life changes and then discuss how these adaptation processes can serve as obstacles to sustained happiness. Finally, we propose the Hedonic Adaptation to Positive and Negative Experiences (HAPNE) model, which describes the processes and mechanisms underlying hedonic adaptation, and propose several ways through which people can slow down adaptation in response to positive experiences or speed it up in response to negative experiences.  相似文献   

This research studies the impact of the instructional design in problems solving. Across several studies, Sweller, 1988, Sweller, 2003, Sweller, 2004 develop the Cognitive Load Theory. In this theory, the interrelationships between instructional variable, problem solving and learning are supported. But, these researches are concentrated on the aspect of problem itself. Others studies, in instructional design, wonder about the organization of a complete task (Paas et al., 2003). It seems of these researches that the mode of organization of a task influences the success of the task and more widely the quality of the knowledge, which can be elaborated during the realization of this task. The objective of our work is to bring to light all the importance of the design in a task with several problems. For that purpose, we compared a design based on a hierarchical organization of the difficulty of the problems (from the easiest to the most difficult) and a random presentation of the same problems. We present here three experiments using logical problems stemming from the minesweeper game. The results of the first experiment suggest that an organized mode of presentation compensates for the increase of the difficulty and facilitates a better success of the problems. The second experiment uses the same protocol, as the first one to which are added new problems as well as one paradigm of double task. The results show that the orderly mode of presentation also facilitates the elaboration of transferable knowledge with new problems. However, the distances from performances do not seem to be attributable in the cognitive load of the task. The third experiment brings more qualitative data, which come to support the first results. The verbalization of rules elaborated during the signing shows prevalence of the organized design. The subjective evaluation of the supplied mental effort confirms the insensitivity of the cognitive load in the mode of presentation of the task. So, the impact of the mode of presentation does not seem to ensue from a too important cognitive load during a random presentation but a lot of interest of an organized design.  相似文献   

It is now a fact that health and well being at work are enhanced by organizational characteristics (Dupret, Bocéréan, Teherani, & Feltrin, 2012) and individual characteristics such as coping strategies used in a stressful situation (Truchot & Fisher, 2002). The purpose of this research is to study the interaction between organizational characteristics and coping strategies in the emergence of psychosocial risks factors. This study was conducted with 427 employees, as part of a psychosocial risk assessment. The analysis (Sobel tests and LISREL modelization) show the moderating influence between coping strategies and the organizational variables on occupational health and life quality.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2022,28(4):235-257
IntroductionBased on the observation that autonomy is a fundamental concept in a world of work characterized by many transitions, this paper presents the construction and validation of a model and a scale of autonomy in career transitions.ObjectiveThe scale was developed to measure autonomy during adult career transitions.MethodA series of items was first produced following interviews with experts and employees. Three successive surveys involving 336, 314 and 450 participants made it possible, through item analysis and factor analysis, to reduce the number of items and to build a model composed of 14 items and 4 oblique factors.ResultsAfter confirmatory factor analysis, the data fit the model well and a study of external validity shows strong convergences with other measures of autonomy.ConclusionThe model and the measure of autonomy in career transition can be of great help in supporting employees. It makes it possible to identify the people who are most in difficulty and offers benchmarks to support and train organizations to modulate career paths and strengthen the acquisition of certain resources.  相似文献   

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