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Socioeducational contexts are frequently marked out as linked with pupils’ success at school. However, these contexts are often studied for their effects, therefore little researches are made on the pupils’ perceptions. The objective of this study is to build and validate a scale measuring pupils’ satisfaction towards high school. Three main factors and their subdimensions have been controlled in an exploratory study with 232 pupils. This structure of the scale has been reinforced in a cross-validation, during a confirmatory study with 542 high school students. The internal consistency of satisfaction’s dimensions, their predictive qualities and the adequacy of the measurement model give evidence of high psychometric qualities of this scale.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(3):191-206
Our article presents the results of three studies carried out to develop and validate a scale to measure satisfaction with the work environment (ESET). Environmental satisfaction refers to the way people evaluate their workplace and has become a central concept in environmental psychology. However, so far, it has been little explored in an organizational framework. Our study aims to fill that gap by drawing up a French scale of environmental satisfaction at work based on an overall view of satisfaction toward the work environment. A systemic approach needs to be taken, covering the different spaces that make up these work environments, including the work-station, the office space, the working area and the external environment. Participants were 143 office workers in different job sectors. Confirmatory analysis showed that our environmental satisfaction at work questionnaire had good psychometric qualities.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2022,28(4):235-257
IntroductionBased on the observation that autonomy is a fundamental concept in a world of work characterized by many transitions, this paper presents the construction and validation of a model and a scale of autonomy in career transitions.ObjectiveThe scale was developed to measure autonomy during adult career transitions.MethodA series of items was first produced following interviews with experts and employees. Three successive surveys involving 336, 314 and 450 participants made it possible, through item analysis and factor analysis, to reduce the number of items and to build a model composed of 14 items and 4 oblique factors.ResultsAfter confirmatory factor analysis, the data fit the model well and a study of external validity shows strong convergences with other measures of autonomy.ConclusionThe model and the measure of autonomy in career transition can be of great help in supporting employees. It makes it possible to identify the people who are most in difficulty and offers benchmarks to support and train organizations to modulate career paths and strengthen the acquisition of certain resources.  相似文献   

Despite sustained interest of both researchers and practitioners in favor of a reliable measure of management consulting effectiveness, the existing assessment instruments remain scarce, poorly validated and often inadequate. This study proposes a new instrument for assessing management consulting effectiveness from the consultant's point of view: The Consulting Effectiveness Questionnaire (Questionnaire d’efficacité de la consultation). The preliminary empirical validation of the questionnaire was conducted using two samples of 116 and 207 consultants. Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analyses suggests a second-order two-factor solution, namely the Quality of the process and Value-added results. The results offer preliminary support for the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of this promising tool for both research and practice purposes.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to achieve a transcultural adaptation of a measure scale of professional values, particularly Schein’s (1985) career anchors from a north American context where it has been conceived to an arab-islamic culture, Tunisian’s environment. For this, this research follows a rigorous methodological process, that enable it to establish a new measure scale, offering good psychometric qualities and building up professional values adapted to Tunisian employees.  相似文献   

Most researchers working on the thematic of workplace spirituality recognize the importance of its relationships with individual and organizational performance. However, no scale for assessing it has been translated and validated in a French-speaking context. Therefore, this study aims to validate the adaptation of the “Workplace spirituality” scale. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were carried out on all data collected from 623 participants working in France. The results revealed a five-factor solution: “Transcendence”, “Alignment with the organization values”, “Mindfulness”, “Compassion” and “Meaningful work”, as well as satisfactory psychometric qualities. The discussion presents the reasons why the French version is valid and identifies some of the limitations of this study.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of three studies aiming to develop and validate a French-language scale of adolescents’ self-esteem conditions, the Adolescents’ Self-Esteem Conditions Scale (ASECS). Designed for young people from the beginning to the end of adolescence, the 30-item scale measures to which extent youths base their self-esteem on positive and negative events related to their social acceptance, physical appearance, sportive and athletic performance, body weight and academic achievement. In the first study, the ASECS was administered to a sample of 431 francophone students from grade 7th to grade 11th. Seven weeks later, 372 of these students were invited to answer the questionnaire once more. Exploratory factor analysis yielded five factors with high internal consistency and strong test-retest reliability. In the second study, the five-factor model was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis on data from 1523 francophone 7th–11th graders. Finally, finding from the third study (n = 344) demonstrated the instrument's convergent validity. The results from the three studies establish the ASECS’ strong psychometric properties. The discussion focuses on its usefulness in research and intervention among adolescents.  相似文献   

IntroductionTo our knowledge, there is a lack of reliable measurement tools to assess different dimensions of recognition in the organizational context. As a consequence, quantitative studies in the area are still lacking.ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to propose a measuring instrument of recognition at work showing valid and satisfactory psychometric properties.MethodsTwo cross-sectional studies were conducted in this research. The data collected by questionnaire were processed by SPSS17.0 software for exploratory factor analysis and EQS 6.1 for confirmatory factor analyzes.ResultsThe results show that in organizational context, there may be 3 sources of recognition that have to be taken into consideration: the organization itself, superiors and colleagues.ConclusionThis study extend prior research on the measurement of recognition at work. A validated tool based on the most rigorous validation methods and the latest methodological advances, in particular by confirmatory factor analyzes, has then been created.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2023,68(2):191-207
The purpose of this article is to present the adaptation and the validation of the Positivity Scale (Caprara, Alessandri, Eisenberg, Kupfer, Steca, Caprara, & Abela, 2012) through three studies of 840 adults. Positivity, which is a common latent factor between self-esteem, optimism and life satisfaction (Alessandri, Caprara, & Tisak, 2012; Caprara, Steca, Alessandri, Abela, & McWhinnie, 2010), is “the tendency to view life and experiences with a positive outlook” (Caprara et al., 2012, p. 701). Confirmatory factor analysis supports the unidimensionality of factor G Positivity, coexisting with two specific factors, optimism and self-esteem. The instrument attest very good reliability and the high level of temporal stability indicate a very good fidelity. The validity was demonstrated by a good convergence with self-esteem, optimism, life satisfaction as well as positive affect and good divergence with negative affect. The study of the discriminant validity establishes that it differs from scales measuring self-esteem, optimism and life satisfaction. The study of incremental validity shows that it can contribute significantly, through the effect of three constructs in a single dimension, to the prediction of psychological phenomena. This research provides a valid 7-item scale to measure positivity in French.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of two studies designed to develop and validate the emotional self-efficacy scale (ESE). The emotional intelligence model of Mayer and Salovey (1997) and self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1997) are used in this study. The results of confirmatory analysis support the seven-factor structure: self-efficacy to perceive emotions in the self and others, self-efficacy to use emotion, self-efficacy to understand emotion in the self and others and self-efficacy to manage emotion in the self and others. In addition, results reveal that the ESE subscales display satisfactory internal consistency values. Furthermore, the construct validity is supported by correlations between the seven factors and between several variables associated with ESE (Big Five, the positive and negative affect and the alexithymia). Altogether, results provide preliminary support for the psychometric properties the ESE.  相似文献   

The study aims to develop and present the validation process of a questionnaire on emotional self-efficacy in the work context from the six steps proposed by Dussault et al. (2007). The study is based on the theories of emotional intelligence of Mayer and Salovey (1997), Petrides and Furham (2001) and the self-efficacy of Bandura (1997). Following an expert analysis and a pre-test, the Emotional Self-Efficacy at Work scale is composed of 41 items. The participants are 985 Canadian workers. The results of confirmatory factor analyzes support the seven-dimensional structure, namely the self-efficiency to perceive one's emotions and those of others at work, the self-efficiency to use emotions at work, the self-efficiency to understand one's emotions and those of others at work and finally, the self-efficiency to manage one's emotions and those of others at work. The results also indicate that the seven dimensions have satisfactory internal coherence indices. The results suggest that this questionnaire is well suited to describe emotional self-efficacy at work. The use of the questionnaire will be discussed.  相似文献   

Although spirituality and religion have often been used in an undifferentiated way in the literature, the existence of an areligious spirituality beyond the question of religious belief. The objective of our study was to construct and validate a scale of areligious spirituality applicable to the university student. The unidimensional structure of the scale was revealed in an exploratory study carried out with 263 students. This structure was also exhibited in a confirmatory study concerning 259 students. The internal coherence was satisfactory. Multi-group analyses showed that the model works equally well for men and women and for members and non-members of a religious order. Finally a high score on the scale of areligious spirituality is associated with a strong satisfaction with life. This preliminary research highlights the good psychometric properties of the Explicit Scale of Areligious Spirituality (ESAS) and seems to be a good investigative tool for all researchers and professionals interested in the subject of spirituality.  相似文献   

IntroductionFew measuring instruments of couple satisfaction maximizing the individual perception of the relationship exists in French. Settings such as Liaison psychiatry of a general hospital could benefit from a questionnaire adapting to a variety of clinical profiles.ObjectiveThis article proposes a French revision and validation of the Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS; Roach, Frazier, and Bowden, 1981), a 48-item self-reported questionnaire designed to evaluate personal satisfaction towards one's couple relationship.MethodA sample of 349 community-dwelling individuals aged 20–85 answered the MSS, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS; Spanier, 1976), and a series of inquiries related to sociodemographics. As an initial Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) did not validate the unidimensional structure postulated by the original authors, the item number was reduced to 14.ResultsThis brief version of the scale (MSS-14) was subsequently validated with an internal replication analysis, a strong criterion-related validity with the DAS (rs = 0.73, P < 0.001), an excellent internal consistency (α = 0.961, IC à 95% [0.955, 0.967]), a strong test-retest reliability (rs = 0.90, CI à 95% [0.85, 0.93], P < 0.001, Z =  0.033, P = 0.973), and strong item-to-total correlations (> 0.69). The MSS-14 could differentiate individuals with and without marital distress (AUC = 0.97), while no sociodemographic variable seemed to have a significant influence on couple satisfaction.ConclusionThe MSS-14 appears to be a reliable instrument to assess the personal satisfaction towards a couple relationship in community-dwelling adults.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(4):333-343
IntroductionRelationship satisfaction is one of the most studied constructs in the field of relationship evaluation because of its impact on various aspects of daily life. It is therefore important to have an instrument in French.ObjectivesThis study aims to adapt the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS) and validate its psychometric properties in French from its original version in English.MethodTwo studies were carried out. In the first study, 200 participants responded to the French version of the Relationship Assessment Scale (EER), the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), and the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) to assess the factor structure and psychometric properties of the French version (reliability, convergent validity, incremental validity). In the second study confirmatory factor analysis was used to validate the factor structure and to examine the gender invariance of the EER through a multi-factorial analysis in a population of 114 adults.ResultsThe results show that the psychometric properties of the EER are acceptable and comparable to the original version of the instrument. The EER presents a one dimensional factor structure. The positive correlations between the EER and the different scales tested support good external validity. The multi-group analysis showed that both women and men similarly understand the items and attribute the same meaning to the questions, confirming gender invariance of the EER.ConclusionThe French version of the EER is a valid and reliable assessment instrument of relationship satisfaction. The clinical and research implications of this scale are discussed.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2019,25(4):399-417
IntroductionReliable tools capable of assessing the various dimensions of the representations of informal work are inexistent. This very situation contributes in eliminating the possibilities of quantitative studies on informal work in psychology.ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to put forward a quantifying instrument of the representations of informal work, presenting adequate psychometric qualities.MethodThree case studies have been realized in Cameroon: the first one is qualitative, and enables the identification of considerable elements of the representations of informal work through proper analyses; the last two studies are quantitative. Data are collected with a questionnaire and analysed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses through SPSS17.0 and Amos.21 software.ResultsThree dimensions of representations of informal work arises from analyses: nature and security, normative aspects, financial aspects related to informal work. It is also noted that intentions to engage into the restructuring programmes of informal work are significantly oriented by the representations of informal work.ConclusionThus, the convenience of the scale once validated, its perspectives and its limits remain arguable.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2023,68(1):157-167
IntroductionThe prevention of burnout is a major issue for companies. However, they do not always have access to tools adapted to the implementation of prevention policies.ObjectiveThis study is part of a project to create a questionnaire adapted to employees’ needs in the field of burnout measurement.MethodThe survey was distributed online to French-speakers workers (N = 680).ResultsThe results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated two dimensions (exhaustion and interpersonal stress) with high internal consistency. This factorial structure was confirmed for men and women as well as for French and Belgian workers by means of measurement invariance analyses. Criterion validity was verified regarding the relationships between the scores on the IFEP dimensions and those obtained with the MBI-GS, the measure of the intent to quit, the subjective health scale and the number of days of sick.ConclusionThe overall results of the analyses performed in this study show satisfactory psychometric qualities of the French Burnout Inventory (IFEP), a new measure of burnout that can be used in many French-speakers work contexts.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to validate a French version of the Decisional Balance Scale for Exercise (BDAP) and to examine its psychometric properties as well as its relationship with the three other components of Transtheoritical Model (TTM).Participants and methodFour hundred and six subjects (270 women), aged between 16 to 65 years old, fulfilled BDAP and other questionnaires measuring the three other components of TTM (Stages of Change of Exercise Behavior Scale, Exercise Processes of Change Questionnaire, Exercise Confidence Survey).ResultsConfirmatory factor analyses supported the two-factor model of BDAP (pros, α = 0.85 and cons, α = 0.73) assumed in the MTT. A good test–retest reliability was observed. BDAP was associated with the three other components of TTM.ConclusionThe French version of the BDAP shows good structural and psychometric properties. BDAP may be used as a valid tool in French-speaking populations.  相似文献   

Recently, social psychology has taken an interest in attitudes and beliefs about laïcité and their relations to other variables, such as expressions of prejudice. Laïcité can be defined as the separation of churches and State, the role of the State being to assure an equality and a freedom of religion. The aim of this study was to construct a measure of beliefs of laïcité, and then to compensate for the lack of reliable measures about the possible interpretations of laïcité. The exploratory (study 1) and confirmatory factor analyses (study 2) led to sixteen items being included in the scale and representing four laïcité dimensions: public expression of religious beliefs, religious neutrality of the State and its institutions, equality of different religious beliefs, and protection of religious groups. Correlations across different dimensions showed that the public expression of religious beliefs was positively correlated with equality of different religious beliefs and negatively to neutrality of the State and its institutions. Moreover, convergent and discriminant validity (studies 2 and 3) showed that dimensions of laïcité are differently correlated with prejudice, SDO, religiosity, or with the republican model's adhesion. t-tests showed that compared to Catholics, agnostics and atheistics want a stronger religious neutrality of the State, are more in favor of an equalitarian treatment of different religious beliefs, but are less in favor of a protection of religion by State. Concerning the attachment to laïcité, this variable is only very weakly correlated with the four dimensions. Statistical analysis conducted on attachment to laïcité and other psychosocial variables such as prejudice, social dominance orientation (SDO), religiosity, religious beliefs (atheistics and agnostics vs. catholics) and political orientation showed that only SDO is (negatively) related to attachment to laïcité. These results suggest different conceptions of laïcité depending on psychosocial variable such as religion, prejudice or SDO. Finally, a test-retest has been effected on the scale (study 4). The results shown that the adhesion to the laïcité’s dimensions is stable in the time.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study that examines the effects of job engagement and organization-based self-esteem on career satisfaction. Career satisfaction was measured at three separate times: at the same time than the predictor variables, and six months and one year later, respectively. Based on a sample of 294 respondents from various organizations at Time 1, 154 at Time 2, and 117 at Time 3, the analyses indicate that work engagement exerts a positive and relatively stable effect on career satisfaction over time while organization-based self-esteem displays a similar effect mainly in the short term. Moreover, organization-based self-esteem acts as a moderator of job engagement such that its effect on career satisfaction over time is stronger when organization-based self-esteem is higher. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these results.  相似文献   

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