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Newell FN  Bülthoff HH 《Cognition》2002,85(2):113-143
We report three experiments where the categorical perception of familiar, three-dimensional objects was investigated. A continuum of shape change between 15 pairs of objects was created and the images along the continuum were used as stimuli. In Experiment 1 participants were first required to discriminate pairs of images of objects that lay along the shape continuum. Then participants were asked to classify each morph-image into one of two pre-specified classes. We found evidence for categorical perception in some but not all of our object pairs. In Experiment 2 we varied the viewpoint of the objects in the discrimination task and found that effects of categorical perception generalized across changes in view. In Experiment 3 similarity ratings for each object pair were collected. These similarity scores correlated with the degree of perceptual categorization found for the object pairs. Our findings suggest that some familiar objects are perceived categorically and that categorical perception is closely tied to inter-object perceptual similarity.  相似文献   

In perceiving objects we may synthesize conjunctions of separable features by directing attention serially to each item in turn (A. Treisman and G. Gelade, Cognitive Psychology, 1980, 12, 97–136). This feature-integration theory predicts that when attention is diverted or overloaded, features may be wrongly recombined, giving rise to “illusory conjunctions.” The present paper confirms that illusory conjunctions are frequently experienced among unattended stimuli varying in color and shape, and that they occur also with size and solidity (outlined versus filled-in shapes). They are shown both in verbal recall and in simultaneous and successive matching tasks, making it unlikely that they depend on verbal labeling or on memory failure. They occur as often between stimuli differing on many features as between more similar stimuli, and spatial separation has little effect on their frequency. Each feature seems to be coded as an independent entity and to migrate, when attention is diverted, with few constraints from the other features of its source or destination.  相似文献   

W H Ittelson  L Mowafy  D Magid 《Perception》1991,20(5):567-584
In what ways and under what conditions does an object appear to differ from its enantiomorph (its mirror reflection)? This 'mirror question' or its popular counterpart, "Why does a mirror reverse left and right but not up and down?" is frequently encountered, but an acceptable answer is not to be found in the literature. The question is approached as an experimental problem in visual psychophysics. A mirror optically reverses the axis perpendicular to its surface. What are the perceptual consequences of this stimulus transformation? This question is examined in four experiments by using stimuli of varying complexity and familiarity. Apparent reversals are demonstrated along right-left, front-back, top-bottom, and oblique axes, depending on the perceived asymmetries of the stimulus object. Perceived asymmetry is shown to depend both on structural asymmetries and on canonical axes and orientations defined by social convention. It is concluded that an object appears to differ from its enantiomorph by an apparent reversal along the axis of least perceived asymmetry. Implications for perceptual frames of reference and for the perception of symmetry are discussed.  相似文献   

The appearance of objects is determined by their surface reflectance and roughness and by the light field. Conversely, human observers might derive properties of the light field from the appearance of objects. The inverse problem has no unique solution, so perceptual interactions between reflectance, roughness, and lightfield are to be expected. In two separate experiments, we tested whether observers are able to match the illumination of spheres under collimated illumination only (matching of illumination direction) and under more or less diffuse illumination (matching of illumination direction and directedness of the beam). We found that observers are quite able to match collimated illumination directions of two rendered Lambertian spheres. Matching of the collimated beam directions of a Lambertian sphere and that of a real object with arbitrary reflectance and roughness properties resulted in similar results for the azimuthal angle, but in higher variance for the polar angle. Translucent objects and a tennis ball were found to be systematic outliers. If the directedness of the beam was also varied, the direction settings showed larger variance for more diffuse illumination. The directedness settings showed an overall quite large variance and, interestingly, interacted with the polar angle settings. We discuss possible photometrical mechanisms behind these effects.  相似文献   

To account for location-dependent and location-independent preview benefits in transsaccadic object perception, J. M. Henderson (1994) and J. M. Henderson and M. D. Anes (1994) proposed a dual-route model in which both episodic object representations and long-term memory representations store information across a saccade. Four experiments are reported in which the dual-route model was assessed. Preview benefits for saccade target objects were found to be location independent, whereas preview benefits for flanker objects were location dependent. These results support a single-route, 2-stage model of transsaccadic object perception. First, preattentive object files are set up to parse a set of attentional and/or saccade targets from peripheral vision, causing location-dependent preview benefits. Second, 1 object is attentionally selected for further processing, activating long-term memory representations and resulting in location-independent preview benefits.  相似文献   

Is visual representation of an object affected by whether surrounding objects are identical to it, different from it, or absent? To address this question, we tested perceptual priming, visual short-term, and long-term memory for objects presented in isolation or with other objects. Experiment 1 used a priming procedure, where the prime display contained a single face, four identical faces, or four different faces. Subjects identified the gender of a subsequent probe face that either matched or mismatched with one of the prime faces. Priming was stronger when the prime was four identical faces than when it was a single face or four different faces. Experiments 2 and 3 asked subjects to encode four different objects presented on four displays. Holding memory load constant, visual memory was better when each of the four displays contained four duplicates of a single object, than when each display contained a single object. These results suggest that an object's perceptual and memory representations are enhanced when presented with identical objects, revealing redundancy effects in visual processing.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted, to explore the notion of objects in perception. Taking as a starting point the effects of display content on rapid attention transfer and manipulating curvature, closure, and processing time, a link between objects of attention and objects of perception is proposed. In Experiment 1, a number of parallel, equally spaced, straight lines facilitated attention transfer along the lines, relative to transfer across the lines. In Experiment 2, with curved, closed-contour shapes, no "same-object" facilitation was observed. However, when a longer time interval was provided, in Experiment 3, a same-object advantage started to emerge. In Experiment 4, using the same curved shapes but in a non-speeded distance estimation task, a strong effect of objects was observed. It is argued that attention transfer is facilitated by line tracing but that line tracing is encouraged by objects.  相似文献   

We investigated oculomotor anticipations in 4-month-old infants as they viewed center-occluded object trajectories. In two experiments, we examined performance in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) dynamic occlusion displays and in an additional 3D condition with a smiley face as the moving target stimulus. Rates of anticipatory eye movements were not facilitated by 3D displays or by the (presumably) more salient smiley face relative to the 2D condition. However, latencies of anticipations were reduced, implying that 3D visual information may have supported formation of more robust mental representations of the moving object. Results are interpreted in a context of perceptual constraints on developing cognitive capacities during early infancy.  相似文献   

The discriminative sensitivities of 30 4‐month‐old and 30 8‐month‐old infants for concave and convex objects were measured using the preferential‐looking method. Five cylinder‐like objects with different magnitudes of concave or convex shaded surfaces and outline contours were presented to the infants in pairs. The results indicated that the 4‐month‐old infants could discriminate better between object convexities than between object concavities. In contrast, the 8‐month‐old infants were able to equally discriminate between object concavities and object convexities, and their sensitivity to both object concavity/convexity was much higher than that of the 4‐month‐old infants. This difference in the sensitivity to object concavity and convexity suggested that younger and older infants might have differential abilities for cue utilization for recovering object structures.  相似文献   

Object and observer motion in the perception of objects by infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sixteen-week-old human infants distinguish optical displacements given by their own motion from displacements given by moving objects, and they use only the latter to perceive the unity of partly occluded objects. Optical changes produced by moving the observer around a stationary object produced attentional levels characteristic of stationary observers viewing stationary displays and much lower than those shown by stationary observers viewing moving displays. Real displacements of an object with no subject-relative displacement, produced by moving an object so as to maintain a constant relation to the moving observer, evoked attentional levels that were higher than with stationary displays and more characteristic of attention to moving displays, a finding suggesting detection of the real motion. Previously reported abilities of infants to perceive the unity of partly occluded objects from motion information were found to depend on real object motion rather than on optical displacements in general. The results suggest that object perception depends on registration of the motions of surfaces in the three-dimensional layout.  相似文献   

Line drawings are commonly used in perception research. A basic strategy used in such research is to remove portions of the line drawings in order to determine what features of an object are important for recognition. However, it is important to monitor the amount of contour and type of information that are deleted when one is making partially deleted or fragmented objects. With the Image Fragmenting Program, researchers can use random or manual contour deletion strategies to create fragmented objects while controlling for the amount of contour removed from the images.  相似文献   

Several kinds of visual causal impressions occur when people observe stimuli involving objects in motion. It is hypothesized that these impressions occur when the visual system avoids coincidences by matching the observable kinematic features of the stimulus to a template of a physical mechanism. This was tested by constructing a stimulus in which several spatially separated objects move in a coordinated manner. Variations on this stimulus were constructed such that some were inconsistent with a possible physical mechanism that could explain the motions of the objects and others were consistent with it. Mechanism‐inconsistent variations yielded significantly lower ratings of the causal impression and mechanism‐consistent variations did not, supporting the hypothesis. Misperceptions of features of the stimulus were also reported by a majority of participants, and the nature of these misperceptions is also consistent with the hypothesis that the stimulus is interpreted as a representation of a kind of physical mechanism.  相似文献   

Various authors have suggested that learning associations between objects and pictures is a necessary condition for the perception of pictures. If so, then animals, never exposed to situations in which those associations might be learned, should not show transfer between objects and pictures. In this investigation, pigeons trained to discriminate between two solid objects were retrained with reinforcement reversal on either the objects themselves or photographs, line drawings, or silhouettes of the objects. Significant negative transfer indicated object-photograph and object-silhouette equivalence, but no transfer was found to line drawings. Positive transfer to photographs was also demonstrated. Transfer did not appear to be a function of object-picture confusability.  相似文献   

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