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Although previous research has linked sexual harassment to negative psychological outcomes, few studies have focused on moderators of these relationships. The present study surveyed Black ( n = 88) and White ( n = 170) female undergraduates who endorsed experiences of sexual harassment to examine whether traditional gender attitudes differentially moderated the relationship between sexual harassment and three outcomes: posttraumatic stress symptoms, general clinical symptoms, and satisfaction with life. We replicated past findings that sexual harassment is related to negative outcomes. Further, the results supported our hypothesis that less traditional gender attitudes (i.e., more feminist attitudes) would buffer the negative effects of sexual harassment for White women, whereas the same attitudes would exacerbate its negative effects for Black women. We discuss reasons for these differences, including Black women's double consciousness and differences in the meaning of feminist and traditional gender attitudes for Black and White women.  相似文献   

To better understand the relation of feminist identification to sexuality, we compared the attitudes of feminist, egalitarian, and nonfeminist undergraduate women ( N = 342) in five domains: (a) erotophilia (one's positive affective or evaluative responses to sexual stimuli), (b) sexual assertiveness, (c) perceived self-efficacy for safer sex, (d) sexual satisfaction, and (e) support of the sexual double standard. Significant results of ANOVA analyses included: Feminists were more erotophilic than egalitarians and nonfeminists, egalitarians were the most confident in their ability to be assertive with a partner regarding condom use, and egalitarians and nonfeminists were more supportive of a traditional sexual double standard than feminists. Consistent with Zucker (2004) , we argue that a distinctive characteristic of egalitarians is that their acceptance of feminist values with regard to their own sexual lives does not translate into a critique of gendered sexual norms for other women.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a Work Incentive (WIN) Orientation and Assessment Program which was designed to (a) assess enrollee attitudes and abilities, and (b) provide enrollee pre-employment test orientation. A sample of 155 WIN enrollees was divided into two groups; the experimental group received two weeks of orientation and assessment. Results were obtained by using two criteria: First, the number of terminations prior to completing the EDP was examined for each group, and second, the total number of referrals to each of three major components was examined. Findings revealed a significantly lower number of terminations among the experimental group, but did not yield any difference in the number of referrals per component. It is suggested that further studies of this type include a more refined measure of enrollee success and satisfaction in various WIN components.  相似文献   

认知特征、场独立性与飞行空间定向关系的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
游旭群  于立身 《心理学报》2000,32(2):158-163
通过认知分化测验(CLB)、团体镶嵌图形测验(GEFT)以及飞行定向水平的模糊评价技术,旨在检验认知特征、场独立性和飞行空间定向水平之间的关系。研究结果表明;(1)高水平的视觉空间认知能力及较强的场独立性特征不仅有助于获得一个良好的飞行定向水平,而且还构成了预测定向水平差异的有效指标;(2)场独立性特征与空间认知特征之间存在着一个很高的相关。具有较强场独立性特征的飞行员往往也具有较为典型的空间认知特征;(3)错觉水平较低的飞行员与中、重度错觉水平组飞行员在空间认知、认知分化和场独立性上的得分分别构成了显著的差异,表明轻度组飞行员在空间定向中表现出了良好的视觉空间信息组织、加工和某些元认知技能方面的优势。研究结果进一步证明了视觉空间认知加工和场独立性水平与飞行空间定向之间的紧密关系。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, expressive writing interventions have been used successfully to reduce distress and improve well-being for those dealing with traumatic events, stressors, and illnesses. The purpose of this study was to investigate an expressive writing intervention for lesbian-related stressors. As expected, writing about traumatic events related to sexual orientation reduced self-reported confusion and perceived stress over a 2-month period for those lesbians who were less open about their sexual orientation. Interestingly, writing about such traumatic experiences was associated with increases in confusion and perceived stress for those who were more open about their sexual orientation. Applying this paradigm to assist individuals in coping with stressors related to their sexual orientation represents an important addition to the expressive writing literature. Furthermore, it offers a promising, cost-effective method to assist closeted lesbians in coping with stressors related to their sexual orientation.  相似文献   

In July 1962, Algeria ceased to be a French colony and became an independent nation prompting the departure of almost all the land's 120,000 Jews, most of whom migrated to France. Half a century on from this “exodus,” a diverse and growing body of testimony is appearing in the form of memoirs written by Jews who grew up in colonial Algeria. Laying claim to a specific Algerian-Jewish identity, this relatively new body of work emphasizes the unique historical position and trajectory of the Algerian-Jewish community. Using this material, this article will focus on how interaction between Jews and Muslims has been reconstructed and represented from a postcolonial vantage point. Exploring the collective narrative of shared ethno-religious sensibilities created by centuries of cohabitation that were then progressively undermined by an accelerating process of cultural and socioeconomic elongation instituted by the French presence in Algeria reveals a complex and constantly shifting set of negotiations between proximity and distance that characterized Judeo-Muslim relationships. The position the authors assign to themselves and to their community within this reconstructed history is instructive for thinking about present-day issues of identity within the Algerian Jewish diaspora.  相似文献   

Relationships between two indices of response stability and item endorsement, social desirability, and seven ambiguity indices were investigated separately within the MMPI, the unique items of the CPI, and two subpools moderate in endorsement and social desirability. Within the two original pools, zero-order correlations and multiple regression analyses revealed that only extremeness of endorsement and social desirability were substantially related to response stability; within the moderate subpools, however, indices of ambiguity-especially item length and ratings of global ambiguity, behavioral reference, and estimated stability-accounted for important degrees of variance individually as well as in combination. Reasons for the moderating effects of endorsement and social desirability are discussed, as are the implications for scale construction.  相似文献   

This longitudinal field study was designed to examine the relationships between job information sources, self-esteem, and perceptions of person-job (P-J) and person-organization (P-O) fit, as well as the relationships between perceptions of fit and work outcomes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational identification, intentions to quit, stress symptoms, and turnover). The results indicate that the number of formal job information sources and self-esteem were positively related to perceptions of P-J fit, and formal job information sources were positively related to perceptions of P-O fit. Perceptions of P-J fit were positively related to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational identification, and negatively related to stress symptoms and intentions to quit. Perceptions of P-O fit were negatively related to intentions to quit and turnover. In addition, perceptions of fit mediated the relationships between job information sources and self-esteem with job satisfaction, intentions to quit, and turnover. These results highlight the job applicant's perspective of fit, and demonstrate the importance of both P-J and P-O fit perceptions.  相似文献   

Behavior therapy is the outstanding example of the beneficial influence of experimental research on clinical practice. Initial applications of laboratory research to clinical disorders consisted primarily of the principles and procedures of operant and classical conditioning. The development and evaluation of the token economy and biofeedback methods are used to illustrate the contribution of operant conditioning, whereas the derivation and efficacy of exposure-based treatments for phobic and obsessive-compulsive disorders exemplify the utility of classical and avoidance conditioning concepts. As behavior therapy has matured and grown more clinically sophisticated, its theoretical and research bases have broadened to include areas such as vicarious learning and self-regulatory processes. Most recently, concepts from modern cognitive and social psychology (e.g., information processing, attribution theory) have begun to guide clinical applications. In turn, different therapeutic approaches have influenced the nature of laboratory research in some areas. Nonetheless, a gap still exists between experimental research and clinical practice. The solution to this perennial problem is not to make scientists of practitioners, but to recognize the unique contributions of basic researchers, clinical investigators, and practitioners, within a consistent framework that specifies the complex interrelationships among the different levels of analysis along the continuum of basic research to clinical practice. Such a framework is sketched-out together with some comments on the reasons for relative paucity of controlled clinical research in the U.S.A. and suggestions for bringing the influence of research findings to bear on practice.  相似文献   

Problems related to negative body image are very common among young women. In this study, we examined the relationship between women's body image and their sexual functioning over and above the effects of physical exercise and body mass index (BMI) in a sample of 214 university women. Low situational body image dysphoria and low body dissatisfaction were associated with high sexual assertiveness and sexual esteem, low sexual anxiety, and fewer sexual problems. Positive body image was significantly associated with better sexual functioning, even after controlling for BMI and exercise. Although related to body image, BMI and exercise did not predict sexual functioning. These results were interpreted as indicating that a woman's subjective body image is significantly related to her sexual functioning beyond the effects of actual body size and level of physical exercise.  相似文献   

A gap in the conceptual development of the work experience construct was addressed by creating a framework specifying two dimensions along which work experience measures can vary. The dimensions of measurement mode (amount, time, and type) and level of specificity (task, job, organizational) formed nine separate categories of measures of work experience. The usefulness of the conceptual framework was tested by conducting a meta-analytic review of the existing literature on work experience using the dimensions in the framework as potential moderators of the experience-performance relationship. Results of the meta-analysis ( N = 25,911; K = 44) revealed an estimated population correlation of 27 between experience and performance after correcting for sampling error and criterion unreliability. In addition, the results showed that amount ( M = .43) and task-level ( M = .41) measures of work experience had the highest correlations with measures of job performance. In addition, work experience had the highest correlations with hard (e.g. work samples) as opposed to soft (e.g. ratings) measures of job performance ( M = .39 vs. M = .24). Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study extended the investigation of gender differences in two communication variables, self-disclosure and communication apprehension, by shifting the conceptual focus from the biological sex dichotomy to the more discriminating psychological sex-role designations: masculine, feminine, and androgynous. Using the Bern Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) as a measure of psychological sex type, the study showed that psychological sex type is superior to biological sex categories in identifying patterns of self-reported self-disclosure and communication apprehension. A number of hypotheses were considered with regard to total disclosure to same-sex friend or opposite-sex friend, and communication apprehension.  相似文献   

This essay theoretically frames the inter‐relationship between ecclesial and political life and suggests how the ethnographic study of this intersection might generate theological conceptualisations of both. It argues there is a dialectical relationship between conceptualisations of ecclesial and political life and that their proper study requires attention to practice in order to generate judgments on both. The key issue here is the kind of rationality from which judgments on practice are derived. A case is made for practical reason as having priority over theoretical reason when thinking about politics and the need to move beyond interpretation to judgment.  相似文献   

Forty-eight teenagers enrolled in the In and Out-of-School Neighboorhood Youth Corps were presented with a questionnaire concerning their jobs in the Neighborhood Youth Corp (NYC), how they felt about them, what their future vocational plans were and general background questions. The answers indicate that the NYC has been effective. The enrollees have positive attitudes toward work and vocational goals. Although the two groups have different frames of reference regarding work (one group attending school full time and the other working full time), their views on all the topics discussed showed no significant differences.  相似文献   

Although prior evidence has demonstrated racial differences in employee absenteeism, no existing research explains this phenomenon. The present study examined the roles of 2 diversity cues related to workplace support—perceived organizational value of diversity and supervisor–subordinate racial/ethnic similarity—in explicating this demographic difference among 659 Black, White, and Hispanic employees of U.S. companies. Blacks reported significantly more absences than their White counterparts, but this difference was significantly more pronounced when employees believed their organizations placed little value on diversity. Moreover, in a form of expectancy violation, the Black–White difference was significant only when employees had racially similar supervisors (and thus would expect their companies to value diversity) and perceived that the organization placed little value on diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract— This article reports the results of a national survey in which psychology majors were asked about the use of animals in psychological research and teaching. In general, the attitudes of psychology majors closely resembled the attitudes of practicing psychologists. Students tended to (a) support animal experiments involving observation or confinement, but disapprove of studies involving pain or death, (b) support mandatory pain assessments and the federal protection of rats, mice, pigeons, and reptiles, and (c) support the use of animals in teaching, but oppose an animal laboratory requirement for the psychology major. Opposition to the use of animals was greatest among women, among students at selective schools, and among students living in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region of the country.  相似文献   

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