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Inhibition of return (IOR) has recently been reported for lexical/semantic categories (see, e.g., Fuentes, Vivas, & Humphreys, 1999). The present research examines the impact on semantic IOR of three components: item repetition, item heterogeneity, and spatial variability. Experiments 1 and 2 indicate that lexical/semantic IOR occurs only after extensive repetition. Experiment 2 also shows that semantic IOR is independent of spatial variability. Experiments 3 through 5 show facilitatory rather than inhibitory effects when the item pool is heterogeneous. The results support an episodic account of semantic IOR, according to which inhibitory effects accumulate with massive repetition of homogeneous items.  相似文献   

People often think of themselves and their experiences in a more positive light than is objectively justified. Inhibitory control processes may promote this positivity bias by modulating the accessibility of negative thoughts and episodes from the past, which then limits their influence in the construction of imagined future events. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the correlation between retrieval-induced forgetting and the extent to which individuals imagine positive and negative episodic future events. First, we measured performance on a task requiring participants to imagine personal episodic events (either positive or negative), and then we correlated that measure with retrieval-induced forgetting. As predicted, individuals who exhibited higher levels of retrieval-induced forgetting imagined fewer negative episodic future events than did individuals who exhibited lower levels of retrieval-induced forgetting. This finding provides new insight into the possible role of retrieval-induced forgetting in autobiographical memory.  相似文献   

The present experiment was to investigate the effects of foreperiod interval upon reaction time (RT), alpha blocking, and heart rate (HR) under conditions in which learning factors and conditional probability were minimized. Twenty college students were given a series of 44 randomized foreperiod intervals (0–30 sec). The fastest RT was obtained at 0.6 sec foreperiod. Alpha blocking provided the same trend as that of RT, showing that the 0.6 sec foreperiod yielded the largest alpha blocking. Positive correlation was observed between the speed of RT and alpha blocking (r = 0.56, p<0.001). HR curve was different from those of RT and alpha blocking. No significant correlation was obtained between RT and HR. The results were discussed, particularly, in terms of the theory of classical conditioning.  相似文献   

This paper is a call to geographers, a call for evocative understandings of complicated places and times, for writing practices that foreground feelings, embrace experiential considerations, and privilege embodied relationships with text during periods of struggle, protest, and resistance. I anchor this call in a formalist reading Sunil Yapa's Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist. Drawing from poetic impulses, my formalist reading of the novel includes attention to the novels' grammatical structures and lineated assemblages: I extend my reading of the novel into a call for geographers to experiment and emote in our writing practices, whatever those practices might be. The paper also draws on poet Don Paterson's writing about textual work done by the lyrical and the lyric. Paterson suggests poetry offers opportunities to make writing an ingestible project, one with the potential of being physically manifest in a reader. In this paper, I suggest there is much potential for social change if geographers consider emotionally evocative writing and knowledge as opposed to information being conveyed in expected forms. Ultimately, and circling back to Yapa, I call to geographers to consider our writing as activist work, with the emotional potential of making a new and better world.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has suggested that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with alterations in prefrontal-cortex-dependent cognitive processes (e.g., working memory, cognitive control). However, it remains unclear whether these cognitive dysfunctions are related to PTSD symptomatology or trauma exposure. Furthermore, regarding cognitive control, research has only focused on the integrity of selected control functions, but not their dynamic regulation in response to changing environmental demands. Therefore, the present study investigated dynamic variations in interference control, in addition to overall interference susceptibility and working memory (WM) performance in matched groups of 24 PTSD patients and 26 traumatized and 30 nontraumatized healthy controls. The Simon task was used to measure overall interference susceptibility and the flexible adjustment of cognitive control, on the basis of the occurrence of response conflicts (conflict adaptation effect). WM performance was assessed with the forward and backward digit span tasks. Since we have previously shown that trauma exposure per se is associated with reduced hair cortisol concentrations (HCC), we further explored whether PTSD/trauma-related cognitive alterations are related to HCC in proximal 3-cm hair segments. The results revealed that PTSD patients and traumatized controls showed significantly more pronounced conflict adaptation effects than nontraumatized controls. Moreover, the conflict adaptation effect was positively related to the number of lifetime traumatic events and the frequency of traumatization. The groups did not differ in overall interference susceptibility or WM performance. Exploratory analyses revealed no association between HCC and the observed cognitive differences. These results suggest that context-driven control adjustments constitute a sensitive correlate of trauma exposure, irrespective of PTSD.  相似文献   

Addiction to work is defined as a compulsion or an uncontrollable need to work incessantly. Only few measures exist to identify work addiction and the health consequences are sparsely explored. The Bergen Workaholic Scale (BWAS) measures seven core elements of work addiction and has been used in Norway, Hungary, Brazil, Italy, USA and Poland. The aim of this study was to validate the BWAS in a Danish sample and to investigate if high risk of work addiction was associated with stress and reduced quality of life. We conducted an online screening survey with 671 participants aged 16–68 years with the Danish translation of the BWAS. We added the perceived stress scale (PSS) and the quality of life scale EQ‐5D‐5L. Those with high risk of work addiction reported significantly higher mean PSS scores (20.0 points) compared to those with low risk of addiction (12.5 points) and poorer quality of life (61.9) compared to the low risk group (81.3). Furthermore, work addiction was associated with more weekly working hours (44.0 vs. 35.6 hours/week) and having more leadership responsibility. A preliminary estimate of work addiction prevalence was 6.6%. The BWAS demonstrated good reliability (α = 0.83), and factor analyses pointed at a single factor structure. Work addiction seems to be associated with health problems in terms of stress and poorer quality of life. The BWAS is recommended as a reliable and valid tool to identify work addiction in Danish.  相似文献   

Childhood maltreatment increases lifetime vulnerability for psychopathology. One proposed mechanism for this association is that early maltreatment increases vigilance for and attention to subtle threat cues, persisting outside of the environment in which maltreatment occurs. To test this possibility, the present study examined neural responses to ambiguous and nonambiguous threatening facial expressions in a sample of 25 adults reporting a history of low-to-moderate levels of abuse in childhood and 46 reporting no or low levels of childhood maltreatment. The measure of neural response used was the late positive potential (LPP), a neural marker of sustained attention to motivationally salient information that is sensitive to subtle variation in emotional content. Participants passively viewed angry–neutral and fearful–neutral face blends and rated emotional intensity for each face. In the maltreated group, as fearful faces increased in emotional intensity, the LPP similarly increased, suggesting increased sensitivity to subtle variation in threatening content. Moreover, the LPP at each level of emotional intensity was not related to current symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, contrary to our hypotheses, adults with a history of abuse did not rate angry or fearful faces as more threatening, nor did they exhibit a larger LPP to angry faces, compared to controls. These findings suggest that childhood maltreatment may be associated with increased sensitivity to ambiguous threatening information in adulthood.  相似文献   

Previous research demonstrates that individuals in a positive mood are differentially distracted by irrelevant information during an ongoing task (Rowe et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci 104:383–388, 2007). The present study investigated whether susceptibility to distraction shown by individuals in a positive mood results in greater implicit memory for that distraction. Participants performed a similarity-judgment task on pictures that were superimposed with distracting words. When these previously distracting words could be used as solutions on a delayed implicit task administered several minutes later, performance was positively correlated with pleasantness of mood. Individuals in a positive mood are more likely than others to use previously irrelevant information to facilitate performance on a subsequent implicit task, a finding with implications for the relationship between positive mood and creativity.  相似文献   

Individual differences in the personality trait Agreeableness underlie humans’ ability to interpret social cues and coordinate effectively with others. However, previous investigations of the neural basis of Agreeableness have yielded largely inconsistent results. Recent evidence has demonstrated that Agreeableness can be divided into two, correlated subdimensions. Compassion reflects tendencies toward empathy, sympathy, and concern for others, while Politeness reflects tendencies toward compliance and refraining from aggression and exploitation. The present study seeks to clarify the neural substrates of Agreeableness by examining whether structural differences in the brain show distinct associations with Compassion and Politeness. Results of a meta-analysis of fMRI studies examining empathy were used to generate hypotheses about the brain regions and networks that underlie trait Compassion. Results of a large-scale structural neuroimaging investigation (N = 275) were largely consistent with the meta-analysis: Compassion was positively correlated with gray matter volume in the bilateral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and anterior insula (AI). Further, these differences appear to be associated with Compassion specifically, as opposed to Politeness, suggesting that these two traits have at least partially distinct neuroanatomical substrates.  相似文献   

There are ample inter-individual differences in the frequency with which people perceive meaningful coincidences. Previous research has identified increased proactive interference, that is a reduced working memory capacity, as one possible mechanism associated with this phenomenon. The present study aimed at extending this finding into the domain of neuroscience, (1) by assessing EEG alpha oscillations during the retention of information, (2) by replicating the behavioral link between meaningful coincidences and proactive interference. In a sample of 52 participants, the behavioral replication was successful. Furthermore, participants who perceived more meaningful coincidences showed higher alpha power increases at parietal-occipital sites, and at the same time, displayed lower alpha power increases at frontal areas, during retention of information. This neurophysiological activation pattern further underlines the assumption that participants who perceive more meaningful coincidences show lower working memory capacities, since increased alpha power at parietal areas reflects a higher load on working memory demands.  相似文献   

Rationale. Functional reinnervation of the transplanted human heart by the autonomic nervous system has not been demonstrated. A lack of autonomic control of the transplanted allograft is reflected by an increased resting heart rate, a sluggish heart rate response to dynamical exercise and a reduced heart rate variability. Recent evidence suggests that a measure of deterministic chaos in the heartbeat interval series (point correlation dimension, PD2i) is superior to the conventional power spectrum or other stochastic measures in detecting changes in the mechanism underlying heartbeat generation.Methods. The PD2i is based on the presumption that the variability is determined and patterned, whereas the stochastic measures all assume that the variability is around a stationary mean and is noise. The PD2i reconstructs the degrees of freedom (number of independent variables) in the system that generates the time series examined, and does this irrespective of whether the system is stochastic or deterministic and is stationary in time.Results. PD2i was determined for heartbeat intervals (RR, ECG digitized at 1200 Hz; supine posture) of 23 heart transplant recipients (HTR: 9 adults, 14 children; 0.04-7.7 years after transplantation) and 21 healthy control subjects (CTL; 13 adults, 8 children). The PD2i (+/? SD) averaged 5.4 +/? 0.7 for the CTL adults and 5.4 +/? 0.6 for the CTL children. Mean PD2i was reduced after transplantation to 1.1 +/? 0.1 in 6 HTRs recorded within 1 year after surgery; in one HTR recorded 2 weeks after surgery the mean PD2i was 3.7. Between 1 to 2 years PD2i was found increased in 2 of 3 subjects and between 2 to 8 years it was increased in 13 of 13, but not to control levels. In normal hearts the QT subinterval of each heartbeat cycle is associated with inotropy and the RR-QT remainder with chronotropy (i.e., the dyastolic interval during which RR is primarily regulated). To examine more closely the residual and returning heartbeat dynamics of the HTR subjects, these subinterval series were examined during mild exercise (40 to 90 Watts) and its recovery. In recent HTRs, resting QT and RR-QT were moderately reduced and modulated by exercise and recovery, but with an approximate 100 beat latency. In long-term (7-8 years) HTR subjects there was a rapid and larger response to exercise/recovery, but compared to normal the range was smaller and the complexity of the subinterval trajectories in time was simpler.Conclusions. Recurrence of low-dimensional deterministic dynamics after transplantation suggests recovery of neurocardiac control attributable to 1) reorganization of the viable intrinsic cardiac nervous system, 2) reinnervation by the extrinsic autonomic nervous system, or 3) both.  相似文献   

The effect of blockade of 5-HT1A receptors was investigated on (1). retention in a mildly aversive passive-avoidance task, and (2). spontaneous single-unit activity of central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) neurons, a brain site implicated in modulation of retention. Systemic administration of the selective 5-HT1A antagonist NAN-190 immediately after training markedly-and dose-dependently-facilitated retention in the passive-avoidance task; enhanced retention was time-dependent and was not attributable to variations in wattages of shock received by animals. Systemic administration of NAN-190 had mixed effects on spontaneous single-unit activity of CeA neurons recorded extracellularly in vivo; microiontophoretic application of 5-HT, in contrast, consistently and potently suppressed CeA activity. The present findings-that 5-HT1A receptor blockade by NAN-190 (1). enhances retention in the passive-avoidance task, and (2). does not consistently increase spontaneous neuronal activity of the CeA-provide evidence that a serotonergic system tonically inhibits modulation of retention in the passive-avoidance task through activation of the 5-HT1A receptor subtype at brain sites located outside the CeA.  相似文献   

We investigated the link between the eight basic emotions named by Plutchik and heart rate, heart-rate variability in the 114 patients, 86 men and 28 women (M = 53.8 yr., SD = 8.0) with acute coronary heart disease during the initial 24-hr. stay in the coronary care unit and again at hospital discharge. Variability in heart rate was significantly positively associated with scores on Trust (the emotional state acceptance) at hospital admission and discharge in the patients with unstable angina and non-Q-wave infarction, on Aggression in the patients with unstable angina at hospital discharge and at hospital admission in the patients with non-Q-wave infarction. There was inverse relation on Timid (the emotional state fear) and Gregarious (joy) at hospital admission and on Distrust (disgust or rejection), Depressed (sadness), and Dyscontrol (impulsiveness) at hospital discharge in the patient with non-Q-wave infarction. There was no significant association between heart-rate variability and the scores on the Emotion Profile Index in the patients with anterior and posterior myocardial infarction. There was no statistically significant association between heart rate and scores on the Emotion Profile Index in the patients with acute coronary disease at hospital admission and discharge. Our results suggest psychological interventions that enhance emotional states represented by the Trust and Aggression scales and minimize those represented by Depressed, Dyscontrol, Timid, and Distrust scales could have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular function in the patients with unstable angina and non-Q-wave infarction in a hospital setting.  相似文献   

The study investigates the relationships between the valence of affective states and the cortical patterns of functional connectivity. The information flow rate and direction were estimated by means of Directed Transfer Function (DTF), a multivariate method based on Granger causality. It was calculated on EEG activity recorded during mental imagery tasks. As a result, three regions were revealed as main network hubs, where the information outflow changed specifically with valence: the anterior orbitofrontal cortex, and the right posterior and right temporal area. The role of these structures in synchronizing the cortical affective network as well as in mediating different aspects of emotional state is discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on an individual differences study that investigated the role of implicit statistical learning in the acquisition of syntax in children. One hundred children ages 4 years 5 months through 6 years 11 months completed a test of implicit statistical learning, a test of explicit declarative learning, and standardized tests of verbal and nonverbal ability. They also completed a syntactic priming task, which provided a dynamic index of children's facility to detect and respond to changes in the input frequency of linguistic structure. The results showed that implicit statistical learning ability was directly associated with the long-term maintenance of the primed structure. The results constitute the first empirical demonstration of a direct association between implicit statistical learning and syntactic acquisition in children.  相似文献   

Thirty-six male undergraduate students were instructed to raise or lower heart rate in a multiple-session biofeedback experiment. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, frontalis electromyographic activity, and skin conductance level were simultaneously recorded throughout biofeedback training. Principal axes factor analyses showed that physiological response patterning concomitant with the development of heart rate control was different early in training (Training Session 1) than it was late in training (Training Session 4) for both speeding and slowing conditions. These results indicate that different heart rate control strategies were used by the subjects early and late in training. The factor patterns also indicated a tendency for greater heart rate response specificity as training progressed for both speeding and slowing. Heart rate speeding sessions were also found to be associated with a significant increase in perceived state anxiety as measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. No significant change in perceived anxiety state, however, was associated with heart rate slowing.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the content and frequency of mind-wandering episodes—the occurrence of thoughts that are both stimulus-independent and task-unrelated—are closely related to an individual’s future-related concerns. Whether this relationship is shaped by the affective changes that are usually associated with future-related concerns still remains unclear, however. In this study, we induced the anticipation of a negatively valenced event and examined whether the ensuing affective changes were related to the occurrence and content of mind-wandering during an unrelated attentional task. We found that the increase in negative affect following concern induction predicted the general frequency of mind-wandering episodes. Furthermore, mind-wandering episodes specifically directed at the induced concern were related to a lower decrease in negative affect during the attentional task. These results suggest that the negative emotional impact of future-related concerns is an important factor to be taken into consideration for the subsequent occurrence of mind-wandering episodes, which might in turn be involved in the maintenance of negative affect over time.  相似文献   

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