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In our previous in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H MRS) study we found reduced levels of N-acetylaspartate in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of chronic back pain patients. This study tests whether these chemical abnormalities can be detected in other pain states. Using (1)H MRS, we measured levels for N-acetylaspartate and other identifiable chemicals relative to creatine in four bilateral brain regions, including dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, cingulate, and thalamus, in a case of intractable severe sympathetically mediated chronic pain [complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type I]. The subject's chemical variations in the brain were compared to the same regional chemicals in 10 normal subjects (age- and sex-matched). Univariate statistics showed reduced levels of N-acetylaspartate in bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and increased levels of myo-inositol in left orbitofrontal cortex of the patient with intractable severe CRPS type I. These data support our original hypothesis that depletion of N-acetylaspartate in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is a chemical marker of chronic pain, indicating for neuronal degeneration. Unpredicted changes of orbitofrontal myo-inositol may be related to the specific mood/affective state in an extreme pain perception. This is the first report, which identifies chemical markers in the prefrontal cortex for objective measurement and monitoring of CRPS type I. This information might lead to valuable insights into diagnosis and future effective interventions of CRPS type I (e.g., prefrontal brain stimulation).  相似文献   

It is reported on a mental retarded female, observed from 3-33 years of age, which demonstrated even in adulthood with long lasting shrill crying the clinical leading symptom of Lejeune syndrome and further typical symptoms with inhibition of physical maturation, important delayed motoric and mental development, microcephaly resp. characteristic craniofacial dysmorphia, anomalies of extremities, muscular hypotonia and susceptibility to infection. Psychically there were a striking affective instability and irritability, neuropathologically pachygyria and multiple cortical heterotopias.  相似文献   

Retrospective examinations of liquors from 136 children with a chronic brain-organic psychic axis syndrome following brain damage during infancy yielded pathological findings in 75.7% of the cases. These included changes in total protein content, slight increases in cell counts and the occurrence of monocytic forms of stimulus, but rarely changes in the pattern produced by electrophoresis of the liquor. Combinations of these pathological findings are rare, so that it is not possible to elaborate a typical liquor syndrome for this group of patients.  相似文献   

Cortical stimulation—evoked perception of tones differing in pitch suggests that the perception of pitch may be discretely organized in the human auditory parakoniocortex. Findings, obtained from a neurosurgical patient undergoing temporal lobectomy, are discussed with reference to anatomical and functional considerations of the auditory parakoniocortex in humans. These tonotypic findings are potentially significant since, as previously reported (see references in Discussion section), auditory sensations have not been analyzed in relation to perceptual categories of pitch. Address correspondence to: Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233.  相似文献   

Purpose: Although the content of thoughts has received a considerable amount of attention in pain research, the importance of thought processes (metacognitions) has received less attention. Method: One hundred twenty-nine individuals with muscular dystrophy and chronic pain completed measures assessing metacognitions and frequency of both catastrophizing and pain control beliefs. Results: Greater use of reappraisal and distraction metacognitions were associated with more perceived control over pain, whereas greater use of worry and punishment metacognitions were associated with more catastrophizing. Conclusions/Implications: The current findings indicate that metacognitions are associated with both pain control beliefs and catastrophizing and therefore may play an important role in the development or maintenance of pain-related cognitive content thought to influence patient functioning. Research is needed to determine whether treatments that encourage changes in both metacognitions and cognitive content are more effective than treatments that focus on cognitive content alone. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Three years of analytical psychotherapy with a professional woman in mid-life, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), is described. Gradual recovery merged into mid-life changes; marriage, along with a new balance of maternal and paternal imagos, enabled her to trust enough to become pregnant— coniunctio in the most primal bodily and psychic modes.
Her life-long, schizoid type pattern, 'the pendulum of closeness and isolation', with its extreme of psycho-physical collapse and devitalization, was replayed in therapy. The analyst's symbolic attitude is emphasized, containing the patient's initial affective explosion and validating the physicality of her condition. Mirroring and steady rhythmic attunement became a new, pre-verbal, source of trust—vitalization; differentiation and separation replaced defensive splitting and dissociation. Then the overwhelmingly powerful bodily/maternal could be counterbalanced by the masculine, and a transitional space emerged for symbolic work.
Both the regressive and the dynamic aspects of CFS are located in the earliest undifferentiated, archetypal, bodily/psychic modes, when the frustration of primary needs evokes the defences of the self. It is argued that our psychodynamic understanding can contribute to the stalemate in seeing chronic fatigue syndrome as either an organic illness or depression, and that a new linking of the somatic and psychic calls for a new professional collaboration.  相似文献   

Both EEG and EMG biofeedback were used to treat severe, chronic phantom limb pain in a 54 yr-old man. Although EEG biofeedback was ineffective, EMG biofeedback-assisted relaxation of the muscles in the stump allowed the patient to greatly reduce the frequency and intensity of the pain after about 4 h of practice. Both somatic and cognitive variables may have contributed to the effectiveness of the procedure.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to advance some considerations on trauma, historical reality, its symbolization and the psychic pain generated by the investigation of unconscious processes in psychoanalytic treatment. These themes will be explored by demonstrating the differences arising between traumatic experiences and their expression in phantasy, as they occurred in a case of neurosis and another of psychosis. In each case, the differences in the features of the symbolization and the processes of working through shall also be taken into consideration. Particular attention shall be paid to the specific difficulties encountered by the analyst in the interpretative treatment of the trauma resulting from the amount of psychic pain induced in the patient, which at times proves to be an insurmountable barrier and a destructive distortion of the process.  相似文献   


The present study examined the associations of locus of control (LOC) and catastrophizing with pain intensity and disability in Chinese chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients. In the study, 56 respondents (21 men and 35 women) with a mean age of 36.98 years (SD= 12.22) completed measures assessing locus of control, catastrophizing tendency, pain intensity, disability, and psychological distress. Results showed that after partialling out the effects of gender, duration of pain, and psychological distress, internal LOC significantly explained the variance of disability. For pain intensity, only catastrophizing accounted for a large portion of the variance. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future work were discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) characteristics of 209 chronic pain patients in an inpatient pain treatment program. Patients completed the MMPI-2, Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, and Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire. Participants in this sample were matched with comparison participants from the MMPI-2 normative sample on the demographic variables gender, age, and ethnicity. Chronic pain patients reported higher levels of general maladjustment and affective distress than did the normative control group, including more anxiety, depressive symptomatology, and somatic complaints. The MMPI-2 basic scales Hypochondriasis, Depression, and Hysteria were the most useful discriminating factors between chronic pain patients and normal controls, and the content scales Health Concerns and Depression showed significant elevations for the chronic pain group. The 1-3/3-1, 1-2/2-1, and 2-3/3-2 code types accounted for more than two thirds of all two-point classifications for the chronic pain group, and four cluster analysis types classified nearly half of all of these protocols.  相似文献   

Objective: The role of self-conscious emotions (SCEs) including shame, guilt, humiliation and embarrassment are of increasing interest within health. Yet, little is known about SCEs in the experience of chronic pain. This study explored prevalence and experience of SCEs in chronic pain patients compared to controls and assessed the relationship between SCEs and disability in pain patients.

Design and measures: Questionnaire assessment comparing musculoskeletal pain patients (n = 64) and pain-free control participants (n = 63). Pain was assessed using the McGill Pain Questionnaire; disability, using the Roland–Morris Disability Questionnaire; and six SCEs derived from three measures (i) Test of Self-Conscious Affect-3 yielding subscales of shame, guilt, externalisation and detachment (ii) The Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale and (iii) The Pain Self-Perception Scale assessing mental defeat.

Results: Significantly greater levels of shame, guilt, fear of negative evaluation and mental defeat were observed in chronic pain patients compared to controls. In the pain group, SCE variables significantly predicted affective pain intensity; only mental defeat was significantly related to disability.

Conclusion: Findings highlight the prevalence of negative SCEs and their importance in assessment and management of chronic pain. The role of mood in this relationship is yet to be explored.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between clinical personality patterns and cognitive appraisal as well as their repercussions on adjustment to chronic pain in a sample of 91 patients. It was predicted that clinical personality patterns would be related to adjustment and cognitive appraisal processes, whereas cognitive appraisals would be related to anxiety, depression and levels of perceived pain. The instruments used were as follows: the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, the Cognitive Appraisal Questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Multiple regression analyses, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the Mann Whitney U-test were used to analyse the data obtained. The results show that certain clinical personality patterns were associated with poor adjustment to chronic pain. The use of cognitive appraisal of harm predicted higher anxiety levels and greater perceived pain in chronic pain patients. The use of cognitive appraisals of challenge predicted lower depression levels.  相似文献   

Do patients with chronic pain selectively process pain- and illness-related stimuli? The evidence with regard to attention, interpretation, and recall biases is critically reviewed. A model is proposed to account for the findings in which it is suggested that biases in information processing in chronic pain are the result of overlap between 3 schemas: pain, illness, and self. With frequent repeated or continued experience of pain, the pain schema becomes enmeshed with illness and self-schemas. The extent of the enmeshment and the salient content of the schema determine the bias. A fundamental assumption is that all patients with pain selectively process sensory-intensity information. A clinical implication of the results is that processing biases that extend beyond this healthy and adaptive process to enmesh the self-schema with pain and illness schemas could maintain and exacerbate distress and illness behavior in patients with chronic pain.  相似文献   

This prospective study of children with recurrent abdominal pain (N=133; ages 8--15 years) used path analysis to examine relations among dispositional pain beliefs and coping styles, cognitions and behavior related to a specific pain episode, and short- and long-term outcomes. Children believing they could not reduce or accept pain appraised their episode-specific coping ability as low and reported passive coping behavior. Dispositional passive coping had direct effects on both episode-specific passive coping and long-term symptoms and disability. Accommodative coping (acceptance and self-encouragement) was associated with reduced episode-specific distress, which itself predicted reduced depressive symptoms 3 months later. Results suggest that coping-skill interventions for children with chronic pain should target reductions in passive coping and consider the potential benefits of accommodative coping strategies.  相似文献   

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