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困境与出路:骨髓捐献的法理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对骨髓捐献供体的严重短缺,捐献人的随意反悔以及法律规范的缺失,从法理的视角,认定骨髓捐献的性质是合同行为,对当事人具有法律约束力;分析捐献合同的人身性和阶段性特征,并在此基础上合理配置捐献人的任意撤消权、受益人的损害赔偿请求权以及受赠人的公益责任,以权利制约权利,权利与义务的对等,保持当事人的权利平衡,这有利于维护骨髓捐献公益性行为的良性发展.  相似文献   

无锡冷冻胚胎权属纠纷案引起全国的广泛关注,老人是否可以通过代孕完成血缘延续,引发了广泛讨论。代孕协议属于民事合同,该协议的权利基础在于代孕人的一般人格权。代孕协议符合意思自治、公序良俗,不违反法律强制性规定,应为有效。代孕人的义务有代为怀孕分娩并返还婴儿给委托夫妻、适当的注意义务。代孕人的权利有获得报酬的权利、风险发生的损害赔偿请求权。代孕人的违约责任不宜过重。通过合同的代孕治理包括代孕协议当事人资格受限、代孕协议需要备案。  相似文献   

体外早期人类胚胎是具有人格利益的特殊物,应当受到特殊的尊重与保护。医疗机构和早期人类胚胎的供体当事人之间是保管合同关系,供体当事人是体外早期人类胚胎的所有权人,有权对体外胚胎进行处置,但不得违反法律的强制性规定。当供体男方意外死亡时,在遵守意思自治和不违反公序良俗的情况下,医疗机构应该根据女方的意愿决定是否继续植入体外胚胎;供体当事人对剩余胚胎可以销毁、捐赠他人或捐献给医疗机构。当体外早期人类胚胎因医疗机构的过失而无法再利用时,供体当事人可以向医院主张物质和精神损害赔偿。  相似文献   

基于捐献行为的公益性、单务性和人身性,各国法律赋予捐献人任意撤销权,但是出于对捐献人允诺的信赖而改变自身处境的接受人利益也应该得到保护.从信赖保护的视角出发,在血型高分辨检测之前,捐献人一旦签订了捐献协议,即负有保护接受人信赖利益的义务,捐献人虽然有权中途拒捐,但应当承担信赖赔偿责任.  相似文献   

我国遗体捐献面临困局,与我国实行遗体捐献工作起步较晚,相关法律空缺、管理制度还有待完善等密切相关。同时,身体文化以及相关的传统生命伦理思想,如死亡伦理观、丧葬习俗和孝道观等,成为制约中国人遗体捐献行为的重要文化因素。传统身体文化在形而上的层次上决定了中国哲学的特点,在形而下的具体生活中,影响了中国人重视身体的行为方式。据此提出相应伦理建议:应当在尊重传统身体文化的基础上做一些补偿性的措施;注重伦理宣传教育,鼓励遗体捐献行为;在遗体捐献工作中注意生命伦理关怀。  相似文献   

遗体捐献决定权是公民自主权的一种,其在遗体捐献制度中具有核心地位。公民成为遗体捐献决定权主体是历史演变之结果。梳理相关医学史发现,这一进程历经了遗体捐献决定权主体从无到有、从国家到公民的演变,其体现了法律父权对医疗父权的胜利、人权对神权的胜利以及权利对权力的胜利。目前,我国遗体捐献决定权由公民掌控,公权力无权干涉。而当公众遗体捐献过少严重影响医学教学与研究时,对遗体捐献自主权、公权力可否介入遗体捐献决定权以及立法可否赋予遗体捐献与火化(或土葬)同等法律地位再作理论探讨,便成为必要。  相似文献   

对合同目的的深层次解释,宜从合同当事人出发而非从规范出发.当事人进入合同的目的在于实现相互间的利益变动.可把通过合同的利益变动过程分为四个阶段:缔约前阶段、缔约阶段、履约阶段、履约后阶段.当事人在各阶段中的利益表现形态各不相同.通过合同的利益变动过程可能会受到法律的阻碍、人的阻碍、客观情况的阻碍等.  相似文献   

李丹  于蕾蕾 《心理科学》2004,27(1):92-94
本研究采用AB两种问卷测查在职员工和大学生对骨髓捐献的态度以及对白血病患者的情感反应,AB卷的差异主要在于:B卷中增加了骨髓移植和骨髓捐献的一些基本知识。研究结果显示,捐献骨髓的意向在AB卷、男女性、在校学生和在职员工等几个方面均无显著差异;但在捐献检测费意向上,A卷和B卷、男性和女性之间存在显著差异,从捐献骨髓和捐献检测费的各种原因中可以了解到骨髓捐献中遇到的一些问题。此外,人们在不同故事情境中所唤起的移情反应的程度是不同的,研究结果显示,对幼儿和青少年主人公,人们的情感反应的程度更高些。  相似文献   

器官捐献推定同意原则为一些国家立法承认,但在实施中尚存在伦理、法律等争议。该原则在我国的实施既存在逻辑原点方面的认识误区,也存在难以保障有效的知情同意、缺乏良好的信任环境和器官捐献公众平台建设滞后等困难。实行器官捐献推定同意应以维护人的自由平等为前提,以尊重人的自主自愿为基础,以保障愿意捐献器官的人能够实现合理合法捐献愿望为目的。同时,还需要具备存在同意的极大可能性等法律要件和充分的知情同意宣传教育,广泛的公众参与,良好的社会信用体系,方便易行的退出机制以及公正的器官分配体系等伦理条件。  相似文献   

器官移植是医学技术的重大进步,挽救了很多患者的生命,只是面临着器官短缺的问题。目前,我国《人体器官移植条例》赋予了捐献者任意悔捐的权利,但任意悔捐带来了诸多弊端。所以,有必要不拘泥于"实定法",而从法哲学的视域分析悔捐问题。研究发现是否捐献器官应由个体自由决定;但做出捐献承诺后应诚实守信;对悔捐行为,应区分情况,适当追责。如此,活体器官捐献方能实现三大法律原则:意思自治、诚实守信、信赖保护,器官移植才能走得更远。  相似文献   

上海申康医院发展中心是卫生领域推进政事分开、管办分开的一次改革试点,以上海申康医院发展中心为例,分析该模式探索公立医院管理体制改革,建立所有权与经营权适度分离,管资产与管人、管事相结合的市级医院出资人制度,促进市级医院加强内部管理,构建有效的约束激励机制,不断提高医院的营运质量和绩效的成功经验。  相似文献   

This article reviews the origin and development of recent legal concepts surrounding use of antipsychotic medications. Complications (side effects) of certain psychiatric medications are seen as fueling the right to refuse treatment doctrine in the law. The leading cases in right to refuse treatment and right to object to treatment are presented and analyzed. The impact of Supreme Court actions on these concepts is evaluated. The influence of the various legal interpretations of right to refuse treatment on standards of psychiatric practice is explored. Have these laws made a difference on the standard of care in public mental institutions?  相似文献   

While there may be several practical concerns regarding the practice of corporate lobbying of government officials, there is the more basic question of a corporation’s moral right to do so. I argue that group agents such as corporations have no moral rights, and thereby cannot have the right to lobby. There may be a basis for some legal rights for corporations, but I argue that lobbying cannot be one of the legal rights, even by reference to the rights of the individuals that make up the corporation. I end the paper by a discussion of how this argument applies to all private organizations, including public interest organizations.  相似文献   

从医疗卫生资源微观配置视角分析,处方权是一种资源配置权力,属于公权力。主要分析了医生处方权的权力来源、医生处方权的职权性质和医生处方权的源权力属性。鉴于此,建立处方权独立行使的保障制度与处方权规范行使的程序控制制度可以有效规范医生处方权的行使。  相似文献   

In the United States, the identities of criminal offenders are matters of public record, accessible to prospective employers, the press, and ordinary citizens. In European countries, the identities of offenders are routinely kept hidden, with some exceptions. The question addressed in this discussion concerns whether the public disclosure of the identities of offenders is part and parcel of their legal punishment. My contentions are that public disclosure is not conceptually part of legal punishment, necessary to serve substantive penal aims, or likely to enhance penal aims. At times, it will conflict with defensible aims of legal punishment. Other values might support or require the public identification of criminal offenders, but the aims of legal punishment do not appear to do so.  相似文献   

Both the terminally ill and those responsible for their care may experience conflict and limited freedom of choice with respect to the right to die. Derek Humphry, founder of the Hemlock Society, shares his personal experience, as well as his efforts to educate the public and stimulate legal reform. He has dedicated more than a decade of prime professional years to this highly charged universal problem.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the debate in the mental health and legal systems concerning involuntary commitments to mental hospitals. The focus is on issues involving the overrepresentation of Black people among adults committed to U.S. public mental institutions and issues involving the assessment of relevant behavioral functioning in particular. Empirical findings, legal principles and procedures, and methodological limitations are reviewed to identify problems in current practice and relevant evidence bearing on those problems. Special emphasis is placed on the possible explanations for the overrepresentation of Blacks and on dependable assessments of relevant functioning that are needed to justify the state's coercive power to involuntarily confine people, regardless of race. The article concludes with a summary and recommendations for research and practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine dominant Christian conservative narratives of the origins of same-sex sexuality. Critics of the Christian right usually focus on a narrative of choice that Christian right organisations and activists use to explain the origins of same-sex sexuality. A choice narrative grounds a range of political positions and, in many contexts, effectively neutralises both claims of discrimination and public support for potential legal remedies. On the other hand, a narrative of development receives less attention from critics of the Christian right. Although it cannot be reduced to its political efficacy, the narrative of development has a political as well as therapeutic function. Indeed, this narrative circulates tacitly through a different set of public debates than those usually associated with the narrative of choice, including debates over programmes geared to eliminate antigay harassment in public schools. The two narratives create tensions within Christian conservative thought that can destabilise antigay social and political projects.  相似文献   

During the AIDS crisis, natural law arguments have turned up again not only in relation to anti-sodomy arguments, but even as parts of important claims about AIDS prevention made by the medical and scientific community. Such arguments were invoked by the state of Georgia in the 1986 Supreme Court case, Bowers v. Hardwick , in which the Court held that the Constitution does not confer a fundamental right upon homosexuals to engage in sodomy. As we shall see, the Court accepted a version of legal moralism ignoring both the relevance of a right to privacy and two friend-of-the-Court briefs urging them to consider the public health implications of prohibiting homosexual sodomy. I want to argue against legal moralism both in its standard form and in a more sophisticated version that permits natural law arguments a place in legal reasoning. Natural law arguments have aggravated the AIDS crisis by contributing not only to bad law but to bad science.  相似文献   

变性人的出现对社会秩序及法律制度提出了挑战。自然人生而具有的人作为社会主体定在的自由和健康权利,为变性人享有性别选择的权利提供了法理支撑。在权利确认后,很有必要在变性手术的对象、施行者及程序上作出规范的应对,而变性人术后的社会角色及权利保护也应该得到法律的适时回应,以实现法的秩序、公正等价值。  相似文献   

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