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The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its applications has drastically transformed consumer behavior (CB). As consumers interact with these applications on multiple platforms and touchpoints, it becomes crucial to understand how these interactions affect consumer behavior and its components, including personality, attitude, engagement, decision-making, and trust. The research on the relationship between artificial intelligence and consumer behavior (hereafter referred to as AI CB) revolves around these topics and has grown exponentially in recent years. A rigorous review is required to provide directions for future studies by comprehending the extensive literature, understanding research gaps, and identifying the future directions for scholarly work. This article aims to address this research gap by analyzing 107 AI CB articles using the bibliometric and framework-based methodology to provide insights into publication trends, dominant theories, methods, antecedents, decisions, and outcomes in the AI CB literature. Most importantly, the review identifies clusters of research fronts and provides a thematic framework for current research. These clusters or themes relate to AI interaction with consumer behavior dimensions, including consumer acceptance and trust, consumer interaction and engagement, attitude and personality, decision-making, and adoption. This thematic framework and TCM-ADO analysis offer future research directions to advance theory development and have implications for industry and society.  相似文献   

Individuals often need to be proactive in order to successfully navigate their career development journeys. To what extent one is vocationally proactive has critical implications for his or her attitudes, behaviors, and other outcomes in career and work-related settings. However, research in career proactivity has been accumulating from divergent perspectives, resulting in a substantially fragmented literature that has not been comprehensively, objectively synthesized to guide the field to move forward. To advance the domain of career proactivity, this paper synthesizes theoretical and empirical literatures using two major bibliometric analyses. We first analyze the intellectual basis of the career proactivity literature by performing document citation analysis. We then review the developmental trends of main conceptual themes in career proactivity literature using a temporal co-word analysis. Informed by these bibliometric findings, we propose a roadmap for future research highlighting the need to clear up concepts, account for context, develop new meso-level theories, and bridge the domains of organizational behavior and vocational development.  相似文献   

Although mental accounting principles are generally robust, the integration‐of‐losses principle often fails. This research argues that when information salience is high, people actively segregate. To demonstrate that effect, this research uses purchase decision making for which the total payment is a key decision factor and compares examples such as the following equivalent total payments: “$120.95 for a stroller plus $19.95 for shipping” (i.e., segregation) versus “$140.90 for a stroller including shipping” (i.e., integration). Two studies demonstrate that integration increases purchase intentions when the salience of the smaller payment is higher. Specifically, integration leads to higher purchase intentions than does segregation when (1) the surcharge is visually more salient, (2) the surcharge is easy to process, and (3) price perceptions are stimulus instead of recall driven. Therefore, this research extends mental accounting by identifying conditions in which the integration‐of‐losses principle is likely to prevail. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the most serious psychosocial problems worldwide is substance abuse because of its repercussions not only on the physical and psychological health of the abuser but also on their relational functioning. Among the well-established therapeutic approaches for the treatment of substance abuse is family therapy, which, in addition to influencing personal variables, promotes changes in family dynamics. The main objective of this study is to review the scientific literature published from 2010 to the present on the efficacy and effectiveness shown by family-based treatment approaches for substance use problems both in adolescent and adult samples. In addition, the effect on secondary variables such as family functioning and behavioral problems is evaluated. The empirical evidence accumulated in the last decade and reviewed in the present study indicates that the incorporation of family members in the treatment of substance abuse produces benefits by diminishing consumption and improving family functioning. Limitations of this study and of the research reviewed are discussed and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Although a great deal is known about the implications of employee commitment for organizations, less attention has been paid to its ramifications for employees themselves. Previous research has been unsystematic and the findings have sometimes been inconsistent. The most consistent findings pertain to the positive links between affective commitment and employee well-being. Relations between continuance commitment and well-being are more variable, but generally negative. Little is known about relations involving normative commitment. There is considerable inconsistency in findings pertaining to the moderating effects of commitment on stressor-strain relations. We provide a theoretical framework based on an integration of the three-component model of commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1997) and Deci and Ryan's (1985) self-determination theory of motivation to help explain both the consistencies and inconsistencies, and to guide future research. We also argue for a broadening of the concept of employee well-being to include indices of eudaimonic as well as hedonic well-being.  相似文献   

Despite abundant literature theorizing societal implications of algorithmic decision making, relatively little is known about the conditions that lead to the acceptance or rejection of algorithmically generated insights by individual users of decision aids. More specifically, recent findings of algorithm aversion—the reluctance of human forecasters to use superior but imperfect algorithms—raise questions about whether joint human-algorithm decision making is feasible in practice. In this paper, we systematically review the topic of algorithm aversion as it appears in 61 peer-reviewed articles between 1950 and 2018 and follow its conceptual trail across disciplines. We categorize and report on the proposed causes and solutions of algorithm aversion in five themes: expectations and expertise, decision autonomy, incentivization, cognitive compatibility, and divergent rationalities. Although each of the presented themes addresses distinct features of an algorithmic decision aid, human users of the decision aid, and/or the decision making environment, apparent interdependencies are highlighted. We conclude that resolving algorithm aversion requires an updated research program with an emphasis on theory integration. We provide a number of empirical questions that can be immediately carried forth by the behavioral decision making community.  相似文献   

This research aims to identify, analyze, and map the intellectual structure of the topic of ego depletion in consumer behavior through the bibliometric strategies of namely co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling. We performed the co-citation analysis covering 20 years of research, divided into two 10-year analyses. The bibliographic coupling analysis focused on recent research covering the last decade, divided into two five-year analyses. The results presented the most important research, authors, research centers, and journals on the topic, as well as the factors derived from the co-citation and bibliographic coupling analysis, the evolution of the theme between the analysis and subsequent periods, and the agenda for future research. The main contribution of this article is the proposition of an agenda for future research on ego depletion and its effects on consumer behavior.  相似文献   

In today's fast‐paced dynamic work environment, organizations are recognizing the important role played by leadership in attaining and sustaining individual, unit, and organizational effectiveness. This paper briefly reviews extant literature and builds a logical framework depicting the interrelationships between leadership and the contextual factors of societal culture and patrimonial behaviours in sub‐Saharan Africa. The article concludes by outlining a future research agenda for leadership in sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

A coalition of human service agencies in one city used the Concerns Report Method of Basic Needs and Vital Services to obtain information on the concerns of their poverty clients. Results were disseminated to local decision makers of the United Way agency, city commission, and county commission during their annual budget deliberations. Two standard accounting methods were used to compare budget allocations to agencies serving low-income people before and after dissemination of the Concerns Report, to other items in the three budgets, and to allocations to similar agencies in a second city. Allocations to agencies serving those most in need in the experimental community grew 17% faster than the total budget, increased 3.96% in share of total budget, and gained 22% over other allocations following dissemination of the Concerns Report.  相似文献   

Unresolved problems standing in the way of effective use of decision-aiding technology are related to the technology itself, the facilitation process, the decision-making environment, and evaluation of the fit among these components of the decision-making process. This paper identifies problems for which behavioral decision research has the potential to provide support and outlines relevant research to date. It proposes promising topics for future research, including the development of new technologies, alternative decision-aiding paradigms, and evaluation methodologies.  相似文献   

The objective of this research study was to assess pharmacological, somatic and/or psychological treatments in adults with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder who have not responded to at least one course of antidepressant medication. We conducted a systematic review to identify systematic scientific reviews and meta-analyses on treatment-resistant depression (TRD) published until February 2012. Of the sixty studies selected, sixteen met the inclusion criteria and were therefore included in the review. We considered eight main themes, including the definition of TRD, long-term results, and different treatment strategies, including so-called somatic therapies. Based on the review, the definition of TRD should be standardized in order to achieve a shared conceptualization of this disorder. This would allow a better understanding among clinicians and researchers in the field, promoting a homogeneous research methodology and thus leading to more reliable and comparable results. This essential conceptual clarification would also have a positive impact on patients with TRD, their families, and social and health systems.  相似文献   

Summary Signal-detection methodology was employed to examine the assumption that in a lexical-decision task context effects are primarily the result of post-access processes. Experiment 1, in which prime-relatedness was varied within subjects, found changes in target sensitivity (d) without corresponding changes in the response criterion. This outcome was interpreted as evidence that prior context facilitates lexical access, whereas post-access contributions remain constant across conditions. When prime-relatedness was varied between subjects in Experiment 2, the lexical-decision task showed differing context effects on access processes as well as on post-access processes. It was concluded that subjects adopt a single response criterion suited to maximize task performance. The particular response criterion adopted is a function of the stimulus set rather than a function of the relationship between prime and target on any single trial. Finally, it was concluded that post-access strategies alone are insufficient to account for context effects obtained when typical lexical-decision-task procedures are used, or to account for the magnitude of the differences obtained between the present experiments.  相似文献   

Involvement of industry in academic research is widespread and associated with favorable outcomes for industry. The objective of this study was to review empirical data on the attitudes of researchers toward industry involvement and financial ties in research. A review of the literature for quantitative data from surveys on the attitudes of researchers to financial ties in research, reported in English, resulted in the 17 studies included. Review of these studies revealed that investigators are concerned about the impact of financial ties on choice of research topic, research conduct and publication, but this concern is less among investigators already involved with industry. Researchers approve of industry collaboration and financial ties when the ties are indirectly related to the research, disclosure is upfront, and results and ideas are freely publicized. However, their trust in disclosure as a way to manage conflicts may reveal a lack of awareness of the actual impact of financial incentives on themselves and other researchers. This project was supported by grant number 5 T32 HS00086 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Glaser, Ph.D., Postgraduate Researcher, is currently Associate Specialist, Institute of Governmental Studies, UC Berkeley.  相似文献   

This article reviews research conducted on the cigarette, alcohol, and illicit drug use of adolescents and adults with mental retardation (MR). The majority of the research related to substance use conducted on this population has been limited to surveys. Overall, results of these studies suggest that, although substance use is slightly lower among those with MR than among nondisabled comparison groups, it is nonetheless a problem for many individuals. This research is reviewed and a discussion of both the general and specific flaws of these studies follows. Further, the examination of education, prevention, and treatment programs for this population has been overlooked, indicating that individuals with MR are likely not receiving the services most appropriate for them. The article concludes with a discussion of several topics that need to be addressed in future studies, including research on potential best practices in the overlooked areas of substance abuse interventions.  相似文献   

A tutorial on partially observable Markov decision processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) model of environments was first explored in the engineering and operations research communities 40 years ago. More recently, the model has been embraced by researchers in artificial intelligence and machine learning, leading to a flurry of solution algorithms that can identify optimal or near-optimal behavior in many environments represented as POMDPs. The purpose of this article is to introduce the POMDP model to behavioral scientists who may wish to apply the framework to the problem of understanding normative behavior in experimental settings. The article includes concrete examples using a publicly-available POMDP solution package.  相似文献   

There has been a debate over several decades whether suicide survivors experience more severe mental health consequences and grief reactions than those who have been bereaved through other causes of death. This is the first systematic review of suicide survivors' reactions compared with survivors after other modes of death. Studies were identified by searching the PsychINFO and MEDLINE databases. Forty-one studies met the eligibility criteria. A qualitative data analysis was performed. There were no significant differences between survivors of suicide and other bereaved groups regarding general mental health, depression, PTSD symptoms, anxiety, and suicidal behavior. The results regarding the overall level of grief are less clear, depending on whether general grief instruments or suicide-specific instruments are used. Considering specific grief variables, suicide survivors report higher levels of rejection, shame, stigma, need for concealing the cause of death, and blaming than all other survivor groups.  相似文献   

Remarkably little is known about what underlying processes and mechanisms lead to effective change in career counseling. This article examines potential reasons why career counseling process research has been infrequently conducted and provides 10 avenues from psychotherapy process research, and the limited pool of existing career counseling process research, that hold promise for advancing a productive process-research agenda in career counseling. These 10 avenues include: (a) examining the working alliance and five promising counselor techniques; (b) reconceptualizing career counseling as a process of learning, and investigating the processes that lead to effective learning; (c) investigating differences in career counseling process and outcome due to subtype membership, cultural perspectives, and other critical client attributes; (d) investigating differences in career counseling process and outcome based on counselors’ levels of self-efficacy, cultural perspectives, and other critical counselor attributes; (e) examining influential session events; (f) utilizing a common problem resolution metric for examining change across clients; (g) examining client change longitudinally to examine stability of change and functional practicality of assessed outcomes; (h) examining cognitive processes that may be mediating the career counseling process; (i) developing molecular and global taxonomies of counselor behaviors; and (j) utilizing advances in methodological approaches and statistical analyses.  相似文献   

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